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Thank you all for Supporting me and reading my Stories. I hope you all have a Wonderful Day

"Die Bitch!!" Karin screamed in anger as she threw the kunai at the Suna shinobi, but he swiftly dodged it and rushed towards her, plunging his sword deep into her stomach. But Karin quickly bit her own arm, and with the other arm, a silver chain burst out, moving wildly around the air as if it was alive before wrapping itself around the Suna shinobi. He screamed in pain as spikes grew out of the sides of the chain, puncturing him everywhere before being thrown across the room, slamming against the wall with the spikes digging into his skin. The wound on Karin's stomach healed as she pulled out the sword from her stomach; the wound disappeared as if nothing had happened; all left was the small cut on her shirt.

"I hope you like hell, because that's where you are going." Karin said with an evil smile; as the chains wrapped around the neck of the shinobi, he struggled; despite the pain and the many spikes, he grasped the chains with his bare hands, trying to free himself, but with a snap of her finger, the chain quickly closed around his neck in an instant, breaking his neck in the process.

She sighed as the silver chain sank back into her skin. Her red eyes roamed around the room; eleven more bodies scattered around the same room, the blood dripping from the walls, turning everything red.

She looked down at her hands, soaked with blood, not the first time; she reminded herself that she would need to wash them later; she never liked the smell of blood; it was too much like iron for her taste. As she strode forward, passing the threshold, she walked into the hallway of the room. It was quieter here, and there was no blood around the room to spoil her mood. She wondered if she should go out there but reminded herself that the chances of needing to kill more people would increase out there; she knew what people were like during War. They were desperate, and she feared desperate people because they weren't predictable.

People were usually like chess pieces; only one move was needed to get a good idea of them, but desperate people always flipped over the entire table. There was no way to know what they could think of doing, and she knew War brought out the worst in people.

Karin took a small breath. She reminded herself what Naruto had told all of them.

"From this day on. I will start my Conquest and I won't stop. Until every single piece of Land of this World is Under My Control."

She still found it difficult to believe that he had such an ability to talk with everyone around the world who had their Chakras unlocked. What he did sounded similar to Chain Link, which her mother used to teach her before the bites and the sickness took her away. She shuddered at the thought, her fingers tracing the bite mark on her arm, so deep within her skin that she could even count the number of teeth marks. Their bite was cold and painful.

She heard a noise outside, and she slowly approached the door. A silver chain came out of her shoulder, wrapping around Karin's arm before forming a silver round shield that covered her entire arm. The shield had a spearhead at the top where her hand was.



"No, Please. Not my daughter!!" A man cried out in desperation as the sword pierced through his daughter's neck from behind; the blood turned the walls red, and the light in her eyes faded away like the light of a candle; she screamed, but no words were heard, but he knew she felt pain. The Sound Shinobi laughed before kicking the body repeatedly, over and over again. The man screamed in rage, struggling against the grip from behind him, but no matter how hard he tried, he could do nothing. His blood boiled, feeling a burst of flames in his chest.

"MONSTERS!!" He raged, struggling more; his arms snapped from the struggle, a pain spread through his arm like a warm liquid, and more laughter rang in his ears. Struggling more, the arms holding him suddenly no longer there, his face fell on the floor, his nose itched and snapped, and his remaining eye looked across at his daughter, her eyes wide with fear, her neck red and unmoving. He felt someone grab his scalp, his face no longer touching the floor. A sharp blade against his nape, cold and sharp, its bite, he could feel it, near his long hair.

No, don't cut my hair. My daughter loves playing with my hair, he thought, but the words didn't come out—they never did. The blade slid through his nape, its bite red and cold, but the pain and grief finally ended.



"Let Go!!" a child cried out, holding the kunai tight enough that he felt like the blade became one with his hands. He remembered what Iruka Sensei had taught them, the chakra on his sole. He ran and ran like a wild animal with the boost from his chakra, but the man disappeared. He needed to find out where he went. He could be behind me, the child thought, wildly swinging behind, but his arm was grabbed, and a loud snap was heard.

