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(Gentle Femdom)

It didn't take long for the eyes of many boys and some girls to be on them. She noticed the blank looks of many boys. They were staring at them with their mouths open, and some were even drooling, much to her disgust. 

Fleur had expected as much, and since they were three Veelas in the same place, she doubted there was anyone from the boys' side that wasn't affected by their allure unless they preferred boys, but as she looked around the Great Hall, she heard a murmuring behind her, from the Gryffindor Table.

"Stop drooling, Ron. Look at Harry. Take a bloody example." Fleur ignored the small bickering behind her as she decided to taste the food. It was a stake with nothing around it, not even lemons, as she took her first bite. She quickly realized it was dry and not as juicy. With how dry it was, it almost felt like eating sand. She quickly followed it with some water in hopes of washing away the dry taste in her mouth, but while Fleur didn't try to voice out her complaints about the food, one of them didn't really care.

"Whe zookeed zis? A blind zeerson," Millicent complained, looking like she wanted to vomit as she tried the pasta. The students around her looked at her with disapproval, and some looked insulted. Fleur knew they were not making a good first impression; while she agreed the food wasn't as good, she didn't want them to think they were self-centered. Fleur kicked her cousin under the table on her shin while Loretta smiled beautifully at the students.

"Forgive my cousin; she loves talking, but she rarely says anything of worth. She just misses her home." Loretta said with her singing voice, and it was soothing even for Fleur despite knowing her since forever. Out of all of them, she was the best at speaking English.

Loretta had long, honey hair cascading down her back like a fiery waterfall. Her beautiful red eyes sparkled with an otherworldly intensity, and her pale, unblemished skin seemed to glow in the flickering candlelight. The witch was slender and graceful, a bit taller than Fleur. She had full breasts, a narrow waist, and a heart-shaped face. Her voice was deep but melodic.

Millicent has yellow eyes and silver hair. Her hair is long and is always worn as a large braid down the front of her body. She was wearing the uniform of Beauxbatons, and out of all of them, she had the best ass, not something Fleur would ever admit to her.

Fleur looked at the dishes presented to them and quickly noticed something. "Do thzy not zerve Bouillabaisse?" She asked, looking at the students near her when a girl sitting next to her pointed at the Gryffindor table behind them.

"You should ask there, I'm sure one of them has what you want." Fleur excused herself and stood up. 

She saw a dark-haired boy speaking something to a brunette girl. As she got closer, the boys stopped talking and instead turned to look at her with their mouths open, some doing better than others. She quickly noticed the boy had yet to notice her, while the girl sitting next to him gave her a look before turning back her attention to the boy.

"cuse me, do you have Bouillabaisse here?" she asked with a gentle smile; only now that she had talked, the boy turned around to face her, but his emerald eyes and his magic transfixed her. 

It felt like she was standing near a powerful wizard, even more powerful than the old Headmaster of Hogwarts. Her blue eyes quickly noticed the blush forming on his cheeks and the way his eyes looked at her face, but she noticed that not once did his eyes fall on her breasts to check out her body. She wondered why her allure wasn't affecting him but quickly realized she was just standing there, staring at the wizard without saying anything.

"Can I help you?" the boy said with a friendly smile before she could actually say anything, but Fleur noticed the not-so-friendly look his girl friend was giving her.

"Oui, are yoz eating tze Bouillabaisse?" she asked with a smile of her own. She expected the wizard to get a blank look, but instead, he seemed amused. The blush on his cheeks wasn't going away. She quickly realized that while her allure wasn't affecting him, that didn't mean her beautiful body wasn't. She wondered who this boy was and why he felt so powerful.

"Here. I hope you enjoy it." the wizard spoke French, catching her off guard as he handed her the bowl with Bouillabaisse. She couldn't hide her amusement and surprise to hear him speak French. While his accent could still use some work, she noticed that he made small grammar mistakes, which wasn't easy for someone who wasn't from France.

"You speak French?" Fleur asked with a hint of amusement and intrigue. The boy returned the smile, and again, despite the increase of her allure, his face didn't go blank, and the smile made him look adorable. He seemed to easily handle her allure, almost like scaring off a fly. For a brief moment, she wondered if he would manage the allure of all three of them, but she put that thought to the side as the wizard nodded.

"Yes, I know I'm a Wizard, but I always wanted to learn new languages, and French was the first one I started learning." the younger Wizard said, still speaking in French. Fleur found herself smiling, at least someone who liked learning new languages instead of just sticking to the one they used every day.

"Oh, what other language do you speak?" Fleur asked, amused. Stepping closer, she wished there was an empty seat for her to sit.

