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Everyone went quiet for a moment, then suddenly rushed to take a seat; Naruto sat in a chair and just waited for the exam to start, taking his seat; he saw that the person who took the seat at his table was none other than Yugito.

Five minutes later, all of the Genins had been seated in their pre-designated seats, completely separating the members of each team. He was stealing glances around him to try and map the seating system of the room. He noted many Konoha Chunin all around the room, sitting in chairs and intently watching every Genin. At that moment, Ibiki Morino, their examiner, coughed, gaining attention from every participant.

"Listen closely. There are many important rules for this first test. I'll write them on the board while explaining them. However, questions are not allowed." He looked over the nervous Genin and grinned mercilessly.

"The first rule: all participants start with 10 points, corresponding with ten questions in the test. This test uses a subtraction system, meaning if you answer all questions correctly, you'll end up with 10 points. For any failed question, you lose one point. The second rule: this is a team test. Your passing is based on the combined score of your teammates. The third rule: anyone caught cheating during the exam will have 2 points subtracted for every offence. For that purpose, we have testing officers spread all around the room. If you lose all your points for cheating, you'll be asked to leave." Ibiki explained his hand with the chalk moving up and down the board. Naruto was listening closely to the speech with a frown.

"You have to realize that the ones who are pathetic enough to get caught cheating will be destroying themselves. As shinobi trying to achieve the level of Chunin, be proud ninjas. Oh, and the final rule: those that lose all their points, either by getting caught cheating or failing to answer, will be failed along with their teammates."

The last rule caused the whole room to break out in sweat and murmurs, Sakura furiously banging her head on the desk and even Sasuke widening his eyes in surprise. Naruto recalled one piece of information he had heard from Anko before concerning Ibiki Morino, his current examiner.

'Ibiki Morino: the best and, at the same time, worst, interrogator of the Konoha Torture and Interrogation Force... what the hell is this kind of person doing here?'

"The exam will last one hour. You can turn the tests around and begin!"

Naruto hastily glanced at the test and read the first question.

'You are in a situation where the enemy used Wind Release: Great Sickle Weasel jutsu against you, and the only jutsu in your arsenal is Fire Release: Great Fireball jutsu. Will you be able to win? Explain... the hell? What kind of question is that? It's too hard for a Genin. Of course, the fire element is stronger against the wind. However, you have to take the level of the technique into account. If the Wind jutsu is a higher rank, then you can win, but only then. The Great Fireball is a C-rank but can be stronger the more influential the user who uses it... But still, the problem doesn't specify how strong the user is, so the answer is the Fire Jutsu.

Second question

'You are standing on the ground, you see several opponents surrounding you, the only jutsu at disposal in your arsenal is Shadow Clone, Wind Style Great Breakthrough, and Fire Style Fireball; Naruto stopped reading and massaged his temples. He reread the question, and he understood it.

First, use shadow clone and make another clone; with that done, make the clone use Wind Style while you use Fireball to burn down the area along with any enemy left around.

'These can't be questions for a Genin. Even Shikamaru would have trouble with this, and he's loads smarter than I am. There has to be something...' He glanced up at the examiner and the testing officers around the room.

'Now that I think about it... it doesn't make sense that they would let us cheat four times before sacking us out. Why wouldn't they sack us immediately? Why?' Briefly gazing over the rest of the questions, Naruto swallowed hard.

Hearing the testing officer on his far-right scribbling something, he mentally cursed.

'I'm missing something... I'm missing something... again... the examiner is a sadistic interrogator, and we have enough chances to cheat; what does that tell me? And what was with those final words? The ones who are pathetic enough to get caught cheating will be destroying themselves. As shinobi trying to achieve the level of Chunin, be proud ninjas... yeah, of course, we would be destroying ourselves...' Kakashi's face told him something showed itself in Naruto's mind, and he widened his eyes.

'Of course! A ninja should look underneath the underneath! If they tell us cheating would cost us everything... it's the same when on a dangerous mission where you either gather information or die. This is not a test of intelligence but one of the ability to gather information with our skills! It makes sense!' Naruto thought with a slight grin, but then it faltered.

'Sasuke has Sharingan, and Sakura has her wits; we should be fine.'

The minutes passed quickly, and many Genin got caught and expelled from the exams. Some of them tried to resist, but every single one of them was mercilessly kicked out. Naruto ignored it all and, after successfully answering the question. He saw he didn't answer two of the questions.

With that done, his hand touched the table underneath in front of him, leaving a Seal underneath it.

