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In the year 839, the scout regiment was sent out on another expedition beyond the safety of wall Maria to set up a base of operations for further exploration. Captian Erwin and his squad were sent to the south-east quadrant to clear out any Titans that present a threat to the main convoy. This led them into a large expanse of forest, known as the Shi Forest.

Erwin was atop his horse, leading his squad into the thickly forested area he was tasked to clear.His blue eyes scanned the trees, watching out for any Titans that were lurking around, waiting to pounce on them.

As they moved forward down the path, his second in command along with his best Titan killer, Hanji and Levi, rode up beside him.

Hanji: Captian, if I may! This forest is a death trap! There could be Titans around any bend. We won't even see them coming!

"She's right. We're riding to our doom." Levi said.

"We were given a job to do. Do any of you have a plan to die today?" Erwin said.

They stayed silent and shook their heads.

"That's what I thought. We will not die. . . not today."

As they continued to ride, they stumbled across a large clearing. Five 12 meter Titans were all gathering around the center, attracted to something. Erwin stared wide-eyed, confused. Never has he seen Titans attracted to something other than humans before.But there were no other humans out there other than them. . . right?

"Attack formation! Chop these bastards down to size!" Erwin ordered.


Levi was the first to attack, as always. Something within him seems to scream for the release of adrenaline. It's fascinating to watch. He cut down the first Titan before anyone else could react.The others soon sprang into action, and quickly all the Titans fell.Erwin, who never left his horse during the encounter, trotted over to the center of the clearing.

I wonder what has gotten you five so interested in this specific spot?, Erwin thought curiously.

The rest of the squad all clung to different tree trunks surrounding the clearing with their ODM gear.The blood of the Titans they killed sizzling off their skin.Erwin's horse neighed as it drew closer to the corpses of the Titans.

Erwin started stroking his steeds fur, "Easy, easy. They're already dead. There is no need to be afraid,"

As he was calming his horse, a bright flash of light in the center of the clearing blinded him along with the rest of his comrades.

"Ah, what the hell is that!?" Lenik shouted as he was shielding his eyes.

"Is it a Titan!?" Hanji said with a hint of terror in his voice.

Erwin covered his eyes from the very bright flash. Along with the light came a wave of heat, kind of like Titan heat, but it felt. . . different.

"It is a Titan! We should kill it!" Eld shouted at everyone immediately.

"NO!" Erwin shouted at his squad, his voice booming.

They all gasped just as the light began to fade and the heat subsided. Erwin jumped down from his horse and squinted to try to get a glimpse at what is residing in the center of the clearing. ODM gear was fired, and Levi zipped down beside him, looking like his typical stoic self.

"Captain, if this is a Titan, or worse, we should retreat and inform the commander." Levi said looking at the captain.

Erwin turned to look at Levi, "I never took you for one following protocol, Levi."

"Sir-" Levi said with a half-voice.

Hanji zipping down to Erwin's other side, "Captain, if it is a Titan. . . can I study it?" He asked.

Erwin glanced at him before saying, "We have to find out what it is first. I do not think it is a Titan. Titans do not attack their own kind, and they were definitely attacking whatever is at the center of this clearing. And I have personally never seen a Titan give off so much light before in all my service in the scout regiment." Both Levi and Hanji look at their captain with questioning glances.

"Whatever is waiting for us beyond this smoke is something different. . . something abnormal. . . something that can change the tide of this war." He finished.

Levi was changing his blade, "For which side, I wonder." He wondered out loud.

Erwin's brows furrow, his fists clench.

"There is only one way to find out."

Levi, Hanji, and all the other Scouts still attached to the tree trunks watch in shock as their leader walked into the thick wall of Titan smoke.

Levi and Hanji glanced at one another before looking to where the captain had walked into the wall of smoke. They waited. . . and waited. Neither knowing if their captain was even alive. But after a few minutes, he remerged from the smoke. His scout jacket was removed, his face concerned yet determined.In his arms caused everyone present to gasp in shock, their eyes threatening to bulge out of their skulls. Sleeping in the Captain's arms was none other than a small boy, no more than four years of age. His dark hair blowing softly in the breeze, his face was clean, no sign of damage could be seen. Erwin's jacket was resting around his small body, covering him. The only clothing other than that was a ragged shirt and pants that were mostly ripped to shreds.

