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First of all, Thank you all for your Support. I really appreciate everything.

For those who voted in the Poll I published 9 Days ago, the Two Stories that got the most Votes are Harry Potter and Naruto raised by the Raikage.

I’m happy to announce that since I have reached my goal, there will be more chapters on Patreon; again, Thank You All for your Support.

The two Upcoming stories are:

Harry Potter and The Blood of The First

The Purple Flash of Kumo

They will be published around October 2022 to January 2023.

Tomorrow Alone in The Wizarding will be updated, Two Chapters, I wanted to update it today, but I have had a few problems with my health.

Tomorrow I will publish another poll for Upcoming Stories. For a Third one to be written around February-April 2023 from the old poll that didn’t win, they have another Chance.

I hope you have a Great Day. See You Later.



When you say Purple Flash, are you referring to him having the Hiraishin?


Well that's a good new but please don't make yourself sick for those story take care .