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Naruto didn't see it coming until the last second, and when he did, he only had time to form his Susanno Rib Cage before a giant fist punched him. He screamed in pain as the rib cage was obliterated, and he smashed against a house.

The taste of blood and dirt on his mouth as he felt the entire ceiling fall on him; Naruto breathed heavily, but as the dust cloud cleared away. Hashirama stood on top of a house across the street, the black rods no longer on his body, the wooden parasite had burned away, and his guardian of the gate was in pieces a few streets away.

Naruto swallowed thickly as he stood up, knowing things just got complicated, and right now, he knew he needed to use his Sage Mode to survive.

The blackness in his eyes made it clear he was also an Edo Tensei.

Beside Hashirama stood a fairly tall man. His hair grew to waist-length, with shoulder-length bangs framing the sides of his face and covering most of his right eye. He wore crimson armor with numerous metal plates forming protective guards along his chest, waist, shoulders, and thighs. He was carrying an orange-brown, which had a long black chain running up it. His visible Sharingan made it clear who he was.

"It's good to finally meet you in the real world, Naruto Uzumaki."

He grimaced as he walked out of the debris of the building before looking up at them.

"...Uchiha...Madara..." Naruto seethed with anger as he looked up at him. "Why are you here? How are you even here, because I'm sure Orochimaru wasn't the one to bring you back. So, who did?" Naruto demanded as he made a hand sign with his hand; a seal on his body glowed red, and the blonde felt the rush of Chakra inside him.

"Naruto, are you sure about this? You will be out of the game if you do this, let me help." Kurama reminded him with concern, but Naruto wasn't in the mood to change his mind.

"No. I do this, this is my own fight. I appreciate your help, Kurama, but this is my fight."Naruto answered with a final tone. There was no changing his mind. Kurama fell silent and decided to watch and see what happened.

On the outside, Naruto's body was engulfed by orange Sage Chakra; he bit his lower lip as his body shook uncontrollably; it felt like an endless bolt of electricity was striking him nonstop. Like a hot knife deep into his gut, Naruto's eyes widened from the pain engulfing him; the pain was too much; he almost screamed, but he refused to give up. He had a job to do.

"Naruto Uzumaki." He looked up as Madara's Sharingan spun before turning into a Mangekyo Sharingan. Hashirama went into his sage made. Despite only half his power, Naruto knew the man was still extremely powerful.

"Who summoned me here is not important right now. I need to see if you are strong enough to survive this. The fate blessed you with these powers, now let's see if they are worth a damn in your hands." Madara said menacingly, looking down at him.

Naruto breathed heavily as the final part of his Sage Mode was done. A burst of orange Chakra engulfed him entirely. The ground around him shook violently, and tree veins burst from the ground, reaching for the skies. Naruto started changing.

His skin turned pale like milk; a horn slowly grew out of the right side of his forehead; scales slowly formed on his body as if his skin was peeling away; the scales grew hard and almost unbreakable, his blonde hair burst into red flames, growing longer, reaching his shoulders, before turning back into normal hair, but instead of blonde, his hair stayed red like flames, the thorn stopped growing on the side of his forehead, it was a finger long, and as thick as three fingers put together.

Naruto bit his lower lip hard as the pain around his body grew more intense. It felt like he was burning inside, and his organs felt like they were melting away as he breathed heavily. He tried to keep it inside, but he couldn't; he coughed blood. Slowly, the pain faded away, now much more bearable, and he could focus back on the two Legendary Shinobis before him.

Naruto himself was radiating heat. His face was sweating profusely, and he breathed heavily, and every single breath felt like a stab in the throat. The thorn that had grown out of his forehead felt like a hot piece of metal, and the pain felt like nothing before. Naruto had known this Sage Mode would hurt, but he never imagined it would hurt this bad.

For the first time, Madara looked caught off guard; he didn't know what kind of Sage Mode Naruto was using, but not Hashirama. The first Hokage looked shocked beyond belief, but his eyes showed a look of recognition.

"What is this?" he wondered aloud before looking at his old friend. "Hashirama, do you know what this is?"

