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"Huh? What's wrong?"

The Yeager turned to his friend, who looked ready to ask something.

"Do you think we can pick up the pace a bit?"

They weren't in overdrive, but they also weren't moving slowly either. The horses moved across the rocky plain at a steady clip. Even yet, they were all perspiring from the intense heat. A result of spending hours in the hot heat while riding.

Jean, who appeared bored, jumped in and said, "It would be silly if we did. We have time to spare. This activity isn't really that crucial, after all."

Eren gave him a repulsive glance and responded, "Of course, an idiot like you would say that."

Jean merely shrugged, not caring what Eren was saying.

"Only a moron would exert excessive effort when it is clearly unnecessary. Additionally, if I work harder here, I won't get any closer to the Military Police."

Eren gave him a disapproving look. He considered saying anything, but he opted against it because he knew someone like Jean had a huge stick up his arse and wouldn't readily go. However, Eren was picked to be the group's leader; he wanted to demonstrate his ability to do so, and becoming irate with Jean wouldn't do that.

Eren was still taken aback by Shadis' decision to make him the group's leader rather than Marco or Armin, both of whom he knew to be far more composed than he was.

Although Team B continued to ride briskly, the rough route prompted them to moderate their speed. Moving swiftly down such an uncharted road was not very wise.

"Hmm?" When Jean turned to see, the recruits being followed by a huge gray-green reptile, "Damn. A new member has joined our group. I hope he's more useful than Eren."

Marco turned to face the lizard that didn't appear to be scared of them and said, "It's unusual to see lizards of that size around here."

"They're Delicious, I tell you." The other recruits looked at Sasha skeptically when she spoke, "I mean it! We used to roast them over a campfire and eat them as a family. They taste remarkably like chicken."

"Chicken, I guess?" Armin pondered, which made his stomach grumble in appreciation and some of the recruits chuckle.

"Can you prepare it?" Jean questioned Sasha, who proudly puffed out her chest in response.

"I can, of course. For someone with my ability, it is a straightforward task. Never undervalue a hunter!"

Eren smiled broadly, "Okay, so it's settled. Let's catch that lizard for dinner! Sasha can cook it. Eating something different than the soup they make back at the camp."

"Are you certain?" Armin questioned, seeming a little unsure of the proposition.

"Nothing can inspire someone more than a satisfying supper. Sasha, isn't that so?" Eren pressed the hunter.

"Yes, of course." the girl said ecstatically. When she considered eating some meat, the slime started to flow a little bit from her mouth.

"Don't do it!" Krista vehemently objected. "I object to the killing of a defenseless animal for food."

Eren turned to Krista, "I understand it could seem a little harsh. But that is the way the world is. Animals like lambs and cows are raised for our consumption. It's similar to hunting a wild lizard for food."

Sasha offered a weird bit of advice, "Just imagine that with the death of one animal, many more will be able to stay alive. It abides by the hunting legislation. The natural world and the cycle of life include us as hunters. We accept and revere the death of an animal because it ensures the continuation of life. Life is interconnected!"

The recruits stared at Sasha in awe of her insightful remarks.

Connie remarked, "Wow, and here I thought you were just another moron."

"M-moron?" Sasha muttered while displaying anger.

Eren grinned in response. "Okay. Your Majesty, would you want to perform the honors? You were the one who saw the lizard. The prey is theoretically yours."

Jean scowled at the ridiculous moniker.

"Heh. I have no option if our suicidal boss gives the command."

After saying so, he booted his horse and began looking for the reptile.

It wasn't long until Jean returned, sporting a haughty grin and his sword still holding the massive lizard's body.

"We already have meals for tonight."

"Yahooo!" Excited by the prospect of eating anything other than military rations.

The recruits had arrived in the forest throughout the day to set up camp. To complete various jobs, such as gathering fuel for the bonfire, feeding the horses and tying them to the trees, arranging the sleeping bags, and lightly cleaning the campsite, they had broken into groups.

Sasha had been given the task of expertly slicing the lizard and preparing the pot for cooking. She also prepared the potatoes by slicing them, adding them to the pot, and bringing them to a boil.

Eren thought Sasha's cooking looked lovely and was curious about how her meal would taste. He made a mental point to discuss it with her later.

The recruits were having a lovely supper of gigantic lizard stew in the evening.

"Sasha was correct; it's incredibly good!" As Connie shoveled stew into his lips, he shouted.

