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His team walked inside the room, and they were immediately blasted by multi Killing Intent.

Every genin there releasing their KI trying to look intimidating, Sakura started shaking from the amount of KI around her, while Sasuke just shrugged his shoulder but felt a small weight around his body.

While Naruto just looked bored, a smirk slowly made his way to his face and took a step forward.

"How about we give these people a taste of their own medicine?" Naruto asked Kurama who smirked slyly.

"Let's see how many won't pass out" Kurama replied.

A second after saying that, Naruto leaked a small bit of KI to be noticed by everyone, seeing almost everyone had turned in his direction.

"You call this Killing Intent, my grandma can do better than this" Naruto stated and releasing half of his KI taking almost everyone by surprise.

Some started falling unconscious immediately, their eyes almost popped out from their eye sockets, their face turned pale, but Naruto noticed a few groups that didn't look affected or less than the others.

His senses spread and found The Shukaku Jinchuuriki glaring at him, but keeping his KI in check, his siblings looked pale and were shaking but Naruto wasn't sure if it was because of him or Gaara.

His senses found the Kumo teams, amongst them was Matatabi Jinchuuriki, Yugito had her eyes on him, her tongue licking her red strawberry lips, wetting them. Her legs were slightly crossed, and her eyes almost looked like Matatabi's eyes.

Her teammates looked slightly affected, except another one who looked interested in Naruto, the redhead couldn't recognize him but he could feel this wasn't someone to be underestimated.

Naruto's senses found Fuu's team and she, Ashara and their teammate were making their way towards them.

But Naruto's then focused on the Iwa Shinobi across the room, who looked almost wanting to blank in the background and not be noticed. The one named Ikano had his eyes on Naruto, his focus was also on the Shukaku Jinchuuriki.

Naruto had to admit his ability to hide his Chakra was impressive, the redhead could hardly feel his chakra, if it weren't for Kurama, perhaps he wouldn't be able to.

His eyes found a group of Shinobi from Sound village, none of them looked impressive, except they had strange devices attached to their arms or palms.

Naruto wondered where that village came from, he had never heard of it.

His senses found a group from Rain village, one of the girls was holding an angel figure made out of paper something that Naruto found a bit odd.

But Naruto's eyes widened when he checked another group from Sound village, two of them had an enormous amount of chakra especially one of them, and his malice was beyond what Naruto had ever felt before.

His Chakra level was easily S-Rank level and the one next to him had much fewer malice tendencies but his chakra level was Elite-Jonin Level, or maybe even  Low-S Rank.

Naruto wondered if this was what Baa-chan meant when she told him to be extra careful and do not underestimate anyone and report if he sees anything unusual.

Naruto wondered who the main guy was, Naruto didn't even glance in his direction, he didn't want him or her to get suspicious.

The redhead knew the  Akatsuki were after him but he doubted they would risk being seen, not mentioning Toad-Jiji said they would start capturing them after 3 years,  which gave Naruto plenty of time to prepare.

Naruto's senses detected two teams of emotionless Shinobi standing at the far left corner of the room, they had no emotions in their body, Naruto wondered what Danzo wanted, perhaps trying to capture him or anyone from other villages or eliminate them.

But Naruto detected that one of them had no Chakra, in that moment the redhead felt a small shiver in his body, this guy was able to hide his chakra even from him,  and him hiding his emotions made it useless to try and detect him through emotions.

"Kurama, how is this possible?" Naruto mentally asked since even the likes of Jiraiya couldn't hide from him,  unless this Shinobi was using a different type of chakra he couldn't detect.

"I don't know Naruto,  your Uzumaki senses are already too good and me enhancing them should have made it almost impossible for anyone to hide" Kurama replied just as irritated and confused.

The demon fox of course knew a couple of Shinobi throughout history that would be able to hide even from Naruto's senses like Hashirama Senju, Roku Uzumaki,  Arthur Uzumaki, Kenji 'The Fire Breather' Uzumaki, Elikso Ketsueki from  Kiri, Anaruki Himei and his own father Hagoromo Otsutsuki.

Naruto's attention then went to the second group from Sound village and he could feel another  Uzumaki, his eyes widened and a smile erupted on his face, his eyes glanced to the far right side of the room, his eyes saw the girl with red hair with glasses standing but her eyes were glancing at him every now and then.

