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Fukasaku looked at Naruto's form worriedly, he could feel Kurama's chakra spreading around like Wildfire. The wind got harsher, grass near Naruto flew away and some burned in the air and turned to ash. The chakra cloak surrounding Naruto was red, the part around his head had two large ears like a fox. His teeth had grown, and his eyes looked red like blood.

His red hair looked more spiky, one tail slowly grow behind his back, indicating that he was using one tail worth of chakra. Fukasaku didn't like this, he knew Naruto was good and the Uzumaki blood helped him to control the chakra easier but still. . .

"Jiraiya-boy? Are you sure about this?!" Ma suddenly asked beside him. Her voice full of concern, her eyes glancing both Jiraiya and Naruto.

"Don't worry, I believe in Naruto and even if he does lose control. I won't let him do anything" Jiraiya replied keeping his eyes only at Naruto and ready at a fighting stance.

Ma and Fukasaku kept quiet and just watched the young boy still not moving or doing anything against them.

Naruto felt the surge of power, he couldn't believe Kurama had so much chakra, it was overwhelming. But Naruto felt something, it felt like bad intentions, he wasn't sure. Gritting his teeth tightly, he tried to calm himself but then he saw visions of himself getting beaten, the words, the insults, to him and his parents. All repeated on his head, voices on his head, telling him he was a Demon.

"Naruto calm down. Don't think about that" Kurama's voice was suddenly heard. The fox knew the darkness inside Naruto was slowly coming out.

Naruto heard him and tried to think the good times of his life but they were few, his time with toad-jiji, hokage-jiji, his friends in the village and the toads of Mount Myoboku. Naruto's breath got heavier, he suddenly saw himself lying in a pole of blood. The villagers mocking him and not stopping.

Naruto left a loud roar that made trees tear from the ground, the ground under him slightly blackened almost like fire had burned it. Jiraiya saw Naruto was losing control, he was about to move when Naruto moved right in front of him with his right palm. Jiraiya saw the attack and dodged quickly, causing the ground where Naruto hit, to crack slightly. But Naruto moved fast again and tried to punch him, his fist covered in red chakra. Making his attacks much stronger.

Jiraiya knew Naruto could feel everyone around and decided to end this when the seal in his stomach started glowing red like fire. Naruto suddenly stopped moving. The spiral in his seal started growing, and going in the center of his seal. Jiraiya saw Naruto's face change from fury to shock, he stopped moving and just stood on his four gritting his teeth. His right hand moved to his stomach, then Naruto grabbed his head and started screaming in agony, his chakra cloak slowly disappeared and moved to the seal, until his chakra cloak was gone.

Jiraiya couldn't understand what just happened, Naruto's red eyes turned blue again and he falled in ground unconscious. Jiraiya sighed sadly, his godson was only six years old and not ready yet. Taking a deep breath he took Naruto on his arms and returned him to his bed.

Looking down at Naruto, Jiraiya moved away his hair that covered his right eye and turned to go outside. Opening the door, he was met with glares from both Fukasaku and Ma. He sighed sadly and lowered his head and sat in the ground near the house, his upper body resting against the wall of the house. His gaze turned to Fukasaku.

"Look. I understand Naruto will need to be able to use that chakra, not only against Akatsuki but against Life itself, Naruto has many bad memories, more bad ones than good ones. Try next time after two years" Fukasaku suggested knowing that Jiraiya-boy wanted Naruto to be ready when time came, he was the only family he had left and he couldn't handle losing Naruto as well.

Jiraiya just nodded his head, his gaze turned downwards, he hoped Naruto wouldn't hate for forcing Kurama's chakra out. Looking down at his hands, he wondered what Minato would do if he was here, would he be alright with Training so hard, when he's still so young, or would he wait for Naruto to have a childhood, a good one, with friends and a loving family.

Jiraiya knew normal childhood was gone the moment he sealed Kyuubi or Kurama inside Naruto, sometimes he wished he could have been there. He should have been the one protecting his student. A teacher was supposed to protect their student and not the other way around.

