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Sasuke's body almost touched the ground but before he could fall, his body suddenly disappeared. Haku's eyes widened behind her mask and her eyes started searching around the cage of ice. She couldn't see him anywhere but before she could do anything, her senses screamed at her to move away, she immediately moved away from the mirror just in time to see a fist shattering it into thousands of pieces.

Haku's eyes saw Naruto standing where the mirror was a second ago. His eyes were emotionless looking at her like a hunter, and right now she was the prey. His gaze made her feel small, almost tiny compare to the shadow of his body completely covering her, she felt trapped, her heart beating on her throat.

Her left hand trembling, she quickly grabbed her left wrist with her right hand to stop it from moving, Haku didn't know why she was trembling, was the cold? No, I - the cold never bothered me before!....

Naruto took a step closer and Haku felt the bridge shake from his foot, almost like a giant's foot. Her body moved backwards on his own, without thinking, she had been scared before, many times but not even Zabuza-Sama could make her feel cold, her skin felt like was cracking, sending shivers of fear and cold in her spine.

Haku's eyes meet Naruto's and his eyes were red like blood, but a dark red, she could have sworn she saw a giant fox standing behind Naruto glaring at her, his eyes almost as large as her.

Naruto saw Haku covered in fear, he didn't need to see her face to know that she was terrified of him, he checked on Sasuke and was glad that the emo was just in a near-death state like Haku had done to Zabuza in the field.

From what he could feel, he knew Zabuza had decided to fight, despite Gato being a bitch, he still made the deal with the man to kill Tazuna, Naruto could somehow respect it. His willingness to finish the job but Naruto could feel the many mercenaries walking towards the bridge right now.

But Naruto could tell they were just useless Swordsmen, their strength perhaps even lower than that of a Genin.

Naruto decided to deal with this, having Zabuza and Haku on his side was better than just dead.

"Haku. I will tell you this once. Surrender" Naruto stated his eyes seizing her, his eyes narrowed and leaking a small amount of KI. His chakra started cracking the concrete beneath his feet like glass. Something that was immediately noticed by Haku.

Taking a deep breath she stood higher in her legs and looked directly at Naruto.

"I appreciate your concern Naruto, but I'm nothing but a weapon for Zabuza-Sama and as one. I must fulfil my master's Wishes. After all, no one likes a rusted weapon" Haku started with a cold tone.

Naruto clenched his teeth at the word 'Weapon' he hated that, many people in Hidden Leaf Village saw him as one or just a Demon. No one was a weapon of anyone.

"Do you Hear Yourself? Why-Why would you wanted to do this? You're not anybody's Weapon" Naruto shouted, his chakra slowly started freezing the air around them. Haku looked perplexed, the ice was getting colder, the air itself felt colder, a small barely visible cold fog started filling the air around them. The cold spread around, the concrete around Naruto's feet started cracking and freezing.

"I'm sorry Naruto, but I must - fi-fight you" Haku stated with clear regret in her voice. She slowly raised her hands in front of her chest, three needles in both of her hands.

Naruto closed his eyes, taking a deep breath, he opened his eyes again and made a hand sign. Haku's eyes focused on him expecting something to happen but nothing happens, as far as she could tell.

Naruto knew Zabuza was losing against Kakashi-sensei. He needed to finish this quickly.

"If you don't want to listen, then . . . " he disappeared mid-sentence and showed up in front of Haku, she barely had time to understand what happened, when Naruto hit her in the stomach, spreading pain in her whole body.

Haku hit the mirror and immediately stood up and went inside a mirror to have her advantage. Naruto didn't try to stop her from attacking.

The redhead saw her reflection in every mirror around him, he had to give credit to her jutsu, it was quite useful, but the downside being that it took a lot of chakras. Naruto could feel Haku's chakra was already below Low Chunin.

She had probably only a minute or less before she couldn't use this jutsu anymore.

Haku prepared and threw at least 21 needles towards Naruto but she looked shocked when the needles stopped mid-air blocked by a shield that was created around Naruto. The shield looked made of chakra, Naruto was hardly visible anymore because of the shield around him.

