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"Lady Ymir. Welcome." The Titan spoke, his voice raspy, barely understandable, but Levi Squad, Keith, and Ymir heard him well.

The tall girl felt her whole body freeze; The girl felt as if, at any moment, they would jump at her, their sharp blades glinting menacingly in the sunlight, ready to cut her down like a dog. The fear that gripped her was overwhelming.

As she stood there, her heart pounding against her chest like a drumbeat, she could feel the sweat trickling down her skin. She tried to swallow, but her throat felt constricted and dry as if she couldn't even manage that small reflex. Her mind was racing, a thousand different thoughts and scenarios running through her head, each one more terrifying than the last. She knew she had to keep her composure, to stay calm and focused, but it was like trying to hold back a tidal wave with a broom. For what felt like hours of just standing there, Ymir looked at Krista standing beside Eren, looking over at her with concern.

Ymir felt her body filling with strength. With her head held high, and her eyes fixed firmly on her destination, she began striding back towards her group; surprisingly, she wasn't stopped by either the Instructor or the Squad of Titan Killing freaks.

As soon as Ymir made her way to the group, Krista immediately stepped forward with her mouth agape, eager to inquire about the commotion. However, before she could even utter a single word, the towering girl swiftly pivoted her around, cutting her off mid-sentence, and fixed her attention on Eren. Her stern voice reverberated through the air as she demanded, "We need to talk now," prompting Eren to nod solemnly without uttering another syllable. Without missing a beat, he cast a fleeting glance at both Mikasa and Armin, and that was all it took for them to fall in line and proceed without any further inquiries. The tension in the air was palpable, and Krista couldn't help but wonder what could have prompted such urgency and gravity in Ymir's tone.

Ymir didn't dare to look behind her shoulder, but she could feel the eyes of many behind her back. The tall girl knew at this moment she had been discovered; there was no way that no one else but her heard the Titan speaking her name.

Ymir briefly wondered why the Titan recognized her, but she quickly figured he must be one of those that were worshiping her back at Marley.


Petra's heart was racing as she watched the tall girl walk away at an alarming pace, seemingly unfazed by the chaos she had just caused. She knew they had to act fast and stop her. "We should stop her!" Petra almost shouted, her voice trembling with urgency.

Her words echoed through the air, but Levi responded immediately and resolutely. "No," he ordered, his tone firm and unyielding. His team turned to look at him, almost incredulous at the gravity of his words.

"But Captain-" Petra started to argue but was quickly silenced by Levi's stern gaze. The intensity of his eyes conveyed a clear message that Petra knew all too well - it was time to fall in line and follow orders. The place fell silent as Levi's eyes scanned each member of the team, his gaze lingering on each person for a moment longer than necessary. The tension in the air was palpable as Levi's team held their breath, waiting for him to speak; Keith was busy observing the fleeing tall lady.

Levi's eyes never left her. Ymir said something to Eren Yeager before she and four other people walked away; unlike the tall girl, Levi could tell that Eren was surprisingly calm. Ymir was clearly in a hurry to walk away, while Eren kept a normal walking pace.

Seeing them walk away, Levi, with his piercing gaze, turned towards the seasoned Instructor Keith, whose face was lined with years of training and experience. "Complete the training with whoever is left." In a commanding voice, Levi ordered Keith to complete the training with whoever was left. Without a single word of objection, the Instructor simply nodded his head in agreement, acknowledging the importance of following Levi's orders.

Due to their orders from Commander Erwin, Levi Squad was forced to keep an eye on the Titan until the training ended. It didn't take long, and everyone left was done.

"Now that this grueling exercise is over, you have earned yourselves a well-deserved hour of rest," he declared, his eyes scanning the group for any signs of dissent or disobedience. Despite knowing that almost half of the cadets weren't present to hear his orders, Keith remained unperturbed, determined to instill a sense of discipline and dedication in those who remained. For those who failed to show up to train, Keith made a promise that would chill even the bravest of hearts - they would soon discover what it was like to spend an entire night sleeping in the bathroom, surrounded by a putrid and overwhelming stench of overflowing feces.

After the Titan was moved away, Levi informed Keith that Mike's Squad would soon arrive to retrieve the Titan and bring it back to Survey Corps Headquarters.

