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Dear Harry, Thanks, I needed that advice. It didn't exactly work, though. At dinner yesterday, I tried to talk to my parents about school, but my dad told me not to say anything at all about magic. When he said that, my mum went really pale and looked like she was going to be sick.

I'm not sure I like the sound of that Exploding Snap game, it does sound a bit, well, explosive. I'm glad that you're all having a great time back at school, and that Fred and George are keeping the Christmas cheer going strong. All the snow that was left here yesterday is gone. It's snowing a little bit now, although it doesn't look like it's going to settle much. No white Christmas for me this year, then. Hopefully you'll still have some left when I get back.

I've been thinking quite a lot about Nicholas Flamel (I can't find him anywhere in my books) and that his links to Dumbledore have got to mean something, surely. It's all got to tie together somehow. So, if you're still trying to remember where you've seen his name before, think of Dumbledore and perhaps that will help.

Have you read something about Dumbledore somewhere that had Flamel's name in it? Have you seen Flamel's name around school anywhere? I'm sure that Ron wouldn't like to keep searching in the library, so I suppose you could give up on looking through books. Besides, you probably would have found him by now if he was in there. No, two weeks isn't particularly long, but it really does feel like it. I would give anything to go and spend Christmas at Hogwarts with you instead. I may try to persuade my parents to let me stay next year, although that may need to wait until the summer. See you soon, Hermione.

Dear Hermione, I'm really sorry. I'm still convinced that your parents just need some time to come to terms with the fact that you're a witch. It was probably easy for them to forget it all when you weren't there with them for so long. What happened when you got your letter? What did they say? Did they seem okay with it or were they like they are now? Don't judge Exploding Snap by its name, it's loads of fun, honestly! Well, Ron singed the edge of one of his eyebrows yesterday, but the twins fixed that before Percy could see.

So, other than a few minor safety issues, it really is alright. Ron also taught me how to play Wizard's Chess. It's pretty much the same as regular chess, except the pieces are all little people with weapons. They get to know their owners quite well, so Ron was amazing because he's had his pieces since he was little, but I had to use some of Seamus' old ones that he had given to Ron once. They hated me. Every time I tried to move one, another one would yell at me. They'd tell me not to move to that square, or to move a different piece to somewhere else.

They really confused me. When one piece takes another, it lifts its sword up and swings it down. As soon as the sword hits apiece, that piece smashes apart. It's completely barbaric, but it is quite enjoyable. In the end, George (I think) took over for me; I think they all felt sorry for me because of how badly I was losing. Oops! I've been thinking a lot about this Flamel bloke too, and I still can't imagine where I could have read his name before.

I think you're along the right lines with his links to Dumbledore, I just can't think of anywhere that I might have read something about him. You're right about Ron not wanting to go back to the library too. I asked him and he said he hated that place now that we've spent so much time in it reading. We've searched everywhere in there so many times we could probably recite half of the books there in order. That is, if we wanted to, which we really don't. I hope your parents will let you stay here over Christmas next year, it's nice, actually, being at school but not having lessons or homework.

Do you remember that Herbology essay we had to do a few weeks ago? Guess who only just remembered that he hasn't done it yet? Ron told me he's glad you weren't here for that, or you'd give him a right old lecture. I told him he should do it straight away, but he shrugged and challenged me to another game of Wizard's Chess. That's another thing that I'm going to have to teach you how to play when you get back. I'm bad at it, but it's really fun. Guess what? Only twelve days until you come back! Hooray! Well, it's still kind of long, but it's less than fourteen! And on top of that, tomorrow is Christmas Eve, which means it's two days until Christmas! Ron and the twins are constantly bouncing off the walls and running around telling everybody who will listen that it's almost Christmas.

I suppose that this is a normal holiday season in the Weasley household. I'm actually really excited because Christmas with the Dursleys wasn't really all it was cut out to be, if I'm being honest with you. It was only really Dudley who did any present opening. I'm just sad that you won't be here for my first proper Christmas. Have a great day, Harry.


