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September 19th had come around quickly again. Harry grinned as he ran down to the Gryffindor common room before breakfast. Once he got there, Harry was relieved to see that it was empty. Checking his watch, he hid behind the wall separating the stairs from the rest of the room. The previous night, Harry had slipped a note into Hermione's Arithmancy textbook before he went up to bed. The anonymous note briefly instructed her to meet someone in the common room at 5:30 the following day. Harry had tried very hard to make the writing look as unlike his own as he could; he just hoped it would be different enough.

As his watch struck 5:30, Harry heard the padding of bare feet coming down the stairs. He stood with bated breath until Hermione came into his view. Luckily, she didn't see him by the stairs, so she sat on the sofa and opened her book. Harry stepped out from behind the wall quietly and crept to the back of the sofa. Leaning on his hand, Harry read over Hermione's shoulder.

Her Arithmancy textbook was open on her lap, Harry's note still wedged into the page crease.

"I'm sure that's Harry's writing..." Hermione whispered to herself. Harry held in a laugh,"...but surely he'd be here by now."

"Been here the whole time, actually."

Hermione jumped about ten feet in the air, "Harry James Potter, you're going to give me a heart attack one of these days!" She scolded.

"Well, then I'd be quite lonely, wouldn't I?" Harry tried to jump over the back of the sofa - just as he'd been practicing successfully for a week - but hit his shin on the arm and fell on his face.

Hermione laughed, "Are you all right?"

Harry groaned and stood up, "No."

"I didn't think so."

Head in his hands, Harry sat down, "Happy Birthday."

"Thank you, Harry." Hermione beamed, "Why exactly did you think jumping over the sofa was a good idea?"

"Dunno," Harry grumbled, shivering.

It seemed Hermione shared his coldness, so she lit the fireplace with a swish of her wand. It also seemed that she could sense his great embarrassment, for she put her arm around him and said, "At least it was only me watching and not the entire school."

She squeezed his shoulders and continued, "And I don't mind if you fall off a sofa every now and again."

Finally, Harry was able to crack a grin, "Good to know." Digging around in his dressing gown pocket, Harry pulled out Hermione's presents, "Here you are!" The first gift was a pocket foe-glass.

Hermione was intrigued by it, "This is amazing, Harry!"

"Well, you see, I don't really know what it is...I was told it makes a really good gift, and it looked pretty interesting, so I got it."

"A Foe-Glass is a type of Dark Detector. It looks like a mirror, but instead of a reflection, it shows the enemies of its possessor. The figures appear as shadows but become clearer and more visible as the enemies get closer to the possessor." Hermione recited.


"It is. Thank you!"

The second present was an old and dusty book called Magick Moste Evile. Harry had first seen this book in the Restricted Section of the Hogwarts library, but it had been at the back of a few shops in Diagon Alley.

"Harry, how on Earth did you get hold of this?" Hermione gaped in disbelief, "This is in the Restricted Section!"

Harry grinned slyly, "I know."

The third and final present was a little black beaded bag which was less of a bag and more of a pouch. Judging by the look on Hermione's face, she thought it was far too small to put anything in.

"Open it," Harry instructed her. As she did so, her eyes widened, and her jaw dropped. Inside, the bag was humongous. It could easily fit all third-year students in it at once.

"But...how?" Hermione breathed.

"Engorgement charm." Beaming with pride, Harry leaned back on the sofa.

"Thank you, Harry! I love them."

Harry tossed the wrapping paper into the fire, "No problem." He blinked, "What do we do now? We've got ages before anyone gets up."

"Maybe we could just stay here."

"And do what?"

Hermione shrugged, "Just talk, I suppose."


"Hermione, how are you going to do all of that homework tonight?" Ron asked. The trio was sitting in the common room before bed, and Hermione had laid out four half-finished essays in front of her.

"I'll manage." She said simply.

Ron rolled his eyes and looked at Harry, "You know, the first Hogsmeade weekend's coming up. Hallowe'en. You should ask McGonagall if you can go."