With that said and done, Levi Squad accompanied by Keith, soon entered his office. With a swift motion, Keith opened the door to the office, and the squad followed closely behind. Levi approached his desk, a sleek and modern piece of furniture that was the room's centerpiece. With a quick flick of his finger, Levi slid his hand across the surface, his fingers moving precisely, and his eyes intently focused on his hand. To his surprise, there was no trace of dirt on his fingers, and he breathed a small sigh of relief.

"I like to keep my office clean, captain," Keith stated with a sense of pride in his voice as he straightened up a stack of papers on his desk.

"Whenever I'm not dealing with morons," he continued, his expression turning sour at the thought, "I find solace in cleaning this space to keep my mind occupied." Levi watched as Keith methodically organized his desk, noticing the way his coworker seemed to find a sense of calm amidst the chaos of their job.

"It's better than Hange's office," Levi remarked. Keith shrugged, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

"It's just something I've always done," he replied. "I find that a clean workspace helps me think more clearly and stay focused on the task at hand."

"Well said."

As Petra looked at Keith, the former commander, who now had dark circles around his eyes, she couldn't help but feel afraid and uneasy. She had been a scout for some time now and had seen her fair share of danger and terrifying situations. However, the sight of Keith's tired and worn-down appearance sent shivers down her spine. It was as if the dark circles were a physical manifestation of the weight of responsibility that he had carried on his shoulders for so long, and Petra couldn't help but feel a sense of empathy for him.

Oluo quickly closed the door behind him, making sure to latch it securely to ensure privacy. Meanwhile, Levi scooted out a chair before sitting down at the table, mimicking the instructor who had already taken a seat. The rest of the group were propped up against the wall, eagerly awaiting the captain's commands.

"We can safely say that we heard the Titan react to Cadet Ymir and call her 'Lady Ymir,' 'Keith started, his eyes set on Levi, who nodded.

"Yes, and I saw her face and body language. She can't act as if she doesn't understand what is happening. We don't know what her deal is," he continued, shaking his head slightly, "but we can't deny the fact that once she walked away, she took with her four other cadets - one of them being Eren Yeager." The name seemed to hang in the air for a moment, heavy with significance, and Levi couldn't help but notice the slight twitch of Keith's lips at the mention of the young cadet. For a split second, he wondered if there was something more to this reaction, but he dismissed the thought just as quickly, his attention already focused on the task

"What's our next order?" Gunther asked the captain respectfully.

"What Erwin ordered us," Levi answered, remembering his talk with Erwin yesterday after everyone left.

The meeting ended, but Erwin told Levi to stay for a bit longer; the moment the door closed, Levi turned to face the Commander.

"What is it?"

"The Titan will be there for a whole day before it is brought back here; during the night, I want you and your squad not to guard it," The Commander ordered with a stern look on his face, his hand grasping a pencil in the table.

"Why?" Levi questioned, wondering what his play was in all of this; they had risked their lives to capture the bloody thing, Levi never showed it, but a part of him was slightly interested to know the origin of the Titans, not as much as his Commander or Hange, but he risked his life every day so one day they could learn the truth of the world. That captured Titan could provide them with the necessary answers, and the Commander wanted him to risk it all.

Leaving the thing unguarded could cause accidents, the thing could perhaps somehow escape, a cadet might approach it and get himself killed because they don't know better, or someone could kill it. Everything could happen if the thing was left unguarded.

A sudden hush fell over the room, and the only sound that remained was the soft scratching of Erwin's pen on paper. Levi's eyes were fixed on the Commander as he scribbled something down, his expression unreadable, before finally looking up to meet Levi's gaze.

"If this Ymir makes the Titan speak, we have the right to apprehend her for questioning, but I would like to know if there is someone else there. If my father's theory was true, there's a chance that there's someone else there, whether that is a second group or a single person. They will most certainly act and not allow us to experiment on the Titan," Erwin explained, his eyes having an unusual fire on them, something Levi had seen only a few other times. The Commander's voice was calm, but Levi could hear the curiosity seeping into his voice.

"...I see, so you want to lure them out. Very well, I will follow your lead." Levi replied after a short pause.

"Captain, so we should capture Cadet Ymir?" Eld, the second in command of the Levi Squad, questioned after Levi told everyone what Erwin's plan was for the Titan they had captured.