He stood up slowly and walked inside the house, Naruto sleeping quietly on his bed. His right hand out of the sheet, his long red hair reaching his shoulders. He looks so calm and happy like that, Jiraiya thought. He walked up to him and covered his right arm, slowly not wanting to wake him up.

Leaving the house, a thought was on Jiraiya's mind. Naruto? What is your dream for the future? What is, that makes you to get up from the bed every morning and Train? Is it recognizing? Or something else?! Jiraiya asked himself.

But he had a few thoughts about what Naruto wanted, and he knew that Naruto had every right to want that.


In front of him was Kurama who was lying in the floor close to the bars. The trees and grass was still inside his mindscape. Naruto looked down in shame inside the cage alongside Kurama who stared at him with worry.

"I lost control" Naruto said quietly, almost like a whisper, he had tried so hard to control his negative emotions. But the voices and visions of himself lying in the ground just didn't stop. He tried to think of better things, like his toad-jiji and the old hokage but wasn't enough.

"Don't beat yourself kit, you tried that's what's important. Don't cry if you tried your hardest, that is an insult to your determination" Kurama replied feeling Naruto resting his head against his neck.

"Thank You Kurama, you really are my best friend" Naruto stated happily that he had someone like Kurama all the time with him, of course he knew Kurama was imprisoned inside him and probably wanted more to be out there, in the real Nature.

"Naruto, since you don't have that many good memories then . . ." Kurama suddenly moved and Naruto turned to see him with a closed fist close to him.

Naruto didn't understand what Kurama was trying to do with that. He looked up at him confused and a raised eyebrow.

"Trust me" Kurama reassured him. Naruto nodded his head and bumped his fist against his and suddenly he saw a vision.

Naruto suddenly saw a woman with long red hair that reached her waist, she was very pretty. She was holding her hand against her stomach, walking towards a door. It was night outside, the light close to the door showing her face. Naruto could swear he had seen her before somewhere. Opening it and Naruto saw his father standing on the other side of the room with a bowl on his hands.

"I just did my test today. I'm going to be a mother Databane" she almost shouted, her smile not leaving her face. Her face looked to be shining from happiness. Naruto felt happiness fill him. A smile slowly appearing on his face.

"I'm going to be a father" his father replied as shocked as the woman.

"I'm going to be A Mother" his mother said again walking closer.

"I'm going to be A Father" he shouted and hugged her with love. His eyes smiling just as much as his face. Her head resting against his shoulder. Tears of joy rolling down her cheek.

Seeing that, Naruto felt tears rolling down his cheek. His heart filling with happiness.

Another vision came, he saw his tou-chan and kaa-chan, his tou-chan's face against her belly, listening for any movement. His kaa-chan rubbing her hand through his golden hair. His father looked happy, his eyes closed.

"Did you hear that?" His father suddenly asked moving his head away slightly and looking up at her. She smiled and nodded her head.

"I heard it, he will be strong and gentle just like you and me" she whispered and wrapped her hands around his head and kissed his lips.

The vision changed again, Naruto saw his mother waiting against a wall, voices in the other side of the room.

"You know, I would wanted my son to be just like the character of this book. You choose his name after all" Naruto heard his father say.

"Ahh it was just a name I came up while eating" he heard a very familiar voice. His mother moved and stood beside his father, her hand resting against his shoulder and the other on her stomach. Naruto smiled seeing toad-jiji who had a shocked face.

"Naruto, is a wonderful Name" her mother stated rubbing her belly.

"Kushina, hahaha does . . . does that make me his godfather or something?" he asked nervously, his hand rubbing his hair. His mother nodded happily. "So is Tsunade, she was happy to hear that" his mother stated smiling brightly.

Suddenly the visions stopped and Naruto was back at his mindscape, Kurama looking down at him. Naruto couldn't help but smile, using his forearm to wash away his tears on his cheek. He looked up at Kurama.

"Thank You" he said and Kurama noticed the trees growing larger, the lake looked brighter. The grass felt like real.

"Is nothing" Kurama replied resting his head on his paws.

