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When Naruto awoke the next morning he was greeted with a sight he hadn't expected to see. There was a beautiful female ninja strolling across the field toward him.

He knew she was a ninja from the fact that she was making almost no sound as she walked; ninja had a habit of doing that wherever they went, civilians, not so much. And her having High Chunin Chakra Level.

Tensing when she saw him open his eyes she flicked a senbon into her hand.

"I know you're a shinobi," Naruto said, "but I don't want to fight you."

"How can I trust you," her sweet voice drifted over to him.

"From the looks of it, you could have killed me from a distance with that senbon while I slept. You didn't so I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt. Now that I'm awake however you'd be hard-pressed to actually kill me anyway. What's your name, because I'm Uzumaki Naruto," He had a sheepish grin on his face, and yawned, his hand rubbing the back of his head.

Naruto didn't need to mention that he could have killed her if she did try to harm him.

Haku was unsure of what to do. She could have killed him while he slept but that just hadn't felt right. He had looked so peaceful from where she was standing. He didn't seem threatening now that he was awake so she guessed she could go along with it, as long as she got these supplies back to Zabuza, "I'm Haku."

"So what are you out here gathering herbs for Haku?" Naruto enquired innocently, trying to lighten the mood.

"They are for someone very close to me; they were injured and these are going to help them get better."

"Well do you want a hand gathering them? I could make your job a lot easier," A number of clones appeared before Haku could object and began searching through the woods and clearing for the herbs that Haku needed, "Now sit down, my godmother taught me medically," Naruto said with a smile.

"But I-"

"No buts, come on and sit down, my clones will still get the herbs you need, don't worry."

"Okay," she said sitting down opposite from him, still wary of what he was doing.

For a while they explained pleasantries, with Naruto explaining that he was here because of a mission, then out of nowhere, he asked a rather unexpected question.

"So Haku, is Zabuza recovering well enough?"

She flinched, not knowing how the boy who was only just younger than she was had figured it out.

"Calm down, like I said I don't want to fight," Naruto tried to defuse the situation before she could take any action against him.

"I could tell you were a ninja from the way you walked, you said you needed to help someone who was close to you, you use senbon, and you have the same build as a hunter-nin that carried away one supposedly dead Zabuza, your facial twitch just then confirmed my suspicions. Don't worry, like I said I don't want to cause you any harm. We both have our missions; it just so happens that they oppose each other. I'll hold no grudge against you for it, but I do hope we can get through this with as little bloodshed as possible."

All Haku could do was nod in response. She didn't know what it was about this kid she liked, but she knew that he wasn't going to hurt her while she sat there with him. He was too sincere.

As Naruto's clones walked back over each with a pile of herbs he got up.

"Well here are your herbs Haku, I have to get back to my team, I just want you to know that even if I don't want bloodshed I'll still protect my team with everything that I have."

"So is that where you get your strength from? From willing to do anything to protect those close to you?"

"Yes, and tell Zabuza that I want to talk to him, to end this without bloodshed and giving him another chance at giving a crack at killing the Mizukage" he replied with a totally different tone. Gone was the smiling and the goofy tone, now he talked seriously and firmly.

Before she could say anything to him, he disappeared leaving her alone in her thoughts.

"I have my own people to protect Naruto. I guess next time we meet we'll see whose desire to protect is stronger."


Zabuza was resting on a cot with a blanket over him. He did not like the fact that he had lost to the Uzumaki Brat. He didn't want to think that the kid had left him alive just because he didn't see him as a threat, mocking him. But at the same time, the little brat reminded him of the Red Death, despite having cold blue eyes, his gaze was just like hers. A gaze of a person ready to kill but at the same time filled with honour and compassion.

Moments later, a short man dressed in a business suit and two samurais as bodyguards entered the room and went over to where Zabuza was.

"So the terrifying demon of the mist is crippled after facing a few kids and a ninja. I don't think I'm getting my money's worth when it comes to paying you, Zabuza. Perhaps I should just kill you and spare myself the pain of losing any more money", the short man sneered at the bed resting nin.

Gato walked over to Zabuza and reached out to strangle him when a figure appeared out of nowhere and grabbed his wrist, before ruthlessly twisting it.

"You will not harm Zabuza-sama. I won't allow it", came the hard voice of Haku. He twisted Gato's wrist further to just before the point of breaking it to drive his point home. Gato shrieked in pain and fell to his knees.

"Hands off our boss!" One of the samurai took a step forward when Haku grabbed a kunai and threw it at them. The samurai dodged it as it got buried in the wall behind them.

Seeing them distracted, she pulled out two of her senbon and threw it precisely at a point in both of their arms that it was rendered immobile.

The temperature in the room dropped a few degrees as Haku whispered with deadly intent, "I missed your vital points on purpose, so don't test me."

