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Rhaenys Targaryen

"You know, I think I might have started liking someone," Arianne's voice pulled her out of her thoughts and dreams. Rhaenys had woken up early by Arianne, her friend had entered her bedchamber and told her that tonight the singing competition would start, and she needed to be at her best and to look gorgeous for everyone there.

Rhaenys had rolled her eyes at her antics before allowing Arianne to fix her hair; her friend had started doing her hair for years now, making them in a waterfall braid that Rhaenys liked the most, it would take time, but they would spend that time talking about mundane things.

So far, Rhaenys hadn't liked the Tourney, but she knew her Valonqar was in Harrenhal. She just needed to wait a little longer; she had waited for years to be in his arms, and she could wait for a few more days.

She had hoped to spend more time with her aunt during the Tourney. Sadly, Daenerys had been quiet since arriving at Harrenhal. She had made comments about dreaming of a Black Dragon with green eyes. Usually, Rhaenys would have thought of them as simply dreams, she herself had dreamed of dragons since she was a toddler, but they were nothing but dreams. She would dream of a shadow of a dragon above King's Landing. The shadow was enormous, almost engulfing the entire city.

Rhaenys couldn't remember much; years had passed since she had last dreamed of him. But she could still remember the smell of smoke and flames, the screams of people as the fire burned their skin off their bones, their bodies turning dark like coal. Before the blue flames engulfed her as well, she would wake up screaming.

It had been over a decade since she had dreamed of that shadow, and she had mostly forgotten about it. Her thoughts went to Aegon, her little brother would meet with Lady Flower today, and her mother, perhaps with the help of Rhaella, had decided that Rhaenys needed to accompany them for some reason, at first she hadn't understood why she would need to spend time with the flower, that was until yesterday, Arianne had informed her that Lord Willas Tyrell would be there, Rhaenys had felt as if someone had slapped her in the face.

She had nothing against the man, but the Tyrells had already secured one betrothal. Why would they need a second one? Rhaenys felt her blood boiling at the thought of marrying someone she hardly knew, but she knew this was the life of High Lords and Royalty.

"Rhaenys!" She escaped her thoughts when Arianne pinched her shoulder. She looked at the dark eyes of her good friend, who arched an eyebrow.

"Did you hear what I said?" She asked, already knowing the answer. Rhaenys opened and closed her mouth several times before shaking her head.

"No. I was thinking of today's competition," she lied, and from the face Ari made, she knew her friend wasn't buying it, but the princess of Dorne decided not to comment on it. Instead, she chose to talk about the competition.

"I said, I'm starting to like someone, and I'm sure we will see him in the competition tonight," Ari said, still doing her hair, her hands moving carefully around her dark locks to not accidentally grip them a bit too hard.

"Hmmm, never thought I saw the day you like someone. Is that why you have been spending time around the garden and you have been refusing Gerold?" Rhaenys asked teasingly, looking at her over her shoulder.

Arianne rolled her eyes before telling her not to move her head, or it would ruin the whole work. But she didn't deny it, since the dance with Jon, she couldn't think of anyone else but him, at first she had thought that she would forget about him, but that night, she had decided to sleep alone, and had dreamed of him, not just him, Val and Rhaenys would be there too.

Arianne had dreamed of him doing things to her, but unlike before, they would confess their love for each other. His grey eyes would always look at her dark ones, full of love and passion. Arianne had woken up sweating, her heart almost bursting from her chest; slowly, she had started touching herself, her left hand grasping her breasts, imagining that it was Jon doing it, and her right hand slowly went to her dripping cunt; she had peaked screaming Jon's name, soon falling asleep again, and again dreaming of him.

The other night, Gerold, as he called himself The Darkstar, a much weaker swordsman than Arthur Dayne, had tried to get into her bed, but Arianne had refused him. Despite being a handsome man with striking silver hair, he was nothing compared to Jon.

The beauty of Jon was something Arianne had seen only at King Rhaegar, but even the King wasn't at his level, at least to Arianne. The Princess of Dorne would lie if she said that Rhaegar wasn't handsome; despite his age, the man hadn't changed much.

After that dance, she had tried to find him in the Gardens again, perhaps singing and alone, but luck wasn't on her side, and she hadn't been able to see him. Until the next day, she heard from her source that Queen Rhaella was meeting a young man alone in her bedchamber. When Arianne had heard that, she had been convinced that it was a lie at first. Sure, Queen Rhaella, despite her age, was still a beauty that would make many heads turn, but she was still someone who took the job of ruling seriously and looked as if she had no time for other things.