Dear Harry, Alright, you win, I'll give Exploding Snap and Wizard's Chess a go when I get back. I was right about that snow not settling; I can see every inch of my garden from here. Even worse, the snow has completely stopped and it isn't forecasted to start again.

Harry, I've just thought, you haven't checked the entire library; you haven't been into the Restricted Section. I honestly don't know how you're supposed to, but, if the library does hold information about Flamel that the teachers don't really want students knowing, surely it'd be in there. Still no luck with my mum and dad.

Today, I was looking through some of my school books when my mum came into my room to give me my jumper that I had left downstairs. She saw my wand sitting on top of my trunk, dropped the jumper, turned as white as a sheet and ran from my room. I finally understand why they aren't talking to me; they're scared of me. I tried to tell them that I wasn't allowed to do any sort of magic outside of school, but my dad just told me not to use the 'M-word under his roof again. I've not really got much else to write about, and Hedwig won't stop pecking my desk, so I suppose this will have to be it. Oh dear, Hedwig just jumped onto my bed____________________ I'm really sorry about that.

My mum and dad were walking past my room when they heard Hedwig screeching. They came in and my dad chased her around until she flew out of the window. She's alright, though. I think she just hovered around outside for a bit until my dad stopped yelling at me for letting a 'wild animal' into the house. I nearly told him it wasn't wild and that it was yours, but that obviously wouldn't have ended well. Luckily, they didn't seem to see this letter on my desk. I don't know what they'd have done if they did. Probably something that would stop me from being able to write to you and you to me. Have a great Christmas Eve, Hermione.

Dear Hermione, Happy Christmas Eve! I can't believe your dad did that! That's Dursley-level bad! I gave Hedwig a treat just before I opened your letter, but now I don't think she deserved it. Actually, she has been flying backwards and forwards between our houses for a few days now, so I suppose I can let her off this time. In fact, she looks a little tired. I'll probably send this with a school owl, to give her some rest. Wait, you already knew that, didn't you? Never mind.

The chess game Ron challenged me to yesterday didn't end particularly well. I honestly don't know how he managed it, but Ron was able to take all of my pieces and get my King in check fourteen times before it was checkmate in about five minutes. I know, I'm terrible. I'm so excited for Christmas! I hope that your parents make an effort to talk to you tomorrow, I really do. They should: it's Christmas! I remember that, on Christmas eve, the Dursleys would always send me to Mrs. Figg next door whilst they went down to this park place that always did really cool light shows. Lucky for me it always got shown on live TV, so Mrs. Figg would put it on.

Once, I saw the Dursleys in the front row looking really cold. I probably shouldn't have enjoyed that as much as I did. In fact, I think that was the day she gave me the bracelet I gave you. Yeah, it was! She had just gone out of the room to get it and I was laughing at the Dursleys on TV. Then, she came back in with this little lilac parcel, and I thought, Oh, maybe it's a Christmas present for me! Well, I was a bit disappointed at first. In fact, I've been rather disappointed with it until just recently.

I never really understood it. Now that I do, I like it a lot. I suppose in some ways it was a Christmas present. Probably the best one I've ever been given. To be honest, that probably isn't as good as it sounds, seeing as I don't really remember many other Christmas presents that weren't whichever little coin my aunt had lying in her purse. But, hey, that one was great! Don't think I won't write to you tomorrow just because it's Christmas. I will, I promise! I'd get you to promise too, but I know you will anyway, so there really isn't any point. Enjoy Christmas Eve! Harry. P.S. Ron says hi.


Dear Harry, HAPPY CHRISTMAS! Well, it's still Christmas Eve now, but when you open this, it will be Christmas. The tawny owl you sent your letter with was beautiful! Not as beautiful as Hedwig, of course, but a great substitute. I'll keep this short as I don't want to take up too much of your Christmas day. I remember what I always did on Christmas eve. My mum and dad would take me out for a walk around the neighbourhood to see everyone's decorations.

