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Fuu made her way to the arena floor, ignoring her Sensei's taunts, telling her not to act like this was some funny game and not to dishonour Taki with her performance.

When Fuu finally made it to the arena floor, she heard Naruto, Ashara, Yugito.

"YOU CAN DO IT, FU-CHAN!" Naruto, Ashara and Yugito cheered.

She smiled at them and felt compelled to embrace Naruto first, as she had always considered the attractive redhead was incredibly huggable.

Fuu then turns around to confront her adversary.

"Greetings, IKANO OF IWA! LET'S PLAY SOME GREAT MATCHES!" Fuu smiled as she gave a sweet salute.

Ikano spoke nothing at her; he looked deep in thought, so much that his body was completely immobile.

His sister, who was standing on the balcony, peered down with anxiety, wondering whether the green girl might be harmful. Lulja, who was standing by her side, moved closer to the railing before turning her head to gaze at her friend with a hint of perplexity.

"What has you worried, firecracker?! The girl is a Jinchuuriki, so what's the deal. Inuka dealt with the Jinchuuriki of Sand Village very easily, so what is it?" Lulja asked with a very low tone, not wanting the others to realise that they knew that the girl and the angry sandboy were both Jinchuuriki.

"That's true, but unlike the Sand Jinchuuriki, The Girl has no Yami level,"

Lulja looked impressed by that; it wasn't every day that you find someone without regrets.

Hayate then addressed the two foreign combatants.

"Alright, let the Fifth Match of the preliminary.......begin!" Hayate announced loudly.

Fuu smiled at the Iwa Shinobi, awaiting his move, but Ikano spoke and did nothing.

Silence took over the whole area; Naruto waited patiently, Ashara on the other looked down in concern for her friend.

Gaara looked focused, interested to see how another Jinchuuriki would do against someone like him.

As the silence grew more and more, Fuu shrugged her shoulders. "I'm sorry I have to do this," she simply said, still smiling before rushing at Ikano, her fist raised, ready to hit him. Still, Ikano suddenly grabbed her fist before it could hit his face; his right eye suddenly turned dark like a void and looked directly at Fuu's orange eyes.

"You're Done,"




Currently standing in the middle of a black void, with the only light coming from above that she was standing on, Fuu had several thoughts running through her mind on different ways on how to escape the genjutsu she was trapped in.

Turning around, Fuu didn't lose the smile on her face; in front of her stood Ikano, who looked impressed.

"How is it possible? How are you not seeing the results of your regrets," He demanded to know; Fuu looked at his new appearance; both of his eyes were dark, and the veins visible around his body were dark, as if his blood was dark.

Fuu just smiled at his words. "Regrets, I have no regrets," she simply stated as if it was the most normal thing to say.

"Don't Lie," Ikano suddenly shouted at her, his right-hand fist, as he felt pain.

"Everyone has Regrets, And You ARE NO Different," Ikano stated, his eyes burning like fire from the usage of his Dark Bloodline.

"Hide Here, little Brother."

Fuu frowned slightly, but not because of herself but because of him.

"I'm different. I'm Lucky Seven Fuu. Do you want to be my friend?" Fuu suddenly asked, smiling, spreading her arms at him and walking closer.

"No," Ikano stated as more pain spread around his eyes.

Everyone has regrets, even I do

"Can we play hide and seek, little brother,"

Ikano suddenly grew a strange dark smile. "Let's see how you like this,"

Ikano started sinking on the dark ocean; Fuu saw with a small hint of anger, slowly rising up, were Naruto and Ashara, both of their eyes dark like a void, no life, and no love.

"If you think this will make any difference, then allow me to surprise you," Fuu stated, taking a stance.

Both Yami Ashara and Naruto rushed towards Fuu, who dodged Naruto's attack before Ashara punched her in the stomach resulting in her puffing.

"Clone? When!"

Suddenly several white clouds of smoke showed around the two dark clones. The clones kept attacking from every angle.

The Yami Naruto and Yami Ashara took out the last of Fuu's clones.

They looked around, trying to find the annoying Jinchuuriki. Suddenly several Shurikens flew towards them.

After avoiding the shurikens and landing on the dark water, the two Yami Shinobi's looked in the direction from where the shurikens came from, where they then saw Fuu spring out from the tree with her Katana in hand.

"Another clone?" asked the Yami Naruto.

"No, I believe this is the real one", replied the Kunoichi.