The needles slowly started falling in the ground one by one, Naruto's eyes turned to her and disappeared from the view. Haku then hit the concrete, her back hurting like crazy.

She couldn't understand what just happen, her eyes slowly saw the figure of Naruto standing in front of her.

He finished his hand signs and shouted. "Wind Style: Air Breaker" he shouted and suddenly a huge wind spread all around him, the wind strong, destroyed all the mirrors around him. Haku flew away and hit the other side of the bridge, her back and shoulder bleeding from the jutsu and his fist.

Haku felt her knees weak, her breathing heavy, she tried to catch her breath, to keep fighting, when she saw Naruto slowly walking towards her. When she heard a crack, her mask slowly started falling from her face, her lower mask first fell followed by a huge chunk covering her right eye.

Zabuza-Sama. I - I can't defeat this boy. I'm Sorry

Her mask fell in the concrete, showing her face with tears in her eyes, unshed tears. Her mind thinking of all the times she spends with To . . . Zabuza-Sama. She wanted to die thinking of the good times of her life. Zabuza finding her, him covering her with a blanket when he thought that she was still asleep. But after all, a thing isn't beautiful because it lasts.

She closed her eyes waiting for the killing blow . . .

"Why? Why? You're not a Weapon, how can you not see it?! Not even Zabuza sees you as a weapon" Naruto said.

Haku opened her eyes to see him standing looking at her with sorrow and a hint of anger behind his blue eyes. Not red anymore, or cold ice, but blue like the ocean.

"I'm not useful to Zabuza anymore. I told you. I Live only to serve him" she responded, always hoping that Zabuza would see her more than just that. Not a weapon but maybe a daughter.

Naruto shook his head in denial not believing what Haku said. "Why do you think you own it to him?" Naruto asked softly with a kinder tone.

"He saved me Naruto. I was alone. My family, my mother was like me. When Mizukage started slaughtering anyone with a Bloodline. My - my father supported him when he finds out that I had my mother's bloodline. He - He - he . . He killed my Mother and tried to kill me. I Had No Choice" she said tears rolling down her right cheek.

Naruto listened to her and understood her situation. "I . . . " he was interrupted when they both heard a sound coming from further away in the Bridge.

Naruto recognized Kakashi-sensei's Jutsu. . . Haku's eyes widened when he saw The Jonin ready to kill her father, she quickly gathered all her energy and was ready to save Zabuza-sama, One Last Time.


When his Nin-dogs caught Zabuza, Kakashi finally let his muscles un-tense and his heartbeat return to normal.

All things accounted for, Zabuza was truly a powerful Shinobi.

Though it could hardly substitute for Gai's, Zabuza's Taijutsu and Physical Techniques were through the roof. Zabuza was keeping even Kakashi on the defensive for almost their entire match, only losing his edge when Kakashi felt Kyuubi Chakra, even Zabuza had stopped fighting and looked. . . Concerned keeping his eyes where the chakra came from. They continued fighting immediately and Zabuza looked to be in a hurry.

Not only that, but Zabuza's Water Vortex Jutsu [copied] was on such a large scale that it could dwarf even his Water Dragons. At times, Kakashi would dodge the Technique yet still have trouble Water Walking on the resulting tsunami-like waves that the technique would stir up.

Their fight was on such a large scale that it must have been causing a natural disaster in the Wave. With this level of firepower being so casually thrown around, it was a wonder that the unfinished bridge remained relatively unscathed.

Tazuna wasn't kidding about his renown in the bridge-building business.

Early in the fight, Kakashi had lured Zabuza into the water in a ploy to spare the bridge. Due to the obvious elemental advantages, he'd have in the ocean, Zabuza had accepted the bait and jumped in after him. Sadly, that had led to a longwinded clashing of Water Jutsu which left Kakashi almost completely out of Chakra.