"Yes, not terrible," Jean said, who was having a different dinner than the standard rations.

Sasha proudly pushed out her chest. "As a hunter, I must always be aware of how to maximize my prey."

Eren praised, "It's extremely tasty. You're a fantastic chef. It's incredible that you were able to prepare something so delicious with little ingredients."

Thankfully, it was night, so no one except Armin could see Sasha blushing at his words. Armin snickered but didn't say anything about it.

Marco commented as he ate, "This is amazing, Sasha; perhaps you could cook for everyone from now on."

Despite the fact that she couldn't deny the meal was excellent, Krista stared at her bowl of stew with some sorrow. She couldn't resist taking another mouthful since the potatoes provided an even more delectable flavor to the chicken flavor.

"Not too terrible, huh?" Eren gave her a mild elbow strike. "Aren't you happy that we got that lizard?"

Eren laughed as Krista made a small pout and turned her head away while still eating the stew.

"You know Sasha, you should probably become a chef after the training corps ends; someone rich might hire you, and you will secure the rest of your life living in luxury," Jean suggested; Sasha seemed to be as if she was thinking about it, but she didn't want that.

"Do you really think we will get to live the rest of our lives away from the Titans," Eren couldn't help but say that; sometimes Jean could talk as if he was smart, but sometimes he really annoyed him.

"Oh boy," Connie commented, knowing this was just the beginning.

Jean turned to Eren with an indifferent look. "If you want to make a point, then go ahead," he prompted.

"Do you really think we are safe behind the walls? If The Colossal Titan taught us anything was that we are not safe behind the walls; sooner or later, the walls will fall again," Eren said, barely keeping his voice in control; he reminded himself that he was the leader and was supposed to have a cool head all the time.

"No matter what kind of soldier you become, if you manage to keep your cool even under the most stressful of situations, you will always be better than everyone else,"

Shadis's words to them repeatedly in his head again and again.

Armin noticed the slight flinch from Krista and Connie when Eren mentioned that the Colossal Titan would attack again. He couldn't fault them, even if they never saw it; the colossal titan was the stuff of nightmares.

Jean grunted in annoyance but not standing up yet; he wouldn't be the first; that place belonged to Eren.

"If what you said is the truth, so what? What do you think we can do against someone like that? It is better to live the rest of your life comfortable rather than die as soon as possible," He countered; Marco looked ready to stop them if it came down to blows.

Eren frowned and looked at Jean in annoyance.

"So it's better to hide like a coward than fight the threat?!" the boy snapped, getting up aggressively. Damn it

"I only have an appreciation for my life..." Jean stood up and loomed over him. "Unlike you, who seems eager to want to die outside these walls!"

Marco rolled his eyes at the impending discussion. And he was not the only one; everyone rolled their eyes at what they knew would happen.

"Then why did you join the Training Corps ?!" Eren yelled indignantly. "Was it so you could flee like a coward to the inner walls ?! You train for three years to be able to fight against the Titans so that later you can be from the furthest place from them! Why are you so good to be part of this charade ?!"

"I told you, this is reality! Accept it!" Jean yelled as if he were explaining something to a five-year-old boy, "I do very well this farce. It is better to take advantage of the system than to be a slave. What's wrong with wanting to live a quiet life? The only thing outside the walls is a horrible death."

Eren frowned slightly at Jean's words. He wasn't mad at him. In fact, he recognized his words and couldn't blame him for wanting to live a quiet life. Or, at least, as quiet as possible within these walls.

"So you plan to spit on the sacrifice of all the people who died fighting !?"

Jean snorted at that as he crossed his arms.

"That was their decision to want to fight something we cannot defeat. Don't put me in a battle where we already know how the outcome will end. With us in the mouths of those monsters!"

Eren growled angrily and grabbed Jean's shirt.

"You're a bloody coward!"

"It's better than being a bastard in a hurry to want to die!"

Eren clenched his teeth in anger, ready to punch him, perhaps a missing tooth would get the point across, and it seemed Jean was waiting for him to strike.

Eren Yeager is the leader of Group B

Eren reminded himself that he was the leader; if he ever hoped to actually save anyone, to ever lead his people to safety, to a better future, then he needed to be able to control his anger, to be better.

Jean was actually surprised when Eren let go of his shirt and just sat down where he had been sitting a second ago.

