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The forest was singing with the song of birds, suddenly a shadow jumped fast from tree to tree suddenly followed by two larger shadows. The small shadow jumped faster and hide behind a bush, the two big shadows looked around trying to find the damn cat.

While all this was happening a shadow was staring at the cat, his blue eyes looked like ice.

"Are you in position pinkie?" Kakashi asked bored.

"I'm not pinkie and yes, I'M in Position" she shouted annoyed by the nickname.

"I'm in position too, and don't you dare use that nickname" Sasuke suddenly said not wanting to hear his Sensei right now.

"Very well. Emo" Kakashi whispered with a chuckle.

Sasuke grunted in annoyance but decided to ignore it for now.

"Naruto, you there?" Kakashi asked the red head but was met with silence, even Sakura and Sasuke found this strange.

Kakashi was about to ask again when the young Uzumaki spoke.

"Got the Cat" he suddenly said. They all exchanged looks before dropping down and seeing the Devil. Tora. In Naruto's hands, he was softly caressing her and she purred at his touch, her eyes closed and enjoying the moment.

Kakashi had a raised eyebrow since he didn't remember anyone else ever to be able to have any chance to touch the cat without the risk of losing an eye. But knowing Naruto's bright Aura and the way how animals in general felt relaxed in his presence, he shouldn't be that much surprised.

Sasuke looked surprised but certainly didn't cared much about the stupid cat, he was sure that cat was an Evil Spawn.

Sakura on the other hand looked surprised and annoyed. "How can you do that?" She exclaimed pointing an accusing finger at Naruto, who's eyes suddenly became red, Sakura felt her knees weak by his gaze and shut her mouth. Tora screech at Sakura.

Kakashi sighed bored of Sakura who keeps trying to undermine Naruto, he really didn't understand what Hokage-sama was smoking when he decided to put Sakura in Team 7.

The young Uzumaki had tried to help the banshee but no results.

"Sakura, you have to stop chasing Sasuke," She had just turned up to training with Naruto late, once again because of a hunt for Sasuke, who had unsurprisingly eluded her; she had no idea where he kept going.

"Why? You want me to date you do you? Sorry well it's not going to happen," She said spitefully, thinking of Sasuke.

Naruto laughed out loud at her words and slapped his knees. After calming down he looked up at her. "Why Would I care for your attention? I mean seriously? You keep trying to undermine, and talk all the time how 'Awesome' Sasuke is! Why would someone ever in my place want your attention?!" Naruto asked with a hint of irration.

Sakura kept quiet and slowly lowered her head in shame and embarrassment.

"You can do whatever you want Sakura, but if you wanted to became a Shinobi just to be with Sasuke and no other reason, then you're pathetic" he said with a cold tone that could freeze an ocean.

Hokage Tower

Soon they returned to the Hokage to announce that they completed their mission to chase the devil cat. Tora was quickly snatched by a woman who bone crushed the poor cat, Naruto felt bad for Tora while she desperately tried to return to the hands of Naruto.

"Thank You Hokage-Sama" she said and gave the old hokage money and left through the big door.

Sakura smirked at the torture the poor cat was receiving while Sasuke kept a stoic face and not really showing that he enjoyed her punishment after hours of chasing her all around the Village.

"We are ready for another mission" Kakashi sensei stated looking at the hokage. Naruto turned to the hokage when they heard a scream. Everyone turned to see Tora running away and the woman desperately calling her name.

"Or you can Just Catch Tora Again" Sarutobi stated with a smirk but met with denial by the new Genins.

"NO" the three genins shouted in the same time.

The old Hokage laughed at their response fully expecting it by them.

"Don't worry, I still remember Tobirama sensei forcing me and my team to chase after her" he stated earning a surprising look by everyone in the office, even Kakashi looked surprised by his raised eyebrow.

"Wait? HOW OLD IS THAT CAT?" Everyone suddenly asked, even Sasuke couldn't believe that cat to be that Old. But remembering her speed and her ways of avoiding them for so many hours.

Sarutobi raised his hands. "Well anyway, that's not really important" he stated with a small smirk on his face.

The old hokage then grabbed a few letters in front of his desk. "Well you can help this old man who needs help with his garden, or paint this wall for this new restaurant or you . . ."

"How about a real mission this time, jiji? Like a C-rank?" Naruto interjected the Hokage, tired of doing the chores these people called 'missions'.

Sakura was quick to scold Naruto, "Naruto! Show respect to Hokage-sama!" Surprisingly, she didn't try to hit him. Must have scared her back there, he mused.

"Naruto!" Iruka spoke with a frown, "You can't demand missions like that! Genin teams have to do D-rank missions for two to three months before they get qualified for C-ranks! And even then their jonin sensei-"

Hiruzen cut Iruka off with a gentle chuckle, "It's ok, Sakura-chan. He has called me that ever since he was little."