The words slowly moved away, and the seal reached the guy closest to him; the seal stopped shifting once it reached his chest, and spread creating branches.

Yugito had to give Naruto credit; he looked pretty intelligent, especially his move under the table; Yugito didn't see why he did it but figured there was a reason for it.

She turned her head, and her eyes turned to split like Matatabi's eyes; from the corner of her eyes, she could see the words of a student below their level, despite being very far away, she could see and read the words as if he was just in front of her.

Matatabi's eyes allowed her to see very far, even see the details of a coin from a mile away.

Yugito smiled as she started writing in the test.

Sasuke activated his Sharingan, copying the movement of the student in front of his table. Beside him was Lulja Łutaka, who closed her eyes.

She could feel the vibrations of the class around her, and even the vibration caused every time the pen touched the paper.

Her hand moved to the first question and started writing one by one.

Karin did nothing but write the symbol of Uzumaki and wrote a seal around it. The seal completed, her red eyes glanced at everyone in the room, her eyes noticed Naruto Uzumaki.

Karin thought that that was his name, and a chakra chain came out from underneath her foot, reaching the redhead. The seal in her paper disappeared, and soon the answers were written in her paper.

She quickly disappeared her chakra chains but wondered whenever or not had Naruto noticed her and just let her copy the answers, or he didn't notice her; that would be pretty disappointing for an Uzumaki.

Fuu just smiled at the answers, her insects spread around the room, and returned, giving her the information she needed. She even 'hacked' one of Shino's insects.

Ashara created a small mirror water jutsu in front of her right palm; with her left palm, she made another small mirror around the pink-haired girl; Asha noticed she did not once look distressed, so she figured she must know the answers.

The mirror around Sakura showed the view in the mirror to her palm; seeing that she had already answered every question, she started writing her answers.

Gaara put his hand on his left eye, an eye made of sand appeared around the shoulder of a student, and he started writing the answers.

Shikamaru was in a deep sleep, same for Ikashu of Fuu's Team, who was snoring but writing simultaneously.

The sound ninja Dosu used the sound wave around him to read the answers from the ninjas around him.

Ikanu of Iwa said nothing and did nothing as his whole right eye turned as dark as the darkest abyss, no white Sclera, only dark.

He looked at the shinobi in front of him, who had dark hair and an Uchiha symbol on his back.

Sasuke Uchiha, let's see what you made of, he thought, and just as he predicted, his 'Yami' level was above average; he wondered what would make him just tip over the edge.

Neji quickly used his Byakugan, and so did Hinata, who got her answers copied from Shino. While Akamaru was above Kiba's head, his eyes looked at the solutions and barked at Kiba, answering him.

Ino used her clan's technique and took over Sakura's body and started answering one by one; later, she would help Choji since she knew that Shika had already answered all the questions.

Gitago looked at the questions, "You must be fucking kidding" he silently cursed his stupid sensei for bringing him here, in his own brilliant mind, Kumo would receive popularity if they won Chunin exams, popularity they lost when someone had the bright idea to kidnap a child from a compound filled with people who can literally see through walls and everything, it didn't make sense whatsoever.

With that thought done, he started answering every question he could.

Kankuro had gone to the toilet during all this, when he returned, Ibiki turned to him.

"I hope you find your trip enlightening, princess", Ibiki commented.

"I'm a boy, sir and is just war paint", Kankuro corrected, running out of patience that everyone was mistaking him for a girl.

"Could have fooled me; boys usually don't wear make-up and don't play with dolls", Ibiki answered with a clear indication that he knew what he did, and his right hand had two fingers raised.

Showing that two more miss-steps and he's out along with his team.

Kankuro walked back to his seat. Temari could hardly contain her laughter, Kankuro murmured 'Traitor' under his breath.

Naruto finished his final question, he had noticed the chakra chain of Karin and even felt the guilt, but it was a good sign. He was happy to know she knew Fuinjtsu, an Uzumaki who didn't know Fuinjtsu wouldn't make sense.


Meanwhile, in the jonin lounge, Kakashi, Guy, Kurenai, and Asuma were all relaxing as their students took the exam. Might Guy was beside Kakashi, Kurenai and Asuma sat near each other, across from Kakashi. Asuma took a long drag off of his cigarette before looking to the copy ninja.

"Eesh, you really screwed that one up, Kakashi," Asuma said with a slightly amused expression after Kakashi explained precisely what happened during the Wave mission. "Putting a team of green Genin through a mess like that without even calling for backup? I bet the old man tore you a new one."

Kakashi chuckled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his head. "Well... we all make mistakes, right? And everything turned out fine in the end."

