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Happy New Year, and Thank You, Everyone, for Reading my Stories and Supporting Me.

"Mmph, Jon, yess..faster..go faster," Val whimpered out, biting back a moan as Jon pumped his fingers in and out of her, her body sitting on the edge of the bed.

He continued on, her moans growing louder as he worked at her slicken walls. He leaned into her, biting down harshly into the curve of her neck, his breath dangerously hot as he whispered a hushed "shhh" into her ear.

"You are so loud, Val," he said with a harsh growl as he gave her a firm smack on her right ass cheek, making her cry in pleasure, crying out for More.

"You've got to be quiet, love," he said teasingly, "..Or do you want the whole castle to hear you?"

"I don't care who hears Us. Let the whole castle know that I'm yours! Ohhhh Fuck," her hips pushed back against his hand as he bent down, taking her swollen clit in with one full suck of his mouth as he continued working her in deftly with his fingers.

"..I need more, Jonn!" she whined out helplessly as he lapped away, nibbling at her sensitivity. And finally, he stood up from where he had been crotched in between her thighs from behind, his lips glistening with her sweet arousal as he positioned himself against her center.

"Do you know why I wanted you right now, Jon?" Val questioned as he slid his length into her, sheathing himself completely, kissing the back of her womb as they gasped as one at the intrusion. She held onto the bed firmly as she braced herself for his response.


He began to buck his hips, pistoning in and out of her silky-smooth walls. The bed began to rock and shake with every movement they'd made, reverberating loudly as he moved hard and fast inside her, making her moan out his name.

"Seeing you dance with Dacey and the way she was looking at you. I just Kneeew. I Wanteeed You. OHHH JONNN!!"

His fingers dug in deep into the soft flesh of her hips as she glanced at him back, looking into his grey eyes, darker than the midnight sky. He lifted her leg up higher, resting her thigh up amongst the bed as he pounded relentlessly into her exposed cunt,

She whimpered, sucking in a large gust of air as she began to slam her hips back and forwards along his length; the sounds of their passionate rendezvous echoing loudly amongst the small space around them,

"Ohh gods Jonn," she pleaded out, grasping firmly unto his wrist, her eyes sparkling with pure desire as she gave him a lustfully-wild glance back at him,

"..I-I just want you, and only you. I love you, Jonn, the-there would never be another.."

The moment she rasped those three words as she continued gazing straight into his eyes made his loins churn tightly within his groin. He let his fingers wander over her curvy hips as he lifted her up by the waist, letting a swift hand move light as a feather over her swollen, sensitive nub. She began to wail as he lends in, covering her plush lips and mouth with his hand, skin slapping rudely as he gave her what she wanted.

He began to swirl his fingers over her clit. She bit down hard into his hand, so hard enough that he knew she'd drawn blood, and he rewarded her with a loud smack across her bottom.

Her body grew hot and tense as he drew his fingers into her hair, pulling her head back gently as he leaned in, kissing her with an intense passion to muffle her cries.

"Yess, Jon, yes, yes, yess. Yes, Yess!"

"Yeah," he breathed out hotly into her mouth, his hips beginning to shudder as he drew closer to his release.

He felt her as her walls began to clamp and flutter around him, his manhood throbbing and rock-hard as he continued his sweet animalistic torture amongst her lush, precious body. And suddenly, he felt her come hard, her hand finding purchase into his curly mane of black-raven locs as she gripped him so hard he fell forward against her backside. He loved making love to her, taking his time as he would explore every part of her body, but at times like this, this was what he needed.

He growled and grunted so violently as he came abruptly. She glanced up at him lovingly as they savored the feel of their afterglow, her eyes so sincere and full of pure love.

Jon lay beside her; he kissed her loving lips, and she almost moaned in the kiss. "I love you too, Val," Jon finally said; Val smiled brightly, hearing that, her hand grasping his cock.

Jon moaned as she started rubbing up and down. Her eyes looked at Jon with innocent.

"Do you think your family will approve of me being married to a prince?" Val suddenly asked, with a tiny hint of uncertainty.

"I don't care. You're mine, Val," Jon growled; he didn't know what kind of people his family was. He had never met them; for all he knew, they wouldn't care for him, but he would never give up on Val just because they thought she wasn't worthy.

The Wildling woman kept rubbing his throbbing up and down, giving it small licks at the top.

