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Thank you all for Supporting me and reading my Stories. I hope you all have a Wonderful Day

' Porco wished he could forget the mission to Paradis until it would begin, but every single day of his life right now was training— And every last bit of training was meant to prepare him for a mission he wasn't even part of; He still needed to be ready since no one knew what could happen until it was time. 

When Marcel had told their parents, they reacted similarly. They were not happy to let their son go for up to ten years... on an island full of devils, but it was not like they had any choice. It was around this time, Porco was happy but also incredibly sad that he hadn't been chosen as a warrior.

Happy because he could stay in Liberio and comfort their parents and sad because he would miss Marcel terribly while he was away. 

He also harbored the selfish desire for neither Marcel nor Pieck would be sent to Paradis just so he could still see them everyday. If that meant taking the honor of this mission away from them, Porco would do it... probably. Everything was a double-edged blade. If he had inherited the Armored Titan, Porco could've gone to Paradis with Marcel instead of stupid Reiner. In turn, their parents would lose both of their children. There was no way out without hurting someone, may it be himself, their parents or Marcel.

His disdain for Reiner Braun had also grown. Everyday in training, Reiner seemed to become more and more excited for the job. The entire Braun family had been crazy about it since Reiner told them about his sacred mission. They would always pick him up from the gates of the internment zone after training. His stupid mother, his stupid aunts and uncles with their children. Porco didn't really know them, though he was sure the boy was around seven or eight and the girl... maybe three, give or take. What was her name again? Gebby? Gabi? Gotham? Something along those lines.

Every time Porco saw them, he felt like puking. Hailing the useless Reiner as some kind of hero... they had no idea.

Another reason why he wasn't looking forward to that day. The reason for that was Pieck. One more reason he didn't want to lose her and Marcel at once. No one could cheer him up like she did. Her mere presence was enough to make him feel better. He knew she and Annie were close friends, the only one in the group who could make Annie speak without grunting. Seriously, how could Bertholdt ever fall for someone like Annie, Porco knew that would be one of the biggest mysteries of the world.


Then, the day came. It was late spring when Magath pulled them out of basic training and ordered them into his office. It was rare for them to be ordered there. Usually, people had to fall into deep trouble to end up in Magath's personal office and other meetings with the Warriors and the brass were usually held in the briefing room.

"The Warriors to carry out the mission are set." Magath announced. "Set in stone. There is no changing the decision!"

"Galliard." Magath began, and Porco flinched. Of course the Captain didn't mean him but now, Marcel was to be sent off to Paradis for sure. "You'll be the leader of the team."

"So I'll be staying here."

"Correct, Jaeger. Your abilities are just too useful. You'll stay and support the military when needed. Finger, you stay as well." Relief and then guilt shot through Porco. At least Pieck would stay with him.

"Braun, Hoover, Leonhardt! You'll go under Galliard's command!" They saluted Reiner, the happiest person on the mainland right now. Porco thought about punching him, but he wouldn't leave Magath's office anytime soon if he did. Annie and Pieck shared a look, neither seemed excited at what they heard.

"Tomorrow 1PM at the train station. You'll be sent to the harbor, receive supplies there, and board the ship to Paradis."

They saluted again, this time with a 'yessir' and Magath dismissed them— Not back to training. He sent them home. On their way back home, they were met by the Braun-family at the gates. 

Porco wished Marley would send them to Paradis... one-way! They greeted Reiner with hugging and cuddling and their usual hero-worshipping. After Reiner broke the news to them, they stirred in excitement. Their praise started seeping over to the other Warriors— the future heroes as they called them. Karina Braun had the crazy idea to throw a feast for all of them and invited their parents as well.

The Warriors parted, each going to their own homes. "Dinner with Reiner and his family?" Porco couldn't believe it. He just hoped no one would drag him along. If Marcel kept shut, their parents wouldn't even know because Porco was definitely not gonna tell them.

"I know you two don't exactly like each other-"

Porco snorted. "Like...? I hate each and every single one of them!"

Marcel patted his back. "Come on. It's just one evening and there's enough other people to talk to."

"So you're gonna tell Mom and Dad?" They were only two streets away from their house now.

"Yes." Marcel nodded. "It's a nice gesture and remember, this is my goodbye dinner as well."

Porco looked in his brother's eyes, then, he couldn't look at him at all. He felt shame rushing to him and stared at the ground with his lips trembling. "I don't want you to go." He mumbled to the ground.