"What the-" Levi tried to say, lost of words.

Hanji's eyes widened and glistening, "This is so much better than a Titan. HE'S SO CUTE!!!!"

The boy shifted in Eriwn's arms, who looked down on his comely face with affection.

"Sir, what. . . how?" Levi found himself asking.

"The Titans should've eaten him. That is what you're thinking, yes?" Erwin asked with slightly narrowed eyes.

Everyone only gaped at the scene in front of them.

"I thought so myself. But look at him, not a scratch on him. A child, out in the middle of nowhere, beyond the wall, still breathing. . . he's a miracle," Erwin stated.

Hanji moved closer to the Captain and the boy, using her index finger to move a stray strand of his dark hair from his face.

"Can we keep him?" Hanji asked, looking at the boy before looking up at the captain.

Lenik didn't like this idea, "Are you all insane!We don't even know if this boy is friendly or not. He could be a Titan for all we know! Nothing good and living lives beyond the walls, that's a fact!!!" He shouted at them.

Levi grabbed Lenik's shirt, shaking him violently, "Get a grip, soldier!" He shouted before pushing Lenik to the ground, "If he really was a Titan, why was he attacked by five of them!? This boy may not be from our walls, but he is no friend of the titans." He stated while pointing at the boy.

Erwin looked down at the boy in his arms and smiled, he has always wanted a son, but his duty always took priority. But now, seeing the boy in the center of the smoke, unconscious, alone and scared. . . he felt like a father. He will protect him, no matter what.

Erwin Looking up at his squad, who have all gathered in front of them, gaping at the scene. "Levi is correct. He is no ally of the Titans, meaning he is our ally. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. We may not know where he came from, who he is or even what he is. . . but I know that the Titans don't like him, meaning he is okay with me." All the scouts gasped and talked among one another.

"From this day forward, the boy in my arms shall be my son." He finished.

More gasps occurred, many scouts spoke up. The recruits especially.

They're scared. Understandable, but they do not know what I have seen within the smoke. Erwin thought.

When Erwin entered the smoke, he gasped softly as he spotted a small boy in ragged torn clothes lying in the center of a crater.

But what really shocked me wasn't that he was a boy beyond the wall. . . it was his skin. . . his skin was glowing. Erwin thought.

The boy's skin was shimmering with golden light, but it soon faded.

That must've been the bright light they were blinded by. The boy was producing it. . . but, how!? Why!?, Erwin thought.

Erwin was brought back to the present by Levi, who approached with a skeptical gaze.

"Erwin. . . are you sure?"

"He's just a boy!," Hanji said to Levi.

"He's a boy in the middle of nowhere. We have no idea what this thing is. We can't just bring it inside the walls."

"And what, do you expect us to let him die!?"

"ENOUGH!" Erwin shouted at both of them.

Everyone shut up, looking over at their captain in shocked silence.The only sound came from the hissing of the decaying titans around them.

"He will be coming back with us, no matter what. . . He will be henceforth known as a Smith. . . as my son." Erwin decided.

The scouts all looked at their captain, shocked, while Erwin stood proud, defiant, and strong. The boy shifted In his adopted father's arms, clinging to the scout jacket that wrapped around him. Erwin gazed down at him, smiling softly.

No matter what you are. . . you will be my son.

Back inside of Wall Maria

Erwin and his squad made it back to the scout base in one piece. Not much could be said about the rest of the regiment. Keith Shadis has another failure under his belt, but that wasn't much of a surprise. No mission beyond the wall ever led to much. Everyone knows that. . .so why do we keep going. Erwin knows the answer, or. . . the bases of the need. They have to survive, to regain their freedom from the monsters that took it from them.