"You once told me that Aegon Targaryen married two women, his sisters, because they needed to keep their blood pure, so their children could ride Dragons?" Val questioned out of nowhere, licking the head, loving the taste; a part of her wanted to feast on it, but she waited for Jon to answer, who was a bit in a daze.

"Y-Yes, Why are you bringing that up?" Jon asked, looking at Val's blue eyes; for a moment, she was silent. Instead, she gave him a good long lick from the stones to the top.

"You have a Dragon Jon; once your father learns about it, do you think he might want you to marry someone of your family so your children can ride Aegarax?" Val questioned, but she didn't wait for an answer; she took him in her wet, hot loving mouth.

When she finally sheathed his pulsating cock in her mouth, he let out a growl. After a few moments, she bobbed her head up and down on his sensitive member. He looked back in the air as she kept on stroking and sucking his cock, grasping onto her hair to try to keep himself from falling over.

Jon looked at her and smiled. 'Gods, this woman is going to kill me.' Then, when he lightly thrust his hips, he could tell she was surprised that he was fucking her mouth but did not seem to mind. He looked back in the air, and she kept sucking and stocking his cock.

He knew his climax was approaching... He pulled her head up and said, "Gods, Val... I'm about to...'

"Give me your seed... I want to taste you, Jon." She then quickly sheathed his member into her hot moist mouth, and he lost all control. He gasped, and with a loud growl, he grabbed her head, shot his seed inside her mouth then collapsed on the bed.

"Ohhhhh!" She let out a loud moan, quickly licking every bit of cum. Her eyes were almost dark with lust. "Gods, my love... You always taste so Delicious!" She said; she positioned herself above him, ready to ride him like a horse, but first.

"What will you do if Your father wants you to marry someone else?" Val questioned, his cock slowly sinking inside her tight cunt.

"Val! I-" "Shhhh," Val put a finger on his lips, giving him a quick kiss.

"Let's enjoy this moment, Jon," Val stated. Jon looked at her surprised, wondering where this came from.

Bouncing up and down, Jon grasped her large breasts that overfilled his hands; Val let out a loud moan as he started sucking her tit.

She knew the wildlings didn't really practice this, there were a few cases, but the last time was over a hundred winters ago. Val knew as long as she could bring her people South of The Wall, away from the danger, and be with Jon, she wouldn't mind it at all.

Jon growled at the pleasure he was feeling, his mind thinking about what Val told him, he didn't know how his real family would treat him, but he knew he wouldn't allow anyone anymore to take what was his. He had spent fourteen years living as a bastard. He didn't want anything else to be taken from him anymore. Never Again.

When they both fell asleep, a crow outside their window flew away.

Morning - Ned Stark

Breaking his fast in a castle that hosted almost the entire North wasn't something that happened every day. He had woken up along with the majority of his family; once he reached the main hall, his eyes quickly found his son talking with Lady Wynafryd; whatever they were talking about, Ned couldn't hear them but seeing his son smile brightly, made him feel relieved, perhaps his son would find love.

Ned had made sure to watch them like a hawk last night, he had even ordered Ser Rodrik to make sure Robb wouldn't dishonor the girl, but it seemed that hadn't been necessary. His son had walked the lady back to her bedchamber before sharing an innocent kiss.

Ned had watched Bran talking the whole night with Lady Wylla; sadly, Ned knew Bran was way too young for her. He was still only five name days; Ned figured his son would find a good girl eventually.

Thinking of his children marrying someone brought a bitter taste to his mouth, knowing he wouldn't be there. He wouldn't be able to see grandchildren, to see them grow up, to see his own son grow up, and become the Lord of Winterfell he knew he would be one day.

Ned felt the same as the day he had received the news of his father and brother; that day had been the day Ned had stopped being a kid but turned into a man, someone who would go to war, fight, and perhaps never return.

His mind went to his little boy; Rickon was only three name days, and he doubted he would even remember his face when he became a man.

Hearing the sound of loud footsteps broke him from his thoughts; his eyes watched Arya chasing Bran, Summer, and Nymeria right behind them, Ned couldn't hear much from where he was, but he was sure he heard Arya saying something about dreaming and being Nymeria.

Ned figured she must have seen some strange dream; old nan could tell her what the dream was about. She always knew everything.

The Lord of Winterfell wondered what his daughter would look like, he knew he wouldn't be there to see it, but nothing stopped his imagination from wondering how each of his children would look like when they grew tall.

He imagined Arya would look similar to Lyanna; Ned then thought of Sansa, a frown formed on his face; his wife last night had talked to him about Sansa's future betrothal.