"Well, French and Italian, but I'm still not good enough with the second one." He explained, and this quickly turned into a full conversation between the two. 

He asked if she wanted to sit, but she told him it wasn't needed. Fleur had completely forgotten about the bowl with Bouillabaisse she was still holding. Instead, she talked with him if he found it difficult to learn French and what he liked about the language; he said that before entering Hogwarts, he used to have a lot of free time, and books were his favorite toy, and that's how he started learning other languages. 

Fleur could tell he was hiding something about his past but decided to ignore that for now as they chatted about his school while not realizing the entire Gryffindor table was staring blankly at them, not understanding a word they were saying.

"I'm sorry, what is your name?" the boy asked in embarrassment, and only now she was reminded that she hadn't introduced herself yet.

"Fleur Delacour."

"Harry Potter, these are my friends, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley." Her eyes widened briefly. She wanted to look at the scar on his forehead for a moment, but she restrained herself from doing it. She could tell there was a hint of anxiety in his eyes, as if waiting for her to do something, but when her eyes remained on his emerald eyes, he looked almost relieved. Her eyes briefly went to his friends; the girl didn't seem happy with her presence, and the ginger boy was drooling, much to her disgust.

Now it all made sense; this was the Boy Who Lived, and from the powerful magic she was feeling, the idea that he was able to defeat a troll in his first year suddenly didn't sound as unbelievable. 

"What is like in Beauxbatons?" Arry asked her, sounding genuinely curious, and she found that quite endearing, knowing he wanted to know more about her too and not just talk about himself. Just as she was about to talk about her own school, someone cleared her throat behind her. She didn't need to turn to know it was Loretta. Usually, she was happy to see her cousin, but right now, she didn't bother hiding her annoyance.

"What?" She asked as she looked at her over her shoulder.

"Fleur, you have been standing here talking for half an hour," Loretta said with amusement. Fleur's face fell, and she looked around and knew she was telling the truth.

Half an hour?! It felt like a few minutes, she thought, and she realized that she needed to return to her seat. She turned to face Arry.

"Thank you, Arry. Perhaps we can talk again, Arry. " she said, beaming. She noticed that he blushed more when she said his name in French, and she wondered if he liked the way she said it. 

"I-I sure. I-I wouldn't mind talking with you again, Lady Delacour." Harry said with a slight stutter. Having two beautiful Veelas in front of him with their own allure at the same time wasn't as easy.

Fleur walked away, and once she found her seat. Millicent gave her a funny look, but Fleur decided to ignore her. She noticed the way some of the Hogwarts girls were glaring at her; she figured they weren't happy she was messing around with their hero, but Fleur cared not if they didn't like her. If she wanted something, she would have it; she was a Veela, after all, and she found Arry quite interesting, especially the way he was resistant to her allure, and now that she thought it, he was quite handsome, and his dark, messy hair made her want just to run her fingers through his hair.

A second talk would definitely happen...



Madam Maxime gave her quite a long talk the same night about Harry Potter after they returned to their carriage, saying she was here to win the Tournament and not mess around with silly boys. Fleur quickly fired back at her, telling her this Tournament was supposed to be about cooperation, too. When she said that, her Headmaster scoffed, but she had nothing to add before walking away.

Once she entered the room she shared with her cousin, the two looked at her with amusement, asking if talking with the Legendary Harry Potter was so fun that she spent half an hour talking to him without stopping despite never having met him.

"So, you two felt it right?" Millicent asked with a wide grin; from the three of them, she was a Full Veela, and her allure was much more powerful, but she had better control over it, while Loretta was a half-blood Veela.

"Well, if you are talking about the pool of magic that is Harry Potter, then yeah. I felt that too." Loretta answered while Millicent licked her lips at the thought of the boy.

"He was quite handsome, don't you think? Maybe I should invite him here and ride his cock until he forgets his own name." Millicent suggested with a sultry voice.

Fleur rolled her eyes and asked Loretta if she had learned anything about Hogwarts, people they should try to avoid, but her friend said that no student here was a match for her but told her to keep her distance from the Slytherins. Apparently, they were a bunch of morons with a Pure Blood complex. But that wasn't all when Fleur told them that Harry was immune to her allure.

Millicent told her that it was impossible for someone to be fully immune, but he most likely could handle much more than one usually could. Before bringing up that, she had heard rumors that Harry could withstand the Imperio Curse. 

Fleur's eyes widened. She remembered her father telling her that someone could resist the Imperio through strong will. He was one who could resist it after all, but she never thought a fourth year could resist the Imperio from a Professor, and that Professor was Mad-Eye Moody. That name was famous even in French.



