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"The best villains are the ones who believe they are the Heroes."


The sun is just starting to appear and shine above Konoha. People are starting to open their shops for another ordinary day. However, to some people, this is no ordinary day if you can say so.

In Naruto's case, his taijutsu style is very different. He trained his Uchiha style, Kakashi's style, and Anko's style, soon creating his own style, which he called Hachiman Style, and mastered it within 8 Months. Creating his strongest Taijutsu Attack, Amatsu. And his strongest defense was his Chakra Shield using his Seal around his body, the name of the shield was Bishamon.

When it came to Genjutsu, Naruto could only use one genjutsu, and that was a Genjutsu from his Mangekyo Sharingan; the name of the Genjutsu is Daikokuten. Naruto wasn't sure what the genjutsu could do since he still hadn't used it against anyone; the only source of information regarding the Genjutsu was a scroll left by his father, telling him of the three Mangekyo abilities he had, one of them being Daikokuten.

When it came to Kenjutsu, Naruto had help from Anko's friend, Yugao, who gladly taught Naruto about Kenjutsu; thankfully, the Hokage had been ok with Yugao training Naruto in Kenjutsu as long as it didn't bother her or make her slack in her duties as ANBU.

Naruto had secretly used his mother's sword; no one knew that he had the sword, not even Anko or his Kenjutsu sensei, his sword Dākusuchīru; Naruto managed to implement his Kenjutsu moves taught by Yugao-sensei into his own sword, but Naruto had yet to able to use one of three strongest Kenjutsu moves in the World.

"Ame-no-Habakiri - S Rank" The only known user who was still alive was Mifune, the commander of The Samurai of Iron Land.

"Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi - SS Rank," No one alive knows how to use this Kenjutsu, Naruto had read, and even Yugao-sensei told him that a legendary swordsman of Iron Land was the last one to use that move; it was said that he died after using it, but the effects of the Kenjutsu move itself were still visible in the battlefield that it happened despite being over a thousand years ago.

"Takemikazuchi - SSS Rank" was created by Roku Uzumaki, the founder of The Uzumaki clan, the strongest Kenjutsu move to ever exist; Kushina had left books and several scrolls to Naruto in regards to Uzumaki History and their culture.

Naruto had read various things about the Kenjutsu move that was said; it was powerful enough to cut everything, even Kyuubi himself.

It was even spoken, but more like a myth, that a long time ago, the island where Kirigakure now resides was actually part of The continent of Elemental Nation. Still, one night a massive attack had split that part of the land that now is known as Kiri.

Most thought that it was just a myth, a legend, but Naruto liked to believe that someone had that power and had cut that massive part of the land from the continent for whatever reason. Whatever it was for protection or as punishment, he didn't know.

In fuinjutsu, Naruto truly honors the Uzumaki Clan. His ingenuity in the art of fuinjutsu truly is amazing. Naruto is officially a level 10 seal master. Level 10 of 10. Actually, Naruto even has some of his own creations and is currently working on his father's Hirashin technique. However, the Shiki formula of the hirashin must be created for its own user, so Naruto cannot use his father's kunais since the Shiki formula is tied to the user's blood. Naruto has to admit that his father truly was magnificent in creating such a simple yet complex technique.

Ino also has training in fuinjutsu but not as extensive as Naruto. Since Naruto used his shadow clone army to pretty much devour every book. Naruto also focused a lot of shadow clones on politics and laws of Konoha since he would have to, one day, put up with the whole world.

Neither of them has extensive medical training. Ino can use a few simple techniques to heal superficial wounds. However, both of them have a pretty good grasp of poisons and antidotes but also human anatomy. It's in here that the senbon comes into play. Naruto can use senbon to mix with his pressure point taijutsu if necessary but also coat the senbon with paralyzing or killing poison of his own creation.