Naruto wanted to talk to her, it wasn't every day that he found an Uzumaki, but just then he heard a shout.

"Naruto-kun" hands were crossed around his neck from behind, her blonde hair covering his right shoulder, as she rubbed her cheek against his face, Naruto couldn't help but blush at the feeling of her soft breasts against his back. And a  sensation was growing on his pants.

"Ah, hi Ino, it's been some time," Naruto said feeling awkward from the close contact with the kunoichi.

"Hi, Naruto how have you been," Shikamaru said walking closer, followed by Choji, and Team 8.

"Good to see you again Shika and Choji, Prepare for the exams?"

Shikamaru just shrugged his shoulders not really that focused on the exams, while Choji was busy eating chips.

"We are kind of ready,  if you ask me, we should have waited until the following year but life is troublesome" Shika replied lazily, rubbing his neck.

"Everything is  Troublesome to you Shikamaru" Ino shouted angry at him, Shika just rolled his eyes and raised his hands in surrender.

"I'm sorry for speaking your majesty" before Naruto could ask more, they heard footsteps and turned to see Team 8 walking towards them.

"We will soon have our rematch Naruto, Better be ready," Kiba said with a slightly high voice,  but Naruto thought he sounded ridiculous.

"Naruto-kun" Hinata said nervously as she was playing with her finger, her face as red as his hair. She saw Ino clenching on Naruto's back, her eyes slightly twitching at the blonde bold Ino.

Naruto sighed quietly that Hinata still hadn't moved on from her crush, he hoped she at least has trained in Taijutsu or maybe Ninjutsu. His attention turned back to  Kiba.

"No offence dog breath,  but you won't be much of a challenge" Naruto stated with a sly grin on his face, Kiba's face turned red from anger.

"Why is that tomato?"  Kiba demanded taking a step closer completely ignoring the barks of  Akamaru telling him to not mess with Naruto and get them in trouble before the exams even starts.

"Because Naruto is the strongest one of us, and you Kiba stand absolutely no chance" Shino stated with his usual 'Nothing but spitting facts' kind of tone.

Kiba turned to Shino, "Hey, you're taking his side now" He barked angrily. Before their discussion could escalate further.

"How are you doing  Naruto-kun" Everyone turned to see Fuu arriving followed by Asha who was glaring daggers at Ino, while the third teammate had his eyes closed and was quietly snoring.

"Fuu-chan, Asha-chan is good to see you," Naruto said warmly something that was noticed by Ino and Hinata.

The Hyuga heiress couldn't help but notice the warm and soft tone Naruto used when he talked with the new girls, she wondered who they were and if any of them had stolen his heart.

Ino narrowed her eyes at the new girls and didn't help that Naruto made her let go of his warm back, not only was he handsome, just the feeling of his body made her want to hug him tightly like a pillow.

Sasuke noticed Ashara and wondered how strong she was, if she was anything like Naruto, he wouldn't be surprised if she was a much better kunoichi than a certain pink-haired girl.

"Who are your friends  Naruto? Wait... red hair, are these the girls you mentioned" Shikamaru said remembering that Naruto had mentioned that he had two friends from  Taki village, his eyes saw their emblem tightened around the arm of the green-haired girl, around the waist of the redhead and around the shoulder of the third one who looked to be sleeping while standing. Interesting, Shikamaru thought.

"Indeed they are, everyone these are my friends Fuu, Ashara and Ikashu" Naruto replied, and he took a step forward towards Asha.

Everyone greeted them in return even Sasuke.

"Did you notice the Uzumaki girl on the right side?" Naruto whispered in her ear, Fuu heard him as well.

Asha said nothing but nodded her head in agreement, Shikamaru found it a bit odd but thought that it was nothing troublesome.

In another corner Team  Guy was looking at the exchange between Naruto and Team Taki, Lee had to admit that Naruto had quite a good taste for women, while Neji narrowed his eyes, just the thought of her angered him, let alone seeing her here, but in the end, it wouldn't matter, the fate had chosen him the winner.

While this was happening, a certain red-haired girl couldn't keep her eyes away from the redheads talking together, she knew her senses weren't lying to her but she still couldn't believe that there were more Uzumaki in the world.

Her eyes instinctively glanced in the direction of her master but immediately moved her eyes away, a cold shiver spread in her entire body, crawling her skin, and her throat felt as dry as the deserts of Suna.