Marcel pulled him into a hug and pressed Porco's head to his chest, burying his face. "I don't wanna go either." He whispered. "But I can't change it if I want you, mom and Dad happy. Now come on." He urged Porco back to walking, and they continued walking home.

After Marcel told them about the feast at the Brauns' house, their mother threw together a quick meal to bring along and share. She didn't really know about Porco's feud with Reiner and Porco hoped, Reiner's parents didn't either. Everything prepared, they went over to where Karina Braun lived with her son. They were greeted warmly by her and she led them to a table where everyone had already assembled. Bertolt with his mother, Zeke and his grandparents, and Pieck with her father who seemed healthy enough, Annie was by herself, staying near Pieck. When asked why her father didn't come, she mumbled something about him having a broken leg or something. 

Porco could never understand why Annie sounded like she couldn't care less if her father was sent to Paradis. 

With everyone placed on a chair, Karina Braun gave a little speech. "I'm delighted to welcome you to our home. After all those years of hard training, the time has come for our brave and heroic Warriors to fight for the glory of their homeland and purge the devils from Paradis Island. I have invited you to this evening so we can celebrate your mission and wish for your success and safe return." Karina raised her glass, and around the table, they followed her example. They toasted, and the feast began.

Porco didn't feel quite comfortable in Reiner's home. If it wasn't for his parents and Marcel around him, he would've fled the scene immediately. He eyed the food on the table. Most of it was from Karina, but like Mrs. Galliard, the other families had brought along their own cookings to appreciate her efforts. Porco just hoped Karina Braun had put as much effort into her food as she had with her speech. He also hoped Reiner didn't spit in any of it to get back at him.

Finally, Porco decided to eat something and grabbed his plate to load it with food; it was free after all. To his lament, Karina Braun's food was good. He munched on it with a somber face— A face Karina Braun noticed but misinterpreted entirely.

"No need to look so dark, dear." Porco's heart stopped. Did she just call him dear!? "I know the selection was hard and you lost to my Reiner, but you can still serve our country in other ways." Her voice was understanding and comforting but she could've kicked him in the face instead as far as Porco was concerned.

He felt pressure around his wrist. Marcel had grabbed it under the table, knowing very well which effect Karina's words had on him. Porco chewed his food thoroughly to make more time for himself to cool down and when he swallowed, he said. "I would've loved to come along but with my brother going, our parents would be lonely if I went as well." Karina Braun would be lonely when Reiner was gone— Porco hoped she would pick up the insult he had so nicely disguised.

Apparently, Karina didn't pick it up, or she just didn't see it as an insult. "Of course I won't be able to see my little hero, but we all have to pay our own price for peace."

He had a hunch before, but now, Porco was pretty sure there was no way to ever have a decent conversation with Karina Braun. She seemed nice on the outside, but something inside of her was bitter to the core. To break their conversation off, he shoved a big load of food in his mouth and was promptly chided by his mother for poor manners.

Pieck was busy cutting her father's food. He had attempted to do it himself, but Pieck wouldn't let him. "Don't Pieck..." Mr. Finger complained.

"You could barely stand up and come over." Pieck insisted. "Just let me do it. I want to."

"I can't have my fourteen year old daughter babying me... It should be the other way around."

Pieck had already finished cutting and shoved her father's plate back to him. Then, Karina Braun was back. "Your daughter is really brave, Mr. Finger. She dedicated her life to you." Pieck's father looked like this was exactly the thing that made him uneasy. Pieck had sealed a contract with blood that would kill her at age twenty-five in exchange for a better life for him. And Mr. Finger seemed like he had never wanted her to.

"I would've been happy if my daughter just did what everyone else her age does. But she has chosen her way so I'm happy for her anyway." Porco noticed that Mr. Finger had been close to speaking ill of the honor to inherit a titan power for Marley. Pieck stood up and excused herself to the restroom.

Porco looked after her and was reminded that sometimes, Pieck harbored things she didn't want to talk about. He had tried to get behind it but failed. To distract himself, he returned to his food, chatting with Marcel, and avoiding Karina and Reiner. The former was deep in conversation with Mrs. Hoover, the latter with Bertolt. Porco wouldn't exactly say they deserved each other, but if the Hoovers wanted to stick with the Brauns, he couldn't help it.

After a while -Pieck hadn't returned yet- Porco was ready to excused himself, when Annie did it before him, and she walked into the restroom, where Pieck was, Porco waited and after a few minutes, they both returned.