Naruto's House

The first thing Naruto felt after returning from the dreamland were two soft pillows stuffed into his face. And he immediately knew whose pillows they were. Opening his eyes, he was not so surprised to find himself being hugged by a sleeping Anko, her long slender legs tangled with his small ones.

Both of her arms were gently wrapped around his neck, her right hand pushing his head into her breasts as she slept peacefully. She would always sleep like this, holding him to her chest tightly as if he would run away. And it would always make Naruto blush as to how their bodies would be pressed flush against each other; it kind of 'activates' his lower region every time to say the least.

He wouldn't complain; which male in his normal mind would? He may have been uncomfortable with it in the beginning, but slowly he began to enjoy it. And not just physically; every time it warmed his heart upon seeing her sleeping face with a small smile this close, it reminded him that he was not hated, his existence was not repelled by everyone, that there were people who cared for him, loved him. And she reminded him of this every day.

They had never done anything yet.

"Anko-chan, I need to go to the Academy. Today is the Genin Exam," Naruto said, his voice slightly muffled by her breasts; Anko stirred, her hands going through his golden hair that she loved so much, before settling just behind his head, pushing his face a bit deeper into her breasts.

Naruto blushed furiously, kissing her smooth skin, which sent shivers to Anko's core. A moan escaped her lips, pushing Naruto's face deeper, but as much as the blonde wanted to keep doing this, he was already a bit late, knowing that Ino-chan was most likely waiting for him.

"Anko-chan, I'm sorry, we can continue this later, but I seriously need to go to the Academy," Naruto insisted, knowing how much Anko liked to play her 'little games' whenever they were alone in bed.

Anko pouted as Naruto stood up from the bed, already missing the feeling of his hands around her and his face on her breasts. Naruto stretched out his arms; several clones were around the house cleaning and everything, some even making breakfast, much to Anko's delight, who always enjoyed Naruto's food. It was always delicious, especially the meat.

Naruto wore his Shinobi sandals for the past five years; his blonde hair had grown, now two fangs at the side of his face, and his blue eyes made him handsome in the eyes of everyone, especially Anko, who sometimes felt lost in his pretty eyes as she liked to call them.

Naruto turned around in time to see Anko standing up from his bed, wearing only a kimono that barely covered her breasts, no bra; Anko never liked to wear one, her breasts almost bouncing out, her plump ass in full display, something in Naruto stirred, telling him to ravish her, his eyes eyeing her up and down, finding her body more than appealing, finally stopping at her barely covered breasts.

Something Anko quite enjoyed, before purposely leaning her head forward, giving him a clear view of her cleavage, it took all his willpower to turn around and act as if nothing was happening, that his cock wasn't rock hard, feeling uncomfortable against his breeches.

Sitting down to eat rice with an egg, Naruto was eating a bit faster, knowing he was a bit too late; Anko ate her food slowly, savoring every bite. Soon Naruto stood up, heading towards the door before being stopped by Anko.

"Good luck, Naruto-kun, and if you do well, I might just reward you," she spoke in a husky tone against his ear, making Naruto shiver; the snake mistress giggles before kissing his cheek for good luck.

Running as fast as he could, Naruto landed right in front of an irritated-looking Ino, who folded her arms just below her breasts.

"You late," Ino said, annoyance seeping into her voice; it was unusual for Naruto to be late for anything, so for him to be late for the Genin Exams, she knew something must have kept him.

"I'm sorry, Ino-chan. It took a bit longer due to Anko-chan," Naruto said, rubbing his head in embarrassment. The blonde girl simply rolled her eyes, knowing of his relationship with the snake mistress.

Letting out a sigh, they started walking towards the academy, not missing out on the dark looks from some of the parents. Since Genin Exams were today, some parents were already waiting for their children to come out of the academy with the ninja emblem on their foreheads.

Naruto and Ino simply ignored the ignorants before walking inside through the front door and walking through the long hall; Naruto noticed there were more teachers around but soon figured it was because of the exams.