"I think you should talk with the King once we arrive at Harrenhal," his wife suddenly said as they were trying to get into their bed. Lord Wyman had prepared the best guest chambers for House Stark, even for Jon, something Ned was grateful for, knowing the future.

"Talk! Talk with him about what?" Ned questioned, turning fully to face her; she had gotten rid of her clothes, now only wearing a nightgown that was a bit transparent, allowing Ned to look at her.

"Sansa is at the right age, Ned; she's almost a grown woman, at the perfect age for betrothal. The Royal family will be at Harrenhal," Catelyn said with a smile, thinking of her beautiful daughter. The seven had blessed her girl with a beauty that would make everyone, even a prince, turn their heads to look at her.

Ned frowned at her words. He didn't like word games. He much more enjoyed when people were straightforward rather than dancing around their words, but he could see where his wife was going with this; he usually wouldn't have anything against it, his son was marrying a Northern daughter, Bran, and Rickon would also marry daughters of the North, normally he would probably think of it, but now, he knew it would be futile, as soon as the Treason was revealed, Ned knew they would be lucky if House Stark still held The North.

"You mean to talk with The King about a betrothal between Sansa and the Crown Prince," Ned said, wanting his wife to get the point.

She simply nodded with a smile, her thoughts going to her father, wasting away at the Wall. His dream would come true.

"King's Landing is a pit of snakes, my lady. The South is filled with snakes, and King's Landing is at the top. Our daughter doesn't know yet what the South is like," and I hope she never does, Ned thought the last words, knowing one has to go through hell to become a good player of their games. Sansa was still a maiden who thought of the South as a place full of honorable knights and beautiful ladies. He knew she would be torn apart there.

Catelyn looked ready to say something when Ned continued. "I don't think the King will agree, we might have peace, but as we have seen, the so-called Peace can be as fragile as a piece of glass. The Prince is fifteen name days, they most likely already found a bride for him, and even if they didn't, King Rhaegar would wed his son to Lady Margaery. The Reach is the second-richest kingdom and has the most amount of food. One of the houses in the Reach under House Tyrell is House Hightower. They have a lot of influence on the Faith and The Maesters. If I were in his place, I would have done that," Ned explained plainly, his eyes looking at his wife, whose smile wavered.

"That might be true, but marrying Sansa will bring The Riverrun and The North, Two kingdoms instead of one." Catelyn countered with a sharp tone like a knife.

Ned wanted to say that by the end of the Tourney, everything would change; Sansa would be lucky to marry someone with land and titles, and there was always the chance of the King demanding one of his daughters to marry a lord that was loyal to him. To ensure that Robb will never think of rebelling against them.

Knowing his wife wouldn't back down, Ned said the only thing he could right now. "I will talk with him."

Now, he watched as Jon entered the hall, accompanied by Val and Ghost. Again he noticed that Ghost was at Val's side instead of Jon. Ned wondered why but quickly dropped it when House Mormont entered.

Maege Mormont's eyes were on him, sizing him up. Ned wondered if something had happened that he wasn't informed of; looking back at Jon, he smiled, seeing his son talking with his wife. They seemed happy; Ned felt his eyes welling up, remembering something similar, not someone but rather himself, the promise he had made to her.

"I promise you, next time we see each other, we will be betrothed, and-" he touched her belly lovingly. "Our child will carry the Stark name," Ned promised before sealing his promise with a kiss.

That never came to be, he dishonored her, and their child never made it. Ned took a deep breath to calm himself; it did him no good to think about Ghosts.

Ned ate his food as if it were the first time. He heard from Lord Wyman that several fights would happen today at the Training Yard, mostly some of his knights, but also Dacey Mormont, Val, Jon Snow, and Robb Stark.

Ned wondered why his son wanted to fight. There was no point in showing his skill; it would be better to keep his abilities with a sword hidden, but he figured his son wanted to impress his betrothal. He just hoped his son wouldn't fight Jon, that would end in only one way, and he didn't want to deal with a headache right now.

As he swallowed some bread with boiled eggs, Wyman informed him that his soldiers during the night reported seeing something flying above the clouds, but due to the lack of light, and the half-moon, they couldn't see it.

Ned figured it was just soldiers seeing things that weren't there. The only large thing that used to conquer the skies were Dragons.