Kakashi may have been fast before, but with one of the Chakra Gates active, he managed to push Zabuza all the way back onto the bridge.

In the end, Kakashi used a scroll to start the Summoning: Earth Release: Tracking Fang Technique and activated a sound-based Genjutsu through whistling, buying his Nin-dogs enough time to close in on Zabuza's location. Despite the Genjutsu interference, Zabuza forced several of the initial Nin-dogs to dispel before a lucky one got a bite on his leg and channelled the Chakra Paralyzation Technique through the Missing-Nin's shin, giving openings for several other Nin-dogs to grip Zabuza with their powerful jaws and reinforce the technique.

As Kakashi quickly cleared away the fog around him with his Dispelling Wind Technique, Zabuza was revealed, standing in a very uncomfortable position with eight Nin-dogs dangling of off him as they maintained their Paralyzation Jutsu. The anger on Zabuza's face contrasted hilariously with the cute Nin-dogs hanging off of him.

"You know... my plan wouldn't have worked so well if you hadn't shut your eyes in the mist." Kakashi said idly, as Zabuza tried (unsuccessfully) to shake the Nin-dogs off of his various limbs, "My Nin-dogs here are specifically designed for tracking... made to sense a faint scent from several miles away. Remember that time I let you cut me? That was to make sure you had the scent of my blood on your weapons."

"So I was just following your plan all along?!" Zabuza said in anger and self-loathing. "You had everything under control since the beginning?!"

"Of course not," Kakashi responded. "If I had everything under control I wouldn't have let Haku slip by me. I would have evacuated my Genin miles from here with a Shadow Clone or finished this fight quicker. Because of my lack of control, my students might have died."

"The fog is lifting, "Kakashi said poetically. "I can see it now... your future is death."

With his Sharingan covered, Kakashi did the nine hand signs for his original Jutsu, the Chidori. He could do the Jutsu without the hand signs, but in a controlled environment, he preferred his original way, partly to save Chakra and partly for sentimentality's sake.

The lightning flashed between Kakashi's fingers rather impressively but Zabuza just scoffed.

"What? I don't at least deserve a Raikiri?" Zabuza joked. Kakashi decided to ignore him.

"Zabuza... you've had your fun. You've schemed your schemes... The day you deserted the Hidden Mist and became Missing Ninja, your name was reported to the Hidden Leaf. I know how you tried to assassinate the Misukage. You've been on the run, trying to raise funds for a second attempt for the better part of four years, always narrowly evading Hunter Ninja... That's what brought you here. That's why you'd stoop so low as to work for a parasite like Gatō. You're a loose cannon; a threat to this country. Willing to sacrifice this place just for your ambitions... Killing with no mercy..."

"Spare me the philosophy lesson." Zabuza interrupted, "I'm fighting for my ideals and I won't stop."

Kakashi sighed disappointedly as he raised his Chidori encased hand.

"Then your future is death," Kakashi said simply, rushing forward.

Zabuza's eyes closed, thinking of Haku, hoping she was alive, hoping that Kakashi wouldn't kill her. Hoping that she had escaped somehow. Haku. I'm- I am Sorry.


Kakashi didn't see and didn't have time, when he saw a hand caught his wrist, not letting him advance. Kakashi's eyes widened seeing Naruto stopping him from killing Zabuza, the Jonin certainly wasn't surprised that Naruto was able to stop his jutsu and not mentioning his chakra and strength was low.

"Naruto, What are you doing?" Kakashi demanded with a strong tone and loud. Zabuza narrowed his eyes at the Uzumaki brat, this was the second time he did something similar. First time letting him go, not taking him seriously. Second time saving him, of course, he was glad but still . . .

"They're not our enemies anymore" Naruto stated with a strict tone that reminded Kakashi so much of Kushina. The dogs around Zabuza disappeared from Naruto throwing a kunai in the summoning scroll.

Before Kakashi could ask him to elaborate further, they heard clapping coming from the end of the bridge.

"Yah. He's certainly made a fine mess out of you. What a pity..." A smug voice said from the other side of the bridge.