But yesterday, Arianne again had heard of Queen Rhaella meeting alone with a young man; this was something she hadn't expected when she had told Rhaenys; her dear friend had laughed before, saying that her grandmother would never do something inappropriate with someone that young.

Arianne had to agree with that; she doubted someone with a cold gaze like Queen Rhaella would do something inappropriate behind the closed doors of her bedchamber. She had met the Queen quite a few times, and every time the Queen would look at her, Arianne had felt like a sheep in front of a dragon who would burn her to ash. Arianne had understood very early that Queen Rhaella had that effect just by looking at someone; sometimes, Arianne felt as if she would know every time whenever someone lied to her.

Now, she still had yet to meet with Jon again. She hoped that would happen soon.

"Who is this mystery man that you want to meet?" Rhaenys's voice made Arianne escape her thoughts. She noticed that she had been so deeply in her thoughts that her hands weren't moving anymore.

Blinking, she started doing Rhaenys's braid from where she had left. "His name is Jon...Snow, he's from Winterfell." Arianne answered, her hands doing the last part of her braid.

"A bastard!" Rhaenys said right away with a surprised face, already knowing Uncle Doran would never approve of it. Her oldest uncle was someone she still found odd. The man was a puzzle to Rhaenys, and Arianne always told her how he liked to spend time only with Trystane. Her youngest cousin who was only eleven name days. Rhaenys had seen herself how little Uncle Doran cared about Arianne and Quentyn. She wondered if there was something her uncle was hiding.

Her attention turned back to the name Arianne mentioned. Jon Snow. She didn't know why, but she had a strange feeling when his name was mentioned, as if she should know that name somehow.

Arianne frowned when Rhaenys pointed out that he was a bastard. "Who cares if he's a bastard? I have met many people to know that being true born doesn't magically make you a good person," Arianne said, with a higher voice.

"You're right, but what is so special about this Jon Snow?" Rhaenys asked curiously, looking at her friend's face from the corner of her eyes, trying to decipher her emotions.

Arianne smiled fondly, she knew they had a meeting in the garden and another talk during the dance, but she felt as if she had known for longer.

"His voice is beautiful, even better than the King, incredibly handsome, and I wouldn't mind getting to know him much better," Arianne said with a husky voice.

Rhaenys was genuinely surprised to hear that someone was better at singing than her father. Perhaps tonight, she would see just how good he is.

After finishing her hair, Rhaenys broke her fast with her family before meeting Lord Tyrell.

Her mother had told her to be at her best when talking to him. Rhaenys had simply said. 'As you order, my dear mother,'

Rhaenys soon noticed that Willas looked as miserable as her; despite his bad leg, Rhaenys had to admit that he was pretty good-looking. He even showed her how he calls his hawk to his arm.

Rhaenys had seen him whistling with a higher pitch. With a few stops, it didn't take long, and a dark hawk sat on his stretched arm. The hawk was wearing a piece of cloth made of boiled leather around his chest that went behind his back but was made so as not to bother the hawk while flying. His beak was quite sharp, and his feathers dark, with a lighter dark at the end.

"My sister made it for him," Willas had said with a smile, showing his white teeth, and Rhaenys could clearly see the flower stitched on the piece of cloth. Willas had asked her about her own life, wanting to know her better.

She knew in any other situation, she wouldn't have minded meeting him again, but her heart didn't belong to him and never would.

She felt terrible for it, but it seemed Willas could see right through her. They were walking through the beautiful garden when Willas spoke with a low tone.

"My Princess. I don't know who has stolen your heart, but whoever he is, he is a very lucky man. My sister will become Queen of The Seven Kingdoms, and I couldn't be happier for her. And just as you love someone. I, too, have a woman that I hold dear. For now, Will you accept my friendship?" Willas said sincerely, wincing slightly at the pain he felt from his leg.

"I accept your friendship, my lord," Rhaenys said, offering her hand to him. He kissed her knuckles before they walked out of the garden.

Rhaenys was now with the rest of her family except uncle Viserys who was somewhere with a whore, probably. She frowned at the thought of him. From everyone else, she found him quite unpleasant to spend time with.

She had thought that her mother would be quite angry with her for not asking Willas to accompany her in the hall tonight, but she had been surprisingly alright with it, saying there were other options out there.

