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"Most men would rather deny a hard truth than face it"

Naruto looked at the  two-man who walked closer, they stood just behind Hagoromo, Naruto  recognized the first one as Hashirama Senju, the First Hokage, and the  God of Shinobi.

But he couldn't  recognize the second one despite feeling that he had seen him before,  but his power was enormous, while Hashirama wasn't trying to scare  little Naruto, the second one was purposely releasing his Killer Intent  at the young boy.

Naruto suddenly felt  pressure all over his body, and everything felt cold, his knees suddenly  felt weak and he almost collapsed to the ground, his skin feeling like  little blades stabbing him and piercing his flesh and bones.

His nails felt like they  would fall off from his fingers, his nose started burning along with  his ears, but despite all that he refused to fall unconscious or  collapse.

Seeing Naruto losing all  color and his breath quickening, Hashirama immediately understood what  was happening, turning to his friend.

"Stop it Now, Madara" He  yelled at him, and Kurama had started countering his KI with his own  but wasn't enough against the Mighty Uchiha Madara.

During all this,  Hagoromo stood silent and was analyzing the blonde, to say he was  surprised that Naruto hadn't lost his consciousness would be the  understatement of a century.

Instead, Naruto was still standing on his feet firmly, refusing to even fall on his knees let alone lose consciousness.

Madara kept quiet and  narrowed his eyes at the little brat, while he wasn't exactly using his  full KI but instead only ten percent of it, he was still surprised by  the kid's stubbornness.

After a few seconds,  Madara stopped his KI, and the brat was still standing on his foot,  breathing heavily, his head down looking at the floor.

Hashirama sighed in  relief that his friend had stopped his attack on the kid, but couldn't  help but be impressed by the kid. He was sure anyone else would lose  their consciousness by now, and Naruto was still standing.

Slowly raising his head,  Naruto looked at them with Rinnegan in both of his eyes, Hashirama  gasped but Madara for the first time had a little smile on the edge of  his lips.

Seeing the brat, Madara was reminded of his little brother.

The evening was late  when the almighty leader of the Uchiha clan, Madara,  was called away  urgently from a meeting to come to his brother's side.  Three days went  by since the younger man was injured gravely in battle with Senju  Tobirama, his condition on arriving back at the compound critical. Much  hadn't changed over the days, his condition fluctuating from steady to  life and death in a matter of hours. For the last day though, he was  getting weaker and weaker, having internal bleeding that even the best  healers couldn't stop.

Madara was not yet  informed of this. Now, being rushed in, he prayed it was good news of  his brother's condition; that Izuna had made some miraculous feet of  recovery. Alas,  it was far from that.

Madara entered the  hallway leading down to his younger brother's room, which was at the  very end of the long stretch of space. A mask of indifference held its  ground on the outside,  though on the inside anxieties were riding high.  His sole footsteps echoed on the hardwood floor, slowly creeping closer  into earshot of the man who stood in the doorway of the room. As he  finally entered, walking past the clan's best medic, a solemn glance was  spared alongside a  single pat on the shoulder.

The elder stared down  at his brother lying motionlessly on the futon bed; it was lucky the  doctor had decency enough to slide shut the bamboo framed door behind  himself. Madara traipsed gingerly forward, kneeling down at his  sibling's bedside.

Izuna stirred in his  sleep, blinking his naturally dark eyes open to meet the gaze of his  beloved older brother. He gave a soft, weak smile. The clan leader's  brother knew he wasn't going to make it, not this time. He informed the  doctor to get Madara, so he could relay his final thoughts and wishes.  There was something he needed to give him.

"Big brother," he croaked, voice quiet from barely having the strength to speak anymore.

"Do  not speak,  little brother, you need your rest." Madara interrupted, concerned for  the younger's well-being. Izuna just shook his head softly.