Usually, Hermione would think that it was dangerous, but she knew that Tonks was around, and she wouldn't allow Harry to get hurt.

"Just ask McGonagall, Harry. You've only got about fifteen days. What's the worst that can happen?" Harry's only answer was a little shrug. He had yet to tell them about his Holy Magic, unsure if he even should tell them anything. This was a Family secret that Harry would much rather keep close.

Crookshanks jumped up onto Hermione's knee and hissed at Ron.

"Keep him away from me. Scabbers is asleep in my bag." Ron said irritably.

Hermione pursed her lips but didn't say anything. Crookshanks was still staring at Ron unblinkingly. Then, without warning, he pounced.

"OI!" Ron grabbed the cat's belly as its claws dug into his bag, "GET OFF, YOU STUPID CREATURE!"

Crookshanks spat as Ron flung him around but clung on nonetheless.

"Ron, stop! You're hurting him!" Hermione cried.

Furious, Ron ignored her. He shook the bag violently, and a confused Scabbers came flying out of the top, "CATCH THAT CAT!" He screeched as Crookshanks darted after the terrified rat.

The entire common room rushed to help Scabbers escape. The twins tried to grab Crookshanks while Dean, Colin Creevey, and Lee Jordan lunged for Scabbers. Both animals were able to dart past each pair of hands until Scabbers slipped under a chest of drawers. Crookshanks tried to squeeze under it too, but he had no chance.

Hermione hurried over and grabbed Crookshanks around the middle and heaved him away; Ron threw himself onto his stomach and pulled Scabbers out by the tail.

Needless to say, this ended in a very large shouting match between the two of them that lasted for a lot longer than it really should have.

Harry Potter

After yet another night of training his Holy Magic, Harry started getting the hang of it. Now he was able to form golden wings and fly but only for a few seconds.

Harry wondered whether or not he could create other things using his Holy Magic. Venefecia had told him that Holy Magic has no limits and that he could make many things as long as he had the imagination and the power, but of course, it had its limitations. One of the most important things was not to use the entire Holy Energy without resting because, according to her, he would die if he used every bit of his Holy Power.

Harry was sure he could defend himself if the need ever came; one of the strongest spells he could use was Divine Fire. It created a magnificent ball of golden fire that chased its target until it burst whenever it touched the target. Not counting that the fire itself was very hot and could melt gold like nothing, and even defensive spells were useless against it.

Right now, Harry was making his way over to McGonagall's office. He had wanted to start learning Runes, and even Venefecia had advised him that Holy Magic could benefit from it.

Venefecia also warned him that because of his Holy Magic, witches, in general, would find him more appealing, and his strength and power would allure creatures sensitive to powerful magic.

"Is that why I felt electricity when I touched Hermione and Tonks?" Harry asked with a confused; he didn't understand those things completely.

"It has to do with it, Harry, but you don't need to worry about it, Harry. But I'm sure you will have a lot of dates in the future," she teased with a coy smile.

Harry smiled, remembering that his thoughts went away when he finally reached her office; knocking on it, he heard 'Enter' from inside the room.

Opening the door, he stepped inside; Harry saw his professor sitting behind a desk filled with books.

"What can I do for you, Potter?" McGonagall asked, moving the books away with a move of her wand to get a better look at Harry, who smiled.

"I would like to know if it is possible to change any of my subjects?" Harry questioned, walking up to her and sitting in front of her desk; she raised an eyebrow after hearing that.

"Why is that, mister Potter?" She questioned, slightly interested, filling a glass of water for him.

"I would like to study Runes instead of Divination," Harry said, taking a sip of water. He could see from her face that the professor didn't expect that.

"You can, mister Potter, but might I ask what made you want to study Runes?" McGonagall questioned, trying to suppress a smile of pride from forming on her face.

"Divination is boring," Harry answered flatly as if the answer was quite obvious. McGonagall let out a loud cough to not be disrespectful towards any of the subjects.

"I'm not really interested in a subject about predicting the future, especially when the professor tells me I will die, and I have heard that Runes are more of something I like," Harry explained, drinking water again. McGonagall nodded her head, slightly pleased that he wanted to change it.