Arriving in their classroom, Naruto noticed almost everyone was already there; the two blondes quickly found their place to sit; Naruto sat in the middle, Shika to his left, who high-fived him, and Ino to his right.

Greeting Choji, Shino, and Hinata, who started stuttering, blushing, and playing with her fingers. The blonde sat on his chair; Sasuke was busy sitting at the far end of the class, looking outside through the mirror, brooding himself to death probably.

Soon they heard shouting; everyone braced themselves for the arrival of Sasuke's eternal fan, who blasted the doors open, her eyes looking around for her true love, but he simply ignored everyone, not that Naruto could blame him for this one.

People like Sakura deserved a slap in the face every time they said something stupid. Ino shook her head, almost disappointed, they had been friends before, and a part of Ino knew she could have easily been like Sakura right now if Naruto wasn't there to set her straight.

Ino didn't understand how Sakura could be so carefree today they would become Genin, a profession with a 40% mortality rate for Genin. She was thinking about how to impress a boy.

Leaving out a tired sigh, she rested her head against Naruto's shoulder, who smiled at her, liking it. Hinata looked at them with sadness; seeing them so close together, it was clear to anyone with eyes that there were more than simple friends, completely ignoring the concerned look from Shino.

Soon Iruka sensei walked inside with Mizuki, who had a creepy smile on his face for Naruto, who was a sensor; he could feel the malice intent coming from him, and the blonde wondered if he should 'accidentally' kill him. He was very annoying.

Iruka put down a bunch of tests on his desk before he started talking; as he was talking, he suddenly felt a nudge on his arm from Mizuki, who pointed the finger at the class in front of them, who weren't paying attention except a few.

"No one is listening," Mizuki points out with a deadpan look.

Iruka got irritated before deciding to use his big head No Jutsu. "Silence."

The class immediately went silent; Iruka smirked with a puff of his chest. "Works every time," he boasted, smiling.

Naruto chuckled at his behavior; Mizuki started spreading the test to everyone; when he arrived at Naruto, instead of grabbing the one on top, he held the one on the bottom, something Naruto, Ino, and Shika noticed immediately.

"Good Luck," Mizuki whispered with a snarky smirk on his face as he walked past Naruto; Ino was about to go there and beat his ass, and Shikamaru was just about to raise his hand, telling Iruka to check Naruto's test for anything wrong but Naruto quickly shake his head at him.

Naruto, with a simple hand sign, dispelled the weak-ass Genjutsu. Smiling, he started answering every question; despite that Shikamaru wanted to report Mizuki to Iruka once they became Genin, no one messed with his friends.

"Can I please kill him?" Kurama suddenly asked; that barely excuse for a Shinobi was really irritating him, and he had been alive for three thousand years by now.

"No, Kurama, just ignore the fool," Naruto replied mentally before finishing the test. Soon everyone was done with the test; the questions were way too easy, not to mention, out of twenty questions, you needed to answer only two to pass, which was a disgrace.

Giving up the test, Iruka told them to go outside for their second exam.

Walking in the training yard, there were several dummies with a bunch of targets on them and a small arena for fighting.

"Alright now, for the second exam. I want each one of you to throw your weapon of choice at the dummies. Out of thirty targets, you only need to hit three to pass," Iruka announced to the whole class; most of them just rolled their eyes.

Everyone passed without much trouble except Sakura, who got only three out of thirty.

Ino got seventeen out of thirty, Sending Sakura a sly smirk before walking up to Naruto, slightly pressing herself against his chest, his arm around her waist.

Shikamaru got eleven out of thirty, but that was mostly due to him saying that it was troublesome to hit more.

Shino got twenty-five out of thirty, earning surprised looks from many who didn't expect it; and a nod of acknowledgment from Naruto.

Finally, Sasuke's turn, earning cheers from his fan club, mostly from Sakura.