"I'm  dying, Madara,  there is nothing the doctors can do for me at this  point." He replied  bluntly, needing only to get the facts into his older brother's head.  Said brother had a look of shock, of pain, on his face.  It couldn't be.  He'd known the injuries inflicted upon him were grave,  but not that  they would prove to be fatal in the end.

Izuna sighed gently,  seeing from the expression given that this came as pain and a  shock.  Did he want to leave his only brother? Of course not, Izuna's wish had  only been to make him happy and proud. But most importantly he didn't  want to leave Ari alone, she needed him, he needed her.

"There is no escaping  it, it's my time. I'm sorry to be leaving you big brother, but there is  one  thing I want you to do for me, and one thing I wish to bestow upon  you  to aid in this final request." The younger held authority in his  tone,  seeming wisdom beyond his years. The elder masked his sorrows,  for now,  listening intently to the younger's request.

"I want you to  protect our clan, do it no injustices. Do not trust any who spill the  blood of our clansmen," the life in the onyx eyes of the speaker was  slowly fading, "To help you... take my eyes. I know your light has  slowly been  fading, you need to remain strong as a leader."

"Izuna... I will  protect  the Uchiha with all my might, but I cannot take your eyes."  Madara was shocked at what his brother told him to do as aid. Take his  eyes? He couldn't possibly do that. As for protecting the clan, that was  a given.

The younger stretched  over, grabbing one of his brother's gloved hands in both of his own.  Their gazes met, the dimming onyx of the dying sibling almost pleading.  "Please, big brother." Though his voice was soft, the wanting for this  to be done was ever so clear. Being unable to refuse this request, once  his hand was released, Madara slowly reached over and...  completed the  task.

Blood ran down Izuna's cheeks, seeming to take the form  of red tears from closed eyelids. However, there was a faint smile on  his lips.

"I love you, big brother..." He relayed his last words; last breath lost, last sign of life gone. Uchiha Izuna was dead.

Madara's face  distorted with pain, sadness, and grief, bloodied hands shakily grabbing  his brother's cooling body, drawing him into his arms – the gifted eyes  set aside safely for the time being. He cradled the body so closely, so  protectively, placing his forehead against Izuna's. His eyes were  squeezed shut, teeth gritted together as he tried to stop the tears  pricking at his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Izuna, I  couldn't protect you, I couldn't keep the promise I made to myself in  boyhood. I have  failed you." He clenched the fabric of the younger's  clothing, silent tears escaping and hitting the pale, cold cheek of the  recently deceased man.

He continues, "This time... this time I will fulfil wishes. This time... I will not fail you."

The  Uchiha's head rose slowly, eyes opening to reveal the Mangekyou  Sharingan, casting its scarlet glow as the last light of the day faded  into the blackness of the night.

Izuna's body was  placed back on the futon, a small piece of cloth covering his face.  Madara remained there for hours, allowed no one to enter the room, death  threats easily spilled There was one thing physically different of his  appearance now; the Eternal Mangekyou  Sharingan, blazing from eyes  under laid by fresh tear stains, the glowing windows burning with the  flames of pure hatred.

On this day, Madara  lost all hope. Though he had been blessed with a newfound light, never  before was he surrounded by such overpowering darkness.

"This one is a brave one" Madara whispered to himself.

He then focused on  Kyuubi behind the bars. "This is how I always wanted to see you...  behind bars" Madara taunted Kyuubi who smirked.

"At least I'm not Dead" Kurama replied earning a laughed from Hashirama.

They all focused back on Naruto.

Naruto still breathing  heavily, felt the pressure all around him suddenly disappeared, his  hands on his knees but still standing. He refused to give up, he  couldn't, he never will.

Slowly raising his head,  his eyes focused on the man with red armour. He saw a glimpse of  surprise on his face for a second but disappeared as soon as it  appeared.

Meanwhile, The First  Hokage wasn't trying to hide that he was surprised to see the kid still  standing, and not mentioning the Rinnegan. Hashirama had never  personally seen a Rinnegan before, but he knew how it looked like.