With a move of her wand, two pieces of paper flew over to her desk. "You can change it, Potter. You're still very early in the year, which is not really a problem. I will have to inform Professor Bathsheda Babbling tomorrow about you. Do you need anything else?"

"Yes, I would like to change Potions as well," Harry said, hoping that he could say goodbye to his "favorite" teacher.

McGonagall felt like she should have seen that one coming, but somehow she hadn't for some reason. "With which subject would you change it?" She asked humorously, with a little smile on her face.

"Literally anything else," Harry answered right away, hoping for the best, but McGonagall shaking her head destroyed all hope he had left.

"I'm afraid not, Potter. Potions is something you must take," McGonagall said, knowing what kind of professor Snape was, and everyone knew how much he loved his house.

"You ruined my hopes for the future, Professor," Harry said dramatically, his hand on his chest, acting as if it hurt him.

McGonagall smiled in amusement; it reminded her of Lily; sometimes, she liked to make harmless jokes, not to the level of Sirius and James, who were a menace to the School.

"You're still young, Potter, to have your hopes crushed. Wait until you become a Teenager for that. Now off you go," McGonagall said with her grandmotherly tone; Harry smiled, appreciating her voice, standing up; he was about to thank her when the door opened abruptly.

Both turned to the door to see Tonks walking in, holding a piece of paper in her hand. McGonagall looked annoyed that she had just barged in without knocking first. The moment her eyes landed on Harry, they brightened up like stars.

"Tonks!" Harry shouted; they both shared a tight hug, her arms around his back, holding him very close, and Harry couldn't help but feel embarrassed; being so close to her allowed him to feel her...

"How are you doing, Harry? I'm sorry for not seeing you for a few days." Tonks apologized, talking a bit too quickly. They both pulled away; Tonks's eyes were looking everywhere but at Harry, who had a smirk.

"Is alright, Tonks. I missed you too," Harry said. They were about to continue talking if it wasn't for a certain professor coughing loudly.

"Aurora Tonks, might I know what brings you to my office?" McGonagall questioned sharply, her tone going from soft to serious right away.

"Ohh, right. I have Dumbledore's sign," Tonks said, slightly embarrassed with herself. Harry wondered what she was talking about as she gave the piece of paper to McGonagall, who read it before looking at Harry.

"It seems you have your permission to go to Hogsmeade after all. But you should know that Tonks will follow your every step." McGonagall said seriously, but Harry could see a tiny hint of a smile. Harry's face brightened upon hearing that, and the next thing he did. Hug Tonks tightly, who returned gladly.

"You're the best, Tonks!"

"I know I am."


On Halloween morning, The Golden Trio arrived at the entrance hall, where Filch, the caretaker, was standing inside the front doors, checking off names against a long list, peering suspiciously into every face, and making sure that no one was sneaking out who shouldn't be going.

"Now, remember. These visits to Hogsmeade village are a privilege. Should your behavior reflect poorly on the school in any way, that privilege shall not be extended again." Professor McGonagall explained in front of the group of students.

Though no one could tell, except, of course, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were really excited about the trip.

Every time they catch a small glimpse of each other, a small smile grows on their faces.

It was also a bit chilly today as Ron wore a long-sleeved t-shirt, Harry with a black hoodie, and Hermione had an overcoat.


As they arrived at Hogsmeade, Tonks and Harry looked at each other as they nodded in understanding what they were about to do next.

As they walked down the path to Hogsmeade, Hermione, Tonks, and Harry were behind Ron.

At that moment, Hermione's eyes widen in amazement as she sees the row of shops appear around a bend.

"Harry, look at this place! It's amazing!" she exclaimed with a bright smile on her face, while Harry looked at her with a warm smile.

All around them, third years switch from walking to running, breaths showing in the cold and squeals of laughter all around.

"Welcome to Hogsmeade, 'Mione," Harry said with a warm smile as she looked at the place in awe.

At that moment, Ron faced Harry, Hermione, and Tonks. "I will go now. You three have fun with your date." He said, walking away with a grin not leaving him.

