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''Itachi-san, when do you think we will get busy again? The past years have been boring and we've received no word from Pain,'' Kisame said - he was sitting on a small rock just beside Itachi, who was also sitting on a rock. Both Akatsuki members were within the Earth country.

It has been a few years since they all even gathered together. He was used to something like this, but it was usually boring since the missions they were tasked to do were always challenging and fun. But they've been doing nothing but keep a low profile over the past years and quite frankly Kisame was being frustrated with the lack of action. He was sure that even the other members would agree with him on this one. The first one who would back him up would be Deidara - surely the suicidal blond misses making things explode.

Kisame looked down at his partner and nearly frowned; Itachi was content with the peace. If more than anything, the Uchiha would rather have this peace last for a few more years than back him up in a good battle against worthy foes. The stoic Uchiha wouldn't even spar with him. For all his power, Itachi didn't like fighting as much as he did. It was such a waste.

''Soon,'' Itachi responded after going through some thoughts. ''It seems that the organization has taken a new order of business. We were busy trying to make a name but we were quickly forced to halt our missions and keep a low profile. Since then, there has been nothing, and even if we do something, it isn't like our usual business.''

More to that, that 'man' has also disappeared. It has been years since Itachi saw him and he could feel that something has happened. It was very hard to get any information from Amegakure since Pain always kept things secret. There was just no way of entering the village without the man knowing. Having this knowledge, Itachi never bothered to infiltrate the village as it would only draw out suspicions from that man and he didn't want to deal with it.

Itachi could only assume that something big had happened, and it was only a matter of time before they gathered again. The only problem was that they were never told of the objectives of the organization. It was very hard to make out what that man wanted and what Pain really wanted to achieve. Sure capture all the tailed beasts, but what is after that?

''You think so?'' He never thought it like that really. But it didn't matter to him, as long as he was able to fulfil what he had joined this organization for, he would be satisfied.

Itachi gave a small nod, ''We're not even focusing on the Jinchurikis anymore.'' They may not have been taking an active role against the Jinchuriki, but they were told to look after them while moving around since their identities had yet to be affirmed. But they'd been told to keep that mission on hold as well until new orders came and that was a couple of years ago.

''I have no complaints about that,'' Kisame said. ''It was a bothersome task.'' It was boring for him since he wasn't anything of a spy to spend his time looking for Bijuu containers. The Leader really needed to get a spy for this kind of task.

''It been a long time Kisame and Itachi,'' a voice suddenly spoke behind the two Akatsuki members. Kisame quickly twisted his upper body to look at who it was since he hadn't sensed anyone walking behind them.

Itachi merely narrowed his eyes, while keeping his neck from twisting, to look like he wasn't giving the newcomer a time. He was truly surprised that someone could sneak in from behind him while his guard was held up - he couldn't say he'd lowered it because he was with Kisame. He became Anbu captain at the age of 13, and has fought many battles; no one should be able to sneak behind him like this.

Itachi narrowed his eyes at the newcomer, the black and white face was recognizable. Kisame groaned at Zetsu, sometimes he really knew how to annoy him.

"What do you want?... Plant" Kisame asked with a small hint of a sneer in his voice. Zetsu sighed in annoyance but decided to avoid an argument with the fish.

"Leader-sama wants to have a meeting, something important" Zetsu stated with a calm tone. Both Kisame and Itachi raised an eyebrow and Kisame gave a quick confused glance at Itachi before returning his attention to the plant.

"If that's the case! Why doesn't Leader-Sama tells us about the meeting like usual! Why are you telling us personally?!" Kisame asked with a grin on his face.

Black Zetsu slowly narrowed his eyes but, "This concerns only you two and Leader-Sama" Black Zetsu stated with a much colder tone than White Zetsu.

Itachi kept his emotionless mask on but inside he wondered what could be so important that Leader-Sama wanted to meet them specifically and not tell the other members, he decided that would be worth a try, perhaps new information could be brought up to the light. It had been two years since he last gave information to Jiraiya-sama and all he gave him was information about Deidara's abilities.

"In that case, we will be honoured to meet him" Kisame stated with a small mocking bow of his head. Zetsu said nothing but his eyes were focused on Itachi throughout the whole thing.

"Hidden Cave, Leaf's End. Three Days" Zetsu stated and slowly disappeared by sinking in the ground and after a few seconds, it felt like he was never there, to begin with.

Kisame turned to look at his teammate. "What do you think? I don't think Leader-sama is missing our company" he asked curiously and really wanted to know what Itachi thought about the whole situation.

Itachi kept silent for a few seconds before talking. "I think is something to do with Jinchuuriki, since everyone else is way too loud when they do their job" Itachi stated with an emotionless tone.