Unlike the real world, Fuu noticed that everything in this strange Genjutsu was coloured dark, except the people in it.

"Good, now we can finish this," said the Yami Naruto, after which he and Ashara jumped straight at Fuu with great speed.

Seeing them coming at her, Fuu waited till the last moment, where just as they were right on top of her, she then quickly spun up into the air and delivered a powerful roundhouse kick and set the two Yami Shinobi flying into different directions and crashing into two different trees.

Sadly though, the two Shinobi's recovered quickly from Fuu's hit, where they then used some kind of vanishing technique to make themselves invisible and hid in the trees.

"Shit!" thought Fuu, as she cursed herself for going easy on them, as she thought she could have dealt with them with that kick.

"Come On, Fuu-chan, you don't want to harm your friends," his voice hollow, void of emotions.

As Fuu looked around her surroundings for any signs of the two masked Shinobi, she found she could find none, as they had hidden themselves well.

Knowing of only one way to find them, Fuu used her Chakra Pressure Jutsu, whereupon locating them, Fuu then channelled her Wind Chakra to her Kanata and swung it, where she cried out "Take This,"

Surprised at how Fuu found them so quickly, the two Shinobi's barely avoided the Wind attack, where the crescent blade of wind cut right through the tree they were hiding in, where the top portion of it fell to the ground.

Wanting to finish this battle quickly, the Yami Naruto then quickly took out the large Fuma shuriken that he carried on his back, while the Ashara took out her Katana's again.

Not wanting to deal with the genjutsu any longer than she needed to, Fuu quickly became serious, where she quickly avoided the Yami Naruto's Fuma Shuriken when he threw it. After which, Fuu then created a clone and had the clone attack Yami Naruto while she dealt with Ashara.

Upon engaging the Kunoichi, Fuu was forced on the defensive for a moment or two, as the Yami Ashara swung her Katana from different angles, preventing her from counter-attacking.

Fortunately, though, Fuu created an opening, where she tripped the Yami version with her foot, causing her to lose her balance, thereby giving the opening Fuu needed. Upon which she then used her Flying Swallow Technique and channelled her Wind Chakra to her Katana, allowing her to cut right through the Kunoichi's Katana, making it worthless.

After which, Fuu then used her enhanced strength and kicked the Kunoichi's right stomach and sent her flying to a nearby tree, where she then hit a large thick stub branch that was directly behind her and was run right through it. Due to the force of Fuu's kick, where she died instantly, as the stub branch could be seen coming out of her chest.

Fuu was shocked at the moment; seeing Ashara dead almost made her cry, but she quickly shook her head; this was not real.

Yami Naruto took out Fuu's Shadow Clone, where after doing this, he saw Ashara was Dead.

"You killed Ashara. I will KILL YOU Fuu,"

Reacting to the man's roars of rage, Fuu quickly spun around and avoided the Yami Naruto's Kunai; just as he was about to stab her and out of pure instinct, she rammed his Katana right through the Yami Naruto's chest, killing him.

It was only in that instant, after stabbing the man, that Fuu realised what she had done, as she'd moved and pure instinct and had not thought on what she was doing. As Fuu looked into the dying man's eyes, she saw only darkness.

After a moment or two, Fuu regained herself, where she then pulled his Katana out of the man's chest, where the Yami Naruto then fell down from the tree branch that he and Fuu were on and onto the ground.

Once the Yami Naruto hit the ground, Fuu could not help but stare down at him.

Soon after, though, Fuu came to grips with herself and washed the blood off her Katana and placed it back in the sheath on her back.

"It's Over," Ikano suddenly came out from deep below the dark sea, a Kunai on his hand ready to stab the Kunoichi.

Fuu stood still as the Kunai pierced her back before she puffed out of existence.

Ikano's eyes widened before feeling wind behind him; turning around, he saw the girl rushing at him with a blue ball in her hand.

"Rasengan," Fuu yelled before slamming it on his chest, sending crashing against trees before slamming against a rock.

Ikano screamed out in pain, his chest on fire and his back severely injured.

Fuu walked closer, looking down on him with pity.

"This is how this works; you use this Genjutsu because of the darkness inside someone's heart," Fuu stated, understanding why he easily defeated both Naruto's teammate and the Sand Jinchuuriki.

