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Sun shines on his face; he squinted, moving his hand in front of his eyes, everything seemed blurred. Still, he could see several figures standing close to his position, moving his hand away, his eyes finally adjusted to the light, the figures slowly shaped into the boy with white clothes, Sasuke remembered that he was in the same team as the green freak, putting his hand on the grass, he tried standing up, when a headache hit him like a hammer, his head and skull ringing like a bell, putting his hands on his head, he closed his eyes tightly, chewing on his lower lip, as the pain was unbearable...

"Sasuke, you should stand down," he heard the voice of ... Ino, he thought, and then he remembered...

"Sakura," he spoke, almost shouted, forcing his eyes to open; he looked around to see her leaning against the body of a tree, her legs seemed better, but her skin was still swollen around her knees, skin red as blood.

Sasuke suddenly remembered the horrifying dream, his parents being eaten by maggots snd worms, the Iwa Shinobi doing something. Sasuke clenched his teeth tightly, ready to tear him apart...

The sound of his name being called forced him out of his thoughts, turning around. He saw Neji standing over to the other side, close to another tree, and the green freak was lying unconscious on the grass near him, a girl standing close to him, checking on his broken fingers...

When did he break his fingers?? Sasuke thought; he didn't remember that happening when they fought against the sound Shinobi.

He wondered if he had fought against the Iwa Shinobi, Sasuke closed his eyes, trying to remember, but all that could come to mind was his nightmare, Itachi coming back for him, his blade slashing through his chest like butter, his blood flying around like water...

"SASUKE," he opened his eyes, seeing Ino, this time closer to him; she was kneeling in front of him, looking at him with concern, while Neji stood close, standing and looking down on him.

"What?" Sasuke finally found his voice to speak, his voice low, almost a whisper.

"I asked if you were alright; you were in horrible shape," Ino explained though Sasuke wondered what she meant, as he was about to ask...

"When I woke up, you were rolling around the ground, throwing your arms everywhere almost as if you were trying to hit an invisible enemy; your whole skin was pale, almost like milk," Ino further explained with concern.

Sasuke kept quiet as he remembered everything that happened in his dream, the mirror showing him...

"How is Sakura?" Sasuke asked as he stood on his legs, his legs slightly shaking, almost as if he was standing for the first time; he glanced at his teammate again before turning to look at Ino again.

"She's fine, but I don't think she can do much for a while," Ino spoke with sadness, pointing out her legs were infected and needed immediate attention from a good Hospital.

Sasuke just nodded his head at the information, not showing much from his face, then he suddenly remembered...

"Wait! What about Naruto? Have you seen him?" Sasuke asked, turning to look at Ino again, who looked down at the side, sadness filled her face.

"We haven't seen the Senju yet; perhaps he couldn't handle this after all," Neji answered instead of her, with a smirk on his face.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes at him before marching towards him, his fist clenched.

"Listen to me, you don't know him, but I know Naruto, and he would never go down that easily," he spoke with full belief as he stared at the Hyuga, whose smirk faded slightly.

As Neji was about to speak, a voice reached their ears from behind Neji.

"Can you two stop? We don't have time for this, and you Neji, Lee needs medical assistance, we should reach the Tower," TenTen spoke as she stood up and turned at Sasuke.

Her hand went to her bag and threw a scroll at Sasuke, who grabbed it and was shocked to see that it was the scroll they needed to pass the exam.

"TenTen," Neji turned and shouted at her in disbelief, but she didn't even flinch from his tone; instead, she took a step closer and put the finger on his chest.

"Listen here, Neji, we have more than enough scrolls to pass this exam; we don't need that scroll anyway. It wouldn't hurt looking after your fellow Shinobi friend," TenTen spoke, leaning closer as if trying to challenge him.

Neji's eye moved away before he sights and turned back to look at Sasuke.

"You can have that scroll, but don't expect charity again," he spoke dismissively before walking again.

TenTen left out a tired sight before following after Neji.

"Before you leave, how did you make the Iwa Shinobi leave?" Sasuke asked, curious if they had been strong enough to do what he wasn't able to.

Neji stopped walking before turning to look at Sasuke with confusion. "Iwa Shinobi? We didn't see any Iwa Shinobi here," he stated before jumping away.