Kisame turned his head in front of him and murmured something under his breath that Itachi doesn't hear. After a few minutes of silence between them.

"Well let's see what this is all about" Kisame states.


Tired. That's how the old Hokage felt. Tired. He was getting too old for this job, his fingers rubbing his temples, he was in deep thought about the next course of action. Jiraiya stood leaning against the wall near his desk, his face unreadable but Hiruzen could see a small hint of anger in his face.

Tsunade was reading a few reports while waiting for new information. The old Hokage new 'ANBU Ghost' would arrive soon, he hoped Danzo wasn't foolish enough. Despite everything, Sarutobi still remembered his old friend and how much he has changed throughout the years.

Suddenly their special ANBU appeared in front of Hiruzen kneeling. His face looking at the ground. Both Jiraiya and Tsunade straighten up when they saw him.

"Report" Hiruzen ordered with a stoic tone, his face looking emotionless. Jiraiya stood on his legs and looked at the ANBU with an uncertain look. Despite the information, Jiraiya still didn't truly trust the ANBU. Tsunade on the other hand was resting her chin against her hands but kept her guard up.

"Hidden Sand Village is planning an invasion on Hidden Leaf, Orochimaru is helping and Danzo stated that his troops would do the 'Right' thing according to him" The ANBU spoke with an emotionless tone.

Suddenly the air around the office became colder, both the Sannins and Hiruzen were angry at what they heard but not surprised, especially Tsunade and Jiraiya who had wanted to have their hands on Danzo for a long time now. Jiraiya had informed Hiruzen about what Hidden Sand Village wanted to do, Jiraiya had given him information that Orochimaru had a few secret meetings with the Kazekage of Hidden Sand Village.

"Have you found anyone inside? Willing to cooperate?" Hiruzen asked keeping his emotions in check, but inside he was furious.

He had known for a long time that he and Danzo didn't exactly see eye to eye but we're willing to destroy the Village and how many people would die just so he could be a Hokage.

He closed his head in anger, he remembered the many pieces of advice that Tobirama-sensei gave them, but he would never approve of something like this.

"I have one in mind, but I still need to approach him" The ANBU stated with an emotionless tone. Despite working for a year now, his voice was still emotionless

Hiruzen nodded in agreement and gestured for him to leave. He said nothing but disappeared. The silence took over the room, Tsunade and Jiraiya were already thinking of ways to deal with this problem.

Feeling a headache coming, the old Hokage started messaging his temples, his students kept quiet.

Opening his eyes Hiruzen turned to look at Jiraiya. He looked in deep thoughts and almost completely zoomed out.

"Jiraiya. I want you to stay in the village throughout the whole Chunin Exams but I want you to stay hidden, not let Sand Village or Danzo know that you're here" Hiruzen stated with seriousness. Jiraiya nodded his head in agreement while thinking of ways to train Naruto once he arrived back from the Mission. He knew his godson was strong but for a long time now, he had been thinking to actually fight Naruto at full strength, and if the redhead could... use Sage Mode as well.

Jiraiya doubted Naruto was strong enough to beat him in sage mode but would be a good fighting experience and would be helpful once he starts his training to use Sage Mode.

"Sarutobi-sensei" Called an angry Tsunade who looked just as angry as she was when She heard that she had lied about Naru-kun and when she had caught Jiraiya peeping on her, resulting in the worst beating Jiraiya ever had.

Turning to her, Sarutobi waited for her to elaborate further. "Why are we waiting? Let's kill that son of bitch right now" She half-yelled at her sensei. Sarutobi gestures for her to keep quiet despite Silence Seal still being active.

"I will explain the plan, I have in mind but for that, to work we will wait until Kakashi arrives" Sarutobi stated with a calm tone.

Tsunade raised an eyebrow at that while Jiraiya had a few ideas why his old sensei needed Kakashi.

"Why him? I hope You're Not Thinking to Include Na..." she was interrupted when Hiruzen raised his hand in denial.

"No. I'm not, If anything I wish to include him in this as little as possible" Hiruzen stated and opened a secret drawer in his desk, opening it, he grabbed a bottle of whiskey and three little glasses. Jiraiya gave Tsunade a confused look, She shrugged her shoulders not knowing why her Sensei was filling three glasses with whiskey.

After Hiruzen was done, he moved the first close to Tsunade and the second moved close to Jiraiya, who still looked confused. Drinking his own with a single breath, he took a deep breath and his face changed from serious to relaxed.

"This is the plan...."

Hidden Stone Village

Onoki always saw himself as a man of patient, he had been Tsuchikage for how long now... He wasn't exactly sure anymore. He had fought many battles, send many of his shinobi in battles that he knew they wouldn't come back. All for the good of Iwa. But despite his experience, he had made his mistakes throughout the years, two were a complete disaster.