Gato snarled as he got up to his feet after Haku released him, "Insolent brat! You and Zabuza had better finish the job I gave you, or there will be consequences!" With that, he exited the house, followed by his bodyguards whose arms were still immobile.

"You know, you didn't have to do that for me. I could have taken care of it myself if it came to that", Zabuza commented as he fingered the kunai in his hands under the bedsheet.

"I was aware of that, Zabuza-sama. But as your tool, I will always protect my master in any circumstance", Haku said with a smile. Zabuza sighed sadly at her words . . .

"In any case, I will be back to full strength in three more days. And when I am", his voice turned murderous, "The Uzumaki Brat will die!"

Zabuza noticed the flash of worry and . . . no approval in her eyes, it was only for a sec but Zabuza noticed it anyway.

"Haku! you have anything against it" he said with a strict tone staring at her. She flinched and took a step back instinctively, her right hand holding her left's hand wrist.

"I meet Naruto Uzumaki this morning, he told me he could help us to have another crack at killing the Mizukage," she said looking directly at Zabuza.

Zabuza narrowed his eyes slightly, usually, Haku wasn't trusting to strangers let alone to people who were their enemies right now, although Haku always avoided killing as much as possible, she never was a very trusting person. The demon of mist had to give the kid credit for his talent in the sword, and if he was anything like his mother, then his Fuinjutsu wasn't far behind in talent.

He put his hand on his chin and thought of it, Zabuza didn't know how could the kid knew of his attempted attack on the Mizukage. He still hated the fact that he failed to kill the Mizukage who destroyed the lives of all the people with Bloodlines, his eyes focused on Haku remembering when he found her alone, with no one else around to protect her.

He felt anger in his chest when he remembered what the Mizukage had done, taking a deep breath. Zabuza focused on Haku again.

"I'm still the demon of the mist, I can't just cancel a contract I made despite him being a bitch. Let's see how things turn out in the bridge" Zabuza stated focusing on Haku's reaction.

She lowered her gaze for a second before focusing on Zabuza again. She opened her mouth but closed it again before her eyes found courage.

"I understand Zabuza-sama" she replied with an emotionless voice, her face turned and looked just as emotionless as the mask lying on the table nearby. This time it was Zabuza who lowered his eyes for a split second before turning his eyes too hard like stone.

"Good, we need to be ready for them"


The young Uzumaki soon reached Tazuna's home, the sun had raised high in the sky, the light shining the ground around him. Naruto still thought of the kid who had the gull to preach to him about Pain and Suffering, despite knowing he was only a kid, he should be smart enough to understand that there are people that have suffered and feel pain more than him.

Sasuke was an example of suffering and losing everything you have.

Even Kakashi-sensei had lost so much but still kept a smile on his face despite the pain and the nightmares.

Naruto was about to open the door to walk inside the house when the door opened by Kakashi-sensei followed closely by Sasuke and tired looking Sakura. Kakashi saw the redhead in front of him, he felt relieved to see him unharmed but he needed to understand what he did he was reckless.

"Naruto where were you?" Kakashi asked with a strict voice crossing his arms in front of his chest, although he felt happy to see his little brother, Naruto needed to understand what he did could have resulted in his death, all needed was a kunai and someone good at stealth.

Naruto noticed the tone of Kakashi-sensei, he took a step back. "I trained outside before I fell asleep from exhausting" the redhead stated with a serious tone.

Kakashi looked at him and pointed a finger at him. "I don't want you to do something like that again, someone could have found you and Kill You" Kakashi stated with a higher tone that sends shivers of fear into Sakura's body despite not being the one who did the mistake.

"I understand Kakashi-sensei. I'm sorry" Naruto replied slightly ashamed to disappoint his sensei. Kakashi walked close and put his hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry, Just make sure it doesn't happen again" Kakashi stated with a more friendly tone. Naruto looked up at him and nodded his head in understanding, Kakashi eye smiled before turning to his two other students.

"Very well, we have two more days before Zabuza might try to attack. Today the training will be hardcore and I want No Complaints" Kakashi stated with a tone that showed them that to not discuss it.

Sasuke smirked happily while Sakura lowered her gaze, her legs and body were still itching from the constant training of trying to climb the tree. She hadn't taken a shower since she left the village and was afraid that she must stink and Sasuke wouldn't like her like this, of course, Tsunami had offered to wash in their bathroom but they apparently only washed with buckets with water and not an actual bath. She had decided to wait until she returned to the village to have a proper bath but the thought that she needed to train again and get more dirt in her body and hair made her second guess all this.

She wanted to object but decided to be quiet and just listen to her sensei.

Hearing no whining, Kakashi smiled under his mask and lead his team to where they would train.

While they walked, the team was quiet, Naruto looked to be thinking about something, his hands behind his head.