When he was alive, Senju  Clan still had scrolls from the time of The Sage of The Six Paths, and  in one of the scrolls was a drawn of the Rinnegan.

The first Hokage never  knew how could someone achieve that kind of power but didn't cared to  know, a power like that could destroy the world or save it.

While Hagoromo couldn't  help but see both Ashura and Indra in Naruto, his eyes just like Indra,  but ... kinder and softer and with Ashura's face and attitude.

Kurama smirked seeing  Naruto standing up to the damn Uchiha, especially his Rinnegan showing  the Uchiha that he had achieved something that Madara could never  achieve in his life.

"Well Done, Naruto"

Naruto suddenly felt a  huge pressure on his head, feeling like his head would split open, his  Rinnegan slowly disappeared and his eyes turned back to blue, Naruto  felt himself falling on the floor, but he didn't want to fail.

Clenching his teeth and  gathering every bit of power he had left, he moved his right leg forward  before he could collapse, Still Standing.

Naruto stood up again,  breathing heavily but still there, sweat rolling down his face. Hagoromo  and Hashirama smiled at him, while the Strange Moody guy was giving him  a nod of acknowledgement

A smile slowly spread on  his face, and Hagoromo decided to continue with what he wanted to do,  none of them had that much time left until they returned back.

Clearing his throat, The Sage glanced at them. Understanding what he wanted both Hashirama and Madara took a step forward.

"Naruto is good to meet  you, in case you don't know who I am, my name is Hashirama Senju, the  First Hokage of The Hidden Leaf Village" Hashirama introduced himself  smiling at the little kid.

Naruto smiled back and turned to look at the other one who looked hesitant for a second before sighing in annoyance.

"My name is Uchiha  Madara, the Rival of Hashirama and the Greatest Uchiha of all Time"  Madara introduced himself with a slightly colder tone than Hashirama.

Naruto just looked at  both of them in silence before deciding to ask a question that had been  bugging his head since he saw them.

"Not that I don't like  your company, but why are you here and how are you even here?" Naruto  asked looking at them before turning to look at Hagoromo who stood  silent.

"They're here to tell you the story of their time" Hagoromo explained and Hashirama sat in a cross position.

"Now, this will take a  while so hear me carefully" Hashirama stated knowing that due to his  explanation, what the child would do when he grows up depend on it. He  wanted Naruto to not be another Madara or even worse.

After listening to his  story for a few hours, Naruto stood silent. No one said anything, even  Madara raised an eyebrow at the kid for not talking.

After a few minutes of  silence. "You were able to stop the war by uniting the clans with  Madara, and creating a village that everyone could call home" Naruto  stated smiling but he wondered why they didn't try to untie all the  other villages.

If the five villages were ruled by a single person, United, there would be no wars. At least that's what Naruto thought.

Hashirama nodded his head while Madara kept quiet.

"Why did you not try to unite the other villages as well?" Naruto asked looking at the first Hokage.

At this question, Hashirama lowered his head slightly, almost in shame, while Madara snorted.

"I did try, but the other villages didn't want any alliance with us" he replied, with a sad smile.

The first Hokage didn't  want to admit that the Kage's had refused any kind of peace treatment,  he had captured and given each village a Bijuu or two in hoping for  Peace.

But all that stopped  nothing, as a result of their arrogance and greed. The First Ninja War  was followed by the Second and Third Wars. Never Stopping.

Madara wanted to say  that he had suggested to just force them into submission, he and  Hashirama were more than enough to deal with anyone foolish enough to  oppose them.

While Naruto was  thinking that if they had done that back then if they had United all  five big villages, he would still have his parents with him. And maybe  none of the great Shinobi wars would have happened.

Naruto thought but decided to keep quiet at his thoughts for now.

Turning to look at Hagoromo, "You said you knew about my father, who's he?" He asked.