Uzushiogakure was one he still remembered, still fresh on his head despite being many years now. They had lost more than half of their troops, what the old kage thought would be easy with the help of Kumo, Kiri and the fourth party turned out to be much more difficult. Not only they hadn't gained any of their secret techniques or Fuinjutsu but more than half of his troops didn't come back.

He should have not understatement them, the Uzumaki clan were feared for a reason after all.

The same was for Kumo and Kiri, the other villages didn't exactly send him a letter telling him how much men power they had lost, but Onoki was able to calculate and come up that they had suffered just as much.

The second biggest miscalculation he ever made was during the Third Ninja War, not only they had lost, but they were humiliated.

Minato Namikaze, The Yellow Flash. That name still brought anger and hatred to most of Iwa shinobi, some had moved on, it has been almost 14 years and some had accepted the loss of a loved one.

Onoki like most of the village had been happy when Minato had been killed by the Demon Fox but in these years, Onoki had spent some of his time visiting the orphanage around the Village. Countless kids were left without parents because he had ordered the conjure of the Hidden Leaf Village.

Many of the kids were taught by the teachers why their parents were dead, words like.

Your father fought to protect his country but The Leaf dogs lead by Minato Namikaze killed them.

Onoki didn't know what to make of it. Seeing all these children without parents because... of him. Taking a deep breath he decided to put that thought at the back of his head and decided to work on his paperwork.

But before he could even grab his pen, the door slammed open by none other than his granddaughter. Who looked like she had just seen a ghost.

Onoki was about to ask what was wrong when she talked first. "Grandfather, a man with a message from Hidden Sound Village has come" she stated pulling out a scroll from her porch.

Onoki raised an eyebrow at the name but decided to read the letter, grabbing the scroll he opened it and started reading.

"Hidden Leaf Village is announcing Chunin Exams soon to be held in their village, The time has come to avenge your loved ones, to have your hands on the one who destroyed your families. A song and sand will work together, will stone step on the leaf?"

Onoki narrowed his eyes at the letter, he put on the table and turned to look at Kurotsuchi, who was waiting eagerly.

"Council Meeting" he stated.


The following hours, every important person of Hidden Stone Village had gathered in the council room waiting for their kage. Many of the clan heads such as Akyshtan, Kostōba, Łetaka and Āegenka were there waiting.

Soon the door open revealing Onoki walking inside beside his granddaughter and his personal guard.

Everyone stood on their feet when he walked inside, Onoki glanced at everyone before sitting on the man chair and gestures for everyone to sit down.

"Now, many of you might think why I have called you here" he started and keeping a calm tone. Everyone waiting patiently for their Kage to inform them what was going on.

"Hidden Sound Village who we are informed is most likely ruled by Orochimaru The Snake is planning to attack The Leaf with the Help of Hidden Sand Village when Chunin Exams are held" He spoke and saw small smirks on many faces, but what Onoki said next caught all of them by surprise.

"We Will Do Nothing" he stated making almost everyone gasp at the old Hokage. Silence took over the room, many people still trying to process what the kage just said. Kurotsuchi herself was looking at him like he had just gone mad.

In her mind, this was the moment to finally have their hands on Hidden Leaf but instead, he denies it.

Some tried to stand up but a glare from Onoki made them sit down with as much as a whisper from their mouth. Onoki eyed everyone carefully before opening his mouth to talk again.

"The Hokage had sent me a message that my village is invited in Chunin exams, and I will send one team to participate in the exams. But in no way shape or form, we will start any conflict or join any conflict against Leaf Village unless they force us"

One couldn't wait and stood up but kept a respectful tone towards his kage.

"Why Tsuchikage? We can finally have Hidden Leaf in our grasp" one head clan named Takohono Folkor said not meeting the eyes of his kage.

Onoki sighed seeing this happening from a mile away, he was the kage of this village, and what he says goes. He could say that his reasons were his alone and he had no business to know his reasons but decided to speak since he knew his granddaughter would ask him the exact same question once the meeting is over.

"Reason is simple, our army is still weak from the war, the stakes would be too high, and if we lost. The whole Iwa would be done for and not mentioning that Konoha holds the strongest Bijuu in their hands. And the Sound Village is new, they're weak and not a real ally you can count on" Onoki stated at his council.

Some nodded their heads in agreement, some looked uncertain while some looked ready to straight-up refuse what their Kage stated but decided to keep their mouth shut.

After a few moments of silence. "Very well. This meeting is over" Onoki stated standing up and gesturing for Kurotsuchi to follow him.

Reaching his office, Onoki sat on his chair and turned to look at his granddaughter, she stood there waiting for him to talk.