The child screamed as hot pain rushed through his hand, falling on his stomach, a foot pressed against the side of his face, the carpet almost melting with the side of his face. He screamed more; he could taste the blood and the mud from the sole of his boots as he put more pressure on his face, his ear wet with blood, and he screamed until he could scream no more, his voice gone, as he felt the pressure increase more, and more until he could see nothing but darkness.



"Someone Help Me." She heard someone cry out, she quickly jumped down from the roof and rushed inside the next building, the bodies made the floor, she could not even see the floor, all red everywhere, the smell, death, and blood everywhere, but she ignored everything as she heard the cry again.

Second floor, she thought as she jumped up, running through the place, before kicking one of the doors open. There was a Konoha shinobi, his right hand on the floor near the door, and his legs were twisted in ways a leg should not be twisted; the sound of cries outside was muffled as she focused on saving this man.

"Just stay still, I will heal you." She reassured as she ran up to him, trying to use her healing jutsu; he flinched and started screaming, moving his remaining arm around wildly.

"Please. Stop. They Did Something To Mee. Do Not Heal ME!" the man screamed, with tears streaming down his face; she quickly got hold of his only left hand, forcing it down. He screamed more, struggling against her grip, but she cared not. She knew he was in panic, and the more he moved, the more his wound bled; she quickly pressed her hand and started spreading chakra into the wound, trying to close the wound first to stop the bleeding slowly.

Tick, Tick, Tick, Tick

She wrinkled her nose when she felt the new smell. GunPowder! Why is there Gunpowder here...The man suddenly screamed more, and only now she saw the trail of smoke coming from within his shirt. Her eyes widened as everything became too loud.

Mother, Please. Wake Me Up... She thought as she heard a loud noise, her body burned, everything burned, she was burning...



"Snap out of it!!" A Konoha shinobi tried to calm down his friend, who thrashed around the floor like a wounded animal. He grabbed his body, stopping him. His hands occupied, his friend turned around, and a hand rushed towards him.

A sharp pain spread through his neck, his skin wet and cold. He could feel a warm liquid trailing down his neck into his chest under the Chunin vest. He looked down, and he would have laughed, but the laughter didn't come out.

Why is there a Kunai in my throat? He wondered, and everything went white.



"Are you Karin?" She spun around. She had been so deep in her thoughts that she hadn't felt this one approaching. She looked behind, but there was no one there!! Huh, did I just imagine that? she wondered, thinking of using her storm chains to see if anyone was hiding.

"Oi, Up here." She looked up and saw a girl with wings coming out of her back, slowly descending towards her. Her wings were orange with green veins spread throughout the insect-like wings, flapping in a steady rhythm against the wine.

Huh, I wonder if she would allow me to borrow her wings, Karin wondered as the insect girl landed near her. Despite the innocent appearance, Karin narrowed her eyes in suspicion. She knew the girl was not as innocent as she seemed, and she could feel something from her chakra. It felt like she was feeling two different chakras at the same time.

Wait, she's a Jinchuuriki!! Karin quickly realized, taking a step back; silver chains came out of her shoulders, forming a square shield that covered her entire back.

"Who are you?" Karin asked warily.

"Hi, I'm Fuu. It's amazing to meet you." Karin quickly noticed that she sounded way too cheerful. Despite the War happening all around them, the screams and people running everywhere didn't seem to bother her. Karin wondered if the girl was putting up an act, or maybe she didn't care about the carnage happening all around them.

"Karin. Why are you here, bug girl?" Karin asked right away, ignoring the annoyed look the girl gave her. She could feel no one else around them, and she was trying to. Usually, when her guard was down, it happened that she might not detect someone approaching, but right now, she had her guard up. She would know right away if someone was trying to attack her from behind, and she could feel no one else besides the bug girl.

"Naruto sent me. You must be the Uzumaki girl he saved from the forest of death. His orders are for me to take you to his hideout." Karin narrowed her gaze; she could detect no lies, and Naruto had saved her; she wondered if she could truly trust this strange bug girl, but she reminded herself that she had nowhere else to go. Naruto was probably busy with this War and wouldn't be able to come to her himself, so he sent this bug girl to take her out of Konoha.

"You can trust, Fuu. She won't harm you, now get out of here."

Naruto's commanding voice rang in her head, and from the way Fuu remained in place and didn't react, Karin realized that he had spoken only to her.