I think they only really did it to wear me out before I went to bed. When we got back we'd watch a live broadcast of a light show from Little Whinging. That's the one you were talking about, isn't it? The one that always ended with a really big firework that was shaped like a present? I always wanted to go and see it properly. In fact, we were going to go this year. I checked with my mum in the summer and she said that we could still go when I got back from school.

I actually thought that they might go without me, but I can hear it starting on the TV downstairs. That's about it, I suppose. Not much is going on around here. Can you write to tell me what you get tomorrow? Well, today, I guess. By the time you read this it'll be Christmas morning! I want to feel like I'm there with you. Happy Christmas, Hermione. Dear Hermione, HAPPY CHRISTMAS! The owl I sent yesterday was pretty, wasn't it? I think Hedwig's looking okay to take this one, though. Oh yeah, I think that is the light show the Dursleys always go to.

I always loved that big present. I would always sit and try to figure out how they did it. I've still got no idea, to be honest. Thanks so much for the presents you got me, I love them! I actually didn't think I was going to get much at all, but I did! Here's what I got:

• A handmade wooden flute from Hagrid (it's a little off-key, but it sounds like an owl and it's lovely),

• A 'Weasley Jumper' and some fudge from Ron's mum. All the kids have a jumper. Each one is a different colour (Ron says they always get the same) and has each person's first initial on. Ron's is maroon (he hates it) the twins have got blue and mine's green. It's actually quite comfy,

• A box of Cauldron Cakes and Fizzing Whizbees from Ron and the twins,

• I got fifty-pence from my aunt and uncle (I let Ron have it, as the shape of it fascinated him),

• Then there's the huge box of Chocolate Frogs and Quidditch Through the Ages from you,

• And I got this cloak thing with an anonymous sender. I tried the cloak on and it's an invisibility one! It's really cool! It's actually a bit mysterious because there was a note attached to it that said:

Your father left this in my possession just before he died. It is time it was returned to you. Use it well. A Very Merry Christmas to you. That was it. No name, no signature, no nothing. A bit suspicious, if you ask me, but it works, it really does! Those Chocolate Frogs you sent me made me remember where I read Nicholas Flamel's name before. On the train ride to school, I bought a Chocolate Frog off the trolley. I didn't actually manage to eat the frog, but on the card was Dumbledore. I looked through my bag, and I've found it. Here's what the back says: Albus Dumbledore, currently headmaster of Hogwarts.

Considered by many the greatest wizard of modern times, Professor Dumbledore is particularly famous for his defeat of the Dark wizard Grindelwald in 1945, for the discovery of the twelve uses of dragon's blood and his work on alchemy with his partner, Nicholas Flamel. Professor Dumbledore enjoys chamber music and tenpin bowling. Flamel! He was an alchemist who worked with Dumbledore! To think, we searched every book in that library, when it was just on a Chocolate Frog Card. Ron was rather annoyed with me at first, but he got over it pretty quickly. You know what, though? I think I'll still have a look in the Restricted Section of the library with this new cloak I've got. It can't hurt, can it? Don't be silly, Hermione, you aren't taking up my day at all. I love writing to you. I suppose it makes it feel more like you're here. Write back and tell me what you got! Enjoy your Christmas! Only nine days left, Harry.


Dear Harry, Happy Boxing day, I suppose. It's still Christmas right now, but not for long, I'm afraid. I can't believe you only read Flamel's name on a Chocolate Frog card! We spent so much time in that library just looking for one name, and you read it on a Chocolate Frog card? Honestly, Harry, I can't believe you. I do agree though, you should still look in the Restricted Section, in case it's got anything else. Christmas was really quite boring for me. I suppose it was bound to be, wasn't it? I'm stuck in one of the last places in the world that I want to be and none of my friends are anywhere near.