"Naruto, when we introduced ourselves to sensei, you said you wanted to restore your clan, you mean Senju Clan?" Sasuke suddenly asked.

Naruto looked at him slightly surprised before turning his head to look forward again. "Yes, I want to restore both the Senju and Uzumaki Clan" he replied.

Sasuke raised his eyebrows and so did Sakura who had never heard of the Uzumaki Clan.

"Uzumaki Clan? Never heard of it?!" Sasuke replied confused, he didn't think Naruto would be lying but wondered how he had never heard of it. Kakashi on the other hand sighed sadly at the mention of the Uzumaki Clan, he still remembered Kushina's sadness every time the dead clan was brought up in discussion, many times she had even blamed herself for what had happened, saying that if she had been there she would be able to help them or at least save some of them.

Kakashi remembers Kushina-san once told him, Rin and Obito about her friend and older sister. Niko Uzumaki and Atara Uzumaki. None of these names ever came to the gates of Konoha but Kushina-san had never lost hope that they were still out there.

"Uzumaki clan was destroyed during the third ninja war. Kumo, Iwa and Kiri decided to destroy my Clan because they feared them, and because of their Greed" Naruto said with a quiet cold tone that was different from the tone a minute ago. This tone wasn't spoken by the smiling Naruto but by someone who knew suffering.

Sasuke looked perplexed that something similar that happened to him happened to Naruto as well, his eyes widened slightly in understanding. Now he understood why Naruto felt such a strong strive to become stronger and better.

Rebuilding the clan and making sure no one would dare to do the same ever again.

"I'm sorry for what happened to you Naruto," he said before taking a deep breath. His thoughts went to his big brother, he turned to look at the redhead again. "my . . . My brother killed my whole clan, I looked up to him more than anyone else, he had my fathers love and admiration but in the end. That Wasn't Enough" Sasuke started lowering his head.

Naruto said nothing but patted his back and everyone had fallen silent, they just keep walking, Despite the mood, Kakashi was glad that Sasuke was slowly opening up to the others, that would help him to become better and probably fight and become stronger for a different cause.

The sunshine through the trees, the marks around the tree from Sasuke training were there, the wind was flying around them almost speaking to them. A squirrel went inside a tree the moment he noticed the people walking inside the forest.

Kakashi looked around and decided that this place was good enough to train, he turned around to see Naruto focused on him, Sasuke looked slightly grim, so nothing new and Sakura was giving Sasuke glances, and her face red like Naruto's hair.

He sighed bored of this behaviour. Kakashi cleared his throat to gain their attention, everyone turned to him.

"Very well, today as I mentioned, we will train. First will be Sakura against me, one against one, then will be Sasuke against me, and finally will be all three of you against me. Any Objections?" Kakashi asked with a high tone and strict. His face looked different and harder.

No one said a word and Kakashi eye smiled glad that they had nothing against his amazing training tactics.

Sakura lowered her eyes and glanced at Sasuke hoping he would say anything against but instead he and Naruto had already walked behind them to give them space.

Sakura looked back at her sensei and took all the courage she had and grabbed a kunai from her small bag tightened to her hips. She aimed towards her sensei and he just stood there.

Taking a deep breath she charged with Low Genin Speed towards him, kunai on her hand ready to fight.

Sakura didn't know what happened next but the next thing she knew, her head was against the ground and her arms behind her back, a leg on her arms stopping the blood from moving and her arms slowly feeling numb and not mentioning the pain she felt in her arms. The dirt was all around her face, making it itchy.

"You need to get better and soon," Kakashi said strictly, already thinking of ways to make her train and not doom her group or someone else. He moved his foot away and walked a step back, Sakura still felt the pain but slowly stood up and walked, her head lowered in shame. Sasuke just walked forward not glancing at her.

Kakashi looked at his second student and decided to take this more seriously.

Sasuke grabbed a kunai and rushed at his sensei with Low Chunin Speed, he jumped and throw a kick to his face, Kakashi blocked it with his arm before grabbing his leg and throwing him against a tree.

The leaves started falling from the tree from the shake. Sasuke felt the pain in his back but that didn't stop him to do a few hand signs.

"Fire Style: Bullet Shot" the fire was small in size but was flying with Medium Chunin Speed. Kakashi was impressed by the speed of the Jutsu before jumping to a tree to avoid it but then he saw Sasuke behind him ready to punch him. Kakashi quickly turned his head around in time to grab the fist with his hand, he added strength to his hand and Sasuke started feeling pain in his knuckles.

"Aaaahhhhh" Sasuke screamed and tried to move his other hand when Kakashi added even more force in his hand almost breaking his hand.


Sakura watched in horror as their sensei hurt her Sasuke-Kun while Naruto looked interested in how would the emo walk out of this situation.

Sasuke glared at his sensei and clenched his teeth tightly before he pulled a kunai with a paper bomb from his small bag tightened to his right leg close to his thighs.