Sitting right next to her was Arianne, who had a smirk on her face; Rhaenys wondered where her friends had been; after meeting Willas, she had looked everywhere for her, but no trace of her left, even Uncle Oberyn hadn't known where she was, until she showed up in Rhaenys's bedchamber out of nowhere, her face practically gleaming like a star in the night sky. Rhaenys couldn't remember the last time her dear friend had looked so happy.

And despite asking what had happened to make her so happy, she only said that she had a good time with Jon and his wife.

Now, she sat bored, waiting for Arianne's mystery man to come and sing. Her dear friend reassured her that he would sing tonight.

She sat as Lord Baratheon's daughter sang; the princess had to admit that the girl was good at singing despite her age and sickness.

Lord Domeric Bolton was another one who knew how to sing, earning many applause from many lords.

"Next is Jon Snow." The herald announced; Rhaenys saw Arianne shifting in her chair when the name was said. She was wearing quite a seductive dress, with a V cut that showed quite a lot of her cleavage.

Her eyes went to the person who was walking towards the high table. The moment her eyes went to his face, she felt her heart almost bursting from her chest, Valonqar! She thought, her eyes welling up, she closed and opened her eyes, thinking it was a dream, but there was no mistake.

Jon Snow was her dearest Aemon, my little brother, she thought, not realizing that a tear was rolling down her cheek. But she didn't bother with it. She looked around. She took a deep breath to calm herself; once the competition ended, I could meet him properly, Rhaenys thought, not wanting to cause a scene in front of the whole Westeros.

She noticed his eyes went to her for a moment before going back to her mother and their father.

"My King, My Queen," he said before singing Jenny of Old Stone.

Rhaenys felt as if she was back in time. His voice was just like how it was in her dreams, sweet and beautiful. It reminded Rhaenys of their father and how he used to sing before the War.

Rhaenys didn't even notice that she was crying, tears rolling down her cheeks, her heart beating faster than ever before, as she smiled. He's here; he returned to me, she thought, just as he had promised many years ago.

Once he finished the song, Rhaenys felt her whole body had gone stiff, but her grandmother clapping made her stand up, and she started clapping for him.

With that, she saw him turning around and walking away, she almost told him to stay with them, but she didn't. She would find him once the competition officially ended.

"From your tears, I take it you liked his voice," Arianne's voice made her turn to her friend. Only now she realized that Ari's mystery man was her Valonqar. Rhaenys couldn't blame her friend. Her brother was incredibly handsome. He was making her weak in her knees just by looking at him.

"He's amazing," Rhaenys said with a dreamy look. Arianne smiled sweetly beside her, nodding along.

Once her brother sang, she just wanted to leave but needed to stay until the winner was chosen, and it really didn't take long, but Rhaenys heard some lords saying that the bastard shouldn't receive any reward, thankfully in the End. Her grandmother decided that the winner would be Jon Snow.

After the winner was chosen, Her brother was called in front of the High Table to get his reward. One hundred silver stags. Their father stood up from his high seat, looking down on Jon, who was looking at the ground, mostly avoiding their eyes.

"Jon Snow. I have to be honest; it has been quite a long time since I heard someone sing like you. Did someone teach you anything?" Their father asked with a soft smile. All the lords were looking at Jon, but no one noticed Joffrey Tully turning red where he was sitting.

"No, my king. All I know is by myself." He spoke, still looking down. His curly hair had fallen in front of his face, covering half of his face. Rhaenys heard many lords murmur under their breaths.


"Cocky fool."

"He doesn't deserve the reward."

Rhaenys felt her blood boiling, hearing them insult her little brother. She wanted to burn all of them for daring to talk like that, for daring to speak as if Aemon was beneath them.

"I'm impressed, then. I hope luck follows you for the rest of the tourney." Rhaegar spoke, noticing that his hair was very similar to Lyanna's, but he quickly ignored the thought of her as he handed him the reward.

"Thank you, your grace. Now only The Melee and The Jousting are left." Aemon said with a soft smile, his hair no longer hiding his face, and for the first time, looking directly at the king.

Hearing those words, some of the lords looked at him with interest, some scowling, thinking the bastard was overestimating himself.

Rhaenys heard a small gasp behind her. She knew it was Ser Arthur; looking over her shoulder, she could see his face had gone slightly pale as if he had seen a ghost.