"...This...Sage Mode...I saw Mito once use it against a Shinobi of Kumo, but how is this possible? This Sage Mode can only be achieved by Pure Uzumaki Members, and even they cannot achieve this that easily; in the entire history, only Mito, Roku, and Unaga Uzumaki achieved this form." Hashirama gasped, looking shocked but impressed at the same time.

"It's called 'Red Blood Sage Mode. ' Right now, I'm at my best..." Naruto disappeared from view in a red flash. Madara quickly spun around, his kick making contact with Naruto's face, but he watched in shock as his leg started burning away as it made contact with Naruto's skin.

Naruto grabbed Madara's leg before slamming him on the ground, but the blue Susanno arm hit him in the face, sending him flying in the air, and Hashirama appeared behind him.

"You Cannot Win!" Hashirama declared as he used his Lion punch to hit Naruto straight in the back; the sound of bones breaking echoed in the air. Naruto puked out blood, but at that moment, seven spikes made of Uzumaki chains burst out of his back, puncturing Hashirama. He gasped as his entire body burst into red flames, and his Chakra was getting absorbed.

Hashirama watched in shock as his own Chakra started healing Naruto's destroyed back. The Uzumaki glared at him before disappearing with another red flash, appearing above Hashirama with a ball of fire.

A Big punch suddenly stuck Naruto in the face, sending him flying, before colliding with the Fourth Hokage's face on the mountain. The redhead watched as the lower part of his father's face engraved into the wall cracked, before breaking down, falling down below on top of the Hokage Building where the missions were handed to Shinobis of Konoha, the entire building broken down, letting out a massive dust cloud.

Naruto seethed in pain; his right arm was twisted, the bone sticking out of his skin, and the pain felt like a trail of fire.

"Naruto. LET ME HELP." Kurama screamed in his head once again, but the redhead ignored him as he grabbed his broken arm and put it back into its place. The Chakra quickly worked on mending the broken bone, but Madara and Hashirama weren't about to let him do that as a massive Susanno appeared before him. This one was one hundred meters tall. He looked like a blue samurai with a long nose, holding a massive sword in his hands.

"Wood Style: No Way Out." Large Tree Veins burst from the ground around him, grasping Naruto from every direction. His arms and legs were all tied, and he could no longer move. The veins started absorbing his Chakra as Madara brought down his colossal Sword right on Naruto.

The Entire mountain top broke down. Hashirama watched in silence as it cracked before falling down in the form of large boulders, face after face. They all cracked and broke down, the boulders falling on the Village below, causing a massive dust cloud to cover the entire mountain, what was left of it. As it cleared away, only Hashirama's face was still left on the mountain tops, and the other faces were gone, reduced to rubble below.

Madara and Hashirama made no comment but couldn't help but feel this was too easy. His Sharingan activated, and he tried to look around when he saw him.

"Ahhhahahaha!!" Naruto screamed as he gripped the remaining of his left arm, which was only a stump. Blood gushed out in torrents, and Hashirama looked at the young boy in sadness; the Sage Mode was gone. Naruto had lost his left arm, which was on the ground two feet behind him.

"Naruto, give up. It's over." Hashirama claimed with a hint of sadness and resentment as he approached him, ready to end; it would be quick at the very least; as he stood over the redhead on his knees, The First Hokage brought up his kunai. There was no other way...

"HASHIRAMA, WATCH OUT!!" His eyes widened in shock as he was slammed on the back by Naruto from behind. He tried to fight back, but his entire body went limb. Why?

"Uzumaki Seal: Broken Contract." Naruto screamed from his palm on Hashirama's back, branches of ink made out of seals spread all over Hashirama's body. The First Hokage could no longer move, but he could still see, and all he could see were the fingers of his hands slowly cracking until they started falling apart.

"How? What happened???" Hashirama gasped out as his legs started crumbling down into dust. Naruto smirked in satisfaction as he looked up at Madara, who seemed just as lost as his friend.

"You lost your arm. You didn't use any Genjutsu. How do you still have your arm?" Madara questioned with anger. He felt played. He felt the same way when Hashirama had managed to get the best of him with a wood clone. Something as simple as that had fooled him.

Naruto smirked as he breathed heavily. "Don't Notice Me Genjutsu Style - D Rank." That's all he said. Madara's eyes grew wide, and even Hashirama was left speechless. He definitely hadn't expected to fall for a Genjutsu of that level.