The three remaining conscious Shinobi all turned their heads to look at the newcomer.

At the end of the bridge, stood a very smug-looking Gatō in front of a small army of brigands. They were all carrying a large assortment of weapons such as swords, staves, tridents, clubs and even had someone with a scythe. Gatō was smirking and strutting around like he'd already won. It would certainly look like he had to the casual observer.

Kakashi cursed his arrogance. Why had he thought that this would just stay between Shinobi? Naruto looked at the army with an Icy Stare.

"Gatō... what are you doing here?!" Zabuza asked. "What with the goon squad?"

Gatō laughed for a second at the annoyingly slow speed civilians were forced to use. "There's been a small change of plans, Zabuza. Or a change in your plans anyway... I was going to do this from the beginning. You're going to die 'Demon', here and now. I was never going to pay you at all. I hate paying people. Especially if they're as expensive as Shinobi. Your price may have been a little more acceptable, but it's still way more than I'm willing to pay. That's why I hired all these thugs. Wait till the ninja are done fighting and finish them off while they're weak? That's a good business strategy. Since you are a missing Ninja, no one will complain when you're gone. And look! It worked out even better than I hoped! You're so weak and pathetic right now, I could kill you myself. And look at you're opponent! A tired freak and a child!"

Kakashi was currently breathing heavily in exhaustion. He hadn't expected the fight to last this long. He'd expected to be finished much sooner. In truth, he hardly had enough Chakra to stand. His body wanted to die in a hole, like usual after going to The First Gate. He was having trouble maintaining composure at the end of his fight with Zabuza.

"My only mistake was hiring you in the first place. Calling yourself the Demon of the Hidden Mist is just plain false advertisement!" Gatō continued, laughing. "You're no Demon! You are no more than a little Imp!"

Zabuza, who had looked down until that point, snapped his head straight up. A look of pure hatred crossed his features. Haku moved closer to Zabuza ready to fight.

"Forgive me Kakashi... our fight is over. I no longer have any reason to assassinate Tazuna... which settles our differences."

Gato's eyes then saw Haku standing close to Zabuza, A creepy smile spread across his face. A smile that no one liked.

"My man. I want to kill everyone except the girls, each one of you can have a turn with her" he said laughing.

Zabuza suddenly stood despite the pain and put his hands on Haku's shoulder and put her behind him.

"Gato, you little double-crossing bastard," Zabuza spat, "I really didn't think you'd have the balls to betray me, but it's your funeral. You will die screaming,"

Before anything could happen, the whole area was engulfed in KI, everyone froze at the amount of KI spread around, Zabuza wondered who could have so much KI. His eyes slightly turned to look at the Uzumaki brat. His face was covered in a shadow. But his eyes were red like blood.

Naruto walked forward, there were many things he didn't like, but rotten monsters like them were the worst kind.

Even Kurama was furious, they had stepped out of line, and now. They Shall Know PAIN.

Suddenly two clones showed up close to Naruto, one to his right and another to his left. All three of them did hand signs that not even Kakashi recognized.

The clones finished. "Uzumaki Style: Barrier Blood" suddenly a giant red barrier showed up Around the bridge, it closed every direction except the direction towards Naruto and the others.

The Jinchuuriki finished his hand signs. "Wood Style: Deep Forest Emergency" suddenly the bridge started shaking like an earthquake. Suddenly large trees started growing around Naruto and they all started rushing towards the army and what happened next was something Everyone would remember.

The following second, screams echoed around the bridge, the trees pierced their flesh and bones snapping, the wood came out the mouth of one and split his jaw, the blood rushing out of his mouth and skin and slowly his face split into three pieces hanging in the tree like decorations, someone screamed until his head was smashed from the strength around his head until it exploded like a bomb, some tried to run and jump from the bridge but the barrier burned anyone who touched it, the wood pierced the stomach of one and came out through his eyes as blood fell in the floor like rain, one was pierced in the lungs and tree grew inside until his whole body was torn apart from the tree, Gato tried to run towards Naruto when his legs were tightened and trees pierced him from every direction.


