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"Very well done, boy!!" Flitwick cheered happily when Harry finally produced a small shield of light using the Patronus charm.

"I hate Dementors," Harry said, laying on his back as his chest rose and fell in rhythm.

"Yes, they are quite annoying creatures, aren't they?" a voice asked from the door.

Turning, Harry saw Professor Lupin standing by the door with a smile on his face before he approached him and handed him a piece of chocolate.

"It really helps," he told him with a sincere smile.

"Harry, to be honest, it was Professor Lupin who suggested you receive the training against the Dementors," Flitwick said, shooting a look at Lupin that Harry couldn't decipher.

"Well, I mean, he is the Defense teacher, so..." Harry said as he munched on his piece of candy.

"If you don't mind me asking, what memories did you use to power the spell?" Lupin asked curiously.

"Well, Professor Flitwick said to use a happy memory; and the happiest thing I can think of is my parents. They're smiling and talking to me. Not about anything in particular, just talking. I don't even know if it's real, but that's what I used." Harry said with a small smile on his face.

The two teachers didn't know what to say for a moment before smiling at him. "I know they'd be very proud of you, Harry."

"Thank you, professors," Harry said.


A week passed before the Headmaster announced the green light for the Quidditch match. The hall went ballistic with enthusiasm at the news as Wood and Flint glared at each other from across their tables.

The day of the match arrived, and the two houses found themselves in the stands awaiting the beginning of the game. Hermione and Ron were seated in their "usual spots" as they looked around excitedly.

"What the hell?" Ron muttered.

Hermione turned to look in the direction he had been staring at curiously. She saw the girl Harry had introduced them to a little while ago, along with Padma, both wearing what seemed to be custom-made Gryffindor-colored sweaters. The two weren't hard to miss in the sea of Silver and Blue. The two girls chatted excitedly about something as they, too, awaited the game to begin.

"I guess it doesn't hurt that they're supporting Gryffindor," Hermione commented with a shrug.

"Yeah, oh, by the way, I was thinking; did you maybe want to check out the Shrieking Shack on our next Hogsmeade trip?" Ron asked, looking straight ahead at the field.

"Oh, yeah, actually, I've been curious about it ever since you mentioned it in the common room," she replied excitedly.

"Really?! Great!"

Hermione nodded and smiled at the boy next to her before she felt herself being pulled back, and the ever-annoying voices of Lavender and Parvati intruded her ear cavity.

"Hmm, going on a date with Ron now, are you?" Parvati started.

"It's not a date. We're going as friends."

"Good to know," Lavender said as she sat beside Ron.

"How are things going between you and Harry?" Lavender asked, looking at Hermione before looking back at the arena.

"What does he have to do with any of this?" Hermione asked, her patience wearing thin.

"Why don't you tell us? Whatever happened to that day you two were supposed to spend together? Didn't something come up?" Lavender asked.

"How'd you know about that... Are you stalking us?!"

"... that's hardly the point," Parvati said after a beat of silence.

"Oh, my God." Hermione groaned as she pulled herself forward and out of that conversation. She shot one last look to the Ravenclaw duo before Lee Thomas' voice boomed through the arena, and the two Quidditch teams headed out to the field.

Ron looked up at the heavy clouds and was thankful the rain or snow seemed to delay itself for this game. Though it did seem as though it would fall at any given second, he was just glad it hadn't decided to fall immediately before turning to the match.


Harry was set to take this match under Malfoy's nose; Harry, along with Ginny, sat in the reserved seats watching the match from the side.

After all the formalities and rules were given, the game began. Immediately it was determined that Gryffindor's training had been beneficial as Angelina, Katie, and Alicia played to the strategies Wood had hammered into their minds. Harry hovered above the rest of the players' eagle-eyed; Draco did pretty much the same while occasionally throwing in the usual petty insults.

The Slytherins were behind, but not by much as the game reached its ten-minute mark, but it was clear to everyone that they were starting to get restless. The game took an outrageously violent turn when two Slytherin chasers forced Katie to fly into the stand foundation, throwing her off her broom, she waved off any medical treatment, but it was clear that her wrist was totaled. That wasn't the worst play yet as Draco all but hammered Alicia in the face with the beaters bat he had stolen off his teammate. Thankfully, that's when Hooch called time.

The Gryffindors flew to their teammate while the Slytherins grinned in satisfaction. It took a while, but eventually, Harry and the others managed to calm the twins down, telling them that they could get Draco back with a prank, and the pair of damn near evil smirks made everyone, sans Alicia, who could barely see, shiver in fright.

"What the hell are we going to do, Wood?!" Angelina asked as she tended to her friend while waiting for Pomfrey to take her into the medical tent.