'Naruto, where the hell are you? What are you doing??' Karin quickly thought, wondering if it would work, but all she received in return was absolute silence. Karin cursed her luck; she would much rather want the lazy guy to be here, not someone she knew nothing about, and she was supposed to trust her, but Karin reminded herself that she had nothing else to do. She remembered his promise to her. If he could really heal her, then she was willing to do everything.

"I will follow you, bug girl. But try anything, and I will delete your existence." Karin made it clear with a firm voice, pointing a finger at the girl, but Fuu smiled cutely. She seemed not to care about her so-called threat as she tilted her head to the side with the same cute smile.

"I would advise against it. Chomei doesn't like it when people try to harm me, and I really don't like it when she makes them scream." Somehow, despite the innocence behind her tone and voice, Karin felt a shudder in her spine. Fuu's eyes were cold for only a moment before the warmth returned to them.

Karin made a mental note not to try and mess this up as a tail grew out of Fuu, just above her ass, the tail quickly wrapped around Karin's waist, but before the redhead could ask what she was trying to do, Fuu took the skies, with Karin following behind while screaming that she didn't like heights.


"Lariataaa!!" A screamed in rage as he rushed after his father. His punch hit his father's jaw hard enough to send him flying, but A knew this was not enough; his father would still be alive and ready to fight even if he was alive, let alone now that his father was undead.

Without waiting a second, A rushed forward, his punch raised high in the air, and he quickly found his father lying on his back amidst the broken tiles of the roof; with a war cry, he brought his fist down.

A massive gust of dirt, debris, and smoke flew in the air as he punched and punched and punched with all his strength. When his father stopped moving, he stopped striking for a brief moment, as he was sure his father wasn't defeated.

Suddenly, the cloud of dust moved away when he saw a kick flying towards his face. With no time to dodge, he brought his arms in front of his face. He let out a scream of pain as he was lunched in the air like an insect before slamming against the side of the roof.

His back burned from the pain, and the lightning armor around him was starting to hurt. It felt like bees stinging all over his body. The sensation of burn was growing, but A refused to back down. He felt something on the tip of his tongue, sharp and annoying. He quickly spit it out, only to see that it was his own tooth.

'Not the first one,' he reminded himself as his father walked out of the dust cloud, his body healing back. In his hand, he was holding his right leg from the knee down, and his actual leg had reformed. A realized that his father had struck him with his own leg, using it as some club, but A noticed something else. Usually, his father was much faster than that, so why did it seem like he was slower?

"You disappoint me." The words made him freeze, and A felt his throat dry like a desert.

"What!!" A screamed in anger as his father shook his head. Despite his dead eyes, A knew when his father was disappointed with him; it was not the first time he had seen it. A knew he was a disappointment, after all. He should have been there; he should have fought with his father side by side and returned back together, but instead, he had run like a coward. If only he had been stronger, his father would have been with them right now.

"You Disappoint me. A. I was hoping you would be a better shinobi, but I'm afraid my sacrifice was for nothing--" "SHUT UP!!" A roared in anger, rushing towards him carelessly, but his father quickly sidestepped before bringing his knee to his stomach and then slamming his forehead against his nose, breaking it, and blood burst from his nose holes.

A would have screamed in pain when another punch in the face sent him flying. Before slamming against the side of the red barrier, he screamed in pain as flames engulfed his back. He quickly activated his Lightning Armour, causing the flames to fade away, but his victory was short-lived as his father struck him with his fist from above, sending him crashing down on the roof below.

A quickly backed away at the last second when his father punched the part of the roof he was lying on. Taking this opportunity, A's entire lightning armor concentrated on his index finger before swinging it forward with all his speed.

"Hell Stab!!"

Ay quickly sidestepped, but the attack destroyed his entire left arm from the shoulder down.

A was relentless as he punched and punched; his father's speed had slowed down once again, but despite all his attacks, his father used his mightier lightning armor to protect himself, his body healing all the time.

"You Promised Me You Would Surpass Me. Are you still hiding it? Or is this really all you can do. Or are you afraid of dying, son." His father said as his body got fully healed, but A refused to fall for the bait. He had a plan.