"Wait, what about you?" Harry shouted at Ron, who was still walking away. Thinking his friend would be alone.

"I'm flattered, Harry, but I'm meeting with Lavender. Have fun, but not too much fun." Ron shouted back at Harry, who rolled his eyes.

"Um, it doesn't have to be what he called it." Hermione nervously said as she blushed.

"N-no, it's okay, 'Mione." Harry stuttered a bit while he scratched the back of his neck and said, "I am fine calling it a date if you'd like it to be one."

"A-alright then." She stuttered as she looked up at him and a bright smile slowly crept to her face, 'I can't believe I am going on a date with Harry!' She thought shyly.

"So, where do you want to visit first?" Harry asked, smiling like never before, but his heart was beating uncontrollably as he could feel Hermione's excitement coming off her.

"What about we start at the Post Office?" She asked and exclaimed, "I've heard they have a color-coordinated system on how fast you want letters sent with two hundred owls!"

"Oh, they do..." Tonks said with a warm smile while she looked at them lovingly at the excited expression Hermione had and sweetly said, "That is a good choice to start with, Hermione."

Which made Hermione blush madly at the tone and expression she had on her face.

Harry then brought out his hand; Hermione looked down and up at him. He had that adorable smile that would always make her heart flutter and butterflies in her stomach.

Hermione reached out and grabbed his hand while he gently gripped hers, which made her blush at how gentle he was as Harry pulled her; with his other hand, he grabbed Tonks's hand, who was more than happy to hold his.


Harry, Hermione, and Tonks made their way through Hogsmeade to the Post Office, which made Harry smile like an idiot throughout the trip. They were talking about mundane things; Tonks mainly asked them how the third year was going.

"The third year is different. I have to say it is much easier to go through," Harry commented, earning a look from Tonks.

"Why is that, sweet Harry?" Tonks said, feeling a little embarrassed to call him that.

"Well, a certain Aurora is quite a sight to see every time before a lesson starts. Even Snape's classes are not as miserable." Harry answered with a cheeky grin.

"I wonder who this Aurora is?" Hermione questioned, amused, happy to see Harry smiling like that.

Harry took a pose as if thinking hard about it. "Well, she has pink hair and has a wonderful smile," Harry said, pretending as if he couldn't see Tonks, who smiled, amused but feeling good too.

"She must be someone beautiful?" Hermione asked Harry, pretending as if Tonks wasn't even there.

"She is deadly and beautiful. The best mix." Harry claimed, suddenly getting a kiss on the cheek from Tonks, making him turn red; Hermione and Tonks laughed at his embarrassed face.

As they entered the Post Office, Hermione marveled at its productivity. Every person inside took each letter from presumably the school owls and put them in color-coordinated spots. Since we were students, we were able to see how it worked.

Harry, Tonks, and Hermione got to see some owls, but Harry must have done something as many owls began to fly towards him and landed on his shoulder, arm, and head; Hermione giggled at how he looked as if they were swarming him.

He didn't seem to mind as he just adorably smiled and giggled at what was happening, making Hermione blush. Harry then turned to Hermione, and she tried to cover her flushed face, but before she could even hide, Harry's own face was covered.

"R-right, I forgot to tell you..." He said through the owls, embarrassed, "They really like me a lot."

"I said see that," Hermione said through a giggle at the scene in front of her.

"D-do you want to try holding an owl?" he asked through a stutter with his smiling face.

"Oh, um, I don't know how to hold one. " Hermione said, unsure and pondering. "I've seen you do it loads of times with Hedwig, but I don't know how to."

"It's alright; I can show you." He said kindly, with a sweet smile on his face.

"Do you want to give it a try?" Harry asked once again. "I'll just be here, right beside you, if anything goes wrong."

"I suppose." Hermione said, still unsure, "As long as you're here to help."

He then looked up towards one of the owls, and Harry brought out an arm for the owl to rest on. An owl immediately flew straight toward him and approached her.

"Alright, so you put your right arm out, okay?" He gently said while Hermione was a bit hesitant.