At this, Ikano smirked, trying to stand up. "Close but not close enough, Is true I can use this Genjutsu because of their deepest darkest feelings, but not towards someone. I can do it only at people who have hatred... towards themselves," Ikano finished, remembering the hatred the Uchiha kid felt for himself for not being able to save his family.

Same for the sand kid, who despises his own existence.

The green kid in the woods was the hardest, but Ikano had used his own insecurities for not being able to use chakra against him.

Fuu's eyes widened at what she heard; she herself didn't hate anyone or herself.

"Why are you Smiling?" Ikano asked, pointing at her; she looked confused at him.

"You're a Jinchuuriki; how can you smile and not have darkness in your heart," Ikano demanded.

Little brother, where's daddy? Why isn't he coming?!

"Because I love my life," Fuu simply answered, still smiling at her enemy.

Ikano clenched his teeth before slamming his hand on the dark water.


Takigakure was strong despite not being one of the great five villages. They maintained their village fairly and had a constant supply of requests which their capable shinobi were always able to carry out. It was usually a happy, quiet place to live. One of the main things going for the small village was that they were the only one outside of the great five to hold a tailed beast. Said beast was not weak, being the seven tails.

Their current village leader Shibuki had been seven ironically when a powerful kunoichi became the jinchuuriki for the seven tails.

Sayako had always been more talented than everyone else. It had been a coincidence that she was compatible with the seven tails and another coincidence that her reputation was known to the sealer.

Sayako spent days in shock over what had happened, but she stayed strong for her family and village. Takigakure had never experienced the shock and damage the beast could cause; the sealing always happened far away from the village and thus did not show the kunoichi any ill will or distrust.

Sayako, ironically too, was aware of the resentment that could form against her and people of her status. She worked harder than she ever had before for Taki to prove herself. One day, she fell in love with a classmate of hers from long ago; they were wed not long after. Most people knew that Sayako was a shoe in to become the next village leader; however, she decided to try and have a child with her husband.

It went wrong very quickly; Takigakure was not prepared for the challenges they would face with the jinchuuriki. Soon, the seven tails was unleashed on their village. Now the seven tails usually wasn't as violent as they were that day, but as kind and strong as Sayako was, she had never liked Chomei.

It took a long time, much carnage and pain before the seven tails was again sealed, in the only one available to contain it, Sayako's newborn daughter Fu.

Her widowed husband couldn't handle the pain he faced once his beloved died; he walked into a river one day and never emerged.

The village treated their jinchuuriki different after that; they understood the extent of what the beast could do. Of course, the village leader at the time defended the newborn girl, taking the daughter of his friend in as the family she was.

Then his father died protecting the village, Shibuki protecting Fu at the time in their house while the battle was fought. Then Senji, his father's aide, took the mantle of leader until Shibuki could do it himself.

Senji was more serious than his father, more stern. But though he never did anything to Fu, he also never did anything to help the girl.

Shibuki had long withdrawn himself after the death of most of his direct family, except for Fu; of course, he was still Shibuki to Fu. The village loved him despite their feelings of Fu; he was just as kind as Sayako and a strong shinobi in his own right. It didn't matter if he had lost the will to fight sometimes.

Five-year-old Fu ran through Takigakure energetically, saying hello to all the villagers despite no one saying it back. Finding her secret spot in the trees, she giggled before getting into a more comfortable position.

"Chomei!" She said out loud due to not liking to think about her messages to her friend.

"Yes, Fu? What can lucky number seven Chomei do for you?" The seven tailed beast asked bubbly.

Chomei was not one to hold grudges if people could prove that they didn't deserve it. Usually, their jinchuuriki were cold but not unbearable; Sayako had simply been a small exception to this mindset. The little human girl had quickly won the bug-like beast over with her similar personality. Or maybe the impressionable youth had taken after the seven tails.

The Nanabi liked to help their jinchuuriki in whatever they were usually doing. That day the girl just wanted to talk to her only friend.

"I just want to talk to you, Chomei; I'm bored." She told the beast.

"Well, what do you think you could do then, so you're not bored?" Chomei asked the young jinchuuriki.

"I'm not sure, really. Do you have any ideas, Chomei?" Fu asked into thin air.

"Go outside, maybe?" The bug-like creature is put out with some hope.

"No, Chomei, you know that Uncle Shibuki doesn't like me going outside the village without supervision." Fu reminded her friend, who sighed. Despite not being her actual uncle, Fuu always called Shibuki 'Uncle'.