Despite seeing them, she couldn't believe it, but Orochimaru-sama said there were no other Uzumaki! She reminded herself, did her master lied, she quickly shook her head in denial. No, Orochimaru-sama would never do this, She told herself repeatedly. Her hand touched the cursed mark on her left shoulder, close to her neck.

The cursed mark looked like a whirlpool, except for lines coming together in the centre, they looked like dark chains.

Karin turned to look at the Uzumaki duo again and wondered if she could just go over there and introduce herself as a member of the Uzumaki Clan.

The thought of her clan made her remember.

"One day Karin, you will find your Family, the Will of Life still lives inside you"

Karin felt saddened when she remembered the bite marks of her mother, and now the same thing was happening to her.

But Orochimaru-sama saved me, I own it to him, she told herself.

In a corner, Iwa Shinobi was looking at Naruto Senju. Ikano looked at the Senju with narrowed eyes, his right hand covered in bandages shaking slightly, something his sister noticed.

"Ika" she murmured and pointed a finger at his hand, he put his left hand on top of it, the hand stopped shaking.

"Do you see it?" His sister suddenly asked looking at the Senju, like an eagle looks at his prey.

"Indeed I do, do you think the old man knows?" Ikano asked seeing his 'Yami' level was still balanced.

That caught him by surprise since the Kid from Suna had his 'Yami' level almost completed,  he wondered what memories or good people were keeping him from fully falling over the edge.

Usually, Jinchuurikis had that kind of 'Yami' level because of their treatment but the Senju was different.

"I don't think he knows,  but even if he does should we kill him, you Know What HIS F" she stopped mid-sentence when Ikano raised his hand to stop her.

"You know how I feel about revenge, We are Not like Syako, we don't know the real story,"  Ikano said with a slightly high tone and his hand on her shoulder.

Despite being told from a young age that their parents died protecting Iwa from the barbaric Minato Namikaze.

"Your father died protecting Iwa from his enemies, Minato slaughtered, men, women and children without mercy"

That was the usual response from the sisters in the orphanage, they would tell them that  Iwa only protected their territory and that Konoha attacked without any provocation.

But Ikano couldn't help but ask himself, 'Why Iwa is still standing?'.

From their words Minato  'The Yellow Flash' slaughtered the army, but why didn't he just advance further into Land of Stone Territory and completely conquer it, to that last rock.

"Calm down, firecracker, no need to get all red" Lulja said as she was eyeing someone from the Konoha Team.

Before Ikano could say anything, they heard a voice and he turned to see a guy with glasses walking over to the Konoha teams.

Naruto saw the glasses guy slowly advancing towards them, much to his surprise he had a Konoha Emblem on his forehead.

"You should try to be quiet, you are gaining too much attention to yourself," the guy said smirking slyly at them.

The others saw that everyone indeed was looking at them, except Naruto and Ashura who could feel them.

"And you are?" Sasuke asked not liking the smirk on his face.

"My name is Kabuto  Yakushi, as you have noticed there are quite a few very good teams this year and even better candidates" he stated raising his arms.

That took the attention of everyone in the room, almost everyone leaned closer to listen.

"Kabuto you say, I don't think I have ever seen you before" Naruto stated, his voice a hint of accusation.

"Well you see, I don't really like that much to be in the spotlight" he started rubbing his neck nervously.

"Then why are you talking with us? Right now you're in the centre of the spotlight" Naruto retorted.

"You just remind me of my old team, and since you're so young I thought a few hints on how to complete the exams were needed"  Kabuto answered feeling as if Naruto was interrogating him and it didn't help that Naruto was leaking a bit of his KI.

"Why? How many times you  have been in Chunin exams?" Sakura asked since from his words it must mean that he had been in Chunin Exams before.

"This is my seventh time actually"

This caught by surprise almost everyone, Sakura felt even more insecure, what if she disappointed her Team, how could she look at Sasuke if they lost because of her.

Hinata slightly lowered her head in increasing insecurity but she felt a hand on her shoulder, she turned to see Shino.

"Don't worry Hinata,  you're stronger than you think" He stated with an actual smile on his face, Hinata smiled back and turned to look at Kabuto.

"Wow, you must really suck" Kiba mocked him.

"Or the exams are just that hard" Naruto retorted but couldn't help but feel the malice coming from him, and his Chakra level was High-Jonin and not mentioning he smelled of snakes.

