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Naruto immediately took his defensive stance as Atsui charged head-on. His attacks were filled with blind rage and resentment towards the blonde Yotsuki.

Atsui didn't even see it coming, as when he was a foot away from Naruto, and pulling his fist back for a hard punch, Naruto landed a swift roundhouse kick the Shiryoku's left cheek.

The kick was strong, but it wasn't strong enough to knock Atsui off the Ring, but it was enough to shock everyone else with the impressive display of quick reflexes and skill.

Everyone except Samui, Yugito, and Omoi as they already knew what Naruto was capable of. Hell, they were sure he had yet to show his true strength in front of them.

Atsui pulled himself up after a minute of trying to digest what just happened. His blonde 'rival' managed to land the first hit, and it was a strong one, too, as he could feel his cheek building up a bruise. Naruto didn't even look phased by the kick as he calmly retook his Taijutsu stance and waited for Atsui to make his move.

"Tell me something, Atsui. Why do you resent me so much? I haven't done anything to you, and yet you showed such animosity towards me." Naruto asks.


Naruto's eyes almost twitch at the level of arrogance and disrespect Atsui shows towards his grandfather and father's clan.

He manages to calm himself down and looks straight into Atsui with his piercing blue eyes.

"This isn't a battle between clans, Atsui. This is a Shinobi Spar between two academy students. You showed great pride for your clan. I respect that. But disrespecting mine out of petty jealousy, you not only bring dishonor and shame to yourself but your clan as well." Naruto says in a calm and serious tone.

"H-HOW DARE YOU!" Atsui yelled out to the blonde Yotsuki.

"I dare because it's the truth. Pride helps build our identity, Atsui. But if you let it fill your ego, you will never become someone who deserves respect. So until you learn to respect others, don't expect me or anyone else to respect you. Plus...you're a prick." Naruto still kept his calm demeanor but couldn't help himself by adding the last sentence to put more fuel into the fire.

Atsui's eyes were burning with rage as he let out a roar of fury that almost sounded like a roar.


The Shiryoku charges once more at the Yotsuki. His attacks are filled with even more Rage than before. Naruto decided to let the Shiryoku vent out his misplaced anger a little, so he decided not to land another swift kick to the arrogant boy's face that could have put the match to an early end.

Instead, he flawlessly blocks every single attack with minimum effort and counters them with rapid swift Jabs to Atsui's chest and ribs.

C-Sensei was astounded by the show of skill by the Jinchuriki. He didn't know Naruto could be so talented in Taijutsu. He knew Ay-Sensei was training his grandson, but he never thought Naruto had already reached so far.

Atsui was getting tired and frustrated as he kept sending out blocked hits after blocked hit. He could feel his arms getting bruised from all the strong blocks. Naruto would then attack his body to rid him of more of his stamina and mobility.

Atsui tried to kick Naruto on his left side, but it was a fatal mistake, as Naruto caught his leg and performed a takedown, landing the Shiryoku roughly on his back.

Naruto then quickly bends down to one knee, right near Shiryoku's head.

"Wing Fist Art - Chain of Jabs," Naruto whispered under his breath before he unleashed a barrage of chakra-enhanced fast jabs on Atsui's face.

Atsui couldn't do anything, as his face was being pummelled into the dirt. He lost consciousness after the 20th jab, causing Naruto to stop his assault and back away from him.

C-Sensei went to check on Atsui and could tell that the Shiryoku was unconscious, and declared Naruto, the winner.

"Winner, Naruto Yotsuki!" C-Sensei said with a slightly proud tone that the Jinchuriki fought with honor.

The girls were cheering his name out and congratulating him for his win.

Yugito felt her cheeks heat up at the display of his power. She knew Naruto was strong, but seeing him effortlessly beat Atsui was quite fun. She looked at Samui and saw that the cold girl was looking at her little brother with a tiny hint of concern but anger too. The Jinchuuriki of Two Tails Cat wondered whenever Samui was conflicted. Seeing her brother unconscious like that, Yugito knew Samui didn't really like him, but he was still family.

Omoi was impressed. Now he wanted to test himself against Naruto even more. He knew he stood no chance, but he liked to push himself further.

But Naruto didn't feel like a winner, as he somehow felt a little guilty because he knew where Atsui's jealousy was coming from. The Shiryoku just wanted to be acknowledged and prove to himself and others that he was worthy. He just didn't do it the right way.

C-Sensei then lifted Atsui's unconscious body and brought him to the Academy's infirmary to get some medical treatment. He informed everyone to go back to the classroom and wait for him until he returned.


Atsui finally opened his eyes and saw that he was lying on one of the Infirmary beds. He recalled what happened during his 'one-sided fight' with Naruto and felt great shame in his heart.