Fixing his shirt that Eren had grabbed, he sat down without a single word; he looked at the Yeager, who was staring at the flames as if he was seeing something.

"Eren, why is killing all the titans so important to you?" Marco reluctantly asked; everyone knew of his mother, but he wondered if it was all just pure revenge.

The others flinched, especially Armin, knowing that discussing was still a sour subject to Eren despite how much he tried to hide it.

Eren's green eyes moved to meet Marco's eyes, who didn't break eye contact.

"The day the colossal titan destroyed the wall, before that, I had a heated argument with my mother; my last words to her were that everyone who was comfortable living inside the walls was nothing but cattle. I ran away, and when the Colossal came, a big rock hit my house; my mother was still alive but stuck under the destroyed house. Me and Mikasa tried, but nothing worked; she begged me to run away with Mikasa; Hannes, who was a good friend of my parents, carried us away. I saw my mother getting eaten by a Titan; back then, I could do nothing but cry. That day I promised the world that I would get rid of all the titans and that our people would never suffer again. That day would not repeat," Eren said with conviction; despite what he said, there were no tears, and his eyes were as blank as a void.

Krista moved close to Eren, putting a hand on his shoulder. She didn't say anything; she just wanted him to know that she was there for him. Soon Sasha did the same, followed by Connie.

"I believe in your dream Eren; if anyone could make it happen is you,"

Eren looked at the baldy with a sincere smile. He was actually surprised by his words.

Jean frowned before looking down at the fire. "Idiot," he murmured, but more to himself rather than Eren.


During the late hours of the night, strangely, Eren woke up.

As he scratched his fluffy, slightly tousled hair, he realized why he woke up.

"Bath..." he muttered to himself.

He got out of his sleeping bag and made sure not to step on anyone as he went deep into the woods to "water" some bush.

When he had heeded the call of nature, Eren sighed in relief.

It was when he heard the snorting of a horse that he turned to look at a small lake that was very dark due to the lack of a moon in the sky. Intrigued, he leaned over to watch and noticed someone sitting by the lake, lost in thought.


The blonde girl turned to watch Eren approach him.

"Is something wrong?" He asked. "Can't you sleep?"

"No, it's not that," she denied. "It's just ... I can't help but think about the future after the training corps and if I can even complete it,"

Eren arched an eyebrow at that.

"You think you can't finish the training?"

"A little," she confessed while hugging her legs against her body. "I don't think I have what it takes to be a soldier. I'm not like Mikasa or Annie, who are able to complete any training with ease... me, I have nothing like them. It's just me."

Eren glanced at her. She looked a bit depressed. Insecure and somewhat sad.

"Hey, Krista," Eren called.

She turned to look at him and found her forehead being hit by Eren's retracted finger.

"Why was that?" She asked, frowning and puffing out her cheeks.

Eren just thought about how adorable and cute Krista looked, trying to intimidate him.

"Do you know what quality every soldier must have?" He asked.

"Uh,... good handling of the ODM?" She asked, "I mean, it's something all soldiers should know; the reason why the training takes so long is so that we can use the equipment correctly."

"A soldier would be useless if he doesn't know how to handle it properly; that's what they teach us ..." Eren agreed. "... But I don't think the same."

"Huh?" Krista looked puzzled. "Don't you?"

"No. I think that the most important thing for a soldier is not the ability to use the ODM or to be able to handle any weapon competently. They are very indispensable qualities, yes, but the most important thing for a soldier ... is the desire to want to help others of wanting to serve and protect those people who are unable to protect themselves. A soldier must want to protect humanity. A soldier is useless if he is unable to protect a civilian."

Krista was stunned by his words. It was a very noble way of looking at the work of a soldier. Where others saw training as a way to prepare to fight the enemy, Eren saw it as a way to protect people. Protect those who are unable to protect themselves. It was a very honorable way of thinking, and that is precisely why she admired him so much.

"That's why I think you are one of the most qualified to be a soldier," Eren continued to Krista's surprise, "Of all of us, you are the one who cares the most about the Ymir, and I can attest to that. Although Ymir would say something like you don't need to be nice to anyone else, just her."

They both shared a slight laugh at her statement, knowing that was exactly what the tall, freckled girl would say.

Krista looked at the lake carefully, feeling much better after hearing the words of her good friend.

"Thank you, Eren," she said. "It's good to know that someone thinks I'm capable of being a soldier."