Pieck seemed in a much better mood now.



They were lying awake in their room. Porco realized there would come a long time where he couldn't talk to Marcel before falling asleep. And he would wake up in this room, alone until his brother came back. Marcel was too anxious to sleep. He hadn't shown how nervous he was around their parents to make them feel more at ease. He rolled around in his bed, trying to find a comfortable position, he threw himself from side to side— Nothing worked.

Porco could sense his brother's frustration. "I can't sleep either."

"But you should..."

"I'm not the one to leave for an important mission."

Marcel huffed. "I know I was acting all tough about it... but I can't possibly imagine how we're gonna pull that off." He kicked his blankets off and sat up. "Worse, I'm in charge. If we mess up, my head is on Marley's silver plate."

"You mean when Reiner messes up." Porco grumbled into his pillow. He was the weakest link of the chain after all.

"I told you to stop picking on him... He has a hard time in- in his own way."

"But I hate it when you cover for him or protect him. Why can't you ever let him be responsible for when he messes up?"

There was a long silence and Porco thought, Marcel wouldn't answer anymore. "I just can't." It finally came from him. "That's what I owe him."

Porco sat up as well. "You don't owe him shit!" He snapped. Braun was the last to deserve someone's protection, even less Marcel's.

"I do and it doesn't matter why." His brother insisted. "But I don't wanna argue... Not in my last night. Who knows when I come back?" He mused.

"Don't say that." Porco couldn't help but keep it up. "You get in there, find the King, and grab or eat him to bring back the power."

"Given that it would be that easy." There were footsteps as Marcel stood up to grab a glass of water. He gulped it down. "But that's enough now. I wanna worry when it's time."

There was silence in the room, but Porco felt a grip in his heart that was only growing. He looked at his brother sombrely.

"You will be back, promise me you will return." Porco hated how vulnerable he sounded as his brother looked at him.

"I promise."

Porco believed him. He had no reason not to— After all, Marcel had always come back.



The celebrations were extraordinary on that day— The day the Warriors were sent to the Island. Porco watched from the crowd as Marcel, Bertolt, Reiner, and Annie were paraded around on a carriage right to the train station where they would always leave. 

Reiner was ecstatic, standing up and waving to the crowd. The time had come for him to 'save the world'. Porco saw a pebble to his feet and imagined throwing it at him. 

Bertolt was as shy as ever. He looked around nervously and was probably fretting over the fact that all these people were expecting something from him. While Marcel waved and smiled here and there, Annie just sat there and seemed like she wanted to be somewhere else.

Not counting the occasional rolling of her eyes, she didn't move at all, just stared into the sky, wishing it was over. 

When the carriage drove further down the street, the families of the Warriors came along. By foot, they would arrive a little later, so there was enough time for the Warriors to store their equipment in the train.

Porco had slowed down without noticing. It was only when his mother took his hand to pull him a little after her. He managed to speed up again, but with the price of his stomach twisting even more. In front of him, Reiner's aunt was carrying her little daughter, and Karina seemed to be drilling into her with the things that had stuck so thoroughly in Reiner's head. 

Porco didn't hear exactly what she said, and he didn't want to hear what she said. Last evening, Karina Braun got into an argument with Mr. Finger, and as far as Porco was concerned, she was to blame for all of it. This woman was such unpleasant company, Porco didn't wonder there was no Mr. Braun.

At the entrance to the train station, they were greeted by Magath and a bunch of Public-Security Guards. They were there to make sure that no Marleyan or Eldian that wasn't family would enter the station. Magath nodded and gestured them inside. Then, he had the guards close the gates. With the gates closed off, the voices of the crowd were miraculously shut out as well. The Warriors were standing in line where they had waited for their families.

Marcel came over and was pulled into a hug. His parents would crush him between them, and Porco joined in to squeeze his brother even further.

When they released him, Marcel said. "I'll try to be back as soon as possible."

"We know you will." Mrs. Galliard replied. She gently stroked her son's cheek with the back of her hand. 

On the tips of his toes, he patted his older brother's head and whispered. "See you later."

Marcel accepted the gesture and smiled. "See you later Pock." He turned around and entered the train. Before the doors closed, Marcel looked back over his shoulder and waved.

In years coming, Porco would replay this scene in his mind again and again. He would relive it in his dreams and have it loom over him when he woke or couldn't fall asleep.