Looking at him again, Naruto could feel . . . 'Regret and Sadness' coming from Kurama but decided to not ask about it.

Naruto slowly opened his eyes, first his vision was blurry, but then he noticed toad-jiji sleeping. His head resting against the wall, his legs spread around and his arms behind his head. Naruto smiled and slowly walked to him, slowly touching his cheek was enough for him to slowly open his eyes. At first his eyes showed confusion, but then immediately filled with regret.

He was about to open his mouth and talk when Naruto placed a finger on his lips. "I'm not angry at you jiji. So don't feel bad" Naruto stated smiling. Jiraiya smiled back and brought him in a big hug and started rubbing his red hair.

"Thank you Naruto" he said quietly. Pulling away, they soon were joined by Fukasaku and Ma who asked if Naruto was alright. The red head quickly nodded and ate with them. It wasn't the most delicious dish but still far better than eating insects, just the thought of it, made him want to vomit.

Walking outside, Jiraiya stood in front of Naruto with a leaf on his hand.

"Naruto today we will start your elemental manipulation training but before we do that. I need to ask, if you noticed anything about the shadow clone jutsu?" His toad-jiji asked seriously.

Naruto raised an eyebrow, rubbing his hand behind head, and now that he thought about it, he remembered that he had the memories of his clones. Understanding what he meant, Naruto quickly nodded his head.

"Yes I remember having the memories of my clones" Naruto replied and thinking that it was so easy to notice, only an idiot wouldn't notice it. Jiraiya grinned and nodded his head in confirmation and gave him a leaf.

"Now what you need to do is cut that leaf for wind element, gather water from the leaf for water, burn to ash for fire and turn to dirt for earth, using your hands" Naruto nodded and already had an idea what he could do with Shadow Clone Jutsu. He understood why toad-jiji taught him that. Before anyone could say anything, he crossed his fingers and suddenly 400 clones appeared all around.

"Alright listen to me, 100 grab a leaf and try to burn it with your hands, 100 try to gather water from the leaf, 100 try to turn it to dirt, and 100 slice it" Naruto ordered and all his clones started working. Naruto himself started working on gathering water from the leaf. He wanted to be better in Wood-Style and knowing more about Water Style and Earth Style was a good step.

Jiraiya watched with amusement, and decided to see how he will do it.

The next morning Naruto woke took a bath in the lake, stretched and started doing his physical work out. After doing his physical work out. Naruto started running around the mount Myoboku for his speed training after Toad-jiji increased the weights to 100 punds in legs and 70 in arms. After the speed training, Naruto began his taijutsu training with Jiraiya, Jiraiya created a clone so that Naruto could spar with after he taught him an advancement style of 'toad style'. Jiraiya sensei was the teacher who explained the katas of the ' Toad Style' to the boy, and the clone was used as a sparring partner to allow Naruto to learn the motions of the style.

Naruto worked on this program the entire morning, and was glad when it finally got dark so he could get some lunch before going back to practice again.

He sat down with his aching legs. "Man, I did not know my legs could hurt so much after all the training that I have been through." Naruto said to himself, he still hasn't make any progress in elemental manipulation but toad-jiji told him to have patients. It takes years of training for most shinobi to complete elemental manipulation training.

Naruto understood and decided to be patient and just train everyday, he didn't wanted to be a weakling, he knew the village would hate him once he returned but he wouldn't allow to be pushed around like he was their toy.

Hidden Stone Village

Two men headed for the gates of Iwa. One was an older man, though with solid red hair both on his head and in his beard. He wore a long-sleeved purple shirt and pants, with a mesh-armor shirt underneath and brown armor atop it. He had a bag tied around his waist and a large headpiece on his head, bearing the symbol of Iwagakure. Towering next to him was an incredibly tall man dressed all in red armor. He had a red kasa on his head and a sleeveless black gi over his armor. Noticeably, everyone on the streets either ignored or glared at them as they walked by.

"Stubborn old fool; never listens to me."

The older man stormed off, still brooding over his last meeting with the Tsuchikage.