It was a humiliating defeat in front of his peers. He felt angrier towards himself than his blonde opponent. Naruto fought like a true shinobi, while he attacked like a wild animal.

Atsui was disheartened, feeling like HE was the loser all along. And deep down...he knew he was. Like most of his peers in his class, Atsui is a Clan Heir. But compared to him. He was the dead last. Even Omoi and Karui did better than him in their studies, and they are known to be the 'Class Slackers.' Atsui boasted about his 'superiority' because he felt he needed to. He wanted to feel like he mattered, especially among his female peers. But their attention was always shown towards Naruto instead.

Naruto was the best in his class, and Atsui wanted to prove that he was better than him. But no matter how hard he tried, he still couldn't beat him or be on the same level as him.

He didn't even need to try hard for all the girls in his class to fall for him instantly. Not only that, but he is part of a legendary clan of one of the two founders of Kumo. Atsui absolutely refuses to let someone else steal what's left of his spotlight. He thought Naruto was just a weakling who was only riding on the coattails of his Clan's name to get what he wanted.

But how wrong he was. Naruto is anything but.

Naruto is actually very intelligent. He was almost as bright as Omoi, and he was the best when it came to book studies. And what happened earlier today proves that Naruto was also a talented fighter as well.

Atsui knew that Naruto was barely trying during their spar. He had never felt so weak and worthless in his entire life.

He doesn't even know how to compete with the Yotsuki anymore.

He then heard the infirmary door opening, and whoever walked in was the last person he expected.


"Hey, Atsui,"

"If you come here to gloat, can you please leave,"

"No, Atsui. I'm not here to gloat. I'm here to see how you are doing,"

"Why do you care? You won. I lost. Y-You're....you're better than me."

"Is that what you thought the spar was all about? To prove that we are better than the other?"

"Yeah. What else?"

"Hahahaha." Naruto couldn't help but laugh softly at the Shiryoku's lack of knowledge of the matter.

Atsui grew a thick mark on his head from the sudden laughter. Is Naruto making fun of his intelligence?

"What's so funny!" Atsui yelled out. Causing the blonde Yotsuki to slowly stop his laughter and tell him the reason.

"Atsui. Do you know why C-Sensei Sensei says that 'the Spar' is a sacred Kumo tradition? It's because this village was built by shinobi clans."

Atsui calmed himself down, so he could listen to the Blonde Yotsuki's explanation further.

"I mean, sure...the Yotsuki and the Shiryoku are the founders, but they needed more shinobi clans to make it a strong and sustainable village. All different shinobis, of different clans, with different traditions would spar with one another to build friendships in harmony. To build something together and be stronger together."

Atsui was silenced as he continued to listen with interest.

"That is what the 'Seal of Reconciliation' is for Atsui. Because despite our heated confrontation, we can still reconcile and work together in the future. Because, in the end, we are all part of the same village. ONE VILLAGE. ONE HOME. ONE CLAN. I still hope that you and I can still be friends, Atsui. So we can be stronger together, just like our ancestors before us." Naruto said with passion in his voice and gave a bright smile to the Shiryoku.

Atsui was silenced even more. He was completely wrong about Naruto. He didn't call him a loser or make him feel like one. His words are sincere, and so is his offer of friendship. Atsui couldn't help but feel like a jerk. He WAS a 'Prick.'

But maybe with Naruto's help, he could still be the Shinobi he wants to be and gain a cool friend in the process.

"You should really consider taking C-Sensei sensei's job as an instructor. You're a lot less boring than he is." Atsui said with a smirk.

They both shared a laugh together at the joke of their 'monotone' Sensei.

As Naruto was about to leave, Atsui called out to him.

"Naruto...wait." Atsui said before he extended his right hand and formed his fingers into his half of the 'Seal of Reconciliation' to the blonde Yotsuki.

Naruto smiled at the Shiryoku as he formed his own half of the seal to meet Atsui's. Locking fingers with each other, indicating that they have finally ended their match properly and reconciled as friends.

Later - Samui

After Naruto told her that he and her annoying little brother were cool with each other, she told him that she wanted to fight him in their usual training spot.

"I wanted you to be my enemy, but my little brother was the lucky one, so we are going to fix that."

That's what Samui had told Naruto after the blonde had asked her why she wanted to spar and just the two of them.


If there was one thing Samui Shiryoku was proud of herself, it was her skill in hand-to-hand combat and her Kekkei Genkai.

Since she was a child, she had trained in the mixed martial arts that her father had instilled in her day and night. The hours of effort, sweat, and even gore that she put into training under the watchful eye of her strict father made the training C imparted to them child's play for her. Her father would make sure she carried around fifty kilograms every day when she trained. The training she had received from her father had made her a fighter like no other.

Her father was always like this; according to her mother, since her uncle had died on a mission, her father had sworn that the same fate wouldn't fall on his children. Therefore from a young age, her father trained her and Atsui to become as good as they could be.