Years Later

They found Magath and Zeke in the briefing room. When they entered, Colt darted over to Zeke to stand behind his chair... weird kid. Magath had a pile of forms and other official looking slips on the table in the center of the room and was busy placing his signature on one of the papers. "Sit down." He greeted them ever so straight forward.

"News from Paradis Island?" Pieck had settled on Zeke's right while Porco sat down to the Wachief's left. "At least that's what I made of Colt's short announcement."

Porco felt excited. There was no way Pieck's assumption could be wrong. This was going to be about the other Warriors.

"Yes!" Magath said, and Porco's heart jumped to his throat. "And no!"

Excitement mixed with confusion, and Porco looked over to Pieck and Zeke. The former was only mildly surprised, the latter not even a bit— Zeke already knew what was going on. How could this be about the other Warriors and not? That didn't make any sense.

"I'm not really sure what you're implying, Captain. Can you elaborate, please?"

"I will, Pieck." Magath cleared his throat and continued. "We have not heard anything from Marcel and his team. That is exactly why we're here right now. Yaeger your turn."

Warchief Zeke stood up. "We will go on a scouting mission to Paradis Island."

Porco and Pieck gasped simultaneously. Before they could comment on anything, Zeke continued.

"We will not interact with anyone out of titan form and only watch from a distance. Our goal is to start a quarrel somewhere in a civilized area, a smaller town at best to have the news spread everywhere. That way, we might be able to inform Marcel and the others of our presence. We can meet up like that and have the Warriors report on their circumstances. That's how we can provide support if necessary and maybe coax King Fritz out of hiding. If we can't make contact, we return immediately."

"If you say we..." Fear rose inside of Porco. "You mean-"

"Pieck and I." Zeke finished for him. "Sorry, Porco. You'll have to stay here.

"But there won't be any shifters left on the mainland!" There had to be a way to keep Pieck here. It was selfish, Porco knew that— he still couldn' help it. "Marley would have to fight without titans."

"Everyone in this room is aware of that, thank you, Galliard." Magath fumbled with one of the many papers until he found the report he was looking for. "All potential enemies are still too weak after waging war with Marley over the last years. That's how we got the allowance for that mission to begin with."

"It's okay, Pock." This time, Porco literally flinched as Pieck addressed him with his nickname. "It's only a scouting mission. We'll be back in no time."

"Pieck is exactly right, Porco. As expected of her."

"Who is gonna take care of your father, Pieck?"

"We have arranged everything already. Mr. Finger will be tended to by a private nurse for the time being." To prove it, Magath fiddled with another form with the stamp of the local hospital on it. Everything is alright, Galliard.

"Nothing is alright!" Porco darted up, and the chair fell over. "Marcel promised me to be back soon! He's gone for five years now! And he left a hole nothing else can fill and I can feel it everyday!!! Ever since, my parents are sad all the time and I can't stand it! Even more, it gets worse everyday!"

"Get a hold on yourself!" Magath's commanding voice boomed over Porco's. "You're not ten anymore, Galliard! And this mission is about getting your brother home faster, so why are you so upset about it!?"

Porco's mouth twitched with increasing anger. He took some deep breaths- it didn't help. "I don't want Pieck to go and come back whenever!"

"It's only a scouting mission, Pock."

"And what if something happens and you'll never come back!? There are four Warriors on Paradis, three of the most talented out of us all and there's no way they'd take five years for whatever they did!" It was too much. Porco needed to get out of there. Like he had done it seven years ago, he kicked the door open and slammed it shut after him. Magath could make him run all the laps he wanted or do whatever punishment pleased him, but right now, Porco was angry.

Deja-vu. That was what Marcel had called it. Seeing something that seemed familiar... as though he had seen it again. Last time, Porco's vision had been blurry with tears— this time, his eyes were dry and it was pure anger clouding his mind. But he subconsciously managed to run down the same hallway and barge through the same door as he had after Reiner Braun had been chosen as the Armored Titan. Instead of slumping down against the desk and crying like last time, Porco chose to flip the table over and scatter everything on it.

The chair followed as he kicked it against the wall. Destroying things made it only a tad bit better— enough to keep himself from breaking more stuff. He walked some circles in the polished wooden floor instead before he finally threw himself on the ground to lean against the wall, breath short and coming in fast bursts. Like that, he forced himself to calm down by actively taking deep breaths a couple of times. Now that he was away from the others, it helped. Porco knew how foolish he had been. Acting up like that in front of a Marleyan, worse, his Commander.