Sasuke was even more confused, and he wondered what it was all about.

"We need to leave," Sasuke stated thoughtfully, not wanting to stay in this forest anymore.

Reaching the Tower, Sasuke knew they had failed but much to his surprise, just before they reached it, he saw the Taki team standing close to the gates, with them was... Naruto.

"Is Naruto-kun alright?" Ino asked immediately as she tried to walk closer; Sasuke remembered the girl as Ashara, and ... Fuu, he didn't know the name of the third one but didn't care.

Naruto was leaning against a tree unconscious, his face was slightly red around his eyes, his cheeks were a bit hollow, and his breathing rate was very fast.

"What happened to Him?" Ino exclaimed and pointed an accusing finger at the Taki team, who didn't look to approve her accusation.

"Calm down, Ino, if they wanted to hurt Naruto, they would have already done it; you're so troublesome," Shikamaru pointed out with a bored expression on his face.

"We don't know what's wrong? We wanted to bring him here, but we didn't know where you were, so we waited at the entrance of the Tower, waiting for you guys," the third teammate stated, his eyes closed.

"Let's get him inside; we have the scrolls and get him healed," Sasuke stated as they made their way inside the Tower.

They finally reached the Tower, and Sasuke almost fell from exhaustion when Shikamaru caught him. "I didn't know a simple walk in the forest could mess you up so much," he said with a teasing tone.

Sasuke weakly shrugged. Shikamaru then seemed to think for a moment and turned at Ashara.

"Can't you use fuinjutsu to fix it?"

Ashara glanced at him tiredly, "Let's walk inside first."

With that, they walked into the Tower, with Sasuke's arm supported around Shikamaru's shoulder. When they entered, they encountered a riddle.

If you do not possess heaven, gain knowledge and be prepared. If you do not possess the earth, run through the fields and see strength. If you open both Heaven and Earth, dangerous paths will turn safe. This is the secret of something. It shall lead you on your way.

Ashara did not even need to think. "It's telling us to open the scrolls."

Sasuke and Shika nodded. Both pulled out their scrolls. Both of them slowly opened it, unsure whether it was a trap or not.

Ashara instantly recognised the seals in the scrolls and exclaimed, "It's a summoning seal! Throw it away!"

Both Sasuke and Shika did as Asha said, tensing up in preparation for any threat. They were unprepared for Iruka popping out of them, at first with a smile and a wave, and then horror took over his features when he saw how badly they were beaten up especially Naruto.

"Kami, what happened to you three?" He stuttered.

Sasuke took the lead, stepping forward. "Iruka-sensei, is it possible for me to meet Hokage-Sama sometime tomorrow? I've got some very grave news."

Iruka shook his head, "The next phase of this exam is in three days, Sasuke. And in that period, none of the genin are allowed to interact with their senseis, much less the Hokage."

Sasuke sighed and motioned Iruka to come closer. Once he was, he whispered in the man's ear. "I'm pretty sure the news of Orochimaru being in the exams and ambushing us is quite important."

Iruka's eyes, if possible, widened further in horror. "Orochimaru?!" he exclaimed in horror. He then regained his composure and said, "I'll be sure to report this to the Hokage, but you can't meet him right now."

Sasuke narrowed his eyes, "I've got more to tell."

"Then tell me. I'll relay it to the Hokage."

Sasuke rolled his eyes, "Iruka-sensei. Orochimaru is an S-rank missing-nin, and so, any information relating to him is S-rank. Only the Hokage can know if he tells it to you, no problem. But I'm only telling the Hokage." He even crossed his arms, showing that he was not changing his opinion.

He sighed in resignation, "Alright, I'll tell the Hokage that you've got news about Orochimaru," he hastily continued upon seeing the satisfaction on Sasuke's face, "But it's up to him if he wants to visit you in the three day period. Even the Hokage has to follow the rules, you know."

Sasuke shrugged, his work completed. There was no way Hokage-sama wouldn't come to see him. Orochimaru was his former student and a very infamous missing-nin. Of course, he would want to know why his student was lurking around Konoha during the chunin exams.

"Alright, I'll take you three to your room now." Iruka beckoned them to follow and started walking.