Sakura's eyes widened a bit in surprise as did Sasuke's. They didn't know Naruto was so close to the Hokage to the extent of calling the man a grandfather figure.

Hiruzen turned towards Kakashi, "Kakashi, do you think your team is ready for a C-rank mission?"

The Jonin put a finger on his chin acting like he was thinking about it. The jonin knew Naruto was more than ready and decided to just go on with it,

"Sure they are Hokage-sama" he stated proudly. Sasuke smiled while Sakura looked insecure about it.

Iruka took a step forward and ready to protest when The old hokage raised his hand to stop him.

"Very well, you can have this C-Rank, to protect this bridge builder" Hokage stated before turning his head to a door in the office.

"Call Tazuna Inside"

The door revealed a man holding a bottle with alcohol that was already half empty, his cheeks red from drinking. His eyes looked at the young Genin in fromt of him, his eyes filled with disappointment.

"I asked For actual Shinobi not kids who need someone to look after them" He stated taking another drink from his bottle. Sasuke looked annoyed by his words.

"That's funny, coming from someone who clearly doesn't understand that age is not important when it comes At being a Shinobi" Naruto suddenly said and a kunai in front of his throat.

Tazuna felt a shiver and couldn't dare to even move his head to see who was behind him. He felt a cold sweat run down his forehead.

"Now now Naruto, no need to threaten our customers" Kakashi said trying to ease the tension in the room.

Naruto just smiled before appearing in front of his team, Tazuna touched his neck to see if there was any blood but surprisingly there wasn't. Turning his eyes to the team he noticed the red hair of the boy, despite being drunk he could have sworn he had seen that shade of red before but couldn't quite put a finger where.

"They will do, I need to go to the Wave County" He said and the genins turned to their sensei.

"The front Gate. One Hour" he stated before disappearing followed by the red head.


He reached his compound and started gathering everything he might need in the mission. He knew Shizune-chan and Tsunade-baa-chan were most likely working in the hospital so he decided to leave a letter for them.

Grabbing Soldier pills, and Sleep pills, he sealed them in a scroll and grabbed kunai, shurikens. Last he grabbed food and sealed in his scrolls. His sword tightened to his back.

Naruto's thought went to the mission, he knew Uzushiogakure was close to the wave, he wondered if he could sneak in during the mission or maybe ask Kakashi-sensei for permission to visit his homeland.

Deciding to think about it when they reach Wave, he wore his sandals and Shunshin to the gate.


He grabbed his bag and started putting food, bottles with water, a few Soldier pills and started putting his weapons. He glanced at the scroll on the table and decided to leave it there and start training again after he returns.

Finally closing the bag, he left through the door and turned to look at his home. He put his hands together and said a small prayer before locking his house and going to the front gate.


She put a hair spray on her bag, she looked at the food in the table and decided to grab a few cans that had low-fat food. She grabbed three cans and did the math in her head, that was more than enough. She wouldn't need more than that.

Sakura put another hair spray, her items needed for her hair to look pretty and decided to go to the Main Gate.

The Main Gate

Kakashi waited for his team to arrive, Tazuna was waiting close to him looking impatient. But Kakashi could see there was more to this situation but decided to ignore it for now, probably the man was just nervous.

The Jonin knew his team was ready for a C-Rank, especially Naruto and probably Sasuke, his team had his ups and downs since they first started doing missions. Kakashi had first started by teaching them teamwork, surprisingly Sasuke had somehow to agree to follow Naruto's lead and work together.

Sakura didn't really do much and that concerned Kakashi, he tried to incourage her to train but she did the bare minimum in that department. He sighed and thinking of ways to do something better.

Perhaps making them complete D missions without his help could be beneficial, he decided to think about it after he returns.

Sasuke had made progress in teamwork but still couldn't stop thinking about killing Itachi, Kakashi understood his motivations but he knew that Revenge would destroy everything and gain him nothing in return. The satisfaction of killing him wasn't worth it. Kakashi thought and turned to see Naruto appearing in front of him.

Tazuna couldn't understand how they could do that but decided to not ask since he would most likely understand nothing and just receiv a headache in the end.

"I'm ready Kakashi sensei" Naruto stated putting his hands behind his head. Kakashi noticed his lack of a bag but knew Naruto preferred scrolls instead of s bag.

Soon Sasuke and Sakura arrived, Sakura put her hands on her knees breathing heavily. Sasuke looked bored.

She looked up to see Naruto without a bag pack. "Naruto where's your bag?" She asked pointing a finger at him.

"I sealed my things in scrolls, much easier to travel" he stated earning an approval nod from Sasuke and Kakashi sensei.