My mum and dad said 'Merry Christmas' to me this morning and watched me open the presents I got from them, but ever since I've been stuck up here, waiting for Hedwig to arrive. I didn't really get much from my family this year. I don't mind, though, I got lots from you and Ron. I got:

~ An old collection of poem books, some chocolate and some Muggle storybooks from my parents,

~ Jelly Slugs and Fizzing Whizbees from Ron,

~ Cauldron Cakes, a Chocolate Frog (I got Professor McGonagall) The Essential Defence Against the Dark Arts and Quidditch Through the Ages books from you.

It's really rather funny, isn't it, how we both got each other Quidditch Through the Ages? I felt bad that Snape took the copy I'd lent you before you'd finished reading it, so I got you a proper one. Just don't let Snape catch you with it! Nine days doesn't seem so long anymore, does it? Thank you so much for all the presents, Hermione.

"Bye, Hedwig," Harry whispered as his owl flew out across the starry sky. It was the end of Boxing Day and Harry had just finished writing yet another letter to Hermione. This one, however, had been unusually short. He hadn't really had much to say, as life was starting to get more and more boring now that Christmas was over. Harry, in spite of himself, was actually longing for classes to restart. He wanted to see Hermione properly again, and even the Weasley boys had had a bit of a crash from their previous holiday euphoria.

Harry had told Hermione about his boring Boxing Day and about the greatly dampened moods of Ron, Fred and George. He explained to her that they had hardly seen Percy at all during the holidays so far, as he seemed rather intent on staying as far away from them as possible. Harry then went on to explain that he was going to try to sneak into the Restricted Section of the library the next evening. Finally, he told her the late Christmas present that Percy had (reluctantly) gotten him.

He had bought Harry his very own chess set so that he didn't have to get yelled at every time he played with Seamus' old pieces. He did feel that this present was meant more to protect Percy's eardrums than to improve Harry's chess skills, but he had counted his blessings and thanked Percy profoundly. Sighing, Harry pulled the invisibility cloak back over himself. The only reason he had written to Hermione so late in the day was to give him a chance to test the cloak out before he used it the next evening. He sped back through the corridors until he got back to the common room.

Flushed and sweaty, he pulled the cloak off of him and let it drop to the floor. "How'd it go, mate?" Ron looked up from his very late and still incomplete Herbology essay. "Great!" Harry chuckled at him,"Professor Sprout finally hunt you down, then?" Ron mumbled something angrily under his breath, which only made Harry laugh more. Ron rolled his eyes at Harry, who picked his cloak up off of the floor and ran up to his dorm. It was late. So late, in fact, that the room was pitch black. Harry flopped onto his bed and flicked on the bedside lamp. His feet ached from kicking almost every bed on his way over, and his shoulder hurt from completely misjudging where the bathroom door was.


Harry swallowed his fear and scrambled out of the portrait hole. It hadn't been a particularly good day. Hermione had replied to his letter, wishing him luck and telling him that her parents still wouldn't properly acknowledge her presence. Ron had served a rather lengthy detention with a seemingly livid Professor Sprout and the twins had been out playing in the snow all day. Harry, however, hadn't really felt like joining them. Instead, he sat alone in the common room with his new chess set.

That lot hadn't seemed to like him much more than Harry's previous ones had. With the black pieces moving themselves around, Harry had grown rather confused. They were very good, and probably expected him to be the same. Needless to say, Harry lost that game. Next, the black side decided to give Harry an advantage by removing their queen from the board at the start of the game. Not even this would allow Harry a victory. The pieces seemed beside themselves with anger that they had been given to someone with so little chess skill and they vowed to win him a game in the future.

Now, however, Harry put all of that behind him. All that mattered was that he didn't get caught, or else he'd likely be expelled. Harry had been rather surprised at how quickly Hermione had warmed to his plan; he had been prepared to have to persuade her a great deal, but she had seemed rather excited about it from the start, giving Harry only a warning of the consequences of him being caught. Wrapping the cold cloak tighter around himself, Harry hurried up to the library. It was very dark, but Harry had - on Hermione's orders - brought a lamp with him. He lit it and looked around. The whole room was very eerie, but one area seemed even more so than the rest. Harry moaned quietly as he looked at the uninviting corner that was the Restricted Section. Although he couldn't read the sign on the rope separating it from the rest of the library in the dim light, Harry knew that this section was not really somewhere that someone would want to go, especially at night.