"I know, but still, that's always how I spent my time, flying through the air freely." Chomei reminisced happily, starting to get a little lost in their memories.

"Chomei! Chomei!" The little girl bugged as her friend had stopped visibly stopped paying attention to what she was saying.

"Sorry, Fu!" It yelled apologetically but still high pitched.

"I wish Uncle Shibuki didn't have to go to school every day; then he could play with me all the time." The jinchuuriki huffed, crossing her small arms over her chest.

"Oh, I get an idea for what we could do today!" The seven tails suddenly shouted as they both sat there babbling.

"OOH! What is it?" Fu eagerly asked, eyes beaming as she listened intently.

"We should sneak into your Uncle's lessons and talk to him. We've never seen what he does in those!" Chomei stated energetically.

"That's a great idea, Chomei! Let's go!" The mint haired girl cheered as she hopped down the tree and began to hop toward where her Uncle was at the moment when he was studying. "This will be fun; Uncle is going to be the leader next year too, so he'll be really busy soon." She realised later.

Fu often borrowed some of Chomei's chakra to move around quickly so they could move around the village fast. After a few minutes, they had arrived in front of the building, but Fu realised something. "Hey Chomei, how are we going to sneak in? I was only ever let in the front, but then I had to wait for a long time for Shibuki." She pondered while pouting.

"I was there too!" The seven tails complained, to which Fu quickly affirmed. "Hmm, we could try and climb up a tree and knock on the window to his room." The bug-like creature planned, thinking.

"Right! Let's do that." Fu agreed cheerfully as she observed her Uncle reading a book from behind the glass window.

Taking a deep breath, Fu swiftly and stealthily climbed the large tree next to the building and balanced herself on a branch that led to her Uncle's window. She, unfortunately, looked down, gasping when she noted the height. "I'm really high up." The girl whispered in a terrifying notion.

"It'll be alright, Fu; I'm right here with you." Chomei comforted their host as her breathing hitched.

"Y... you're right... it'll... b... be fine." She mumbled as her legs gave out beneath her. Letting out a loud, high pitched squeak of terror, Fu grabbed the branch again and clung to it like her life depended on it.

"FU! Are you alright?" Chomei worriedly asked as the said girl continued to cling to the tree branch tightly.

"I'm scared. I don't want to fall!" Fu cried out as she held on for dear life. Desperately, the terrified jinchuuriki began calling for help, specifically her Uncle's help, but anyone's help would do in her mind.

Not long after, she heard a whiz a cut, and soon the branch came loose, and she started falling. This elevated her cries to screams as she made a quick descent downwards only to be caught in a swirling gust of wind.

Falling on her bum, the girl sniffled as she looked around. Three of the Taki shinobi were before her, one of them being the shinobi who broke her fall. Smiling, thinking they saved her out of the goodwill, she quickly stood up.

"Thank you for helping me!" Fu cheered as she took a happy step toward the shinobi, who then glared at her.

The girl paused, smile faltering as she stared at the glaring shinobi. "Um, are you okay?" She nervously asked, stepping back a little. "Chomei, what's happening?" She then whispered out loud.

Communicating with Chomei was the wrong move, according to the shinobi. One of them growled.

"Did you just talk to the monster?" Another yelled angrily. "We heard you earlier, mumbling and crying to it!" They added menacingly.

"Chomei, are you talking about Chomei?" The mint haired girl asked as she continued walking backwards, but they took steps toward her.

"Who do you think we're talking about, brat?" The growling shinobi hissed out.

"Chomei's not a monster! She's my friend!" Fu defended fiercely, momentarily forgetting her fear, but it instantly returned when the shinobi got angrier.

"Get over here, you monster!" The growling shinobi yelled as he raced forward before Fu could run, grabbing her by the hair and dragging her away despite her attempts to free herself.

"Let me go!" She yelled in protest, screaming now.

"Not a chance, you damn brat! This is for our parents, for our friends you killed!" The shinobi chorused as they took out a gleaming metal kunai.

It glinted in her fearful orange eyes.

"UNCLE SHIBUKI! HELP!" Fu began yelling as two of the shinobi pinned her arms down. "No one's coming to help you, monster! No one in their right mind would!" They were yelling though she couldn't tell who as she too was just yelling.

As the kunai was being raised, Fu began rapidly sobbing.

"CHOMEI!" She screamed into the still air as the shinobi began to struggle to hold her down.