"Very well"

The blonde felt a chill  on his body when he heard him, for a long time, he had wanted to know  who his parents were, of course, Naruto had always his doubts about the  identity of his father being The Fourth Hokage since he looked very  similar to him.

Blue eyes and blonde spiky hair just like Naruto, but that raised the question of why he was left living in a small apartment.

Deciding to listen to Hagoromo, the blonde turned his attention to the old man.

"Your father is Minato Namikaze-Uchiha and Kushina Uzumaki-Senju" Hagoromo said.

Naruto's eyes widened,  he flinched slightly and silence took over the room, he heard him but  Naruto still felt like he didn't hear him.

My father is the Fourth?! Kushina? Who Is She?!

Naruto felt his breath  stuck on his throat, his first thought was how his mother looked like,  why did his father seal Kurama inside him? Naruto liked Kurama but  everyone hated him because of it, he didn't have a family because of it.

Naruto felt his eyes suddenly burning, his vision was fuzzy. Am I Crying?...

He now knew the truth,  his parents would never hug him, they would never tell him tales at  night, they would never kiss his cheek. They would never scold him. They  would never celebrate his birthday. They would never be happy and proud  of him.

Naruto fell on his knees  sobbing, his hands on the floor, Hashirama rushed at Naruto but  Hagoromo raised his hand before he could reach him.

Naruto felt more tears  burning his cheeks, his eyes crying and not stopping, his eyes turned  red and puffy. Shaking his head, Why was life so Unfair?

He suddenly felt a hand  on his shoulder, he didn't bother to look at whoever was near him. He  didn't care, he wanted to be Alone.

"Leave me alone, I want To Stay Alone"





"I'm really sorry Naru-kun. I'm sorry for not being able to be with you"

Naruto heard those  words, he still kept his head down, he must have imagined, that tone? He  had never heard that kind of tone before, full of Love, the tone was so  kind, the kindest he had ever heard before.

Slowly looking up, he  saw blonde hair and a face looking at him, he had kneeled in front of  Naruto and was looking at his blue eyes with his own.

Naruto looked at the man  but couldn't believe his own eyes, he felt his heart beating on his  chest, more tears on his face, he threw his hands around his neck. Was  he really there?

"Tou-chan?!!" Naruto  screamed hugging him but he pulled his head away and looking at him  again, making sure that he was actually there with him and wasn't a  dream.

"Yes Naruto, is me," His father said and they both hugged again.

Naruto hugged him tightly afraid that he would disappear and leave him alone.

"I missed you," Naruto said crying.

Minato felt his heart  hurting from his words, he didn't need to ask to know that his life  wasn't a happy one. Her words suddenly returned back to his head.

"You know how Jinchuuriki's are treated"

Minato of course knew  that but he had hoped that someone would take care of his son, hoping  that Leaf village was different from the others, they owned him that  much, he and Kushina lost their lives for the village, they owned to  him, they all owned to Kushina, they owned to them to treat Naruto as he  deserved, to have a loving family.

Pulling  away he stared, he could see Kushina in him, his face was just like  hers. His nose, his smile, and especially his jawline.

"Naruto, you live with someone right?" Minato asked dreading the answer.

At  this Hashirama and Madara were interested as well, they both knew it  mattered a lot how a child was raised that would indicate how he will be  when he/she's fully grown. Especially Hashirama who dreaded that Naruto  might decide to become an enemy of the village.

"No.  No one is with me, the Hokage visits me once a month to give me money  but that's all" He stated with a slightly colder tone, and Minato felt  like he was directing the blame to him, not that he could blame him.

"Wha-at about Jiraiya-sens..." Minato asked, almost pleading, hoping that at least his sensei was looking after Naruto.

But  the young blonde just gave him a confused look, not knowing who this  Jiraiya was, and in the end, he just shook his head, confirming what  they already knew.

Minato felt his heart drop, he felt like going there and just scream at everyone, how dare Sarutobi leave his child alone.