"You said you could help us, how would you do that?" Ino asks hoping for any advantage.

"And you're asking the guy who lost six times for help," Shikamaru said sarcastically, earning a glare from Ino.

Kabuto ignored the pineapple head and pulled out cards from his pocket, the cards were white blank.

"With these"

"What are they?" Sasuke asked looking interested.

"These are Ninja Info  cards, if I add chakra it will reveal to me every information I have  gathered throughout the years and about the team's participating this  year"

Making the card on his finger show a bunch of Hidden Village symbols with numbers near them.

"What is this list?" Sakura asked.

"This shows, how many teams are from each village, there are 9 Konoha teams, 1 Suna team, 2  Sound Teams, 1 Iwa Team, 3 Rain Village team, 2 Kumo Teams and several  Teams from minor Villages" Kabuto stated causing Neji to get closer when he heard that Kumo had teams in the Chunin Exams.

"That's quite a lot of information you have," Naruto said with a hidden meaning that Kabuto noticed.

"What can the other cards do?" Shikamaru finding this whole thing troublesome.

"In basic terms, they're cards with information burnt into them using my Chakra. I've gathered information on this exam for the past four years. Meaning I have got a  lot of information on a lot of different people and places" stated  Kabuto, where he then started to explain what the Chunin exam was all about.

Once Kabuto had finished explaining what the exam was about, Sasuke decided to ask a question.

"You  say that you've  information on a lot of different people, does that  mean you've  information on the combatants in this exam?"

"Yes I do, is there someone you're interested in?" asked the boy, with a ghost of a smirk, where Sasuke just nodded.

"Well the information  I've on this year's examinees is not perfect, but I've burnt and saved them onto my cards, which includes all of you", stated  Kabuto.

"Now tell me what you can about these people you're interested in and I look them up for you," said Kabuto.

"Gaara of Hidden Sand, Rock Lee of Hidden Leaf, Ashara Uzumaki of Takigakure and Naruto Uzumaki of Hidden Leaf" spoke  Sasuke.

At hearing this Naruto looked at Sasuke with a bit of surprise, since he could understand why he was interested in Gaara, given Naruto had warned him about him, as well as Lee. But  Naruto had not expected Sasuke to ask about Ashara.

Hearing this Ashara narrowed her eyes at him and turned to look at the guy. "I Want information on Ikano Āegenka of Iwakure, Ikamana Āegenka of Iwa, and  Lulja Łetaka of Iwa" Ashara spoke. When he heard the names Kabuto almost froze, everyone knew the Āegenka clan died during the First Ninja War.

This caused Yugito and her team to walk closer,  she approached and stood close to Naruto who noticed her well-developed body, especially ...

Bad, bad Naruto, stop it, stop being like Ero-Jiji, Naruto mentally beat himself while Kurama was laughing like crazy.

"Hello Yugito, couldn't help yourself" Naruto started smiling with a warm tone.

"You know I'm quite curious for my own sake" she replied with a small lick of her lips and swaying her hips slightly something Kiba immediately noticed.

"What is your name beautiful chick, how about you spend time with an alpha" Kiba walked closer, his arms spread out and his chest high.

This caused Naruto to snicker slightly when Kiba turned to Naruto.

"Any problems tomato?" Kiba asked trying to sound intimidating.

"Nothing dog breath, be careful you might as well explode from trying to raise your chest, and she's more of a cat person" Naruto replied.

Yugito giggle slightly from the red face of Kiba who was clenching his teeth and glaring at Naruto.

"Do you have any information?" Sasuke suddenly demanded looking at Kabuto.

"You know their names,  then this will be easy" replied Kabuto, where he took out four cards from his deck and then channelled Chakra into it. After which a small puff of smoke came from the card, where a  profile and picture of Lee appeared on the card.

"Let's start with  Rock  Lee," said Kabuto, "Now he is one year older than you, he has done twenty D rank missions and eleven C rank missions. His team sensei is Maito Gai, he has an extremely high hand to hand combat skills, but all his other skills are terrible. He gained a lot of attention last year, as a   highly-skilled rookie Genin, but didn't take the Chunin exam. Like you   this is his first time taking the exam, his team-mates are last year's   top Kunoichi Tenten and last year's rookie of the year Hyuga Neji, who   is rumoured to be a highly gifted prodigy like yourself"

At the mention of Neji's name, a worried look appeared on Hinata's face, although no one noticed it except Shino.