The large tree raised high as their bodies were smashed and split into pieces. Some hanging around the tree. The blood, skin and flesh falling to the ground.

The others kept quiet at what they saw, Kakashi knew the thugs deserved to die but this wasn't something he expected. Kakashi had seen war, and a dead body was something he was familiar with.

Naruto's eyes were as cold as winter, he did another hand sign and spit fire from his mouth and the tree started burning.

Zabuza had no problems and no objections with what Naruto did, in his mind the idiots deserved worse than that, but at the same time he was shaken beyond belief, but for a different reason.

He can use Wood Style?!

Zabuza turned around and saw Haku standing behind him looking at Naruto with a hint of caring and something else that Zabuza didn't recognize.

He smiled seeing her. "I'm happy to see you alright. Haku" he said smiling and tears slowly forming in his eyes but he tried to keep them there. But the next thing caught him by surprise. Haku hugged him, her head in his chest crying.

"I - I thought I lost you Tou-San," she said crying and hugging him, almost afraid that he would disappear. He put his hand on her head and rubbed her hair.

"I will never leave you, my daughter" he stated and hugged her back. Haku felt her shoulders getting wet from his tears but decided to enjoy the moment. Naruto and Kakashi smiled at the touching moment.

Kakashi turned to look at Naruto. "I didn't know you could use Wood Style" he stated with crossed arms. Wanting an explanation from his Little brother.

"Only Hokage-Sama, Tsunade-Baa-Chan and Toad-Jiji know about it" Naruto stated. Kakashi nodded in understanding and decided to talk later with him.

Naruto ran back over to Sasuke and Sakura, checking to see if they were okay. Sakura was in a stable condition thankfully. Sasuke had the faintest of heartbeats but it seemed as if he'd recovered slightly from earlier.

Either Haku hadn't aimed to kill, or Sasuke, with his Sharingan, had been able to move enough in time to avoid death.

Naruto was relieved beyond belief. Even with all the training his teammate still almost got killed. He removed the senbon scattered around his body and Shunshin him back to Tsunami's house making sure to heal him.

He then came back and checked on Haku as Zabuza and Kakashi just stood watching. She was in a bad shape, but she seemed as if she was going to make it.

"Why did you spare me? Why didn't you take my life after what you saw me do to your friend," she whispered from her position on the ground. The two jounin level ninja heard her as they walked closer.

"Because your life is precious," Naruto said as he handing her over to Zabuza.

At this Kakashi smiled and Zabuza turned to him, "Some genin you've got, looks like we didn't need to be enemies after all. Maybe next time we see each other we'll be allies," and with that Zabuza Momochi, the Demon of the Hidden Mist bowed his head respectfully to Naruto.

"Thank You Uzumaki Naruto"

Two Days Later

Naruto stood in front of the house, the moon high in the sky, Tazuna had returned to work and said that the bridge will be rebuilt within four days. Kakashi-Sensei had stated that they would stay until the bridge was built. No one had anything against it and didn't say anything.

Kakashi had asked Naruto that night about what he did to the army of Gato, his sensei had asked if he was alright and if he needed anything, but the redhead had said that he was fine. Kakashi had looked at him with speculation but had not said a word against what Naruto said.

Surprisingly Zabuza and Haku were standing with them until they decided to leave The Wave.

Right now, Naruto stood ready to reach Uzushiogakure, he had left a wood clone behind to stay and distract everyone until he returned.

"Are you ready Naruto? Remember that Uzushiogakure is not exactly close" Kurama asked knowing that Uzushiogakure wasn't exactly close to going there by running across the sea.

"I have checked Kurama, but there's no ship that goes to Uzushiogakure anymore, and I don't know how to use one" Naruto stated.

Kurama kept quiet and decided to be ready if Naruto needed anything later.

The redhead glanced at the house behind him, Taking a deep breath of fresh air. He ran towards the Sea to reach his Homeland.