Ignoring them, Sasuke focused before throwing his kunai, hitting twenty-nine out of thirty. He clenched his teeth in anger, glaring at the last one he missed before walking away.

"Excellent, Sasuke, the best one so far," Iruka announced, writing down in a notebook.

"Naruto Uzumaki," he called; the said blonde was offered a set of Kunai and Shurikens from Mizuki, who had a creepy smirk on his face.

"Good Luck," he whispered again before walking away.

Naruto rolled his eyes, Kurama inside growling loudly. Grabbing the first one, he noticed it was made of rubber; something like this could never stick; the blonde simply smirked before channeling his wind chakra.

Throwing them, each one destroyed everything that landed; in the end, everyone was shocked, except Ino and Shikamaru, who knew that Naruto was strong.

"All targets. Naruto, you are the best so far," Iruka announced; feeling pride for him, Mizuki clenched his teeth in anger. How??

Soon everyone was done, starting with the third exam.

"Now, you will have to fight Mizuki; if you can keep up with him for five seconds, you pass," Iruka announced, earning a deadpan look from the blondes.

Ino's turn came, who made sure to kick his jaw hard enough to break some of his teeth, winning the fight.

Everyone passed, and Sakura was able to fight just long enough to pass; Sasuke won the fight but soon came Naruto's turn.

"Finally, I get my hands on the demon," Mizuki thought.

Naruto seeing the twisted smile in Mizuki's face decided to make him suffer. Taking his stance, his left hand fist and a bit away, while his right arm was forward and his hand open.

Iruka got confused by Naruto's stance, he had never heard of such a stance.

"Poor dobe, he even doesn't know he what he's doing," Sasuke said, getting laughs from his fan girls, especially Sakura. "Looks like Naru-kun is going a bit overboard," Ino thought with a smile.

"Hajime" Iruka said, and immediately Mizuki shot forward with a closed fist trying to punch him. Naruto slightly grabbed his fist and turned to dodge. Seeing Mizuki stumble forward Naruto hit his shoulder with a quick fist.

"What did you do to me?" Mizuki asked enraged as he couldn't feel his left arm.

"I hit your muscles joint, your arm is useless,"

"B-But how? How did you know where to hit" Iruka asked, how in the world could Naruto be able to do that.

"Let's just say, I have read many medical books," Naruto said.

"You damn brat, you are going to pay," Mizuki said and pushed forward blindly. As he came close to Naruto he simply smirked and whispered "You should have never tried to sabotage me,"

With a simple move, Naruto punched Mizuki's elbow from behind, breaking it, the blonde then attacked his knee from the right, with a powerful kick, breaking his left knee, before punching him sending Mizuki crashing to the wall and leaving him unconscious, his arm broken and bleeding, his knee was almost ripped out, the skin torn apart, bleeding. The blood slowly dripping in the dirt.

Naruto left the ring area with everyone staring at him. "CHEATER" the fan girls yelled. "How can that dobe defeat a chunnin," Sasuke thought brooding in his spot.

Iruka gave everyone thirty minutes interval while he picked up and took Mizuki to the infirmary. "Alright, since Naruto knocked out Mizuki we are going to have the students fight in one on one while I observe," Iruka explained, silently observing Naruto, while he knew Mizuki was unfair towards the blonde, the damage Naruto did was a bit too much.

"Yamanaka Ino Vs Haruno Sakura" Iruka called out.


"I'm going to win pig head, I will show that I deserve Sasuke's love," Sakura shouted towards Ino who cringe at her words.

"I don't care about the emo, you can have him. I have found someone much better," Ino said bored already of her ex best friend, since meeting Naruto, she had been wondering how could she had been so blind at the fact that she was basically doing nothing, her becoming a Kunoichi with little to no power would result in her dying somewhere.

Sakura ran towards Ino for insulting her true love, Ino simply waited before grabbing her so called fist, her right hand raised before punching Sakura in the stomach and kicking her away.