Kakashi jumped back immediately and so did Sasuke, the Jonin couldn't see the genin from the smoke created by the explosion. Suddenly a giant shuriken came out of the smoke and was flying towards him, Kakashi dodged to his right when Sasuke pulled some strings and the shuriken split into four pieces and the parts flew around like arrows.

Kakashi still in the air put his hand on the ground and used his body to avoid the projectile flying towards his torso when the blade suddenly turned to white smoke revealing a grinning Sasuke with a kunai with a paper bomb on his right hand.

"Catch This"


Naruto watched with a small smile impressed by his plan while Sakura watched with dread afraid that her true love was hurt or worse killed.

The smoke slowly cleared to reveal a standing Sasuke with his hands on his knees breathing heavily. Sweat rolling down his face, trying desperately to catch his breath, he looked in front of him to see a crater and in the centre was Kakashi lying on the ground, smoke coming from his clothes.

Suddenly Sasuke felt a sharp object on his neck, the other Kakashi turned to a log, Sasuke sighed knowing he still wasn't strong enough to fight against his sensei.

"Good strategy Sasuke. I'm impressed" Kakashi whispered behind him, Sasuke managed a small smile before slowly walking away knowing they had one more fight left.

Kakashi turned around to see Naruto walking forward followed behind by Sakura. Naruto cracked his knuckles on his face was a smile that Kakashi could have sworn he had seen before but couldn't quite put a finger where. He shrugged his shoulders thinking that it was just his imagination.

"Now. I want all three of you to go all out against me. No holding back whatsoever" Kakashi stated with a strict tone showing that he was serious. His students nodded their heads one by one.

Naruto glanced at Sasuke and Sakura, the Jonin started the match and all three of them disappeared. Kakashi looked around but knew Naruto could probably hide their position.

"What's the plan?" Sakura asked looking at Sasuke. They were hiding in a tree. Naruto cleared his throat gaining their attention.

"Listen Closely"

Kakashi kept waiting for their move, despite not seeing them around, he still didn't pull out his book knowing Naruto was already planning something against him.

Suddenly multiple Kunai came out of a bush flying towards him, the Jonin jumped to his right and suddenly felt water beneath his foot.


Suddenly he heard two voices in front of him.

Fire Style: Shining Star

Earth Style: Prison Ground

Kakashi saw the ground rising around him, he tried to move his foot but the water wasn't letting him move an inch. The ground around left an opening in front of him and blocked in all the other directions. The fire jutsu made contact with Kakashi and exploded completely destroying the prison made of stone.

Sasuke and Naruto jumped from the bush looking at the result, they smiled before Kakashi suddenly appeared behind them with a kunai at their throats.

"You Should never Leave your back unguarded"

. . . .

"Same Goes for you Kakashi Sensei"

Before Kakashi could understand what Naruto meant, both Sasuke and Naruto exploded. He put his hands in front of his face and jumped away in time to get minimum damage. The Jonin hit a tree only to see Sakura cutting a rope, making a giant log with a pointy end coming towards him.

Kakashi managed to jump away when he felt something, he felt strange. He felt tired. Extremely tired.

Before he could think of what is happening, Sasuke jumped from a tree ready to stab him, Kakashi pulled out his own kunai to block him, the Uchiha glared at his Jonin when Kakashi grabbed his hand and elbow him in the stomach causing Sasuke to vomit.

Kakashi was about to attack him again when suddenly Sasuke exploded in strings that tightened him around the tree. The tree then revealed paper bombs everywhere.

They're getting better

Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura were standing where the fight begins, they saw Kakashi walking towards them with a smile behind his mask.

"You have improved my students" he stated. Sasuke smiled while Naruto looked to be deep in thoughts but still happy, Sakura jumped from happiness.


Naruto was sleeping alone on his bed, the seal on his stomach started growing again. It turned red like fire.

Naruto saw himself standing beneath an ocean, his foot standing just a bit below the surface of the ocean, his body upside down. Despite being in the water, he still could breathe. His eyes saw an island below the surface, the destroyed buildings clear to him. Bodies of unknown people floating around the sea, near the destroyed houses and buildings.

Suddenly a man wearing white robes that reached from his neck to his foot, in the chest he had the Uzumaki Symbol. The man had a strange staff on his right hand, his eyes a deep purple and white hair. His bear long reaching his shoulders, his hair had grown to his waist. On top of his head was a strange small crown looking like waves of the sea.

"Who are you?" The young Uzumaki asked, he couldn't feel this person, despite trying. It was almost like he wasn't even there.

The old Uzumaki smiled, a genuine smile, Naruto thought.

"Is good to meet you young Uzumaki. My name is Roku Uzumaki, The First One"

(Roku Uzumaki doesn't have Rinnegan. His eyes are just purple)


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