"Afraid of dying." A spat. "I was ready to die since the day I wore my headband." A roared, pointing at the Kumo headband. "This shows the word that I'm not afraid of death. If I was. I would be hiding in a corner right now." Ay smirked with satisfaction.

"Is that all? Come on. Use Your Best Jutsus Father!!" A roared at his old man with a smug smile; Ay growled in anger and grew more disappointed.

"If you insist. Storm Lightning: A Hundred Bolts" His Lightning Armour grew, looking like an aura many times bigger than him, and was only growing more, engulfing the entire barrier, reaching fifty meters high; bolts of lightning started raining down everywhere around Ay.

A swallowed thickly as he quickly started dodging each one he could, a sharp pain on the side of his stomach; he screamed, but the pain quickly grew as he kept dodging, but he wasn't fast enough; the one wound turned into nine, and then into twenty, his voice grew raspy as he tried to find the strength to keep dodging, the tiles of the roof had melted, turning into lava that started sliding down the roof, before dripping down.


Orochimaru screamed in pain as Jiraiya punched him in the face and was struck by Ay's bolt lightning attack. Damn, you, attack them, not me, Orochimaru cursed under his breath; it felt like a sword had cut through his back.

"AAAHHHH!" Hiruzen released a war cry as he used his staff to hit the second Hokage in the face, sending him crashing, but quickly ordering the staff to length in his direction, the staff hit him in the chest, moving him away just in time as a Wooden Dragon rushed on the empty air he had been a second ago.

Hiruzen spit out blood from his mouth, but he knew it wasn't over; Hashirama rushed towards him when a thunderbolt struck him square in the chest.

Hiruzen thought of using that opportunity when he saw something sharp from the corner of his eyes.

"Iron Skin: Level Five," Hiruzen shouted as Tobirama used Hirashin to appear on his side. However, his enhanced kunai broke the moment he tried to slash Hiruzen in half, and his skin turned a dark grey.


Breathing heavily, the Jutsu finally stopped, but A felt the blood trailing down his body like a river, dripping down to the roof tiles below him; this side of the roof was still steady, but he could feel the strong smell of melted tiles, and the heat radiating from the lava was quite uncomfortable, his body was sweating as if he was in the middle of the biggest Suna desert, the sweat entered his open wounds, and he winced in pain once again, like a bad sting from a giant bee.

He looked down; his left hand's little and index fingers were gone; all left were two small stumps, with the bone sticking out. A wondered why he wasn't already crying from the pain; his body pulsated; it felt as if every limb had a heart inside, and every heartbeat felt like a dagger puncturing him.

"This is why I didn't want you there that day." His father's voice made him ignore the pain and look up at the top of the roof. Where his father stood, the tiles had melted off entirely, the lava had stuck in his legs, becoming one, and the wooden beams underneath were burning; it was a miracle this entire roof hadn't already collapsed under its weight.

His father's skin had burned away, exposing the fake black flesh underneath. Those reanimated with Edo Tensei had no real flesh under their skin.

A had been told by his father how their grandfather had used this jutsu once. According to him, the skin of his entire back had burned away, exposing the spine underneath and the flesh. A had never seen it, but from what he remembered, his grandfather always walked around with his back covered by bandages. Now, his father's body was too damaged from his own jutsu, but he was a reanimated one; he was slowly healing.

"What?" A demanded with anger seeping into his voice, but he remained in place.

"Your anger, A. You asked me that day why you couldn't stay and protect me. You lack calm, A. You can have all the power in the world, but you are still weak minded, and think that punching your problems will make them go away. I expected you to be smarter than me. You promised you would be stronger, but as far as I can see. You are the same, weak and angry." A grinded his teeth, his blood boiling, as his father's right hand was engulfed by white lightning.

A gasped, recognizing his father's strongest jutsu. A gulped thickly; his father's face was solemn with a hint of pity.

"It won't hurt, son. It didn't hurt me." Ay rushed forward, his right arm extended forward, his fingertips reaching towards A's heart. Suddenly, it felt like time was slowing down; Ay watched as A's skin slowly peeled away the closer his fingertips got.

I'm Sorry, my Son, Ay thought in regret, closing his eyes, not wanting to see it.