"Next Sabaku no Gaara  (Gaara of the Sand Waterfall)" spoke Kabuto and he got another card and channelled Chakra into it. "Now he is the same age as you and has done eight C rank missions and...this is amazing he has done a B rank mission as a Genin..." said a surprise  Kabuto.

This caught quite a few by surprise. Except for Yugito, Fuu, Naruto and Ashara who knew to never underestimate a Jinchuuriki,

"But is said that he never received as much of a scratch from any of his missions, teammates are Kankuro and Temari" Kabuto finished taking everyone by surprise.

Naruto had to give it to Gaara, that must be Shukaku's Ultimate Defence that Kurama had told him about.

"Ashara Uzumaki, she has completed 31 D Missions, 3 C Missions, 1 B Mission and what's this 1  A-Rank Mission, her speciality is Chakra Chains and she's called a  prodigy in Kenjutsu, her teammates are Fuu of Taki and Ikashu Hoshi"  Kabuto stated, every eye was on Ashara who's face darkened at the mention of A-Rank Mission.

Naruto noticed her sudden change of emotions but he noticed that Fuu looked just as confused as him.

Kabuto pulled the fourth letter. "Now, Naruto Uzumaki-Senju has completed 53 D Rank Missions, 6 C  Missions, 1 A-Rank Mission and 1 S Rank Mission," He said earning gasps from everyone.

Naruto figured that when he executed Mizuki, that counted as S Rank. Sakura and Sasuke looked at  Naruto confused about what S Rank Mission he was talking about.

"His speciality is  Fuinjutsu, Kenjutsu, Taijutsu and Ninjutsu, he only sucks at Genjutsu,"  Naruto narrowed his eyes dangerously. Does he know? the redhead asked himself.

"He's good at Wind Style  Jutsus, and he also knows a few Fire Jutsus, his teammates are Sasuke  Uchiha and Sakura Haruno" Kabuto finished, Naruto stopped his KI when he understood that Kabuto didn't know about his 'Empty' Seal Fuinjutsu,  and especially for his secret Fuinjutsu.

Kabuto then pulled out the fifth letter and revealed information for Ikano Āegenka.

"Now for Ikano, he has......." Kabuto stopped talking when he saw that his information about Ikano was blank.


Naruto turned to see the Iwa Shinobi had approached them, he saw Ikano smirking at the blank paper.

"What information do you  have for me?" Ikano further asked looking down at Kabuto. The said guy was sweating from his forehead, just the way his chakra felt was as if there were two types, which is impossible unless he's a Jinchuuriki, and  Iwa's Jinchuuriki were, Roshi, who's around his fifties, red hair and  Han who's at his early forties.

Kabuto said nothing but pulled out the sixth card but again no information even for his teammate, pulling the seventh card, revealed decent information for  Lulja. Kabuto sighed in relief.

"Well, Lulja Łutaka has completed no D, C or B Rank missions but only 7 A-Rank Missions, her speciality is A new Earth Style, called Earth Walking, her teammates are  Ikano Āegenka and Ikamana Āegenka" Kabuto finishing earning a slap on the shoulder from Lulja.

"You forgot to mention that I like Handsome Men, Four-eyes" She pouted, this caused a few eyebrows to raise.

"That's quite useful information you have there Kabuto, if I didn't know any better, I would say you're an excellent Spy" Naruto stated, with his hand on his shoulder.

Kabuto was caught off guard by his speed, When did he get to me? He thought and saw that everyone was looking at him with suspicion.

"Would you mind giving me information?" Naruto asked with a warm tone releasing his KI, his grip on his shoulder started hurting.


"I want information in a redhair with glasses and is from Hidden Sound Village" Naruto demanded.

Kabuto felt like a prisoner right now, he felt his whole body sweat. Why is he so strong?

He grabbed the eighth card. "Karin Uzumaki, she has completed 9 D Missions, 2 C Missions, and 1  B Mission, her speciality is healing and that's it," he said.

Naruto's eyes went to Karin and wondered why she was suddenly avoiding him.

Before anyone could say anything else, a large explosion happened in front of the class,  revealing a man standing almost 2 meters tall.

"Alright worthless maggots, Playtime is Over"


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