"Not now. I want first to know with who they're talking with. I mean everyone."


"How did they get to this point so soon?!" Reiner mused aloud, his voice trembling with fear. As they stood in the depths of the dense forest, he scanned the area for any signs of danger, checking at least three times thus far to ensure that no one was listening in on their conversation. Beads of sweat trickled down his forehead, and his breathing was heavy and uneven, betraying the immense nervousness that he was feeling. Annie and Bert could tell he was quite nervous.

Bertholdt's face was mostly blank. He was simply waiting for Reiner to tell them what to do, whether that was to destroy Wall Rose or simply keep doing what they were doing; the thought of destroying the wall made him swallow nervously, he knew what it would cause, but he would do it if Reiner told him so.

Annie stood in the middle of the forest, her arms crossed and her body leaning against a tree. Her eyes were gazing into the vast emptiness in front of her, and despite the seriousness of the conversation taking place between Reiner and Bertholdt, she remained completely impassive. It was as if their discussion didn't matter to her at all, and in some way, she felt that it really didn't. The stillness of the forest, the rustle of leaves underfoot, and the occasional bird call added to the surreal atmosphere. As Annie stood there with her thoughts, she couldn't help but wonder if anything in this world really mattered at all.

"We don't know, but what should we do?" Bertholdt's voice quivered with uncertainty as he posed the question to his comrade, sweat forming on his forehead as he waited for an answer. Reiner, on the other hand, tried to remain calm and composed, taking a deep breath to steady his nerves. With a clear mind, he gazed intently at his friend, thinking carefully before speaking.

"We should kill it. We can't allow them to find out anything about the truth of the Titans," Reiner's voice was firm and resolute, his gaze unwavering as he spoke with a sense of urgency.

Bertholdt, on the other hand, seemed to be grappling with his own internal struggle, his hands fidgeting as he nervously rubbed the back of his neck. As the weight of their mission bore down on them, the two soldiers stood in tense silence.

Finally, Bertholdt broke the silence, his voice barely above a whisper. "O-okay, which one of us should do it?" His words hung heavy in the air, the gravity of the situation weighing heavily on him.

Reiner was silent for a moment before he turned to Annie, who was still looking at the forest; deep in thought, he wondered if she had even heard them.

"Annie, you will do it," Reiner declared resolutely, his unwavering conviction brooking no argument. His words hung heavily in the air as if they were etched in stone, leaving no room for doubt or hesitation. However, the blonde girl's reaction was far from what Reiner had expected. With a furrowed brow and a scowl on her face, Annie turned to him, her annoyance palpable. She uncrossed her arms and took a step forward, her eyes fixed on Reiner's.

"Why should I? This is your idea, genius, do it yourself," Annie questioned him. Reiner's expression darkened at her refusal, and he took a step forward, looming over her with a suspicion that was not entirely unfounded.

"Why won't you? Is there something stopping you from doing it?" Reiner questioned with narrowed eyes, his voice laced with a hint of suspicion. He couldn't help but notice the way Annie's eyes darted away from his, her body language tense and defensive. The two of them stood there, locked in a tense stare-down, neither willing to back down. Annie, on the other hand, looked like a coiled viper, ready to strike at any moment. Her jaw was clenched so tightly that Reiner could see the muscles in her neck bulging.

Bertholdt could feel the palpable tension that hung in the air like a thick, heavy fog. Despite the fact that Annie and Reiner were both warriors, it was clear that they didn't see eye to eye, and the growing animosity between them was almost tangible. Bertholdt knew that things could easily escalate if he didn't intervene, as the icy glare that Annie was sending towards Reiner was enough to make even him fear the worst.

With a furrowed brow and a piercing gaze, Annie narrowed her eyes dangerously, sending a clear warning signal to Reiner to watch his words carefully. As her eyes bore into him, she spoke in a low and measured tone, "Quit bullshitting, Reiner. If there's anything you want to tell me, don't hold back. I'm right here, ready to listen to whatever you have to say."

"I find it strange that you spend so much time training Eren. I have seen the way you sometimes look at him and how you have become friends with Mina, Armin, and Sasha. Are you becoming friends with this race of devils?" Reiner accused.