Sakura fell in the dirt, immediately holding her stomach in pain, before crying out in pain.

"It seems befriending Naruto had good results for her," Iruka thought happy with his student.

Iruka picked Sakura up and did quick check up on her and left her leaned against a wall waiting for her to awake up so she can pitted against someone, since he didn't see her do much.

After the taijutsu exam was over everyone went inside the classroom while Iruka called which student individually for the ninjutsu portion.

"Uzumaki Naruto" Iruka called and Naruto got up and made his down the stairs and stood in front of the classroom facing Iruka.

"Good luck dobe, you are going to need it," Sasuke said smirking. Naruto just ignored him, there was no point of wasting his team with someone like him, the only thing that bothered Naruto slightly was that Itachi told him before leaving Konoha to try and become friend with his brother despite everything, the blonde tried several times but all ended with same results, therefore Naruto stopped wasting his time with him, and just focused on gaining knowledge and power.

"OK, Naruto please perform the Henge no Jutsu" Iruka said and there was a poof of smoke and in front of Iruka was a man that, even though Iruka knew it was a henge, send shivers down his spine.

In front of him stood Senju Hashirama, with armour and call. Originally Naruto had wanted to transform like perhaps either Hagoromo or Indra, but knowing no one would perhaps recognise and would even bring up questions, he decided to transform into Hashirama.

"Very good transformation Naruto," - Iruka said with a pleasant smile and continuing with the exam. "Now get ready for kawarimi" said Iruka as he picked up a blunt kunai and threw it at Naruto. Naruto switched with a chair that was nearby.

"Well done Naruto, now do at least two bushins," Iruka said, Naruto always sucked at bushins.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu" Naruto said and the whole class was filled with clones, many gasping at the amount of clones, except Ino who knew Naruto could do this, and Shikamaru just shrugged his shoulders, he didn't know how strong Naruto was but he just yawned, as if was nothing before giving Naruto a thumbs up.

Iruka jaw dropped seeing Naruto pulling an B-rank kinjutsu. "Wow Naruto, kage bushin is a jonin level bushin congratulations you pass," Iruka said. Naruto smirked and picked his hitaiate in black and tied it around his forehead. Ino went shortly after and she too aced the exam, however she could do perfect bushins unlike poor Naruto.

"OK Class the exams are over congratulations to everyone that passed. This year's rookie of the year is Uzumaki Naruto and top kunoichi is Yamanaka Ino" Iruka said happy that Naruto passed and not only that he was rookie of the year.

"Naruto Is nothing but a loser. I'm an Uchiha an elite. I demand a duel between us for the title," Sasuke said.

"It's your choice Naruto" Iruka said.

"Let's go outside, baka," Naruto said and Sasuke smirked thinking he could take him on. Ino just shook her head knowing where this was going. "That idiot ill going to end up in the hospital".

Everyone left the classroom and came to the training ground. Naruto and Sasuke stepped inside the ring facing each other, each one doing half tiger seal signifying they were ready for battle.

"Now this is a duel for title of rookie of the year, you can use anything. However no crippling or killing strike understood?" Iruka said. Getting nods from both of them he said "Hajime".

Deciding to prove his superiority and intending to end this match quickly, Sasuke dashed forward and throwing him a punch. Naruto simply side stepped the punch, he brought his knee and hit Sasuke's stomach. Sasuke bent forward from the strike giving Naruto the opportunity to give a chop in the back of his neck leaving him unconscious on the ground.

"It's done" Naruto said and of course the fan girls started yelling the Naruto cheated.

"Congratulations Naruto you are rookie of the year along with Ino," Iruka said and both Naruto and Ino left the academy with her wrapped around his arm.

Shikamaru may look lazy and unfocused, but he is also extremely intelligent and observant.

Naruto and Ino were walking together, going to have dinner out as a celebration for graduating and becoming shinobi of the leaf.

They were walking to Ichirakus when Naruto sensed someone running through the woods.