When Harry walked into the champion's room, Fleur knew right away from his expression that something must have gone wrong. He looked lost as if he didn't know where he was, but before she could ask if he was alright, the fat man wearing yellow clothes explained that he was the fourth champion. 

And all hell broke loose after that. The professors came rushing towards their room, but Fleur paid little attention to them. Instead, she kept looking at Harry, and he didn't seem like someone happy to be here; no, he seemed like he wanted to be anywhere but here at the moment. Then the old Headmaster asked.

"Did you put your name into the Goblet of Fire, Harry?" Dumbledore asked calmly.

"No." Harry answered right away, and Fleur knew from the way he answered. He was either the best liar she had ever met, or he really didn't put his name on the Goblet, and she wasn't sure which one was worse. This meant that someone put his name there, knowing the chances of failing were high for a Fourth Year.

Then, the Headmaster from Drumstrag demanded they should have a second champion, but Mad-Eye Moodie started laughing at them all. 

"You lot are all morons, the Goblet of Fire would have never allowed Potter to put the name there, and before you tell me that he asked someone else to do it, the Goblet saw him as if he was from a fourth Wizarding School that doesn't even exist. If Potter has such knowledge to fool a powerful artifact like the Goblet of Fire, then we might as well declare him as Winner right now." Neither her Headmaster nor the angry one had anything to say about that. In the end, it was decided that Harry should compete. Otherwise, he would lose his magic permanently.



During the time she spent training for the first Task, she rarely talked with Harry again; she was busy with her own problems. She had seen him spending his whole time with Hermione but not with one named-- Rron or whatever, the one who drooled after her.

Loretta didn't have to tell her that Hogwarts had turned against Harry. That was clear to everyone with ears and eyes. According to all the other students from the other houses, he loved seeking fame and was a troublemaker. 

Fleur had heard rumors, but what she had heard sounded a little ridiculous, especially when they said that Harry had killed a professor in his first year. When she asked Loretta about it, her cousin told her that if she wanted to know so badly, she should ask him herself.

"But you know, don't you?" Fleur pressed further, pinning her cousin with her coldest glare, but Loretta was never frightened by her attempts to intimidate her.

"Duh, of course, I know that, but I will tell you again, it's better if you ask him yourself than just the information coming out of my mouth, especially about someone you fancy." Fleur froze in her place before giving her cousin a warning look. 

"I--I do not f--fancy him." She hated how meek she sounded, and then her cousin giggled.

"Whatever helps you to sleep at night, my dear." That's all Loretta had to say before leaving, and Fleur felt irritated with herself. She was a proud Veela, not some silly girl with a crush.

Since the day she talked with him, something strange had been happening to her. She didn't know if it was the Veela side in her, but she remembered how it had felt to be near him; he felt powerful and someone a Veela would consider a worthy mate. Her mother had told her that one day, she would find someone to satisfy her needs. 

Now, she wasn't sure yet if that someone was the Boy Who Lived. Harry felt powerful, and the Veela side was telling her to find him in the Library or wherever he might be and just ride his cock until he was completely spent. She licked her lips at the thought. She imagined cornering him alone in an old part of the castle, sucking his cock, but not making him cum until he started begging her, another thought was him on his knees, eating her Veela pussy, and such thoughts made it in her head in the form of dreams during the night. 

She would wake up sweating and wet down there, trying to help herself with a finger or two. Loretta had asked if she wanted help, but this wasn't something that she could fix with her fingers or her mouth. No, Fleur wanted the real thing. Preparing for the upcoming Task was taking her whole time, leaving her with little to no time to spend on anything else.



"It's dragons," Loretta said a little breathlessly the moment she opened the door. Fleur looked away from the book she was reading and looked up at her cousin. Her face had gone a little pale, and she was breathing heavily as if she had been running.


"Dragons, Fleur. The First Task is dragons. I just learned about it. Madam Maxime should be coming here right now." She said with a shake of her head. Her pet snake quickly joined her, knowing her master needed some company. 

Fleur was left shocked, the book all but forgotten. She knew this Tournament wouldn't be easy, but she never predicted that she would need to steal something from a dragon. Since they laid eggs, she figured she needed to steal an egg or something put in her den. She wondered how Harry would deal with a dragon, and before she could ask more questions, the door opened, revealing Madam Maxime.

"Fleur, sorry for taking so long-" She closed the door behind her before turning to face her student. "-I was busy talking with Dumblydore. The first Task involves you stealing a golden egg from a dragon; you can try any method you want as long as it doesn't involve the three curses or taking anything that would enhance your performance during the Task."