And now, to see Naruto, someone she had met by accident, go toe to toe with her filled her with something she hadn't felt in a long time.

Satisfaction, pride, excitement ... and fear.

Satisfaction to see that Naruto was able not only to stop the blows she gave him but also to be able to evade them if required.

Pride when she saw Naruto deliver punches and kicks with deadly precision. If Samui didn't know, she'd thought Naruto had trained in hand-to-hand combat since he was a child.

Emotion, because she recognized that she was enjoying the fight. For almost ten minutes, they had both been locked in a fight that forced each one to their limits. Samui had never fought anyone who would corner her like this. Every time she had used her fighting moves, it was to beat her opponent. Kill if necessary. Now, she was fighting someone who was forcing her to get the best of herself, and that caused adrenaline to flow through her veins and her heart to pump with an emotion that she had never felt before.

And above all ... fear for being feeling all that. She felt fear that she was feeling so many different emotions for Naruto, someone who at first seemed like a very carefree boy, but that thought had been blown away when they had spared the first time.

A knee to her stomach snapped her out of those thoughts and caused her to spit out some saliva. Fatal mistake in a fight, getting lost in thoughts. That forced her to focus on the fight she was having. She reacted just as quickly and launched a powerful blow that connected with Naruto's cheek, causing him to take a few steps back.

They both gave in to their attacks to catch their breath. They were exhausted and breathing heavily. Their bodies were covered in bruises and scrapes from the number of times they knocked each other down, but neither had the intention of giving up. Her blue eyes filled with excitement, and she felt good knowing that the same went for Naruto.

Something that Samui had learned during the fight was that, despite the fact that Naruto used various techniques that she had taught him, he favored kicks much more. He used combos that, although weaker compared to her punches, were much faster and truly unpredictable. Sometimes he used three-hitting combos in a row with the same leg, even kicking with both legs while suspended in the air, and Samui didn't know how to react to that other than to raise her arms to defend herself.

Naruto spat out saliva mixed with blood from the last blow. Now it was different. Now he had the strength to face anyone, even someone like Samui.

But Naruto knew not to be careless. Many thought that Taijutsu was the weakest form of fighting in the Shinobi world, but people like Tsunade proved that to be false. Samui had her own Taijutsu move that her father had taught her, a move that was a little similar to Tsunade but at the same time very different.

One Strike

It was a move where, unlike destroying a large piece of land and creating a crater, the movement worked by destroying only one thing.

With that in mind, he lunged once more at Samui.

She raised her arms just in time to stop a roundhouse kick from Naruto, though the force of the blow caused her to stagger and her arms to burn. A hiss of pain escaped her lips before she reached over to Naruto and struck him hard at the level of the liver, though Naruto managed to block it just in time. Samui hit him with her knee in the face, though Naruto raised his arms just in time to protect himself.

Naruto felt Samui accumulating chakra in her fingertips and knuckles. Shit! Naruto thought in alarm as he dodged the strike at the last second. The strike hit the tree behind him, and one second later, the tree was blown to bits as if an explosion had happened from inside the tree. The entire tree fell down, breaking into pieces from her strike. Naruto didn't want to know what that strike would do to him.

Samui swung her shin at thigh level, landing satisfactorily. Then, she kicked again, this time at head level, with the intention of finally ending the fight. But Naruto blocked her kick and grabbed her leg, causing Samui to use only one foot to stay upright. Naruto swept her kickstand hard, and Samui fell to the floor, though she was able to drag Naruto to the floor next to her by grabbing him by the shirt.

The two combatants fell to the ground, with Naruto on top of Samui, their faces inches from each other. They both breathed raggedly, trying to regain the air they had lost after the intense fight they had. A light sheen of sweat dripped from their faces, their hair was disheveled, and their hearts were pounding heavily on their chests. Even with that, neither of them could take their eyes off the other's eyes.

Ice Blue eyes met ocean blue eyes, and for some reason, only they knew they didn't want to look away from each other.

"You ... you're really awesome, Samui," Naruto broke the silence, his voice being almost a whisper.

"Well ... you're not that bad either," she replied, gasping in the same low voice. The small smile on her face betrayed her attempt to remain emotionless.

"I had a good teacher."

His eyes slowly moved away from her eyes. They reached down and studied her face, cheekbones, and prominent nose... until they landed on her lips. Those pink parted lips.

And he wasn't the only one who did. Samui also studied Naruto's face, more specifically, his eyes. Those eyes seemed so unique and captivating. Then, she slowly lowered her gaze until it rested on his lips.

They both said nothing. They just stared at each other in silence for a few seconds until, unconsciously, they both began to bring their faces closer together. They could almost hear their hearts hammering on their breasts and each other breath on their skin. Little by little, their lips were closer and closer ... until the sound of a branch breaking pulled them out of the small bubble they shared.

