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"I'd want to talk with Genzo."

Genzo confidently strode towards the Marine Captain with a rugged face adorned with scars. Clad in a distinctive brown police uniform, the short sleeves and matching shorts were a testament to his practicality and adaptability. Every piece of his attire, save for the pinwheel on a pole affixed to his hat, had once belonged to the notorious pirate Arlong as he approached the Captain, his voice steady and respectful. "That'd be me," Genzo declared, his gaze meeting the Captain's. "How may I assist you, Captain?"

With a mischievous twinkle in her eyes and a sly grin spreading across her face, Nezumi confidently posed a question, "Excuse me, dear townfolk, but would you happen to know a young woman by the name of Nami? She lives here, right?" the villagers couldn't help but exchange wary glances, their expressions a blend of skepticism and concern.

With a stoic expression adorning his face, "Nami is not here; she hasn't been seen here for a while," As the words escaped his lips, his face showed no emotions.

"Such a shame," Nezumi said. "But I believe she has a sister, Nojiko, right?"

"That's true," Genzo said.

"Then lead the way, Mr. Genzo," Nezumi said with a mischievous glint in his eyes as he observed Genzo's confident demeanor and the way he effortlessly turned on his heels, striding purposefully away from the bustling docks and towards the heart of the island.

Nezumi followed closely. As they strolled at a leisurely pace, the sun cast its golden rays upon the quaint settlement of Cocoyashi, illuminating the vibrant colors of the houses and the intricate details of the narrow streets. Nezumi's sharp gaze scanned the surroundings, his keen senses attuned to the subtle shifts in the residents' expressions, noting their surreptitious glances and guarded whispers hinting at hidden secrets. Their journey came to a pause as they arrived upon a seemingly unremarkable dwelling nestled amidst the picturesque landscape. Its weathered wooden walls bore the marks of time, while a gentle breeze rustled through the leaves of a sizable grove of mikan trees, their luscious fruits hanging like bursts of sunshine against the emerald foliage.

Genzo gently rapped his knuckles against the wooden door, the sound echoing through the air, only to be met with the presence of a young lady. A cascade of light blue hair and captivating dark blue eyes accompanied her radiant smile. As his gaze traveled down her slender frame, he couldn't help but notice the intricate tapestry of ink that adorned her right arm, its artistic patterns flowing gracefully. The tattoos meandered up her arm, playfully crossing over her shoulder and gracefully curving onto her breast, forming a delicate heart-shaped masterpiece. Complementing her vivid display of art, she was adorned in a pair of vibrant green slacks that accentuated her figure, paired with a simple yet elegant white tank top.

"Genzo, who are these people?" Nojiko said, looking at the marine captain with narrowed eyes.

With an air of confidence, Captain Nezumi stepped closer to her, his voice resonating with a hint of mischief as he introduced himself, "My name is Captain Nezumi." His piercing gaze traveled appreciatively up and down her figure, causing her to involuntarily recoil, an uncomfortable shiver coursing through her spine. Despite her obvious discomfort, his smile seemed to widen, revealing a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I came here to have a conversation with your sister, Nami," he continued, his tone laced with disappointment. "However, she seems to not be here, so you will do just fine."

"About what...Captain?"

With a growing grin, Nezumi remarked, "You won't like what I'm about to say, we have proof that your sister is a thief,"

"I don't understand what you are talking about, we haven't seen Nami for a very long time," Nojiko said.

"You are a bad liar," Nezumi said, grinning. "But you are lucky, no one here will be injured, after all your sister stole from Pirates, the things they had were stolen things after all, you won't face any charges, but you understand that we as Marine are bounded by law to help people, those things will be returned back to their rightful owners,"

"You bastard!" Nojiko clenched her teeth, her hands turning to fists.

As the command to "Search the home!" echoed through the air, a courageous Marine stepped forward and advanced towards the door. As the Marine crossed the threshold, but before he could do anything, his world was turned upside down with a thunderous blow from Genzo. The impact was so powerful that it reverberated through the room.

Instantly, pain surged through the Marine's body, his vision blurring as he clutched his now-bleeding nose. As the Marine crumpled to the ground, his broken nose bled heavily.

Genzo said angrily, "The Arlong Pirates have been enslaving the population for a long time, yet you come here and do nothing about it,"

"You just attacked a Marine soldier; you are a criminal; be careful what you say. You are lucky I'm feeling merciful today," The marine captain said with a growing smirk before turning to face his soldiers. "What are you waiting for? Search the house!"

"People have been begging for Marine to help them for a decade, yet you come here and try to ruin all the Hope we have!" Genzo exclaimed as he took a step forward; they were naught but insignificant refuse, unworthy of his mercy. Meanwhile, the Marines swiftly locked their sights on their adversaries, their guns poised and primed.

"What's taking so long, we are not looking for a needle in a haystack; How hard can it be to find one hundred million berries!" Genzo shouted at his soldiers.

"How do you know how much money is missing...?" Nojiko's words trailed as her eyes widened, now understanding what was happening.

"The Bastard." Genzo grumbled, knowing the marine worked for Arlong.

"You work for Arlong, this is why you know to look for a hundred million berries, you bastards!!" Nojiko shouted with fury, trying to fight, but Genzo held her back, knowing it wouldn't achieve anything.

"We found them sir,"

"Thank you for the money; tell Nami to keep on working," Nezumi said with a wide grin as he and his soldiers walked away with the money, many of them already planning on how to use the money.


As Going Merry finally reached Nami's island, the crew was ready to take on Arlong and his crew, especially Sanji, who couldn't stop speaking nonsense.