Soon someone came to take care of Sakura and Naruto. Lying on a couch, Sasuke closed his eyes as the vision of his big brother stood in front of him, like an angel of death, and just like every angel of death, one day, he would come for him as well.


"Danzo... it's much better to honour Konoha by living than by dying."

But what did that mean, Danzo thought.

His relatives had died in battle - sacrificed themselves for the greater good of Konoha! It was a ninja's duty to be willing to offer up their lives to save their village! There was no greater honour for a shinobi... that was why he was still weak. Weak and pathetic because he couldn't take that step. He was too frightened and failed in his duty where Hiruzen had not.

Which was why Hiruzen was Hokage now, and it was Danzo's sworn duty to fight and, if necessary, die for him.

How ironic.

Hiruzen was soft. He was too full of heart for a shinobi, could not kill his feelings even for a mission. He was vulnerable, and a shinobi should never be vulnerable.

He was also a better man than Danzo and the better Shinobi.

What does that make me?

Better to honour Konoha by living.

What does that mean?

"Danzo-san, the Hokage would like to see you."

He clenched his fists and did not turn. "What for?"

"He did not say, Danzo-san."

Schooling his expression into one of calm disdain, he finally deigned to look at the messenger. "Very well then. I will go see what he has called me for."

Better to honour Konoha by living.

The thought would not leave him alone.

What did it mean?

"Ah, Danzo!" Hiruzen still looked uncomfortable in the Hokage's formal robes. The hat was too big for him, as well, Danzo noticed, but he bit back a smirk.

Instead, he bowed. "You wanted to see me, Hokage-sama?"

Hiruzen's nervous smile was not something he saw often, but the somewhat sheepish expression on his face was one he was familiar with. "Come on, please don't call me that! I feel so old."

It had been a month since the Nidaime's death. A month since Danzo had lost his teacher... and since his rival had been recognised as Hokage, the greatest Shinobi in the village, and the very symbol of Konoha-


He blinked and scowled, though mostly from displeasure at himself. He was letting his emotions show again. A shinobi should always keep a tight hold of their emotions and be in control at all times.

"What?" he asked.

Hiruzen hesitated at the slight snarl to his tone. "Listen - about... all this..." He gestured vaguely, but Danzo knew what he was talking about. "I didn't ask for it, you know."

Danzo said nothing.

"I just feel like..." He stopped and tried again. "You've been really... distant since we came back. We're still friends, Danzo, even if I am Hokage. I wanted to remind you of that. " Hiruzen stopped again. "I wanted to apologise, as well."

He blinked, surprised and failing to hide it yet again. "Apologise for what?"

"For my behaviour, back - then." He continued firmly, despite the brief moment of hesitation, "I didn't think, at the time - I... didn't consider your feelings. About your family. I wasn't being light-hearted to undermine their sacrifice, and I was just..."

"...Scared?" Danzo suggested.

Hiruzen smiled sheepishly again. "Yeah." The Hokage's hat slumped in front of his eyes, and he burst into nervous laughter as he removed it and placed it carefully on the desk. Even Danzo couldn't resist smirking. "I hate that stupid thing," Hiruzen muttered, glaring at it.

They lapsed into silence.

"Do you have anything for me, Hokage-Sama?" Danzo asked with a neutral tone; he didn't want to be here and couldn't make himself look at his former friend.

Sarutobi had dismissed him that day, Danzo at first had stayed in the shadows, wanting to know what kind of Hokage his former friend would be, but soon he understood his friend wouldn't be a good Kage.

He wanted peace, but Hiruzen just didn't understand that you can't make peace with people who want War.

With time, Danzo understood that feelings didn't belong in the Shinobi World; they were a nuance.

He watched as his weapons kneeled in front of him; Danzo didn't trust anyone in the world except his weapons. They would never betray him; they were loyal only to him, only to me, Danzo thought with a slight smirk on his face.

They would never betray me, they're weapons, and no weapon betrays its master, Danzo thought before gesturing for them to leave.

Soon, his biggest follower showed up in front of him, and he was silent, no sound, not even the sound of his breathing, his face looking down on the ground, kneeling to him.

"Is it Done?"

"Yes, Hokage-Sama," the weapon spoke, his mask shaped like a ghost, no eye holes on it.

"Good, Prepare for The Uzumaki Stage,"


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