Reiner's eyes widened ever so slightly as his astute gaze caught sight of Annie's blade glinting in the ring, dangerously close to the delicate skin of her middle finger. He knew all too well that with one swift movement, she could easily transform into the Female Titan, a thought that made his heart race with a mix of fear and anger. Bertholdt, who was standing nearby, also noticed the blade and gasped in shock, but rather than retreating in fear, he stood his ground.

"Oh really, you are friends with all of them, and don't try to deny it. I have seen the way you look at Krista and how you sometimes try to give her private lessons. I'm the one that goes to Wall Sina to look for information, and you waste your time here making friends. How is me spending time and acting like their friends any different?" Annie demanded, her eyes looking icy.

"That is different," Reiner quickly defended himself. "I won't allow my personal feelings to get in the mission. They're not my friends. I'm just acting. The question is, will you do it, Annie? Are they your friends?" Reiner demanded, leaning closer to her face.

Annie's teeth clamped down tightly as she listened to the words that spilled out from Reiner's lips. Each one struck her like a hammer, reminding her of her horrible father and his constant demands for perfection. She could feel her heart racing as the words echoed in her head, repeating over and over again like the incessant ringing of bells.

"Make our motherland proud, don't disappoint me, girl, or there will be serious punishment for you."

She felt her blood boiling; she wanted this to end. This whole thing is to end. Paradis, Marley, where did she belong? Was she a Proud Eldian Warrior of Marley or a Soldier of Paradis that fought against the Titans? She hated to admit it, but she knew Paradis stood no chance unless they used the Power of The Founding Titan; then Paradis could never defend itself from the Outside Word. They had no technology, and their numbers were much smaller. In the end, it will be all for naught...

Annie stood there, silent and still, lost in her own thoughts, until Reiner's voice broke through her reverie, startling her. "Are you going to do it, Annie?" he asked, his voice thick with concern and urgency.

She turned her gaze towards him, her expression inscrutable, before slowly turning away and beginning to walk off into the distance. Reiner called out to her again, his voice filled with desperation and a hint of fear, "Annie?"

"I will, but not for the reasons you think. Marley can go to Hell for all I care. I'm only interested in staying alive." Annie said, trying to convince herself. A part of her wanted this to be over, to truly be what she wanted. She didn't want to be a tool. A thought came to her mind. Eren was probably with Ymir and others talking about nonsense. She wondered if she could get him alone tomorrow morning, to kick the crap out of him, and for both of them to feel alive at least once before it all went to Hell.

This world is Cruel, she thought, as she reached the girl's domain; as she arrived, she was surprised to find only Sasha and Mina there, but their warm welcome and the eager conversation quickly lifted her spirits. With their help, she was able to temporarily forget about the cruelty and darkness that had weighed her down.

Eren Yeager - Night

After spending the entire day avoiding Levi's squad, he and his friends of Titan Shifters went into the forest, wanting to clear things up. After Ymir told them that the Titan had spoken her name in front of Levi's Squad, Eren knew they were currently on borrowed time; there was no way Levi and his team would ignore them and act as if nothing suspicious had happened.

As the moon shone down on the dense forest, the group found themselves surrounded by the rustling of leaves and the chirping of crickets deep in the heart of the night. Despite the eerie silence that enveloped them, Ymir found solace in the gentle touch of Krista's hand, which she held tightly as if it was the only thing keeping her grounded. Leaning against a towering tree, Ymir's eyes gazed into Krista's, admiring the way her hair cascaded down her shoulders and the way her lips curved into a soft smile.

"Eren, what do you think we should do?" Ymir started first, her attention turning to Eren standing beside Mikasa and Armin.

"I'm afraid we are out of options here, Ymir, and perhaps it is better like this. We will need Survey Corp's help once the Armor and The Colossal Titan attack again," Eren explains with a dark look spreading across his face. Despite being two years since they started the Training Corps, they have yet to identify The Colossal and The Armor's true identity successfully. A flash of his mom getting eaten passed through his eyes, making his blood boil; he would make them pay.

"Eren's right," Armin said, his voice full of conviction, "Commander Erwin is undoubtedly one of the most well-known and respected figures within the military and the survey corps. His reputation precedes him, and his tactical prowess is unmatched. With his guidance and expertise, we will undoubtedly increase our chances of capturing our enemies whenever they attack." Mikasa, who had been listening intently, nodded her agreement.