They turned so quickly and in sync that the new person who appeared in the clearing took a step back. Her hands covering her mouth formed a perfect "O," and her eyes widened in surprise.

Obviously, Yugito didn't expect to find Naruto and Samui in such a compromising position.

"I'm sorry for interrupting," she said teasingly.

"Yugito?!" Naruto exclaimed, getting up quickly and trying to compose himself and calm his agitated heart. "You're wrong! It is not what you think. We... We were training! Yes, I was kicking Samui's ass!"

His statement was greeted by an elbow to his ribs from Samui, who also got up. The blow caused Naruto to stoop and let out a pig-like screech.

"That ... was a low blow ..." he groaned.

Seeing that Naruto had scratches all over his clothes, a broken lip, and a slightly blotchy face, Yugito saw that he was telling the truth. The fact that Samui looked just as beaten up further praised that statement.

"I see..." Yugito finally said, accepting his words, though she still looked somewhat skeptical.

"By the way, what are you doing here, Yugito?" Naruto asked, straightening himself. "I thought you went home?"

"I was looking for you; Omoi wanted to hang out today," Yugito replied with a slight smirk, looking at Samui.

"We are coming. Just wait a minute." Samui said instead of the other blonde.

She said goodbye to him and Samui, giving the latter a slight questioning look, and waved her hand as she hurried away from the forest.

Naruto watched her go until she disappeared from the forest.

"Well... that was kind of awkward," he sighed. "I hope she doesn't have the wrong idea about what happened."

"Really?" Samui asked, crossing her arms. "And what kind of idea would that be?"

"Uh ... well ... you know. As if I was taking advantage of the hand-to-hand combat that I have with a pretty girl like you to be able ... to be close to her and ..."

Naruto's voice began to diminish as he remembered the position he was in with Samui. His face was so close to her lips that they were only inches apart. If Yugito hadn't appeared at that moment, would they have...?

A blush graced her cheeks when she looked away. Unable to meet Samui's eyes.

"And...? "Samui insisted.

Naruto could almost swear there was an underlying tone to her voice. Afraid? Anxiety? ... Longing?

He did not know it. Maybe his mind was playing a bad joke on him. It would not be the first time.

"Nothing," he finally said. "It's no big deal. I'm just rambling."

"It was a good fight. Thanks, Samui. Now I have a clearer idea of what I can do. And it means that I can improve even more."

For a few seconds, Samui said nothing. Naruto couldn't see the expression she wore because his back was turned. He couldn't see the uncertainty that adorned her face and the conflict that seemed to shine in her blue eyes.

"No need," she finally answered. "I also found it somewhat... entertaining."

She didn't say anything for a few seconds as she lightly bit her lower lip, looking somewhat unsure.

"See you later, Naruto," she said in a low voice by way of farewell.

"Yeah... See you later," he whispered.

When Naruto was alone in the clearing, with the only sound of branches swaying in the wind, he fell onto his rear and covered his face with the palms of his hands.

"Ahhhh... By the gods," he muttered. "I feel like my heart will burst out of my chest at any moment ... Why do I feel this way?"

He laughed humorlessly at his own question.

"Who am I kidding? I know perfectly..."

With a sigh, he drew his arms back to lean on them and looked up at the blue sky filtering through the tree branches. Blue like her eyes ...

He sighed again before getting up. He needed a cold shower to calm his racing heart.

"You humans make things very complicated sometimes," Kyuubi spoke, rolling his eyes.

"That's not true, Kyuubi. It is just not that simple." Naruto countered back as he jumped from tree to tree.

"It is. Just walk up to them and tell them that you have started liking both of them, including Mabui. It is as simple as that." Kyuubi said teasingly and chuckled when Naruto started stuttering like a fool.

Despite being years since they had met, Kyuubi had yet to tell him his real name, but Naruto wasn't in any hurry to know it. He would give Kyuubi as much time as he needed. Right now, Kyuubi often talks with Naruto, but mainly to tease him.

"S-Shut up! Why don't you go back to sleep, stupid fox?" Naruto shouted with a heavy blush.

"Who are you calling, stupid brat? You, youngsters, have no respect for the elderly." Kyuubi said with a grunt.

Naruto rolled his eyes as he reached the place. Ready to hang out with his friends.



I find it weird that my brain literally just made me think that when Naruto was jabbing Atsui, I was thinking of Akaza unleashing his "Destructive Death: Disorder". On a side note, I think I saw an IP Man reference... Nonetheless, I can say I have yet to be disappointed thus far since subscribing. Author, your writing style is very unique. I love that chapters like these sometimes end up longer than others, but still shed enough light on certain moments. And I love that you can focus on other characters too aside from Naruto! I love everything about this!