Erwin looked down at the boy still resting in front of him, tucked safely in his chest. He hasn't woken yet, still too exhausted. They were currently in one of the many resting rooms at Scout HQ.Erwin was sitting on a bed while the boy clung to him.

He will lead humanity to greatness. I know it. Erwin thought.

"You didn't win any favours with the commander by bringing that boy in here." Levi said.

Erwin looked up at Levi, "No, I guess I didn't. . . but he accepted anyway." Glancing down at the boy, "He must know the advantage we could get by harbouring him."

"Hmm, perhaps." Levi grumbled with annoyance.

"You don't agree to all this?"

Levi pushed himself off his resting place by the door and walked towards them.

"It's not that I disagree. It's just that I am uncertain whether to trust this boy." Erwin said, stating his reasons.

"I see. . . but it's not solely on trust."

Levi raise a brow, "What do you mean? Is there more I am missing?"

"I haven't told anyone this since I saw it, but. . . I guess you're a reasonable person to tell—you and Hanji. I trust you both with my life, so I will trust you with this. When I entered the Titan smoke, I saw this boy give off a sorta glow of sorts. It's hard to explain, but I think he has some powers of one kind or the other." Erwin said, still not understanding what the boy was or what that glow was?

Levi's eyes widened, "So, you mean-"

Erwin confirmed with a nod, "Yes. If we can harness this power, use it against the Titans, we may be able to rid this earth of their monstrosity once and for all."

Levi stroked his chin while taking a seat in a nearby chair.

"I see. But that still leaves things up to chance." He said deep in thought.

Erwin smiled, "That is the only time I am willing to play. If there is chance involved, how else do you expect to win anything if you aren't willing to risk something in return?"

Levi shake his head, "You can't always do this."

"On the contrary. . . I will do this until it takes my life." Erwin said still smiling.

Levi stared at him with stoic onyx eyes, "That may be sooner than you think."

Erwin looks down at the kid, "No. . . I don't think so."

The small boy in his arms began to stir, causing both men in the room to watch with anticipation. As the dark haired boy rolled his shoulders, his eyes opened, revealing bright blue orbs to be hiding behind the lids. He first looked up at Erwin before shifting his drowsy gaze to Levi. His blue eyes then looked at Levi's ODM gear and blades. He gasped, rolling out of Erwin's arms, onto the hardwood floor. Scrambling back. The boy put as much distance as he could between himself and Levi. Both men sprung to their feet, shocked at the reaction that occurred from the boy.

The boy's back hit the wall, stopping him from retreating any further.

"What the hell!" Levi shouted.

Erwin looked at the boy with a soft smile, "It's okay, we're friends."

The boy only stared at the blades attached to the second lieutenant's hips. Erwin noticed this, connecting the dots, looking at Levi's blades.

Erwin turned at Levi, "Get rid of your gear."

Levi looked at him with confusion and anger, "What?"


Levi looked unsure, glancing between his captain and the boy shivering in front of him. But Levi did as he was told, ridding himself of his defence. The ODM gear and blades dropped to the ground. The boy seemed relaxed slightly by this action.

Erwin slowly approaching the cowering boy, "It's okay. . . you're safe. No one here will harm you." Kneeling in front of the boy, "My name is Erwin Smith. . . what's yours?"

The boy stared into Erwin's bright blue eyes for a few seconds before shaking his head.

"I-I-I-I d-d-do-o-on't h-h-have o-o-one."

Erwin thought, Just as I expected. . . mostly. He doesn't have a name, but he speaks English.

Erwin glanced back at Levi, who still looked skeptical, ready to pounce at the boy if he showed he was a threat in any way.

Turning back to the boy with a kind smile, "Well, let's change that. I wish for you to take my last name, Smith, if that's okay with you.

The boy squinted his eyes, unsure.

S-Smith. . . Smith.

Erwin smiled, proud he liked it. "You'll need a first name, of course. But nothing is coming to me right this second. I'll just have my squad come up with something for you. That'll be nice, don't you think?"


"Oh, right. They're are a group of people who I trust most dearly. They will be the ones protecting you. I promise."