"I- I don't know. We might have to forfeit the game," he said, his jaw set tightly. Hearing these words made the rest of the team freeze.

"The hell did you just say?" Harry asked with a shocked expression before he thought of something quickly.

"What other choice do we have?!"

"Put me in the game," Harry said, turning to the team captain.


"Put me in."

"But you're the seeker in this game," Fred stated slowly.

"No, swap out Katie for me. I'll play Chasers this match."

There was a moment of silence.

"No bloody way," Wood said, shaking his head furiously.

"It's like you said; what other choice do you have?! Alicia's out. There are no two ways about that, and Katie's wrist is completely stuffed.

"Madam Pomfrey will -" Katie started but didn't get to finish.

"Do you truly think she'll tend to you before she does, Alicia? You'll get a numbing potion for the pain, and then when she's done with 'Ali,' she'll get to you. We can't afford to wait that long." Harry said, turning back to Wood.

"Ali?" asked Katie.

"Alicia's a mouthful," Harry answered with a lazy wave of his hand as he continued to stare at his captain.

"Who's going to be playing seeker then?" he asked as he realized this made very well be his only option.

Harry didn't say a word, but he did turn to look at their newest member.

Everyone turned to look at Ginny as her eyes went wide with fright.

"Wh- Wait..."

"Harry, we can't!"

"It's the smartest move!" Harry argued. "She's green! The Slytherins won't see her as a threat. If anything, they'll target me. I'm the Potter on the field? They'll think Christmas came early! I'm good enough to avoid those bludgers and keep the score ahead while Ginny looks for the snitch."

"What about Malfoy? There's no way in hell he's going to leave Gin alone." Angelina asked, slowly getting on board with this plan.

Harry simply pointed at the Slytherin team, who were getting heavily reprimanded by Madam Hooch. They saw her officially state Malfoy's penalty, which was a ban for the next five games and fifty points taken from Slytherin house.

"Draco isn't a concern anymore. Guys, we can do this." Harry said with a determined nod.

The rest of the team looked around at one another nervously.

"What about the plays?" George asked.

"I'll just... wing it," Harry stated with a shrug.

"Wing it?" Wood asked dangerously.

"Yeah, just believe in me, guys, and I promise you it'll all work out."

Before they could respond, Madam Hooch approached the team.

"Two of your players are badly injured, Mister Wood. Is Gryffindor going to forfeit this match?" she asked, looking at Wood expectantly.

Oliver looked around at his team and nodded at Harry.

"No, Ma'am. We will replace our Chasers, Katie Bell and Alicia Spinnet, with Harry Potter; Ginny Weasley will take the Seeker's spot." He told her.

With a nod, Madam Hooch took her broom and flew into the sky just as Pomfrey came to take the two injured away.

"Two of Gryffindor's Chasers have been greatly injured and are unable to continue with the match."

The announcement was met with cheers from the Slytherins and moans and boos from the other houses. Ignoring all of this, Madam Hooch continued.

"When asked about forfeit, the Captain, Oliver Wood, had stated that there will be two replacements made to the team."

The cheering and booing stopped as this news sank in with the public. Even the Slytherin Quidditch team seemed shocked.

"It has been decided that Harry Potter will replace the two Chasers, and the position of Seeker will be played by Miss Ginny Weasley. As such, the match will continue!"

There was a beat of silence before the cheering once again roared from the crowds, and the two teams took to the Sky, Angelina in the middle with Harry flanking on her left; Wood was positioned by the hoops while Fred and George took either side of the field with their bats at the ready and Ginny Weasley was slightly above the other players and had a view of the entire field.

"Let it be known that Draco Malfoy and Marcus Flint have been banned from this match and, as such, have been replaced by Blaise Zabini and Robert Thorn, respectively. Now let the match... begin!" Madam Hooch shouted as she blew her whistle to signal the restart of the match.

The match was interesting, to say the least, Hermione noted with a frown. In the beginning, the Gryffindor seemed to have the tactical advantage, but now... it seemed as if they were just flying around. Slytherin seemed to take advantage of this and managed to score two more times. 170 – 190 to Gryffindor. They were catching up after the third goal, now putting Slytherin one point behind Gryffindor.

Angelina seemed to yell something at Harry and immediately got a response before Harry turned to yell at Ginny. The other two nodded, obviously accepting whatever he had told them to. Hermione frowned and saw Ron do the same.

"What do you think is going on?" he asked.

"Well, I think... Harry gave them instructions." Hermione said with a frown.

"Why would he do- Oh..." Ron grinned at the field.

"What's going on?" Lavender asked, asking the two in front of her.

"Harry's playing to Slytherin's weaknesses," Ron answered.

"What do you mean?" Hermione chimed in.