After breaking his fast, everyone walked outside, eager to see the heir of Winterfell fight. Soon the fighting started; Ned watched them from a balcony, his eyes glued on his son and nephew. Robb showed his talent, defeating every knight of House Wyman; the man laughed out loud every time one of his knights lost against Robb.

Ned smiled with pride to see his son defeat one after the other every time he won; he would look at his betrothal with a smile, and the girl would blush madly, kissing him on the cheek each time he won.

Ned felt Catelyn tense up when it came to the fight between Jon and Robb; both were using swords without a blade, and they weren't in any danger of causing harm, but Catelyn was still worried.

Ned simply smiled, but he could see everyone's attention was on this fight. Every lord and their heirs were paying attention to this one. Arya cheered loudly for Jon to win, standing beside Val, whose eyes were on Jon.

Ned saw Sansa was concerned for her brother, he couldn't really blame her, but he knew Jon would never harm Robb. Bran was simply looking impatient. He didn't care much who won as long as they fought.

Ned noticed from the corner of his eyes that Roose's son had his sights set on Sansa. Ned felt his heart pounding faster at the thought of Domeric perhaps seducing Sansa, Ned could tell the boy wasn't bad-looking, and Sansa was still very naive.

Ned's attention turned to the fight when the maester at arms of White Harbor started the fight with a loud shout. "Start!"

"AYE!" The lords cheered.

Jon watched his brother closely. Unlike every other time, now he seemed fully focused on the fight. His grip on the pommel was strong, and his blue eyes were on him. The first swing was hard and heavy, and Jon was waiting for it; stepping deftly to the side, he quickly struck his brother across the arm and followed it up with a hit to the side while his brother tried to recover from the missed strike.

Despite being hit, Robb didn't seem to lose his control. Instead, he kept his distance; with one swing, Jon backed away, the sword hitting the dirt, the hit much lighter than the first. Robb kept trying to hit Jon, his swings fast and light, trying to get a hit.

After two strikes, Jon moved back as he again allowed Robb to make his move, this time, he parried and feinted before catching Robb once again on his arm and side. Robb wasn't quick enough to counter him; Jon could almost see the disbelief on his face that he was already struck four times and hadn't managed to get a hit in.

Robb kept his distance, two meters away, his heart pounding in his throat. I'm the heir of Winterfell. I shouldn't... I can't fail, Robb thought, his jaw clenched tightly, not realizing that he was sweating heavily.

It seemed Robb had learned his lesson; his attack was more cautious this time, his swings a little less powerful; Jon, though was in his element, was fully in control of this match now, and he began to enjoy himself. He parried a hard blow to his left and feinted a return forcing Robb to step backward; as he did so, Jon was upon him. A short thrust followed by a quick arc to the right gave him his opening.

He swiftly took it, his sword hitting Robb square in the chest and falling on his ass; Jon pointed his sword at him, and Robb looked shocked.

"Yield?" Jon questioned, leaning his sword a bit closer to his face.

"I-I yield," the moment he accepted defeat, the courtyard was filled with cheers; Robb opened his eyes to see everyone cheering, he expected everyone to look at Jon, but many were applauding for him.

When he saw Jon offering his hand to him, Robb smiled in relief before accepting it. The Heir of Winterfell stood up, and he didn't get to say anything before he was approached by his betrothal, who looked worried for him.

"My lord, are you alright?" Wynafryd asked kindly, her voice sweet like honey; Robb found himself smiling like a fool.

"I'm fine, my lady," Robb said, grabbing her soft hand. His betrothal blushed madly at the gesture before she gave his hand a little squeeze. Robb really wanted to kiss right there in front of everyone, but he wasn't someone who could handle doing something like that in front of a crowd. Perhaps later when they were alone.

Robb turned to his brother, who, unlike him, shared a kiss with his wife.

Hearing footsteps, Jon turned to face Robb, who extended his hand. "Well fought, Jon. I think I know who will win the Tourney this year."

Jon looked at him before accepting his hand like brothers. "You fought well, too, Robb."

Jon then walked back to leave room for another fight. It was time for Val and Dacey to fight. Both were using blunt weapons. Well, Val was using a short sword without a blade.

Dacey was using a different mace since the one she used could heavily injure Val. The one she was using was safer. Jon hoped nothing would happen. The fight started, and both showed incredible skill. Dacey held her mace with two hands due to its weight, but Val kept dodging every attack.

Jon saw Val jumping back, dodging the attack or simply dodging every attack; unlike Dacey, Val kept her distance, her eyes looking at the Mormont warrior like a hawk.