The boy pulled his knees closer to his chest, looking away, sad, unsure, and scared. Erwin hummed, unsure how to proceed. But an idea popped into his mind. He reached out a fist towards the boy slowly. The blue eyed boy stared at it with shock, almost scared.

"It's okay. This is a sign of trust, just between you and me."

The boy squinted one eye, looking skeptical, funnily reminding him of Levi.

"It's okay, I promise. All you have to do is create a fist-" The boy slowly did so with his right hand, "-then you connect with mine-

The boy looked at fist the to Erwin's, hesitant. But he looked into the Captain's bright trusting blue eyes, and he moved his fist towards his. They connected.

"Good, very good. Now place it over your heart like this."

Erwin placed his fist over his heart just like the salute he learnt many years ago. The boy watched then soon copied what the older man had done with his hand.

Erwin Fatherly smiled, "Very good, you're a very fast learner."

The boy smiled, causing the captain's heart to soar with pride. This wasn't some creature or Titan. It was just a boy. And he would protect him.

"Captain?" Levi said gaining his attention.

The boy's smile faded, peaking over Erwin's shoulder at Levi, who stood a few feet away.

Erwin look at the bot, "It's okay, this is second lieutenant Levi. He is a very close and trusted friend of mine." He said trying to reassure him.

The boy peered over at Levi once more with a critical eye. Levi was unimpressed, huffing in response to the criticism of the young boy.

"He can be a bit cold at times, but I see many similarities between the both of you. I believe with time, the pair of you will become great friends and allies."

"If he can keep his tongue and attitude in check, then perhaps." Levi commented.

Erwin glanced over at Levi with a smirk, "And you do?"

Levi flushed, growled, and clenched his fists while the boy giggled behind a hand, causing Erwin to smile warmly.

The door to the room then burst open, causing all three members to jump, especially the boy. Hanji stood in the door with wide, wild eyes, a huge grin spreading across her face.

"Oh, no."

Hanji was Panting, "He's awake!"

The boy stared with wide eyes at the woman who had just busted down the door.

"Take it easy Hanji, he's still adapting to his surroundings." Erwin said at the woman, knowing she could scare him away.

Levi crossed his arms, "Meaning he doesn't need you to freak him out."

Hanji stepped inside while shutting the door behind her, "Oh, come on! I'm not that crazy!"

Both men glanced at one another with a look of disbelief.

Hanji sighed in defeat, "Fine. . ." Looking back at the child, "But I want to see him."

The boy quickly darted behind Eriwn, Hiding behind the man, peaking out only slightly. Hanji cooed, slowly approaching, while shrinking down to his level.

"Ahh, look at you. You look terrified. I'm Hanji Zoë. I'm the lead scientist in the scout regiment." She said smiling brightly.

"I-I-I'm S-S-Smith."

"Well, of course, you are." She said smiling.

This seemed to warm the boy to the girl, causing the boy to come further out from behind his hiding place behind Erwin.

"But you'll need a more propper name than just Smith." She said looking up at the second lieutenant.

"Levi, any ideas?"

"Why are you asking me?" Levi asked with irritation.

"I don't know. I just thought after all this time being so stoic and cold; you'd actually come up with something.," she said before shrugging her shoulders, "Guess I was wrong."

"Oh, I guess it's just pick on Levi day today." He said dryly.

The kid laughed, causing all the adults in the room to smile, even Levi.

"See, the boy enjoys it." She said.

"Don't get used to it, kid."

Scratching her chin, "Hmm, actually, I think I've come up with a great name for you,"

Everyone's attention was drawn to the mad scientist, wondering what she has planned.

Snapping her fingers, "How about, Naruto!"

"Naruto, huh? Not bad."

Erwin looked down at the boy, "What do you say. . . Naruto Smith? Do you like it?"

The boy looked up at Eriwn before switching his blue gaze from Levi to Hanji before falling back to Erwin. He smiled and nodded.

"Naruto Smith it is."



Definitely a great chapter cant wait for the next updates