Ay's eyes widened as he was struck in the chest; the sensation was familiar. He opened his eyes and looked down to see his own hand sank deep into his heart, where his scar was. He looked back at his son, who had a painful grin on his face. His chest had a small hole, showing the bone underneath, but his fingertips hadn't reached the heart, only the bone of the ribcage.

"How?!" Ay rasped out; he was faster than his son. He was sure of that.

A laughed, a wide smile spread on his face, and his body burned with more pain with each laughter; once he was done, he looked back at his father.

"You were slower." He said smugly. Ay grew confused and did not understand.

"When an Edo Tensei is healing, their movement is slower. I noticed that when I punched you and you used your own leg as a giant club. You were slower because you were healing. When my own strongest jutsu failed to kill you—" Ay remembered A's index finger attack that destroyed his left arm.

"—I knew I needed to use a stronger one, and your Hell Stab was always stronger than mine after all." A explained with a smile of satisfaction, proud of himself.

"So you acted like a fool to force me to use my Burst of Lightning Jutsu, to harm myself in the process, and give yourself an oppurtunity, because you knew Edo Tensei would force me to use my strongest Jutsu to kill you." Ay concluded, with wide eyes, looking at his son with a new light.

A smiled widely, for a moment feeling like a little kid being praised by their father, but his smile faded away instantly when Ay started breaking down, cracks forming around his body, and his beard started falling apart like sand.

"Father!!" A shouted in panic, trying to see if he could do anything to help, but Ay smiled widely; he had never looked happier.

"My son. I'm proud of you." A's eyes widened, a gasp escaping his throat; he felt his eyes burning, but not from the pain this time.

"You are?"

Slapping his remaining arm on his shoulder as his chin started crumbling down. "My son, you have shown me today that you are capable, that you can fight, and lead this country, and be smart too. That you are no longer just an angry man with a big fist. I know you regret not being that night with me, to save me. But you have nothing to regret. A Kage should always give their life for their people. You will understand one day, but I think you already do—my son. You have grown, and I'm so proud of the man you have become. Someone worthy of the Title Raikage. You have surpassed even me. The new Generation will always surpass the older Generation..." His words trailed off as his head crumbled down, along with his body, forming a pile of sand around a corpse he did not recognize.

A watched as his father's soul emerged from the pile of ash and flew high in the sky before disappearing.

A closed his eyes, his knees buckled, and he could no longer stand. But, the pain had all but disappeared.

"Thank you, father. For saving my life that night." A said gratefully, wiping away the tears from the corner of his eyes.

But the moment of peace was broken when he saw a wooden dragon rushing towards the Old Third Hokage.

"Sensei, be careful." A's eyes widened as the wooden dragon was bitten in the neck by another wooden dragon. He swallowed thickly, knowing he had finally arrived. He looked behind his shoulder but could not see Bee or Darui. Where are they? He wondered as he looked back at the others, using all his strength to stand up, his legs turned wobbly.

"Another Wood Style Jutsu, who did this?" A didn't need to hear his voice to know who did it.

"That would be me, Lord Second." A looked up and saw Naruto looming over them with a wide grin.

This is not Good...

Chapter 92 (Hashirama Vs Naruto: The Fight of Heirs)

I like reading your comments. Let me know what you think about this Chapter.

This Chapter showed a little of the brutality of War, and A was finally able to show to his father that he is stronger than him now.


Jose Rojas

Nice chapter! I wonder if some of the unnamed leaf ninja that were dying were actually some cannon characters 🤔


I loved the detail of the horrors of war. But I have to admit the best line for me is “This is not Good” that being correlated with Naruto’s appearance is one of the reasons I love this work! He deserves an overpowered AU where he is TRULY overpowered! Awesome work as always! Looking forward to the next 1000 chapters😅


The first one was just a civilian, the other three will be revealed later who they were. Glad you liked the chapter.


Sadly, this story won't have 1000 chapters. Naruto is OP here but is not invincible and cannot keep fighting forever. So far, he has fought Kakashi, Guy, the army of Shinobi, and Team Kumo. The Jutsu he used to talk with everyone used a lot of his chakra. So, he needs to start resting; otherwise, he will get exhausted.