"I notice you didn't answer my question." Asuma pointed out with a grin.

"Don't you think it is a little unfair that you used to train Naruto, and you have him in your team" Kurenai started looking at the one-eyed shinobi.

"Last time I checked Kurenai, all your genins come from clans, Right?"

That statement immediately ended the argument. That was true, and they could always look for extra help from their families. In fact, Asuma mainly had left it to his students' clans to train them and subsequently got chewed out by his father himself for passing the buck.

Even Hinata could have sought additional help from her clan. Though she was viewed poorly by her father and the clan's elders, many among her family found her kindhearted nature endearing and would be more than willing to help her.

Naruto and Sasuke, being orphans, and Sakura, being raised by a civilian mother, did not have this opportunity.

"Things are going to be boring for the next month. We can't even carry out missions while our students take on the exam," Kakashi complained, the usual lazy expression he tended to wear holding a hint of boredom.

"Now you know how I feel. I can't wait for this damn probationary period to be over," Guy said to the copy ninja, grumbling at the end. "But I have to agree; this is dull. At least before I had something to do."

Asuma chuckled. "Eh, don't worry. Those kids might be back sooner than you think."

"Hm? Do you know something we don't, Asuma?" Kakashi asked.

Asuma shrugged. "Just that word is the examiner for the first stage happens to be Ibiki."

Guy sat up and frowned. "Ibiki? Ibiki Morino?"

"The very same," Asuma replied.

Kakashi's usual, aloof expression gained a hint of concern. "They put them with that sadist from the start?"

Kurenai's brow furrowed, not liking the sound of that and slightly worried about her team.


Guy raised a brow.

"You've never heard of him?"

"She's a new jonin, and unlike you, she never met him before. Not surprising, she never heard of him," Asuma pointed out with a grin.

Kurenai rolled her eyes at the slight dig on her status as a newbie.

"So, who is he?"

"An expert..." Asuma began, taking another puff of his stick before turning and looking at the sole kunoichi in the room. "... of torture and interrogation. The special jonin: Ibiki Morino of Konoha's T & I department. Don't worry; there won't be anything physical. That's not where his skills lie. His area of expertise ... is mental torture."

Kakashi wasn't worried for his team, but he wondered why he just had a bad feeling like everything would soon come crashing down on top of him like a boulder.


He glanced at the 10th and final question and grimaced; it was almost time. He was spot-on as the examiner turned around and spoke.

"Ok. All of you must have noticed the 10th question. It's time for it."

His head finally leaving the test form, Naruto realized that the number of Genin had drastically lowered, and barely half of them were still present. That was one thing he liked, but the thing he certainly didn't like was the examiner's sadistic grin.

"For this 10th question, I'll have to add a few additional rules. I call them Rules of Desperation. First rule: you must decide whether you will or will not take it."

"What?!" Sakura couldn't hold her emotions anymore and yelled in anger.

"It's quite simple. Either you choose to take the question, but if you fail, not only you will lose the exam but will be forbidden ever to take the exam ever again, or you can choose not to take it and, in that case, your points will be reduced to zero, and you will fail, along with the rest of your team."

The silence that followed after that was more than loud. The absence of any sound was so loud; the beads broke it of sweat dripping from the contestants' foreheads.

"W-What kind of stupid rule is that! Something like that has never been on the exams before!" Some Genin angrily asked. The rest of them gulped when the examiner started to chuckle darkly.

"He...heh...too bad for you, brats. You were simply unlucky. This year, I'm the examiner. However, as I told you, you have a way out. Just forfeit and try again next year."

Yugito felt uncomfortable and intense; she knew she would most likely know the answer, but what about Karui and Omoi? They would never forgive her if they failed because of her. Her hands started shaking, and her eyes checked Omoi and Karui, who were both pale and trembling.

She then noticed that Naruto looked as bored as a person could get, his hands behind his neck, his head resting on the head of the chair.

Ibiki saw many were calculating in their minds if they should surrender or try; he grinned evilly, but then his eyes found the redhead without a hint of fear in his entire body.

"Redhead, you're not afraid", Ibiki challenged him. He thought that the kid was either a moron or intelligent or a bit of both.

"Why would I be afraid, if words are all you can give us, go ahead give me your stupid question, you think I'm afraid to end up a Genin my whole life, well you should know I never give up, what kind of Shinobi I would be if I surrender at the first blockade in front of me, and I don't need the Title Chunin to achieve my dream. I will be known as the strongest Genin ever," Naruto exclaimed and slammed his open hand on the table.