"If that's the case, seal my bag as well" she said and was about to hand him her bag.

"No, if you want to do that, then learn how to seal it yourself" he stated and walking away from her.

"Well, let's Go" Kakashi said with a cheerful tone trying to make the mission look more fun. They soon started walking outside the village and soon the village didn't looked behind them anymore.

Naruto liked and decided to just kept the silence since he enjoyed it more.

After almost four hours of talking of nothing but silence.

Sakura seemed to sense the awkwardness as well, and she did not have the same problem as Naruto of finding a topic to talk about. "Um, Tazuna-san, you are from wave country right?"

Tazuna turned his head towards her, "Yeah, what about it?"

"Do you have a ninja village in that country?"

Surprisingly, it was Kakashi who answered, "Actually, wave does not have a ninja village. Each of the elemental nations has their own hidden shinobi villages. But the smaller countries don't have the resources to fund, let alone maintain their own hidden village. Budget, people, missions....there are so many resources to account for that the smaller nations can't afford. So they prefer to hire ninjas from other countries."

Tazuna nodded his head in agreement knowing their poor state.

"What about Kirigakure? That village is close to Wave!" Sakura asked thinking why Tazuna had not asked help from them. Naruto turned his head to look at her with a glare.

"Is because of a Civil War Sakura, One day Mizukage suddenly decided to exterminate all people with Bloodlines in the country, starting a civil war in the process" Naruto replied before Tazuna could.

Sakura looked horrified that the kage that is supposed to protect the village was harming it.

The girl kept quiet not wanting to talk about it more. While walking both Kakashi and Naruto noticed a puddle in the road.

Naruto felt two chakras coming from the puddle, he grunted in annoyance but in same time wondered why they were here. This was a C-Rank mission and he knew none of them had any big bounty on his head, except maybe Kakashi but the chakra in the puddle was Medium Chunin Chakra level at best.

Deciding to wait, it didn't took long and from the puddle came out two masked shinobi that carried a bladed chain that tightened around Kakashi before cutting him to shreds. Sakura screamed.

"One Down"

Naruto put his hand on the pommel of his sword. "Sakura protect Tazuna" he yelled before rushing at the two ninjas. Before any of them could do anything, the red head threw a kunai in the chains that blocked them in the ground, with a quick slash, he cut the arm of one of the attackers who screamed in pain, trying to hold the wound with his other hand as blood flew everywhere like rain.

"Brother" the other one screamed but become silent when he just falled in the ground after Naruto hit him at the back of his head.

He turned around to see Sasuke in front of Tazuna with a kunai on his hand, while Sakura stood in same place shaking like a leaf, her eyes looking at the guy's arm in the ground. The red head narrowed his eyes before turning to look at Kakashi-sensei who came out from behind a tree.

"Well Done Naruto and Sasuke, is important to always protect the client" he said glancing at Sakura before giving Tazuna a furious look.

He marched in front of him and grabbed him by the throat. "I thought this was a C-Rank Mission, protecting you from bandits but not hired shinobi" he accused and pointed a finger at the Chunin level shinobi that attacked them.

Tazuna tried to free himself from his grip, "I-I don't know why they attacked" he tried to say.

Naruto sighed bored. "Tazuna, I can feel when someone's lying, we are giving you one more chance or we leave you in the road" he stated with a cold tone.

Tazuna felt the KI and nodded his head. Kakashi dropped him in the ground. "Have you heard of a man called Gato?"

"I've heard of him", Naruto stated. Kakashi raised an eyebrow, silently asking to elaborate. "He is the owner of a shipping company. When I last read about him, he was among the top fifteen richest in the nations. Suspected for criminal activity, but no proof", he said with his arms crossed.

"The very same", Tazuna agreed. "Though now he is among the top five. He came to Wave Country a bit more than two years ago. First we didn't think anything about it, but soon he had bought up all the shipping industry of our nation. You see, Wave Country is an island so we are dependent on the shipping to get goods. But that wasn't the worst part. He used his monopoly to drain the country dry."

"The people live in poverty. Many lost their houses to Gato. Whoever protested is killed. He takes what he wants with his hired thugs, making sure nobody dares to oppose him. His shipping business covers his criminal activities. He deals with drugs, alcoholics, rare goods, even slaves. Everything and anything that brings him money. The only thing he fears is the bridge I'm building. If I finish my bridge, his monopoly will be rendered obsolete and our country will be back in business because we will be connected to the main land."

"So why didn't you just tell the truth to Hokage-sama?" Kakashi glared at him.

"Hokage-sama would understand, in that case after mission was completed, you would pay a little every month until is fully payed or offer a deal amongst Wave and Konoha" Naruto suggested.