Luffy suddenly felt something as they approached; his eyes widened, knowing why he was having this feeling, and a grin spread on his face, wondering just what kind of power it had.

As they made their way towards Nami's house, the sun cast a warm glow upon the Navigator's face, reflecting the hope that awaited them. However, a gasp escaped the Navigator's lips, her eyes morphing into pools of sheer horror as they landed upon the sight that unfolded before her: the once sturdy door of her beloved sanctuary lay shattered into countless pieces.

Caught off guard by Nami's sudden distress, Luffy, with genuine concern etched across his countenance, inquired, "What's wrong, Nami?" Without a moment's hesitation, her heart pounding with an unstoppable force, Nami's nimble feet propelled her forward, her voice piercing through the air as she shouted Nojiko's name.

"Nojiko! Are you here?" Nami's voice echoed through the quiet corridors of the house, filled with a tinge of concern and worry. As she cautiously stepped over the threshold, the atmosphere seemed to change, heavy with sorrow. And there, Nami's eyes landed on Nojiko, crumpled on the cold ground, her delicate form trembling as tears cascaded down her distraught face, leaving a trail of despair on the worn wooden floor.

Overwhelmed with a mixture of relief and anguish, Nami rushed forward, her footsteps quickening, closing the distance between them in an instant. "Nojiko! Thank god you are alright!!" she exclaimed, her voice laced with immense gratitude and a touch of disbelief. The weight of worry that had been crushing her chest suddenly lifted as she enveloped her sister in a tight, comforting embrace. The sobs that wracked Nojiko's body echoed in the room as she sought solace against Nami's shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Nami, but I couldn't do anything to stop them," Nojiko cried out as more tears rolled down her face. Nami looked confused as she backed away a little from Nojiko.

"Stop who?"

"The marines, they came here and took all the money, Nami. All the money you saved!" Nojiko cried out, her voice cracking; her words caused Nami to be a little surprised that her sister seemed to have known about what she had been doing.

"Don't cry, Nojiko, we don't need the money anymore, my crew will take care of Arlong and his crew," Nami claimed with a bright smile as she pointed towards a group of strangers.

"Huh!" Nojiko couldn't help but look at her sister in confusion before looking at the strangers; with one glance, she could tell they were pirates, especially the one with the Straw Hat.

"Do not worry, Lady Nojiko, we will take care of Arlong; just point us in the right direction," Luffy claimed with a wide grin. Nojiko opened and closed her mouth several times before looking at her sister as if to say, 'You have some explaining to do,'

Soon, The Straw Hat Crew, including the civilians, were marching towards Arlong's house, which stood out from the rest of the houses on the island. The civilians had grabbed pitchforks and other weapons despite Nami reassuring them they wouldn't fight and they just needed to watch. Genzo walked beside Nojiko while keeping an eye on Nami and the Pirate Crew. he was still wary of them, but if Nami said they were trustworthy, then for now, he decided to just watch and see what happened.

As the Straw Hats stood before Arlong Park's entrance, Luffy stretched his arms before clearing his throat, "It seems Arlong isn't really trying to hide himself."

With a wide grin stretching across his face, Zoro eagerly exclaimed, "Well let's get started, I can't wait to fight someone," As he deftly tied the vibrant green bandanna around his head, his eyes gleamed with anticipation. Meanwhile, Sanji stylishly retrieved his lighter from his pocket, skillfully igniting the end of his cigarette. Bringing the smoldering stick to his lips, he drew a deep breath. He savored the intoxicating swirl of smoke that danced from within before gracefully exhaling, casting an enigmatic veil amidst the air.

"I'm ready," Usopp said as he drew his revolvers, filled with explosive rounds, and he had an entire box with flame rounds.

"I'll knock," Luffy declared with an air of detached determination, his voice devoid of emotion yet brimming with confidence. Without a moment's hesitation, he lifted his foot. With a swift and forceful kick, he propelled his leg forward, a thunderous collision reverberating through the air, shattering the silence and the very foundation of the imposing gates before him.

Like a tempest unleashed, the robust iron doors were wrenched from their hinges, their once formidable presence reduced to mere debris soaring through the air.

The gates soared through the sky. Amidst the chaos, a chilling symphony of metal meeting flesh echoed through the day as five unfortunate Fishmen, their bodies now limp and lifeless, lay strewn across the ground.

"What the heck is going on?!" A Fishman, frightened by the abrupt onslaught, yelled.

"They are Dead!" Another screamed as he saw his crewmates being shattered by the doors.

As Luffy and his crew stepped into the park, he scanned the sea of fishmen with an air of nonchalance, their eyes filled with hostility. However, undeterred by their piercing glares, Luffy's gaze swiftly locked onto the figure seated upon a throne-like chair — Arlong.

Luffy's eyes narrowed as he locked his gaze on the figure before him, a wry smile playing on his lips. The salty breeze swept through his raven-black hair as he confidently took a step forward, his fist slowly clenching and crackling with power. With a voice filled with curiosity and a hint of mischief, he broke the tension by questioning, "You must be Arlong?"

Arlong scowled at the audacity of the human standing before him. His hardened features contorted with disdain as he responded with a mix of irritation and curiosity, "Who the heck are you?"

"Why would a dead fish need to know that?" Luffy questioned, his eyes narrowed as he materialized right beside Arlong. Luffy's clenched fist collided in a split second with Arlong's face, causing an eerie distortion to ripple across the Fishman's features. With an explosive force, Arlong was propelled from his ostentatious chair, hurtling through the air like a helpless projectile, only to meet an abrupt and bone-jarring halt against the unyielding wall that encircled Arlong Park, leaving a resounding thud echoing throughout the once-dreaded stronghold.