"That was your mistake. You were expecting a powerful Jutsu, some kind of Jutsu you had never heard before, but you allowed to get fooled by a Genjutsu that cadets learn during the Academy. The Sharingan can see through every other Sharingan Genjutsu, and help you detect non-Sharingan Genjutsu, but it simply never crossed your minds that I will use such a simple Genjutu, and you allowed yourself to get fooled, and this is second time for you Madara. Hashirama fooled you with his wooden clone, despite being something you should have seen coming, and now you got fooled again." Naruto claimed with a growing smirk of satisfaction, and Madara glared down at him with fury.

Hashirama remained quiet as he looked up at what was left of the mountains of the Hokages. His face was the only one left, and even his face had a crack that ran down his left cheek to the jawline. He could feel his body slowly crumbling down. He had lost.

"So this is it...You are powerful, Naruto Uzumaki. I'm not sure yet of the world you are trying to create. I was like you a long time ago; I thought that I could change things. What happened to my mother and my youngest brother would never happen again. Wars would never happen, and children would never have to grow up with the fear of going to war; that's what I always wanted, but looking at it now. Three Shinobi Wars and Suna tried to invade Konoha. I can see that I failed my mission. In the end. I failed the children. I failed the future generations. I underestimated the greed people have. I thought their greed would be overruled by their fear of war, but I was wrong. I leave it all in your hands, Naruto Uzumaki. I can only hope that when it's all said and done. The world you created will be a better one..." The last bit of Hashirama crumbled to dust, and a gust of wind blew over the place, carrying away Hashirama's ashes.

Naruto breathed heavily as he looked up Madara. Suddenly, Madara's sword descended upon him.

His Truth Seeking Orbs quickly came to his aid, forming his own sword. Their swords clashed, causing the ground below Naruto to crack and break as the weight behind Madara's sword weighed down on him. His feet dug into the ground as he clenched his teeth.

Naruto knew he needed to destroy Madara's Susanno when he noticed something: his Sage Mode was running out, his horn was slowly sinking back inside his forehead, and the ends of his hair were slowly turning back to blonde.

He needed to end this now.

"That Susanno cannot protect you from this." Naruto disappeared into a red flash right before Madara, who was standing on top of his Susanno.

In Naruto's mouth, a glowing ball of Fire was compressing itself, turning smaller and smaller until it turned into a ball of pure Plasma.

"Fire Style: Plasma Cannon!!" Naruto breathed out a cannon of Plasma that cut through everything in its way, carving a red line across the entire Konoha. Madara's Perfect Susanno was suddenly sliced in half, falling apart; Madara's right was all gone.

Naruto knew he had won this fight when it happened. He screamed; his body could no longer handle it. The Sage Mode faded away as he screamed in pain, covering his face as he plummeted to the ground before smashing against a house.

"AAHAAHAHAH!!" Naruto thrashed around in pain; he was burning, and it was too much pain. Naruto screamed more, but at the back of his mind, he knew Madara was slowly making his way over to him; his right side was still recovering from the Plasma attack, but he was still alive.

Naruto could feel Kurama's Chakra flowing through his body, but at this point, every move hurt a lot. He was out of options as his friend tried to heal his body, but all his muscles were damaged, and it would take weeks for them to heal and turn back to normal.

Naruto stopped screaming as his throat grew hotter. His voice turned hoarse. His chin was against the concrete floor as he lay on his stomach. He looked up, and before him stood Madara, holding a sword in his hand. Naruto knew his Truth Seeking Orbs were coming to help him, but if they could only puncture Madara's body, he wouldn't be able to move despite being a Reanimation.

"Goodbye, Naruto Uzumaki." Madara declared before bringing down his sword, he knew the Truth Seeking Orbs were near, but not near enough to save him. It was OVER.






A seal on Madara's leg glowed white, and a seal on Naruto's back gleamed white as another Naruto touched Madara from behind, making them switch places.

Suddenly, Madara was on the ground, lying on his stomach, and the real Naruto was in his place, holding the sword instead of him. Just as Madara was about to move and counter him, the Truth Seeking Orbs that had turned into rods punctured him in the back, all SIX of them.

"...It's over." Naruto declared amidst heavy breathing; his clone puffed out of existence.