"Loretta already told me that," Fleur said, feeling a little awkward. She pointed at the other witch, who was resting on a couch; she looked exhausted and seemed to be on the verge of falling asleep.

"Ohh, I should have figured as much." Her Headmaster drawled, her lips pressing, forming a thin line, sending Loretta a look of disapproval before leaving the room. Fleur wondered if her Headmaster knew something she did not about her favorite cousin.

How am I supposed to fight a Dragon? She wondered out loud.

"You can always just sing a song to the dragon. A Veela's song affects all magical beings, but I wouldn't recommend trying that with a Nundu. It will end badly for your beautiful bum." Fleur shuddered at the thought. The last thing she needed was a Nundu with their Black Breath that could level entire cities.



"Fleur, Fleur." She spun around. Harry was walking towards her almost in haste. She felt a pleasant wave of magic rush through her the closer he got. It felt like her body was singing. She didn't know how else to describe it, but Harry had that effect on her, and she knew she wasn't the only Veela who had noticed Harry's immense power.

"You must be Harry Potter. Fleur talks so much about you," Millicent said in a low, husky voice. Stepping forward with an inviting grin, the wizard stopped dead in his tracks, looking at the beautiful Veela with yellow eyes.

"Only good things, I hope, Lady...." 

"Millicent Luxure, you can call me Mili if you want," she said with a sultry voice before sending a wave of her allure. Her hand touched his arm, feeling the muscles underneath his shirt. Harry seemed distracted but still in control of himself. Fleur quickly pulled Mili away from him before addressing him. She knew her cousin was sending her a glare for interfering with her fun, but she didn't care at the moment.

"Sorry about her. What can I do for you, Arry?" She asked, switching to French. She noticed the way many girls around the courtyard had stopped whatever they were doing or talking to pay attention to them. She noticed their jealous glares. 

At that moment, Fleur realized that she couldn't understand the minds of those at Hogwarts. In one moment, they all made fun of him for something he didn't do, and in the next, they all got jealous when someone like her was talking to him.

"I just wanted to tell you the first task involves dragons." Fleur visibly frowned at hearing that. Ten Days had passed since Madam had found out about the first Task, and she had told her that Dumbledore had already told the Cedric guy about the dragons, but why not Harry?

"Oh, I already knew that Arry, but thank you for telling me," Fleur said with a wide smile. He seemed to want to know how she knew that before deciding it wasn't important, but just as he seemed ready to walk away, she decided she wanted to know more about Arry. Their first conversation had been quite pleasant.

"Arry, do you mind if we take a walk? I was hoping we could talk again." She said with a sweet smile. His face turned red again, and she found it amusing and adorable. 

"Sure, but let's go somewhere less crowded," Harry instructed. She put her arm around his. The close contact made him fluster, but she knew he was acting like that because of her natural beauty, not the allure. 

Soon, they found themselves in a remote place in the courtyard; it seemed Hogwarts's courtyard was quite large, with several sections divided by small brick walls. The place they found was quite hidden, almost behind the castle, but the view in front of them was quite beautiful, and there was a large tree near them.

Why did you tell me that Dragons are in the first task, and when did you learn it? Fleur asked curiously the moment they walked into this segment of the courtyard.

It was trapezoid-shaped, with grass covering most of it and cobble covering the rest. Several stone branches were near the walls, and one was right at the edge. There was a short wall where you could sit and enjoy the view around Hogwarts. She could even see the Forbidden Forest from here. Fleur thought he would decide to sit on the branch, but instead, he sat on the foot of the tree. She wondered if he often came here to be alone as she sat beside him.

"Last night, a friend of mine, Hagrid, told me there was something in the Forbidden Forest, and I went with him, and saw the dragons, and figured the first task involved dragons." Fleur didn't like what she heard. She wondered why Dumbledore had not told Harry about the first Task. 

"I told Cedric, but it seemed he already knew the truth."Harry finished, with his back resting against the tree. 

"What will you do to complete this Task? Unless it's true that you defeated a dragon with only a sword when you were four years old." She teased, thinking he would understand the joke; instead, he was confused.

"What?" He was so confused that he switched to English.

"Have you never read Harry Potter and His Adventures Around the World? My sister is a big fan of yours," Fleur teased with a wide grin. His face went pale, which confused her. She expected him to gloat about it, but he groaned, his hand going through his hair. He seemed uncomfortable. 