There was a knock coming from the door.

The door opened and Porco looked up where Pieck's face would come through the frame; that didn't happen and the door closed again. A little puzzled at first, Porco let his eyes wander down and found Colt... No, Colt was taller, older— it was Colt's little brother Falco.

The small, meek boy always reminded Porco a little of Reiner... if he didn't have his bolstered ego. And he was sure Falco was outperforming Reiner when he had been at that age. Other than Reiner, Falco looked shy, a nervous but also gentle shine in his eyes when he found Porco slumped against the wall.

"Are you okay?" That's what Falco said. Not, 'What happened in here?' or 'Why is the furniture broken?' He asked about Porco first.

"Yes." Was Porco's immediate answer.

The boy didn't flinch back as Porco had expected him to— neither did he believe him. Falco seemed to understand sarcasm at the tender age of eight and more; he was obviously able to add two and two and link the flipped over furniture to what actually happened. "You're not okay, you're angry."

Porco wanted to snap at the kid, make him go away but somehow, he couldn't do it. There was something in Falco's big, innocent eyes that kept him from it. "What do you want, kid?"

"Look if everything is alright. I heard noise coming from that room." Falco regarded the desk and chair. He went over to the massive piece of furniture, solid and polished oak wood, even heavier than it looked. Porco had only been able to flip it over like that with anger-infused strength. Without it, he would have taken some seconds and a strong push to make it fall over. Little Falco -only slightly taller than the desk- went over to the piece of furniture and tried to stem it up again. He struggled against the weight of the desk, which was probably more than three times his total body weight.

Sooner or later, the kid would get hurt and have all his toes broken to little splinters if that monstrous wooden thing dropped on his feet. Porco couldn't watch and stood up to help. Together, they placed the damn thing on its feet again.

Falco was out of breath, and a bead of sweat ran down over his temple. "Why were you angry?"

It was how it had been with the guards. Porco had no intention to put his trust into the little boy, but something about him seemed so innocent, it felt like Falco wouldn't hold anything against him. Porco still didn't really want to tell exactly why he just threw a tantrum. Falco probably wouldn't understand anyway.

Maybe it was that way of thinking that made Falco's next words terrifying to him. "Do you love her... Miss Pieck, I mean." Falco was tapping his fingers together bashfully and mirrored his brother even more. Colt had done the same when passing off Porco and Pieck at the gates.

"How- how do you know that...?" Damn, that kid was more perceptive than it would be healthy for him in the future. "Am I that obvious." Porco buried his face in his hands. When he looked up again, Falco was staring at him. Their eyes met, and the boy shied away.

"A little..." Falco mumbled. "You always look at her like-"

"Don't, please don't." Porco interrupted him. "I have to feel it every second... I don't need it laid out in front of me.

"Sorry... I didn't know it was that bad." Looking down, Falco seemed to feel genuinely sorry. But there was also something else. The boy looked intrigued— there was still a quest burning on his tongue. "What- what does love feel like? How do you know you love Miss Pieck."

Again, Porco had absolutely no reason to answer and again, he did it anyway. "I feel like I want to be close to her at all times... be there for her, protect her... Do whatever makes her happy. At one point it becomes unbearable, especially after... And when I'm close to her I feel all tingly and hot and... Wait, why do you want to know all that stuff?"

Falco got red and averted his eyes. "I just thought it was interesting."

"Snooping in other people's wrecked feelings?"

"I didn't force you to tell me anything." Falco's tiny chest puffed up as he actually put up a little front. And he was right— he didn't force Porco to do anything.

"No." Porco huffed. "You didn't. I just have no one else to talk to other than those Marleyan guards."

"Can't you talk to your parents?"

"Again, no. My parents... don't need any more problems. They're not the same ever since my brother left. My parents, Marcel and now Pieck-" Anger sparked in Porco once again. "Everyone is leaving me in some way!!!" And he slammed his fist on one of the smaller tables meant for the students. With a crack, the wooden plate snapped down the middle, and splinters dug deep into Porco's hand. With his mind suddenly cold and clear, like ice, he stared at his injured hand. The skin was torn in many places and wooden shrapnel buried in the flesh. Blood came pouring out and ran down Porco's wrist, where it soaked the sleeve of his jacket.