Tazuna lowered his gaze, he hadn't thought of it. Kakashi turned to look at his students. "This mission is now B-Rank, maybe even A-Rank, according to the rules we should return to the village" he stated giving each of his students a glance to see what they thought of it.

"We can do this Kakashi-sensei, I never turned back and leave people to suffer because of a maniac" Naruto stated with a smile on his face.

Kakashi smiled back already knowing what his little brother would say, he turned to look at Sasuke who shrugged his shoulders.

"I say we continue, we have you if anything is harder than we thought" he said putting his hands on his pockets. That left only Sakura who still looked terrified.

"I-I- I say we continue" she said still not sure if that was the best choice. Kakashi nodded in agreement. "The Demon brothers have a bounty on their head Naruto" he stated and Naruto nodded in understanding.

He walked up to them and stabbed them in the head, Sakura closed her eyes and tears slowly rolling down her cheek.

After killing them Naruto sealed their bodies in two different scrolls and turned to his team.

"Let's Go"

After walking for Days, they soon reached a coast, since the demon brothers, they hadn't had any problems, that surprised both Naruto and Kakashi who were sure someone else would attack them by now.

They soon started making their way to Wave, Tanzo greeted the fishermen, the guy greeted Tanzo with a friendly smile but kept a wary eye at the Shinobi team.

After traveling for two hours, they soon reached the shore, Naruto had seen the bridge while they were making their way here. He had to admit that he was impressed by the size of the bridge.

"Good Luck Tazuna" the fishermen said and soon left. Kakashi turned to look at Tazuna.

"How long before we reach your house?" He asked trying to see if there was anything to worry about.

"Almost there, we will reach it within three hours" he stated and soon they started walking towards Tazuna's house.

During all this, the team was quite but Naruto couldn't shake off a strange feeling in his stomach, it felt like someone was calling him. He couldn't understand it and spread his senses as far as possible but couldn't detect a living human anywhere nearby.

The closer they got the stronger the feeling got, unknown to Naruto, the seal on his stomach started glowing red and slowly growing.

Kurama noticed it and used his chakra to stop the seal from whatever it was trying to do, the fox didn't know why it was reacting like that but he didn't wanted to give it any chances.

Naruto breathed in relief and soon they were halfway to Tazuna's house. Suddenly he felt a chakra behind a tree, without thinking twice, he threw a kunai enhanced with wind chakra.

Everyone suddenly were on their guards, Naruto saw a white rabbit slowly walking away. He narrowed his eyes.

"See Naruto, you almost hurt an innocent bunny" Sakura shouted but the red head was in no mood to hear her.

"DOWN" both Kakashi and Naruto screamed, the red head grabbed Sakura and Tazuna and threw them in the ground.

A large sword suddenly flew and hit the tree near them. At the handle of the sword stood a man, who had bandages covering his face from his nose to his throat, he wore bandages around his arms. His eyes cold like ice.

Naruto stood up feeling the hidden person behind their new guest, to Naruto's surprise he couldn't feel malicious thought coming from the hidden person but only from the first guest, and even from him weren't at the same level he usually gets from some of the stupid villagers.

Kakashi walked in front of the team. "Kakashi Hatake what a honor to be against you" the man stated with a smirk behind his mask.

"Zabuza Momoichi" Kakashi stated slowly moving his hand to his forehead protector that covered his left eye. Naruto noticed it and smiled.

"What do you want?" Kakashi asked warily, his eye not leaving Zabuza. The missing nin chuckled darkly before pointing a finger at Tazuna.

"I'm here for the bridge builder, give him to me and none of your small children will have to die" he stated and releasing a small bit of his KI, making both Sasuke and Sakura shake, while Naruto just brushed it off since Kurama could produce ten times more KI on his sleep.

He walked and stood beside Kakashi. "I'm sorry to break it to you, but is our mission to help Tazuna, so can you peacefully leave us, mummy" Naruto stated holding the pommel of his katana.

Zabuza narrowed his eyes in annoyance but was impressed that the kid didn't looked effected by his KI.

"I'm afraid that won't happen anytime soon kid" he stated jumping in the water nearby.

Kakashi moved his forehead protector upwards and revealed his fully matured Sharingan.

"The Sharingan so early, I'm honored. I have read about you during my time as an ANBU, everyone call you. Kakashi of The Sharingan" he said coldly before doing hand signs.

Sasuke immediately grew interested and wondered why his sensei would have the Sharingan, he knew Kakashi wasn't of his clan, or maybe someone gave it to him. Or did he steal it?

"Naruto stand close to Sasuke and Sakura and protect them"  Kakashi ordered, Naruto nodded in agreement and stood in front of Tazuna. His katana on his hand covered in wind chakra.

"Hidden Mist Technique"

Some have asked me how old I'm and if English is my main language.

I'm 22 years old male and my mother's tongue is German.


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