Naruto tried to regain his composure, but he was too exhausted, but at the very least. Madara was defeated. Finally, Naruto could allow himself to smile.

He defeated two Legendary Shinobis, the only ones in Shinobi History who came close to the power of the Sage of the Six Paths. Naruto felt good; it felt good to stand over this man and this legend. He was better than him; he had outsmarted him. It felt good. Naruto liked this feeling, the feeling of being so powerful. No one could stand in his way, the only ones who could have died long ago; a smirk of smugness appeared on his face, earning a scoff from Madara.

"Do not make that face, Uzumaki. Just like dear Hashirama. I was, too, only in fifty percent of my power. My reaction speed, my strength, my movement. Everything was cut down in half, but you managed to beat both of us, so I will admit that if we fought on our prime, one on one. I'm not sure if I would have won, but I would have made sure you would have died from your wounds even if you won against me. So enjoy this little victory, because one day I will return. At my full strength, and when that day comes. I will complete my plan. I hope you are ready for me when I come back."

Naruto watched as his entire body started falling apart, his face cracking and crumbling down into dust. "Wait, who Reanimated you? Answer me. Now." Naruto demanded, grabbing Madara by his forehead.

The man smirked in satisfaction, his Sharingan eyes looking back at him. "You."

And he was no more; the Truth Seeking orbs turned back to their forms and returned to Naruto's back, who stood there, not understanding what he meant by it.

"Kurama, what is he talking about? How could I have summoned him?" Naruto questioned right away. He didn't even know how to use The Reanimation Jutsu, and he would rather die than use that Jutsu.

"Naruto. I don't think he meant that you summoned him. I think he was trying to say something else that only happened to start with the 'you' word, but he was cut off because his body crumbled down to dust. At least that's how I see it." Kurama reasoned, still using his Chakra to try and heal Naruto's wounds, but there were too many of them.

Naruto thought deeply about it, but he couldn't help but feel that Kurama was wrong this one time. He quickly got rid of these thoughts; it didn't matter anymore. Hashirama and Madara were defeated. Now, it was Hiruzen's turn.

As he walked out of the ruins of the house, he looked around, and for the first time since this war started, he could see how much destruction there was. Almost every building was in ruins.

Usually, one could never see the wall from where he was standing due to the buildings, but they were all gone. He could see the wall and what was left of it. Many of his sections had crumbled down to dust. Naruto could hear ravens cawing around him; he watched as one of them landed near a body, his beak turning red as he feasted on the flesh.

At that moment, the feeling of triumph was gone. How could he feel triumphant? So many people were gone. They all were gone; they had their own lives, but they were all dead now, and their loved ones would mourn them. Naruto wondered once again. How much would this mountain of corpses grow? Naruto didn't know the answer to that, and perhaps he would have that answer once everything was done and the world truly changed. When that day came, Naruto was sure he would have that answer.

Was it all worth it?

Escaping his thoughts, Naruto looked back at the Hokage Mountain. His father's face was gone, as were the faces of Hiruzen and Tobirama. Hashirama's face was the only one left, missing its left eye. It must have crumbled down during the fight.

Naruto took a deep breath. He had one more thing left to do, and he would leave. He was already exhausted from all the fighting. He wasn't sure anymore if he could win against Jiraiya right now if they fought. He knew he needed to make him go away until he was done with Hiruzen.

It's time to face the consequences, Sarutobi Hiruzen... Naruto thought as he disappeared into a red flash.

I like reading your comments. Let me know what you think about this Chapter.

NOTE: Naruto put his Flying Rajin Mark on Madara's leg when he grabbed his leg at the beginning of the Chapter. The way Naruto switched places with Madara was the same way Minato and Obito switched places when Naruto and Sasuke combined Rasen Shuriken with Amaterasu in Cannon.

For those wondering why the fight wasn't long, it was because Naruto was already exhausted in the previous chapter. He knew if he tried to win by throwing crazy jutsus around, he would get exhausted quickly and just lose, so he decided to use his brain and win through clever tactics. Madara and Hashi never expected a weak ass Genjutsu, so they were caught off guard, which allowed Naruto to defeat Hashirama.



Ohhhh shit! Half power or not that was kickass!