"You can become a great soldier ... Maybe even much more."

They were both in pleasant silence for a few minutes, just enjoying each other's company.

It was then that they heard the sound of a branch breaking. They both turned to see what had been, but due to poor visibility and the natural darkness of the forest, they couldn't see much.

"What was ...?"

"Shhh," Eren silenced her, straightening up slowly so as not to make a noise.

He had a strange feeling hammering in his head. As a warning that whatever had caused that branch to break was not a wild animal.

He heard the sound of bushes stirring from the same place where the branch had broken. The two young recruits watched closely for whatever might emerge until they both heard the sound of footsteps behind them.

Eren was the one who quickly turned around, only to watch a rifle aimed at his face.


A scream caused all of them to wake up abruptly; he didn't even manage to properly stand up from his tent before he noticed a gun aimed at his head.

"Don't move," one man ordered, pointing a pistol at each of them; the others had raised their hands in surrender, and at least ten men surrounded them; the blonde quickly noticed that Eren wasn't around.

"Where's Eren?" Armin questioned only for a second later to see Eren and Krista walk out from a bush; two guns pointed at their heads.

"You bastard," Jean growled, seeing them.

"Take their ODM gear, and hurry," The man shouted at his man, who started collecting the gear; none of them protested; Armin bit his lower lip hard enough to draw blood, something noticed by Krista, who found it a bit odd.

Armin knew he could transform and knock them down, but he was way too close to his friends; his transformation would no doubt harm them or maybe even kill them.

"Why do you need our gear, and why do you need us?" Eren questioned surprisingly with a calm tone. His cheek was bleeding as if someone had punched him.

"To sell your gear, of course, you cannot defeat the titans, as for you two. You will make fine slaves," the man explained with a really unsettling smirk.

Eren barely reacted; instead, he stared at the blonde girl beside him, who flinched when she heard his words, and her body started shaking. "Don't be scared, Krista. I won't allow them to harm you," he promised, his words only heard by the blonde girl who felt better hearing his words.

Soon their gear was collected, and Eren and Krista were put in separate carriages that rode away.

"What should we do?" Connie shouted the moment the carriages were far away.

"We should find the other teams and find our friends," Armin said with a commanding tone that even he didn't know where it came from. The others seemed to be listening to him.

"If we wait until Shadis and the others are informed, we might never find them," he quickly added before turning to Sasha.

"You're a hunter; we will need you to..."

Eren Yeager

Has been an hour since they were traveling; he was paying close attention to the carriage that Krista was in; he knew her carriage was several meters away but not far enough; he turned to the man who was holding a gun aiming at him, with his finger on the trigger.

Eren quickly noticed he was nervous; his hands were sweating, and so was his face, and his trigger finger was moving a bit too much.

"What will you do once the Titans break in? You know we are not safe forever, and you are taking the only thing that gives us a chance to fight them," Eren said with an emotionless tone, just as his carriage passed a big bump on the road, causing the carriage to rock back and forth. Still, he kept his balance; unlike the man whose gun fell, he quickly grabbed it, pointing at Eren, who was unfazed now, paying attention to Krista's carriage behind him.

There were three carriages; he was in the first one, and Krista was in the third one.

"What does it matter? You can't kill them, so we are making your jobs easier," the man replied without much thought.

Eren heard a loud noise, the wheel of the third carriage had fallen down when they passed the big bump.

"What happened?" The man shouted, seeing the carriage was getting away from them and not moving anymore.

"The wheel has fallen; we are trying to put it back," a voice shouted; the moonless night made it very hard to see.

Eren knew they were far enough; he turned to the man in front of him with a frown.

"So you're simply surrendering your fate; you would rather put your own life in the hands of someone else," he spoke with disgust; the man didn't like the boy's attitude before punching him in the face.

"Who are you to tell me, anything, boy? You know nothing about how the world works," the man shouted angrily; Eren lifted his head, looking at him with contempt, his lips bleeding.

"I know quite a lot. I know I will not allow what happened three years ago to happen again, and I will keep moving forward," Eren spoke.

The man felt his whole body turn cold, the eyes of a devil looking back at him, electricity dancing around the boy whose lips healed in Steam.

"Until I Destroy All My Enemies,"



Awesome chapter lov u adding your own things and nit doing everything canon and then putting your name on it super gd job


I really like this version of Eren much better than the canon version we’re he went all psycho