Mizuki was running through the woods with a large scroll in his back, unaware that he was being tailed. Stopping near a small shack, he sit on the ground, opened and started reading from the scroll.

"With the scroll of seals, Orochimaru-sama is going to give more power than I can dream of," Mizuki thought out loud, his left arm was still in bandages, and his left leg was destroyed.

Naruto and Ino wearing this were about to jump him and retrieve the scroll when out of the sudden Iruka dropped in front of Mizuki.

"Mizuki, how could you do this? You betrayed the leaf," Iruka said, not understanding why his friend was acting like this. He didn't understand how his best friend could betray the leaf and steal the scroll.

"Simple Iruka, I want power and when I give Orochimaru-sama this scroll his going to give more power that you can dream of," Mizuki said with a big smirk on his face. He pulled a couple of shurikens and threw them at Iruka, yelling "Shuriken Kage Bushin no Jutsu", the shurikens multiplied to 20. Iruka seeing this hesitated and ended up pinned against a tree. Mizuki took out a giant shuriken and dashed forward with it spinning intending to end Iruka once and for all.

Naruto seeing this jumped in the middle of them, kicking Mizuki back. "Naruto" Iruka said surprised to see him.

"Ino heal Iruka-sensei, I'll take care of him" - Naruto said. "Hai" she replied and started healing Iruka.

"You damn demon," he cursed before recognising his opportunity to escape. "Have you ever wondered why everyone hates you?" Mizuki asked and Naruto raised an eyebrow. "NO MIZUKI ITS FORBIDEN" Iruka yelled horrified.

"Fourteen years ago the Yondaime didn't kill the kyuubi, he sealed it in you. YOU ARE THE KYUUBI REBORN" Mizuki said expecting to break the brat so he could escape.

"Are you an idiot?" he asked rhetorically. Mizuki narrowed his eyes wondering how it didn't do anything. "I've known about the kyuubi since I was 5 years old, hell I've been talking to him ever since,"

"Since you stole the scroll, I have the right to kill you,"

"Try it demon fox" - Mizuki said and took the last of fuuma shurikens and threw it at him. Naruto dodged the shuriken and went through a couple of hand seals and said Great Fireball technique. Mizuki's eyes widened when he saw the fireball coming; he jumped to the left where Naruto was waiting and gave him a fierce kick to the ribs sending Mizuki crashing to the trees.

Mizuki barely got up since he got a couple of broken ribs.

Naruto suddenly showed up behind him, Iruka's eyes widened at seeing the head of his former friend fly up in the air, blood flew everywhere as his body fell in the dirt like garbage.

Naruto didn't look bothered by what he just did.

"How are you feeling Iruka-sensei?" Naruto asked. Iruka was one of a few people Naruto cared about.

"I'm fine thanks to you." he replied. Moments later ANBU arrived at the scene and took Iruka, Naruto and Ino went to the Hokage.

Hokage Office

ANBU arrived with the three of them at the Hokage office. Naruto delivered the scroll of seals to the Hokage.

"Well done Naruto, due to yours and Ino's help we managed to secure the scroll of seals. I'm considering this a B-rank mission. Anything else I might do for you in compensation?" the Hokage asked. He was secretly happy that Naruto took his training seriously.

"I want to ask Hokage-Sama, if I could be on the same team as Ino and without Sasuke."

"All is well when ends well. Naruto I agree with your request. Be at the academy next week for team placement. See you tomorrow." the Hokage said.

"Naruto, Ino how about I take to ramen as a thank you?" Iruka asked, and of course Naruto agreed, jumping the air.

The Hokage just shook his head seeing all three of them leaving his office. He sighed and picked up the pencil.

"NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" the Hokage yelled seeing paperwork pop up out of nowhere.

Naruto hearing the Hokage yell thought "Maybe I should tell him one of these days".

Warning! Lemon Next Chapter


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