"You need to treat that." Falco yelped and stared at Porco's bleeding left. He had jumped back in shock when Porco broke the table and was only recollecting himself now.

"I don't wanna go to the infirmary." The offer was blocked off at once. As a sign of protest, Porco got hold of one of the bigger splinters between his thumb and index finger and pulled. It came out with a fresh wave of pain, and more blood oozed out of the torn skin. Like that, Porco got rid of them splinter by splinter— at least those he could get hold of. Some of the wooden shards sat either too deep or were too small for him to grab properly, so Porco gave up after fumbling and failing.

He felt something on his injured hand. Much smaller fingers got hold of a splinter and pulled it out. Falco had taken his hand, completely unfazed by the blood, and was freeing the torn flesh of the remaining splinters. The boy was as gentle as he could.

"Do you feel better now?" Falco had his tongue between his lips in concentration as he fought with an especially tricky splinter.

Porco's initial answer would be 'yes'. But the adrenaline was already fading, and the pain caused by the treatment wasn't enough to keep it flowing. That made him say -and Porco wished he could deny it- "No, not at all. All I could do to feel better is remember stuff that makes me happy... but it also makes me sad."

"Like when you realized you loved Miss Pieck?" What was that kid's deal with love and kissing? He was too young for that anyway.

"For example." Porco grumbled.

"And what happened when it became unbearable."

"Hm?" What was Falco talking about?

"You said your feelings became unbearable after... after what? That's where you stopped."

Porco closed his eyes and kept himself from gritting his teeth. This god damn kid. Why was he so immeasurably curious about things he wouldn't understand anyway? "Well, I stopped for a reason."

"What reason? Did you kiss her?"

If he broke another table, would Porco get out of this? He decided against it and tried to find a more sophisticated way of getting Falco off his back. "Ask your brother- no, better! Ask your parents."

Falco's eyes widened and for a moment, he forgot to peel the splinters out of Porco's skin. "You mean they're keeping something from me!?"

"Yes. Adults keep quite a lot of things from children."

"But when they consciously keep it from me, why would they tell me if I asked?" Porco had to take a deep breath. Was he being outmaneuvered by an eight year old? "Just gimme a hint, please." Falco's eyes were so immensely big and round, it felt like Porco was looking at a kitten.

"We hugged, okay!? I wanted more, but Pieck likes...That's all you need to know." He tried to mimic his mother's tone that didn't allow any talking back. "Your turn, why do you keep asking. And I don't buy that 'it's interesting' crap, so you better spill."

Falco got red again. He was leaning over Porco's hand, but his ears gave it away. "I think I love someone."

"You're eight, kid. Don't you have better things to do? Give it some time, gee."

"But it's like you say! I wanna be around her, and I like being around her."

No way, Falco was way too young. "Why don't you wait some years and see how it develops." Porco advised him.

"When it doesn't change... should I kiss her."

"Well, maybe-"

"Should I hug her?"

"No!" That kid was something else. "At least not anytime soon. It won't even work anytime soon." The last splinter was out, and Porco darted up. Falco was adorable and annoyingly curious, and it had done its part in lifting his mood up a little— but this was Porco's queue to leave. "I need to get this wrapped up." He held up his hand and opened the door with his other. "Thanks, kid." Once he was through, he fled down the hallway.

He didn't see Pieck again that day. Parts of him wanted to see her off at the train station the same evening, but other parts... he just couldn't do it. Porco would be left behind, waiting for her return, waiting for Marcel's return. Hell, he'd even be happy for Braun's return because that would mean the others were to become back as well. '


"Porco, Porco, Porco, Porco!" Damn it, he cursed under his breath as he turned around just in time as Falco stopped in front of him, his hands slapping his knees from exhaustion; his face had turned red, and he was sweating like his face was melting. For him to run like this and to look so anxious could mean only one thing.

"Falco, please don't tell me you kissed Gabi or something." Porco pleaded as Falco took deep breaths, still not answering.

Since the day they talked and Pieck left with Zeke and Commander Magath, Porco had decided to spend more time with the new generation of warriors. He had little to do with his time, so spending time with them and giving tips here and there was the only thing he was good at, right now.

It took some time to get to know all of them, but when he first met Gabi. It had been difficult not to insult her; she reminded him too much of Reiner, to the point that he felt like she was more his sister than his cousin. After the first meeting, Porco had wondered just what Falco saw in her, but instead of insulting his taste in girls, he decided to be more subtle and tell him that with time, things could change between them and that he needed to understand that.