"FU!" Chomei answered back, panicked, giving her chakra.

A red aura surrounded her small form as she began to twitch violently, shocking the shinobi into loosening their grip, which she escaped. Then, she ran.

Fu just started to run away; she wasn't really paying attention to where she ran; she just ran away. The girl never even realised that she didn't really feel exhausted until she started to calm down.

Looking around, the jinchuuriki realised she wasn't in Takigakure anymore.

"Wait, how did I get out here so fast?" She mumbled, confused, drying her tears with her arm.

"I gave you some of my chakra and energy so you could escape!" Chomei answered her, still in a high pitched voice.

"Oh, thanks, Chomei. I was so scared." Fu cried again, crumpling into herself.

"It's okay! Chomei cares about you. I do, I do!" The seven tailed beast comforted as she sat down beside a tree.

"What do I do now? I'm so far away from Taki." The young jinchuuriki bemoaned.

Chomei would've said that she should try and get back to the village just because Fu usually liked the village before a thought occurred to it. After all, the beast had no loyalty to Takigakure itself; most humans were still so selfish and mean. Only Fu was nice, so only Fu mattered right now.

"Why don't you leave, be free and go?" The bug-like creature suggested encouragingly, with well-meaning intentions.

"G... go?" The mint haired girl sputtered, confused.

"Yeah, you and me could just leave and fly away!" Chomei said again happily.

"B... but, what about Takigakure?" Fu asked in disbelief.

"Do you really like it at Taki Fu? They're always so mean to you!" The seven tails reminded.

"But what about Uncle Shibuki?" The girl questioned.

For a few hours, Chomei tried to persuade Fu to leave and escape and was making good progress. Fu would most likely have left right then and there if Uncle Shibuki didn't crash through the woods towards the girl. "Uncle Shibuki?" Fu muttered as said teen enveloped her in a tight hug.

"FU! There you are; I was so worried about you when those idiots told me about what was going on." He said, not releasing the gasping girl.

"U... uncle Shibuki, c... can't breathe." She wheezed, to which her uncle released her immediately.

"I'm sorry, Fu, just, I was just so worried you were gone." Her uncle explained rapidly, stumbling over his words as he cried tears of relief at finding her. "Now, please tell me what happened and why you're out here all alone." Uncle Shibuki ordered to which she dutifully and tearfully obliged.

When she was done explaining, her uncle was fuming and crying again. "Goodness Fu, I am so unbelievably sorry that happened to you." He muttered before hoisting her on his back. "Come on, let's head home and get you cheered up, okay? I'll show you some cool new tricks." The teenager said, putting on a strained smile.

Fu felt warmth in her chest when she listened to her Uncle, who was always nice to her even if the people in Taki weren't. She smiled and relaxed on her Uncle's back, falling asleep.

Chomei, however, was displeased by how these events had played out. This would not be the first time it tried to convince Fu to run away, and it would not be the first time she did run away. For Chomei believed it found a way for both them and their jinchuuriki to be free.

Now - Fuu

"Is this supposed to change my mind?" Fuu finally spoke at Ikano, who, for the first time, looked genuinely shocked at what he saw.

"They harmed you; they hate you and still do; how can you not hate them?" Ikano demanded to know that.

Little brother, please help me...

The orphanage is on fire. We should get the children out...

Ikano quickly shook his head; that was gone.

"You're right," Fuu suddenly said, looking at Ikano.

"I should hate them, but I never hated them. Do you know why?"

Ikano stood silently but nodded his head, wanting to know the answer.

"It wouldn't change anything by being angry; you can call me stupid if you want, call me childish, call me anything for smiling at everyone and wanting everyone to be my friends." She spoke as she held her hands in front of her chest.

"But that's not how life should be lived; our time in this world shortens by each second that passes, and when the time finally comes that I will leave this world. I want to look back, to look back at the life I lived, and Smile," Fuu stated, smiling.

"This is what makes me, Me. I might have had a hard life, but I never blamed anyone, not even Chomei. That's Right," she yelled at Ikano, who looked astonished, and so did Chomei before Fuu raised seven fingers from her hands.

"I'm Fuu of The Seven Tails, and I'm happy to be Jinchuuriki of Chomei,"

On 3 March I Will release a 'The Legend of Korra x Naruto' Story. Title is 'A Spirit of Elements'.



great chapter more pleas