"I didn't know these books even existed. Oh, well, tell her all that is not true. I was raised in the Muggle Born, and I didn't even know that magic existed until my eleventh birthday." Harry explained, and from his tone, she knew this wasn't something he liked talking about. While she wanted to know more about him, she didn't want to force him to answer her questions.

"So, how will you complete the task, do you have any plan?"Fleur asked.

"Hermione had a few ideas, and Moody said that I can use my broomstick to fly around the Dragon and get the egg from him." 

"The Dragon can breathe fire, Harry. Are you good with Broomsticks? What about Dumbledore? Did he find out who put your name?" she asked, a hint of concern sipping into her voice. He looked at her strangely.

"Wait, you believe I didn't put the name?"

"Arry, anyone with eyes could see it in your face that you didn't put the name. Yes, I believe you." She said with a smile. Her words seemed to have been a huge relief for him. His lips curled upwards, his messy hair falling on his forehead, and Fleur really wanted to fix his hair.

"Thank you, Fleur. This means a lot." 

"Don't your friends believe you?" she asked with a small frown. Loretta had told her that his only two friends were Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger, the same ones she had seen him sitting near him on the first day she arrived.

Harry scoffed, a sudden look of anger in his eyes. "Hermione trusts me, but not the git, Ron. He told me I was chasing fame or some shit, same for the others. I'm not sure about Neville, but we rarely talk. The twins trust me but from my school year. Only Hermione." Harry explained with a huff, and Fleur grew more angry with Hogwarts. 

Were people here blind or something? But she noticed the way he spoke of this girl, 'Hermione.' She wondered if the two were closer than just friends, but from their conversation in the Main Hall, she was sure that wasn't the case.

"You asked me about, Beauxbatons? Do you still want to know?" Fleur asked, wanting to change the subject.

"Oui." Harry answered with a cheeky grin.

She started telling him everything about her own School. Harry seemed to be paying her all his attention, and despite being so close, their knees almost touching, he showed no sign of losing himself from her allure but being so close to him made her feel more of his magic. 

She closed her legs, trying to find some relief, but it barely did anything, especially when his emerald eyes looked at her, listening to her every word while also giving his own opinion every now and then. Her Veela side was telling her to mount him right now; they were alone, and she had a worthy mate in front of her.



After that day, Fleur and Harry spent more and more time together. Many students talked about seeing them walking around the courtyard. Her cousins would tease her often, asking if she had already seen him naked and saying they, too, were curious. Well, Millicent would ask questions. Loretta already knew everything, and apparently, she knew they had yet to kiss each other, but Fleur was working on that; she didn't want things to move too fast.

Eventually, the month passed, and they needed to complete the first Task. Fleur could see that Harry was a little nervous; he tried to hide it, but she could see right through. She knew it wouldn't do him well if he were so nervous, so she approached him; thankfully, the fat man, whatever his name was, and the annoying woman who interviewed them weren't around as far as she could see.

"Harry, are you alright?" She walked him into a corner of the tent, away from the others, wanting this to be more private.

"Just amazing, I'm about to face a dragon." Harry said with a hint of nervousness in his voice before taking a deep breath, not noticing that he was speaking English.

"Zey, ze all aze zzrvous." Fleur quickly reassured him. He seemed to appreciate her words and looked her straight in the eyes.

He licked his lips, and it seemed like he wanted to say something before eventually mustering the courage. "You have very beautiful eyes," he said sincerely. Fleur felt a rush of warmth inside her. 

"Just my zyes." Fleur couldn't help but tease him as she leaned closer to his, her large breasts pressing against his chest; his face went a little red from the close contact, especially now that he could feel her warm breath on his face, her full, beautiful lips looked amazing, and Harry seemed to notice that she was leaning closer.

"You are beautiful, Fleur. All of You--" He couldn't complete his sentence as Fleur closed the gap between them, kissing him on the lips. For a brief moment, Harry didn't know what to do, but he figured returning the kiss would be a good start; his arms went around her waist, she opened her mouth, and her tongue slid inside his mouth. 

Harry had never tasted something sweeter than her. Her lips felt soft, sweet, and warm as her tongue moved around his mouth, he didn't know what to do, but his tongue wrestled with hers, he felt her hands around his hair, and he found himself enjoying the way her fingers felt, but that was nothing compared to when she raised her knee, her legs brushing off against his rock hard cock. 

Harry moaned into the kiss, and Fleur smiled triumphantly. She knew people would talk, but she did not care what they said. Harry was hers, and she would claim him. Maybe not now, but once this Task ended.

I hope you enjoy this teaser of the new One Shot. The Full One Shot is already available for Sergeant Tier or Higher.