"You're as stubborn as he, Roshi."

The taller man easily kept stride with his older companion.

"Don't give me that, Han. I know you feel the same way."

The two paused at the gates for only a moment; then set out of the village.

"I never said you were wrong."

Tsuchikage Office

The Tsuchikage and his two assistants, one huge man and a smaller female, watched from the top of the Tsuchikage's office.

"Grandpa, I know you're angry and all, but it is truly wise to let them go?"

The tiny, old Tsuchikage grunted.

"I don't care. It's not like that stubborn old fool helped us against him, what point is there in keeping him around. And don't forget, Roshi might try to hide it but I know he's more hostile towards me since the day Uzushiogakure was destroyed"

The larger man folded his arms.

"Besides, think of what would happen if we tried to stop them."

The Tsuchikage spun around and started walking away.

"They'll see I'm right and come back soon. If not, we don't need them. Now come o...GAH!"

The girl laughed as the Tsuchikage threw out his back.

"Maybe you should retire, Grandpa." Kurotsuchi stated.

When it came to Roshi, he was always hostile towards her grandfather, since she could remember, on the other hand she never really understood why they needed to destroy Uzushiogakure, they were just Fuinjutsu freaks but that was as far as they could get, of course destroying a valuable ally of Konoha was the right thing to do, but the worst part is that you couldn't find anything valuable. Her grandfather would always moan that they couldn't get any of their scrolls or anything, since apparently it was sealed away somewhere within the village and only an Uzumaki can enter.

"Grandfather, why is Roshi hostile towards you, and why can't we just seal Yonbi to another Jinchuuriki, Roshi is old" She suggested since doing that would both give Yonbi to a loyal shinobi of the village and kill Roshi.

Her grandfather sat and stared at her like she had just grown a second head. "Who can possibly seal Yonbi then? We don't have any Fuinjutsu master Strong enough to seal a Bijuu as powerful as Yonbi and second don't underestimate the man, he might be old but he's powerful and not mention has good control over the demon monkey" her grandfather replied harshly and decided to leave the office.

In A Cave

Roshi stood alone against a fire warming him, Han had left him a few hours ago. He wanted to think about his situation he said. Roshi's hand moved to a secret pocket inside his coat and pulled out a medallion that had the Uzumaki symbol in the back.

"What will you do now Roshi?" Son suddenly asked.

Roshi just kept staring at the medallion not sure how to answer. Despite having a good friendship with Kokuō, Han never opened the seal. But not Roshi. He had opened the seal for six years now, but Son had decided to stay and help him in whatever he might need. To Roshi sealing the tailed beasts was like slavery, Bijuu human makes no difference.

He hated that Villages couldn't understand that the Bijuu had feelings as well. That's why he had told Son that he could leave the seal if he wanted.

"I don't know, but I know they are still out there, and maybe the time will come soon" Roshi replied with a small smile on his face.

Son Goku remembered The Uzumaki Clan, the only humans that were just how father described that how humans are like. Wanting peace and understanding between each other. Son had even helped them a few times, protecting them from danger, despite having Fuinjutsu masters they never tried to capture him and seal him away to use for their own gain, but all that stopped when the damn Hashirama captured him and send him away like he was some mindless beast that just wanted to destroy everything.

Son had almost cried when he heard from Roshi that Uzushiogakure was destroyed, mercilessly, and for What? Just because they were allies of Hidden Leaf Village.

"Don't worry Roshi, I'm sure soon we will meet another one" Son said.

Roshi nodded his head in agreement and decided to hunt in the forest for food.

Ashara Uzumaki

She kept swinging her sword, one swing the branch of the tree fell, second swing another one fell. And with one final swing the whole tree fall down, her face sweating, falling in the grass. She used her forearm to wipe the sweat. Her katana in her right hand. She was holding it tightly. After she had unlocked her chakra, she had used it in the seal in her wrist, after she had done that. The empty circle in her seal had slowly starting growing a small branch that looked to be having the form of a spiral.