His words got a reaction from everyone, especially their father, who let out a small chuckle. "You think you can win both the Melee and The Jousting?" Rhaegar asked humorously, looking at his curly hair before looking at Aemon's grey eyes that made Rhaegar stiffen in his place.

"Well, with this reward. And the help of the old gods. I will." Aemon promised; Rhaenys felt her heart flutter at how he was smiling. Just the way he talked and smiled, it was just like their father.

"Well. Jon Snow, if you win both the Melee and The Jousting. I will personally make you a knight in front of everyone." Their father promised, earning gasps from everyone; every lord looked between the king and the bastard of Winterfell incredulously. Rhaenys didn't expect to hear that from her father. She wondered if he could see that Aemon was his son or perhaps something else.

Aemon bent the knee in front of them. "Then I will give my best." He promised and stood up when Rhaegar told him to; Rhaenys saw him walking back to his seat. She noticed that he sat beside a beautiful woman with long blonde hair. Rhaenys wondered who she was, but the way they were holding hands. His wife or betrothal?

She stood up almost right away, excusing herself from the hall. She went to her bedchamber, she didn't know what she was supposed to do, but she wanted to meet him.

Reaching her bedchamber, she called for her great uncle, her favorite Kingsguard.

"Niece." He said respectfully as soon as he entered, bowing his head despite the many times she told her not to do it.

"Uncle. I want you to find Jon Snow, the winner of the singing competition, and bring him to my bedchamber, and don't tell anyone." She ordered. She knew what she was saying was madness; her great uncle always covered for her, but this request was ridiculous.

Her uncle gave her a look as if he did not believe what she had just said. "Niece, I don't think is appropriate for a...Princess to have a young man in her bedchamber." Her great uncle said with a soft and low voice.

"Not like that, Uncle. I only wish to talk with him." She promised, ignoring what he said, and she could see from his face that he disagreed with what she was saying but nodded his head.

"Yes, my niece."

Hearing the door close, Rhaenys turned to look at her bed. Now that she was alone, she didn't even know what to say to him. One thing she knew for sure was that he was her brother. She knew that beyond any doubt, she had seen his eyes so many times, and his face was too similar to their father to be a coincidence.

Her hand went through her hair in frustration; breathing in and out, she tried to calm herself. Right now, she just wanted to talk with him.

When she heard the door opening and whirling around, she stiffened when her little brother entered her chamber, his beautiful gray eyes looking at her purple ones. She felt her knees weaken just by his gaze alone. Her bedchamber was illuminated by the many candle holders around the chamber.

For a few moments, she just stood there before she noticed that her great-uncle was still in her chamber.

"Leave us, Alone. Uncle." She ordered with a tone that left no room for arguments. Her uncle pursed his lips into a thin line before nodding.

"I'm right at the door, niece." He said, giving Aemon one last warning look before closing the door. The moment the door closed, she stepped closer to her brother, and so did he. Her heartbeat was rapid as she almost closed the distance between them.

"Valonqar (Little brother),"

"Rōva mandia (Big sister),"

Both said it simultaneously, stepping closer to each other; Rhaenys felt her eyes welling up, and a beautiful smile formed.

"Y-you-" "I dreamed of you." He interrupted her, stepping even closer. His hand rested on her shoulder.

"From the very beginning, you were always there in my dreams. Always, sister." Aemon spoke softly, she didn't know when, but she found herself hugging him close.

Her face rested on the nook of his neck. Taking a deep breath of his scent, she felt very warm. His strong and warm arms around her felt perfect, just as she had dreamed, her heart beating on her neck. She didn't know for how long, but she knew it felt like seconds.

Looking at his eyes, she could see the same eyes she had always seen; leaning closer to his face, they closed the distance. Rhaenys felt as if her whole body was on fire. Her hand went behind his head, making him lean closer to her, her body pressed against him, as his arms were around her waist.

Every touch of his sent pleasure to her body. Her hand went through his locks, and his lips tasted better than everything. She was already addicted to him. Her tongue seeking entrance to his mouth that he gladly accepted, she moaned into the kiss as his tongue dominated her. She felt herself getting wet between her thighs. One of her hands went from his hair to one of her straps to remove her dress. She wanted more of him. She wanted much more.

Suddenly he grabbed her wrist, stopping her, pulling away from her, both breathing heavily.

Rhaenys felt her heart sink. Why did he stop? She thought, not understanding why and fearing that he was disgusted by her being his sister.