"It's okay, 'Mione." He calmly said as he looked at the dark grey owl on his arm. "His name is Calwin."

"Calwin here isn't going to hurt you," Harry assured her while he stood beside her and allowed the owl to hop onto her arm.

Calwin then turned his head and cooed at her, which made Hermione giggle. Hermione turned to Harry excitedly with a bright smile on her face, and he just lovingly smiled back at her.

"You could pet him if you want. He would not mind." Harry said, and Hermione brought back her attention to Calwin.

Hermione slowly lifted her hand and gently stroked his feathers as Harry watched her.

"Wow, His feathers are really soft," Hermione said in amazement, and the owl hooted, which made Harry snicker. Hermione glanced over at Harry with a confused look on her face.

"Oh, it's nothing, 'Mione." He said with a smile on his face. "He just said thanks for the compliment."

Hermione just nodded and continued petting the owl but was interrupted by Harry, who asked.

"After this, do you want to go to Honeydukes next?" He asked as Hermione and Tonks turned to him. "They've got a lot of sweets that I think you might enjoy."

"Most definitely!" Hermione exclaimed with a bright smile on her face. "Let's go right now."

He warmly smiled at her, and he looked at Calwin as he then gently patted him and flew off her arm.

"Alright, let's go?" He asked once again as he brought out his hands, and Hermione and Tonks grabbed his hands with a smile and nodded.


Harry, Tonks, and Hermione arrived at Honeydukes while they walked in hand-in-hand through the entrance of the shop, and they were immediately hit with the scent of sweets.

They then found Ron and Lavender with a few 3rd years in what seems to be both Gryffindor and Hufflepuff as they were checking out some sweets while giving some suggestions on what to get.

"Free sample of fudge for you, sweet ?" A lady behind the counter asked, holding out a huge tray of assorted chocolate.

"W-we aren't a couple," Harry said through a stutter as Hermione could feel her face burn up.

Hermione then immediately approached the tray out of embarrassment, still holding Harry's hand.

"Harry-I'll try some, thank you," Hermione said, flustered, while she picked a piece of fudge up and popped it in her mouth with her free hand.

"Woah, this tastes amazing. Harry and Tonks should try one!" Hermione thought and got one more from the tray as she turned towards him.

Harry was looking around the place, seeing if there were any sweets he would like to have, and at that moment, Hermione looked into his face properly.

"T-this fudge tasted amazing... here, try it," Hermione said, while she brought the fudge closer to his as he just opened his mouth, and she unknowingly fed him.

"This does taste amazing, 'Mione." He happily said, and at that moment, he too realized what just happened as she saw him turn red, and we locked eyes.

Tonks smiled sweetly as she tried one too.

Harry then unconsciously rubbed his thumb across the back of Hermione and Tonks's hand while Hermione slowly looked down, embarrassed. During this whole event, the fudge lady can't help but adore the interaction between the three.

"They are so cute together." She said as Harry heard her, which made her turn red like a tomato.

They bought their favorites, Cauldron Cakes, Pumpkin Pasties, sugared butterfly wings, Tooth-Flossing Stringmints, and some Fudge.

In the end, Tonks abruptly stopped Harry with a smirk.

"Harry, do you have anywhere to go during Christmas?" Tonks questioned, earning a raised eyebrow from Hermione.

"Not really," Harry said with a little shrug.

"How about you spend time in my house with my family? They would be delighted to have you for Christmas." Tonks suggested and suddenly felt a big hug from Harry.

"Thank you, Tonks," Harry said with all his heart and felt his cheeks turn red when Tonks kissed his cheeks.


Bhuvan Nagaraju.D

Did you know that the potters are famous for their potions especially Harry's great-grandfather i believe and it's their potions that's made them rich.


I'm loving this so far, can't wait for more. I'm glad Tonks is getting more time to shine during her Hogwarts years


I like Tonks, and it is fun writing her. Thank you for reading my story.


No problem honestly I like Tonks, Hermione and Harry as a trio couple and they really seem to hitting it off well