That wasn't the only thing, she had received two red scrolls from her wrist seal. The first one had the sword she was holding, the leader of Taki told her that it was made of one of the strongest metal known, could easily channel chakra through it. The second scroll had a guide how to train in chakra, chakra control, elemental manipulation and one Fire jutsu to use.

Uzumaki Style: Spiral Fire

The leader of Taki had given her two chakra papers, one for her and one for Fuu after they had unlocked their chakra.

' Running, Asha soon reached Fuu's home. She looked around but couldn't see her anywhere, her eyes then went to the lake close to her house and saw her sitting in the water, her legs crossed and closed eyes. Asha sighed in relief and jumped down in the ground and slowly made her way to Fuu. Ashara knew she was probably channeling Chomei's chakra through her body, so far she could control one tail worth of chakra. Fuu said that Chomei was the best out of nine Bijuu and much more friendlier. That made it easier to use her chakra.

Suddenly two wings spreaded from her back, the wings were green color on the edge, and slightly transparent in other parts and looked orange with dark veins around the wings, that made it look slightly like a leaf. The wings were half the size of Fuu. She suddenly opened her eyes to look at Asha who had a raised eyebrow.

"So?" Asha asked, Fuu smiled and started flying much to Ashara's surprise who couldn't believe her eyes.

"I can Freaking Fly" Fuu shouted flying around.

"You did it Databane" she shouted happily and Fuu soon landed back to the ground. Her wings slowly moved back.

"Now, after one month we will start Academy, here" Asha said handing her a chakra paper.

Fuu grabbed it and raised an eyebrow.

"Channel your chakra and you can see which affinity you have" Asha stated and explained how to know which affinity she had. Fuu nodded in understanding and channel her chakra in the paper. Asha then saw the paper split in two but what caught her attention was the grass close to Fuu's feet got sliced in half. The first part soaked wet and the other crumpled, showing that she had affinity for Water, Lightning and Wind, but Asha wasn't sure why the grass got cut in half.

"Wow, I have three affinities, that's Amazing Friend Asha" Fuu almost shouted from happiness, a big smile not leaving her face. Making her look cute.

Asha felt happy for her and decided to see which elements she had. She channel her chakra only for half of the paper to burn to ash and the other part soaked wet. Asha smiled but noticed the grass got wet close to her feet. Asha jumped happily.

"Wow you have fire and water" Fuu replied and soon decided to see if they could make any awesome jutsu.

Soon after that day they had started the academy, and to say the students there were complete morons was an understatement, all the boys and girls avoided Fuu like she was plague, a few had tried to talk to Asha but she had refused to be friends with anyone who didn't like Fuu. Some had even 'warned' her to not stay close to the demon but she had just brushed their warning away like some fly.

She and Fuu spend most of the time in training since Fuu couldn't really go to the village and have fun without anyone yelling at her for No reason. Ashara had bought her new clothes, and books for her to study and just read stories for fun.

One book that had captured her attention was 'Icha Icha Paradise' she had noticed that book sold very fast and wondered if the story was very well written. She had tried to buy one but the seller had told her that she was too young much to her annoyance. She was seven years old, that was old enough, right?

Asha soon catched her breath and looked at her sword, the blade looked sharp, just like the day it was forged. Asha was about to start practicing her sword fighting again when she heard a loud sound coming from within the forest. She soon ran thinking that Fuu was in danger only to see her resting in the grass and breathing heavily.

"Fuu you alright?" Asha asked looking around for any enemy.

"I did IT. Look" Fuu replied pointing at a few trees that looked torn apart, it looked like a drill had pierced them and some had fallen in the ground.

"What is this?" Asha asked impressed and walking closer to Fuu.

"Chomei told me this super awesome jutsu, is called Wind Style: Wind Tunnel" she replied and her orange eyes looking at the damage.

"That's an useful jutsu, you're doing very well Fuu" Asha complimented her and decided to train her sword fighting again.

Not to their knowledge, a pair of eyes looked at them from far away, the creature looked like a human, but half black and half white. He narrowed his eyes at the Nanabi Jinchuuriki, and soon sunk in the ground like it was never there.


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