Ymir and Krista nodded too. The tall girl trusted her friends, it had taken years, but she trusted them, she had promised herself to always be by herself once she returned back to human, but Krista, Eren, Armin, Mikasa, and probably Sasha had found their ways to make her care for them. To make her feel alive again. To make her feel happy.

She didn't want to disappoint them. The moment Eren saved Krista from those horrible people, Ymir knew she could trust him with their future. Therefore her telling him her whole story was when she accepted him and trusted him. She trusted her own fate to be in his hands.

She put her arm around Krista's shoulder, and the blonde girl smiled; Ymir noticed that Krista was having nightmares, and she couldn't help but wonder what was causing them. She tried to make Krista open up, but her friend was keeping everything inside, and Ymir didn't know how to help her.

Her eyes turned to Eren, who stepped forward, standing in the center of them.

"This is the plan, then. I will go and find Captain Levi and tell him that I need to talk with Commander Erwin."

"And what is that you want to talk with Erwin?"

As the group stood in the midst of the dense forest, their ears perked up at the rustling of leaves, and they turned to their right, only to witness Levi himself, the captain of the Survey Corps, striding towards them with confidence, his ODM gear glinting in the moonlight. As he drew closer, they could make out the rest of his team, their faces grim and determined, ready to fight. But that wasn't all, for walking alongside them was another team led by a towering blonde man who seemed to dwarf even the likes of Ymir, the tallest member of their group.

As Ymir gazed at Levi, she couldn't help but feel an intense rush of adrenaline coursing through her veins, causing her heart to thump wildly against her chest and her breaths to come in shallow gasps. The way that Levi was surveying all of them with a steely-eyed intensity, his fingers wrapped tightly around the pommel of his swords, sent shivers down her spine and made her feel like they were all in grave danger. Without hesitation, Ymir wrapped her arms protectively around Krista, pulling her close behind her as if to shield her from whatever threat may come their way. Ymir knew she had a much higher chance of fighting and surviving if it came to that compared to Krista.

As Eren approached Levi and his team, the tension in the air was palpable, yet surprisingly, Eren remained calm and collected, showing no signs of alarm or fear. Without hesitation, he strode confidently to the front of his group, positioning himself just two meters away from Levi.

Eren felt the eyes of everyone on him. He knew this was his chance. His one and only chance.

With a respectful gesture of saluting accordingly, Eren's piercing green eyes met Levi's striking gray gaze. As the wind whispered through the trees, Eren spoke with a calm and collected voice. "I would like to talk with Commander Erwin, Captain, to tell him the truth,"

Mikasa stood half a meter away from Eren. She had bitten down her lower lip hard enough to draw blood. She knew Eren didn't want and neither did she, but if it came to it, she would protect Eren and her friends.

Same for Armin, who used a small hidden blade on his sleeve; his little finger was bleeding slightly, which could hardly be noticed unless someone was directly looking at it.

"Krista, stay behind me," Ymir advised her friend as she waited for Levi's response. She didn't have any hidden blades, but she wasn't a stranger to pain. She was ready to bite her own tongue or lower lip just in case it was needed.

As Levi glared at the group of young cadets before him, he couldn't help but notice the evident signs of anxiety emanating from each of them. However, his trained eye quickly picked up on the subtle differences in their reactions. The girl with the vibrant red scarf wrapped around her neck seemed to have a better grasp on her nerves, her confident demeanor and unwavering gaze belying any apprehension she may be feeling inside. Eren was good at hiding the tension inside him.

"Tell him the truth about what?" he asked. His voice was laced with uncertainty. Eren hesitated momentarily before taking a deep breath and speaking in a low voice, his eyes fixed on Levi's.

"The Truth about The Titans and the Outside World,"

Erwin is about to find out the truth. What will Annie do, and what plan will Armin make to force Armour and The Colossal Titan to Show themselves?

The Training Corps Arc will end very soon, and the Fight will begin. What will Eren do with the third vaccine that turns an Eldian into a Semi-Shifter like Mikasa and Armin?



It's was maybe short but still good , i think Annie will be tell the truth to Eren when she will try to kill the two titans and maybe join their side.


Annie will be quiet important soon. Thank you for reading my story.