"I know this move. We played together back before the second year started."

"Hmm, he's quite the analytical thinker. I wonder who else in your little group of friends has the same thought process as him." Parvati said with a slight sing.

Hermione turned to glare at her before turning back to the field, and sure enough, it seemed as though they had something up their sleeve as they charged down the field.

"Johnson has the Quaffle, and she seems to be charging the Slytherin players, a quick pass to Harry and back to Johnson, and oh, she's feinted a throw and has made it past Thorn. She's quickly approaching the goal hoops, but she's blocked by Derrick!" Lee's voice once again boomed over the stadium.

Hermione watched as the chaser paused for a bit before she grinned and simply dropped the Quaffle. The bushy-haired girl blinked in confusion before Harry passed underneath the two in a blur with the ball in his hands. When the audience noticed this, they cheered loudly as Harry got past the keeper and scored for Gryffindor.

The match continued with more outrageous plays being made by Gryffindor, most working and few failing. Harry had a total of 9 goals scored between him, and Angelina had scored another 4, bringing the score to 320 – 290 for Gryffindor. She saw Harry turn and yell something to Ginny, and the girl took off, weaving in between the players with the Slytherin Seeker following as best he could, but it was too late as Ginny raised her fist in the air to reveal the tiny golden ball trapped in her palm.

Madam Hooch blew her whistle, signaling the end of the match and Gryffindor's victory. Everyone started cheering, but that suddenly changed to shrieks of terror as hordes of Dementors flooded the field. Panic broke out in the stadium, and the students rushed to flee while the Quidditch players rushed for the dressing rooms, the Potter, with his bloody luck, didn't have a chance. Harry was surrounded instantly, and as if that wasn't bad enough, the bloody clouds chose that moment to burst, and torrents of rain fell on Harry, making him not only cold and wet but now blind as well.

"What the hell is going on?" Harry exclaimed as he tried to see anything around him.

He started flying away, hoping his broomstick was faster, but he had underestimated their speed as they catched up to him in no time.

He could feel the rain around him turn to sleet as the Dementors continued to chase after him. More than a few times, he felt his face get cut by these icicles, but that didn't matter. But suddenly felt a jerk as he turned to see the creature grabbing on his broom now.

Looking back at the Dementors, Harry had promised himself never to be weak again. "No More!" Harry suddenly shouted, his whole body filling with more power than he had ever felt. He didn't just feel powerful. He felt calm as a rush of electricity passed through his body as if a rumble of thunder had struck him.

His eyes glittering gold, he pointed his hand at all the dementors chasing after him.

"Vade!" The moment he shouted, a burst of golden light erupted around him before spreading everywhere. The dementors turned around and tried to escape before being engulfed by the Spell. All of them screamed in pure pain, their screams filling the skies, the windows nearby cracking before breaking to pieces. The Sky itself was howling with their screams as all of them turned to dust.

Harry felt his heart pounding in his chest, the rain had stopped, and the dementors had all disappeared into nothingness. But Harry noticed it. Unlike last time, he had fallen unconscious the moment he had used Vade to kill a single one of them, now, he had killed over ten of them, and he felt as calm and powerful as ever.

You have reached it

The golden circle on top of his palm disappeared like ash after the spell was finished. Harry looked downwards before flying back to the others. He noticed a large group of people had gathered at the stadium's center. Once he landed, he was greeted by what looked like everyone who had been watching the match, and Dumbledore was in front of the crowd.


"Harry Potter."

"The Killer of Dementors!!"

People cheered, applauding for the boy who lived; a warm hug quickly engulfed Harry, her bushy hair almost blinding him.

"I was so afraid," Hermione whispered, hugging him close as if afraid that he would disappear. Harry chuckled slightly, his arms around her waist.

"I won't leave you alone. Life would be boring." Harry said, much to Hermione's amusement, who pulled away before kissing his cheek; Ron walked up to Harry, shaking his hand.

"Good job, Mate," Ron said with a big smile, one that Harry returned before looking at Professor Dumbledore.

"Professor?" Harry questioned, wondering if something was off, and the way he was eyeing him, he knew something was going on.

"Harry, what happened to your eyes?" Dumbledore asked calmly, stepping towards Harry, who furrowed a brow.

"My eyes?"

Instead of answering, Dumbledore turned his watch into a mirror before giving it to Harry; looking at himself, he saw his eyes were their usual Green, but on top of it was a golden ring, glittering like a star.

Focusing a bit, Harry saw the ring disappear, it seemed his Holy Magic was always active now, but it seemed Dumbledore had one more question.

"Harry, my boy, what type of spell did you use?"



I am really impatient for the four year and what will happen by the way did Bellatrix will be one of Harry wifes