Stepping gingerly over the rope, Harry lifted the lamp up so that he could read the books' spines. One book on the shelves stood out to Harry. A large, black hardback sat next to a small and flimsy green book which looked to have a large bloodstain on it. Harry dumped the cloak and lamp on a small table next to him, prised the black book from the shelf and opened it. A blood-curdling shriek echoed from it's pages. Harry slammed the book shut, but the screams continued. He shoved the book back onto the shelf, spun around and fumbled for his cloak, knocking the lamp over in the process. Flinging the cloak over him, Harry fled the library empty handed. Harry darted around a suit of armour.

Snape and Filch were standing by a large door that Harry could not recall ever seeing before. He peered curiously at them, hardly daring to move. "Somebody's...been...in the...Restricted...Section!" Filch wheezed,"There was...a shriek, there was, and...this," to his horror, Filch held up Harry's broken lamp,"Still...hot! Means they're still...out...of...bed!" Snape's lips twisted into a sickening frown,"The Restricted Section? They can't be far, let's go!" The two men turned and ran, almost knocking Harry over. Scared, Harry darted through the door that they had been standing in front of. Glad to see that it was empty, he tugged the cloak off and looked around the room in awe. It was lit solely by the moon that shone through the windows, and the only thing that resided in there was a tall mirror.

Approaching it cautiously, Harry squinted to read the words engraved at the top of the frame: Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi. Harry blinked and stared at the inscription again: Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi. It still made no sense.

The mirror was at least twice as tall as Harry and about triple his width. He looked back at his reflection. Slowly, two figures came into view behind him. A woman with deep red hair and emerald green eyes stood behind Harry's left shoulder, smiling warmly at him. A tall man with jet black hair, chiselled features, and a pair of round glasses not unlike those that Harry had on stood behind his right shoulder, grinning hugely.

"M-Mum? Dad?" Harry's voice broke even though he only spoke in a tiny whisper, "Is-is that you?" Although an answer was unnecessary, the woman nodded and placed a delicate hand on Harry's shoulder. He instinctively placed his hand on top of hers, only to find that he could not feel anything there.

Looking back at the mirror, the image started changing again, this time, his parents were there, but a girl was there too; Harry didn't know who she was, but she was holding his hand tightly, he felt a warmth on his chest, smiling.

Harry looked closely when he suddenly recognized who she was.

"Hermione!" He whispered to himself with a smile before a dark hooded figure approached behind his parents towards them; Harry suddenly felt cold, really cold.

He couldn't see the face, only a hooded figure whose face couldn't be seen.

You desire so much, but is that really what you want?

Harry wanted to say that he wanted his family when the image changed yet again, this time showing him, older, with dark robes, holding a wand; close to him stood Hermione, but there were other people he had never seen before. One of them had long blonde hair and was breathtakingly beautiful. The other was a tall woman with long, thick, shining black hair. She had full lips, dark, heavy-lidded eyes, and a strong jaw.

Harry's eyes went to the wand the older Harry was holding; it wasn't the one he had now.

The wand was made of elder wood, was 15 inches, and contained a Thestral tail-hair core. Harry could feel a strange sense of power coming from it. But then his eyes saw a strange necklace around his neck, at the end of it was a strange dark stone.

It's been so long since I have seen that wand, stone, and cloak. I knew you were the one, Harry.

Harry suddenly felt everything going dark around him, the mirror, the whole room was covered in darkness, the only thing he could see was the hooded figure who was approaching towards him, strangely Harry wasn't afraid of him, he felt like he knew him in a way.

"Who are you?"

The hooded figure slowly removed the hood revealing someone. Harry's breath was stuck in his throat; he had never seen this face before, yet he knew his name somehow...

"Gellert Grindelwald??!"

So far, the story has followed pretty closely with canon. After this chapter is when everything starts changing.


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