"Do you understand why? Do you understand why I don't want to start this war?" Onoki asked waiting to hear what his granddaughter thought about it, despite her not straight up disapproving of what he decided, Onoki knew his granddaughter didn't agree.

After a minute of silence. "Is it because we are not powerful enough ... yet?" she said with a look of anger on her face.

Sighing he shook his head. "That's why you're still a Chunin. I want to send a team in Konoha, send for Team 9 to come here" Onoki ordered with a small hint of disappointment in his tone, something that was noticed by the young Chunin.

"Of course"

Hidden Lightning Village

In his office in Kumogakure, the Raikage was sifting through the endlessly replenishing pile of reports and official documents that it was his reluctantly accepted duty to oversee. The huge man growled low in his throat as he read yet another sheet outlining the supplies Kumo's hospital once again felt they were in dire need of. I swear he thought to himself as he approved the seemingly trivial list of demands, I'm a warrior for Kami's sake not a fucking secretary!

The sound of someone knocking on the door was heard, he turned his head in time to see his secretary walking inside.

"Raikage-sama, your brother is here along with his team," She said asking if they should walk inside. A groaned but a gesture to her to let his crazy brother walk inside, the moment she left them. The door slammed open by his brother who looked just as idiot as ever, if not more so.

"Oi Brother What Do Yoouuu need from the best Team?" His brother raped much to the annoyance of everyone in the office.

"I called you all here for something important. In a few weeks, the Chunin Exams will be in Konoha and I am thinking of sending your teams to represent Kumogakure."

The six Genin looked at the Raikage in shock and stood up straighter.

"So we're going to be pitted against Genin from other countries? But what if another country sends in Jounin who are disguised as Genin and we end up fighting against them and I'm the only one who lives and everyone will think Kumo is weak since everyone but me died and they decide to attack Kumo because of it, which will then lead to the Fourth Great Shinobi War and people will then always remember me as the harbinger making me live a life of shame," Omoi said.

Karui then bonked him on the head for his comment, Atsui then decided to reassure his friend "don't worry Omoi no one can beat us! We're gonna be the top dogs of this thing, and when we win we're going to all be Chunin and getting to wear the bling and we All Will Look so HOT!" N said.

"What bling?" Karui asked him.

"The flak jacket," Atsui said.

"Moving on!" Raizen yelled to get Genin's attention that looked at their leader embarrassed that they got off-topic.

After muttering about rude Genin he continued "while I want you six to go to be promoted this is also a mission."

Seeing that he had everyone's attention he spoke again "your mission is simple and has two objectives. One is to all make it to the final round which will be fighting and to show everyone why Kumo is the most powerful nation! And second is to defeat a certain individual." He then held up a picture of a redhead boy who the girl all looked amazed by his face.

Yugito looked at the photo and couldn't help but admit that this one screamed and looked as strong and handsome as Sin.

"This one is a Good Mate kitten, you should mate with him as soon as you arrive in Konoha" A Voice screamed at her head when she saw the handsome face of the redhead.

Yugito blushed but she had to admit this one was cute and handsome.

"Be Quiet you, we are not even in Konoha yet and second I don't even know him" Yugito said to Matatabi who was grinning from ear to ear.

"Well. I'm sure you can know him very well once you find his home and mount him ..."

"Nibi" Yugito screamed in her head, her whole face blushing.

She cut her connection with her and focused on what Raikage was talking about.

"Who's he?" Atsuri asked eying the photo.

"His name is Naruto Uzumaki-Senju" Raikage stated and both teams were silent by what they heard. Even Bee stopped rapping and looked deep in thoughts.

Hhh, I wonder what kind of lines I could add in my beautiful songs once we arrive in Konoha' Bee thought.

"Raikage-sama. I thought Tsunade Senju was the last Senju" Samui stated her eyes going from the photo to the Kage. Everyone else was just as interesting waiting to know.

"Well. I don't know the whole truth, but This shinobi goes by the name Senju. I want you to measure his strength and personality. And if possible beat him in Chunin Exams but no Killing" Raikage stated and they all nodded in agreement.

No one said it out loud but the news that Kumo had tried to kidnap Hinata Hyuga had spread everywhere around the country causing the village to have fewer jobs and earn less money. Three years after the news had spread, they had earned around 20% less money than normal years, causing a crisis.

"You can trust in our abilities, we will defeat all of them" Bee started moving his hands around like an idiot.

A groaned tired of him and told them to leave. Once they left, 'A' looked at the photo. "Well this Will be interesting," he said looking at the photo knowing who the parents were.

The redhead reminded him of the Red Death, just the thought send a cold shiver in his whole body and the father.

"Let's see how fast your son is Minato-san," Raikage said respectfully for his former rival.


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