"Minato, your friend Shukaku tried to adopt Naruto but The old Hokage refused anyone to adopt Naruto" Kurama suddenly said.

"Why?" It was Hashirama who asked, Minato was in shock to ask himself but was listening to the answer.

"He  said, him being raised by a clan would create unbalance, and I don't  need to tell you why the Civil families refuse to raise him" Kurama  explained much to the shock of Minato and the confusion of both Madara  and Hashirama.

"What  do you mean? Naruto being a Jinchuuriki is a SS- secret of a Village,  no one should know about it, and that knowledge is punished by death if  you spread it" Hashirama stated, he himself had created that rule when  Miko-chan had become the Jinchuuriki.

But  looking at Naruto now, he knew that everyone in the village knew about  his status as a Jinchuuriki which was beyond risky, it was simply a  miracle that no enemy Shinobi had killed or kidnapped Naruto...yet.

Madara was shaking his head in disappointment, he knew peace made people weak and stupid but this was beyond stupid.

Minato  bit his lower lip and trying to calm down, what they had done, they  have basically spit in his grave. He became a kage to protect the  village, and they reward him by simply treating his son like garbage.

"Naruto, as much as I hate to say it, we don't have long" Hagoromo suddenly spoke.

Naruto turned his attention to him still standing close to his father.

Turning  to Minato. "Can you please show us your little secret Minato Uchiha"  Hagoromo stated earning a surprising look from Minato, Hashirama and  Madara.

Minato glanced at his son before his eyes changed to Mangekyo Sharingan.

His Mangekyo looked like a whirlpool, and in the center was a black hole that had three tomoe in the middle.

No one looked surprised by it except Madara who narrowed his eyes and took a step closer.

"Who were your parents?" Madara asked with a cold tone that Hashirama knew very well.

"My  father was Idari Uchiha, my mother wasn't an Uchiha and she told me  that he died of illness before I was born" Minato answered.

Madara studied the face of this fourth Hokage and couldn't help but notice a small similarity between him and...

He shook his head and decided to ignore it for now. But his gut feeling didn't go away.

"Naruto,  you are the reincarnation of both of my sons. Just by looking at you  now, I know you will be powerful, but I want to ask what is that you  want to do" Hagoromo asked wanting to know what Naruto had decided to do  with the power he had.

Naruto understood why Hagoromo had told him the story about his mother.

Looking straight at Hagoromo, his eyes turned A Fully Matured Sharingan.

Hashirama looked impressed with him unlocking his Sharingan at such a young age, in some ways, Naruto reminded him of Madara.

Madara looked at him with a blank face. Impressive

"This  world has suffered for a long time, but when Hashirama and Madara-sama  United the clans of the Land of Fire, they stopped the wars between  clans. I will unite the five great villages. Only together we can create  Peace" Naruto stated.

Hagoromo  smiled at him and so did Minato who patted his back, while Hashirama  was thinking if such a thing was even possible in the long run, while  Madara was thinking that might work but a lot of blood will be spilled.

Suddenly all four of them started shining and slowly disappearing.

"Tou-chan!" Naruto screamed in panic and went to hug his father. Hugging back, Minato looked at his eyes crying.

"Naruto,  I want you to remember that whenever happens. I and your mother will  always love you. No matter what you do, I will love you Always" he said  looking directly at his eyes before disappearing.

Hashirama  gave him a reassuring smile, Madara kept quiet with his eyes at Minato.  While Hagoromo hoped that what Naruto learned today would make him do  the right decision in the future.

Disappearing, soon they were gone and the only thing left was Naruto standing alone again.

Naruto fell silent when they disappeared, he was alone again.

"Naruto," Kurama asked concerned for him.

Naruto kept quiet and his mind had enough, everything blackened and Naruto welcomed the darkness like an old friend.

His only thought was.

"Why there's so much... Pain?"



Awesome Chapter