This caught mixed reactions from everyone; Yugito smiled and took the courage back; Sasuke had to give it to Naruto. He definitely knew how to talk.

Sakura smiled and was really glad to have Naruto in the same team.

"Well said, Naruto", Shikamaru murmured with a smile.

Ibiki saw the mood had been broken and saw one by one getting back their courage back.

Interesting kid, he thought and saw that no one would surrender anymore.

"Is This Your Final Answer?" Ibiki shouted and saw many gulps but still stood their ground.

"Then. Everyone Who is Still Here Has Officially Passed The Test," he declared.

For a moment, no one said anything, not even a whimper, when suddenly the shouts exploded. Temari stood up.

"What do you mean we Passed? Does that mean everything we did so far was"

"Bullshit", Gitago agreed immediately.

"You haven't understood it, have you," Ibiki said and started explaining the real meaning of the test.

Yugito glanced at Naruto beside her, and a smile erupted on her face; she owed to him for passing the test.

Ibiki explained that the first part was to see how they would get information, and the second part was to see how much they would risk passing a blockade in their road.

Before anyone could celebrate, Ibiki turned his gaze to the window, his expression dropping as he sensed something very familiar rapidly approaching. The very next instant, the window shattered as what appeared to be a black ball of cloth burst into the room, causing a nearby chunin to jump and a few genins unlucky enough to be nearby to shield their faces as shards rained down on them.

"That's...!" spoke Naruto, sitting up in his seat, having immediately recognized this entrance.

The ball unfurled in front of a slightly annoyed Ibiki, sticking to the floor and ceiling with kunai. Once fully opened, it revealed itself to be a banner reading 'The sexy and taken proctor of the second exam, Anko Mitarashi!'. The woman herself stood before the flag with her hands in her coat pockets. Her clothes were very revealing. More than a few males in her audience had trouble keeping their attention off her assets; several had blushed and, in a few cases, nosebleeds.

"Alright, you brats! This is no time to celebrate!" Anko shouted to the test-takers, waving her arm with her usual dramatic flair. "I'm Anko Mitarashi, the proctor for the second stage of the chunin exams! Now let's go! Follow me!" She pumped her fist in the air.

Silence followed this declaration. Ibiki, clearly annoyed, stepped out from behind the banner.

"Bad timing, Anko. You're early, again."

This caused Anko to blush in embarrassment while Naruto snickered at the expressions of both special jonin.

Anko rubbed the back of her head and chuckled sheepishly before actually looking at the chunin hopefuls. Taking a quick tally, she frowned.

"78!?" She wheeled on her fellow special jonin. "What the hell, Ibiki!? You let 26 teams pass?" She then grinned. "Looks like someone's getting soft."

"Actually, you've got that brat to thank for all the extras," Ibiki responded, pointing to Naruto.

"Huh?" Anko raised a brow before following Ibiki's gaze and seeing the redhead.

"Hey, Anko. I was wondering when you'd show up," Naruto called out with a grin, which Anko returned.

"Well, if it isn't my favourite redhead. Figured you'd get through Ibiki's game, but what's this I hear about you being responsible for all the extra baggage?" She asked, putting a hand on her hip.

The redhead shrugged. "Eh, it's not like I did much. I just said a few words, and all the wannabes who were ready to back out sat back down."

The purple-haired kunoichi chuckled at that, while Naruto's teammates looked at the young Uzumaki in slight confusion.

'How does he know her? I mean, she acts kind of like him, but when did they meet?' Sakura wondered.

"Well, don't worry, more than half of them will be out once I'm done with them", Anko chuckled darkly, much to the horror of some of them.

"Now, I want everyone in front of Training Ground 44 within 20 minutes, or you're disqualified", Anko stated and disappeared. Everyone still was seated except Naruto, who stood up immediately.

"She 100% meant that", he said and left quickly, followed by the others.

Ibiki started collecting the papers after everyone left and reached the paper of Uzumaki Naruto, he wasn't surprised to see his page was completed, but he read in the end.

"Amongst the Genins are two Shinobi with Chakra above Elite Jonin, and one Kabuto Yakushi has a lot of information that should be inaccessible."

His eyes widened, and he rushed towards the Hokage Tower.


Every team that passed the first team were in front of a vast fence; the fence was surrounded by seals everywhere, except the gates, they were many gates around the area.

Anko grinned sadistically at the teams that had gathered. Naruto noticed the grin and just looked at the forest behind the fence.

"What is this place?" Sakura asked, feeling fear. The forest looked dark.

"This is the Forest of Death"


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