Val saw another attack; she jumped back, and she could see from her face that Dacey wasn't losing control. Dodging two more hits, Dacey moved swiftly, Dacey tried to hit her arm, but she moved to her right before striking the biceps and the muscles around Dacey's arm.

Dacey winced, her arm almost going numb at the pain and sudden limp sensation spreading across her right arm.

Dacey grabbed her mace; her right arm was aching badly; Val narrowed her eyes; if this were a fight for life and death, she would have pierced the eyes and neck or slice her biceps. It would make the arm go limb, almost useless.

Dacey moved forward, swinging to her torso, this time much lighter. Val dodged it and tried to hit her arm again, but this time, Dacey had time and strength to use her mace again. At the last second, Val used her sword to ease the blow, sending her to the ground.

Val winced in pain but quickly ignored it; Dacey tried to approach now that she was on the ground, when Val forced herself to stand up, ignoring the pain and was ready to keep fighting...

"Stop," The Maester at Arms shouted.

"This is enough. We are not here to kill each other," the man said, stopping the fight between them. Val kept her eyes on Dacey, trying to ignore her aching arm, but the bear woman let go of her mace as soon as she did. Val took a deep breath to calm herself down; now that her heart wasn't pounding as fast as before, she felt the pain in her arm. It had definitely left a bruise.

"Good fight, Val," Dacey's voice broke her out of her thoughts; she turned to look at her, a smile spreading on her face.

"You too, Dacey. You truly are a warrior," Val complimented, the first time she had complimented someone South of the Wall that wasn't Jon.

Jon quickly walked up to her. "We need a maester to see it," he said, concerned, not touching her arm. Val knew it would hurt, but this was a bruise she would wear gladly.

Dacey felt her right arm had gone almost limp, she tried to move it around, but a jolt of pain made her stop. Fuck me. This hurts! Dacey thought, rubbing the part where it hurt, hoping it would numb the pain. Soon she was joined by her mother and sisters.


During the fight between Lady Dacey and Val. Lady Maege had approached Lord Stark, saying she wanted to talk to him.

The Lord of Winterfell now found himself in the God's Wood of White Harbor, standing in front of the Weirwood Tree, Lady Maege standing across him, her eyes looking at him with anger, sadness, and pity.

"What is that you wanted to talk about?" Lord Stark started, his voice calm and collected.

"Do you know what will happen once The King knows the Truth?" Maege asked right away, her voice low and blank.

"I will be executed for my crimes," Ned answered with no hint of fear in either voice or eyes.

"What about the North? Do you think the other lords will simply allow you to be executed?" Maege questioned; Ned noticed that she didn't include herself but ignored it.

He knew what she was talking about, and for a long time, he had thought of a way to ensure that No War would be fought after his Death.

"I know that. I will confess to everyone about my crimes. I will ensure the North understands that I don't desire War and that I committed treason." Ned answered firmly, standing like a Lord of the North.

Deep down, he knew what he was missing and what would happen. He knew he wouldn't see his children grow old and with their own families. Eddard Stark knew that, but surprisingly he didn't feel fear. He felt calm and a little relieved.

Relief that what had been eating at him for so long would finally disappear. Relief knowing that Jon would not live as a bastard any longer.

"Many say that the fear of death paralysis many people, Lord Stark," Maege said with a hint of admiration, she could tell that her liege Lord wasn't afraid, and she had respect for him, despite everything. She had sworn loyalty to House Stark, to the true rulers of The North. She would follow Robb Stark.

Lord Stark found himself laughing at her words. "You and me are soldiers, Maege. We learned to Die a long time ago."


With one last look behind him, Ned watched as White Harbor slowly disappeared from behind him. He was no longer in The North. Turning to look forward, he had seen, he remembered everything. Closing his eyes, he could see Winterfell right in front of him. The Walls, the Crypts, The God's Wood, everything. He could remember it all, and that brought a smile to his face.

Taking a deep breath filling his lungs with the cold air of the North. Eddard Stark looked South, where it had begun so long ago and where it would end. Towards Harrenhall.

Lyanna. Your son is returning Home...


Josef Látr

Good chapter and please add Dacey to Jon harem please please thanks


I hope val can announce shes pregnant when jon meets his targaryen family while everyone else chokes


Well, The Targaryen family will be quite surprised to find out that Jon married a Wildling. Thank you for reading my story.