"I would like to get to know you first. To talk and get to know you better," Aemon said softly, his hand on her cheek. She leaned to his hand, feeling amazing; despite being a warrior, his hands felt soft.

"Can't we do that...after?" Rhaenys asked with a husky tone that Aemon had to admit sounded even more seductive than Arianne or Val's voice.

"I would like to know, my sister, first," Aemon said, kissing her cheek. She would like it much more if they could continue where they left off, she had waited long for him, but she understood why he wanted to talk first.

"Fine, can you lay with me at least?" She asked softly with pleading eyes at Aemon. The latter took a deep breath, her eyes reminding him of Ghost whenever he begged for more food or to play together.


Aemon and Rhaenys lay together in her bed, her head resting on his shoulder. One of her hands was playing with his locks, his hand caressing her long beautiful dark hair; Aemon could feel her full breasts. She pressed her body against him, knowing what it did to him.

"Why is your name Jon Snow?" That was the first question Rhaenys asked him. Aemon knew this question was coming, so he told her everything about him, excluding some unnecessary details, his life in Winterfell, Going Beyond the Wall, Marrying Val and how he had returned back to Winterfell, not mentioning Aegarax for now, how Lord Stark had told him the truth, and his journey to Harrenhal.

Rhaenys was silent during the whole talk. Once he finished, her hand went to his chin, making him turn to her, looking at her purple eyes.

"I will make Lord Stark pay for what he did." She promised, she didn't know how she was going to do it, but somehow she would.

"Don't worry, sister. Our grandmother knows about me. I think she has already made a plan on how to announce to everyone about my existence." Aemon spoke softly, kissing her forehead. She hummed, enjoying it before snuggling closer.

They kept talking more about normal things, mostly Aemon asking her about her childhood. She gladly told him everything about her and Aegon.

"Once I hid behind a dragon statue, and when Aegon came to find me. I spoke with a deep voice, making him think the dragon statue was talking to him before I came out and scared him." Rhaenys said, earning a burst of laughter from Aemon, who could only imagine it.

She told him one time Daenerys had started giving food to the Dragon Statues in Dragonstone, saying they were hungry.

Once, Elia had told a five-name-day Aegon that he and Rhaenys would go to Dorne. Aegon had started crying, thinking his parents didn't love him and his sister anymore and wanted to send them to Dorne forever.

One time, Daenerys had looked at a Westeros map and immediately asked why they couldn't see the Giant Ice Wall since the map was smaller than her. This had made even someone as serious as Arthur Dayne laugh out loud.

How Viserys used to play with them when they were young, acting as if he was Daemon Blackfyre, and they were House Targaryen protecting Westeros.

Aemon enjoyed every story she told him, and she told him everything she could think of until, eventually, she shifted the conversation to something else.

"The woman I saw sitting beside you during the feast after the singing competition, is she your wife?" She asked but more like a statement.

"Yes," Aemon said, no point in keeping the truth. Rhaenys kept quiet despite hearing that.

"So you are Arianne's secret singer?" Rhaenys asked humorously.

Aemon looked at her with a little smile. "She's your friend?"

"My dear friend. She was always with me when I was alone and needed someone."

Aemon was happy to know his sister had someone to always be there for her. Everyone needed someone when they were alone and needed support.

"Me, Val, and her went on a walk today. We got to know each other better." Aemon said, making Rhaenys hum to herself.

"How did that go?"

"I would rather not talk about it," Aemon said with a slight blush that she found adorable.

Soon, Rhaenys fell asleep against him, Aemon wanted to stay longer, but he knew better than to spend the night with a Princess while still known as a Bastard.

Standing up slowly, he kissed her forehead before leaving the bedchamber. When he opened the door, the Kingsguard guarding was Ser Arthur instead.

He gave him a look before checking on Rhaenys, who was sleeping peacefully. Once he checked, Arthur closed the door before addressing Aemon.

"You made quite the impression today!"

"Thank you, Ser Arthur," Aemon said, not believing that Ser Arthur was talking to him.

"Tomorrow, at first light, is a good time to spar, and I'm free. Do you mind if you become my sparing partner?"

"It would be an honor, Ser Arthur."



Aemon is a fiasco due to denied Rhaenys, and Rhaenys is a fiasco due to being asleep.🥹😏


I wonder why Rhaenys didn't elaborate as to what Arianne and she are to each other. I mean, she and Jon almost slept together