Now, over six months had passed since they had left Marley, and Porco was getting more and more concerned as the time passed each day. As far as he knew, it took only around a week for a ship to sail from Marley to the Shores of Paradis, and Porco had seen maps of the island, which was quite a large island. Six Months was way too long.

"No." Porco gasped out the words as he finally gained back his composure and looked up at Porco. "General Calvi wants your presence in his office."

The words made Porco freeze in place. His heart almost stopped beating. He knew it was something important if the General of the Military wanted his presence. Porco was sure it had something to do with the Warrios, but at this point, he was afraid to hope that the General would give him the good news. Six Months had passed. Just what was taking them so long?

"D-did he tell you why?" Porco hated that he stumbled on his words. He was the grown-up in this situation, and Falco seemed to have noticed his anxiety, and that stung more than a bee.

"I don't know, Poco, and the General didn't tell me directly. Apparently, he told Captain Fauul to tell you, but the captain groaned and instead told me to tell you. My brother is already there, so don't make him wait." Lazy captain, Porco thought as he quickly walked past Falco, giving him a quiet 'Thanks' before walking away in haste.

Since Commander Magath left, Captain Fauul had taken his role until Magath returned; unlike the Commander, this one was the worst. He didn't really care about their training and barely did anything, but he was quick to insult them all the time.

It didn't take long for Porco to reach the General's office. As he walked through the headquarters, he noticed the looks of disgust and rage he received from every soldier, officer, and captain, but Porco ignored them. He reminded himself that his parents would be heartbroken if something happened to him. If Marcel ever returned, he would be disappointed with him upon learning that he had caused trouble with the Marley officers.

The soldiers opened the door, and Porco walked inside the oval-shaped office of the General. A round wooden table was placed in the far center of the office where the meetings were always held. Porco had been in this place only twice before. His eyes quickly found Colt, who was standing just a meter away from the table. His face was white, and he seemed like he was shaking on his boots.

"General. You asked for me?" Porco saluted right away as he walked deeper into the office. The man was old, and his eyes were almost blank, without any emotions.

Calvi was a lean man in his late middle age. He was well groomed and wearing a unique uniform that featured a sash running diagonally from his right shoulder to his left waist on top of the standard Marleyan tunic and shirt. He also wore four medals on his left chest.

"Yes. We need you to come with us, you and Colt," The General ordered as he stood up from his seat, grabbed a handful of files in his hands, and fiddled through papers.

Porco didn't like this. He had been hoping for good news, but the General didn't even bring it up. Porco felt the familiar feeling of anxiety growing on his belly. At a time like this, he wished Falco was with him right now. That kid had more self-control than all the other warriors combined. A part of Porco wished he was more like him, so he stepped forward despite his better judgment and a voice telling him to do as he was told.

"General, has there been any news from the Warriors and the Commander Magath?" He asked with a steady voice, but the general and the other captains' glare made him almost flinch.

"Your devils are most likely dead by now. We have sent ten ships for the last three months, but none have returned. Now, shut up and do as you are told, devil." Porco kept his face blank. He knew it was dangerous to show anger towards anyone from Marley, especially a General. 

He wanted to yell at him, saying that his brother was still alive, that Pieck and the others were still alive, and hadn't fallen to the Devils, but he felt Colt grabbing his wrist tightly, knowing what he was feeling.

Porco felt a lump in his throat; he reminded himself that his parents would be heartbroken, his brother would be disappointed, and he wasn't talking with Commander Magath right now. The man was someone who could understand them to a degree, but this was the General; this man would mark him as a traitor if he dared to raise his voice. And Porco reminded himself that Falco and the other kids still needed his guidance occasionally. Porco was certain Falco didn't need it, but he knew the little boy would be heartbroken.

So, Porco closed his mouth extra tight, almost afraid that the words would escape his mouth without his consent, and did as he was told without saying a word.



Why are we here? Porco wondered, and he could tell from Colt's face that he was as clueless as him. They had just arrived at training area thirteen with automobiles, where the warriors, besides the holder of the Colossal, would test their abilities for the first time, but Porco didn't understand why they were there. They had no Titan Shifters left with them. All the Shifters were in Paradis.

Porco fell silent as they walked through trenches before entering a small building like a bunker. Inside were many soldiers wearing uniforms he had never seen before, but the one that stood out amongst the rest was a man wearing a suit!?? Why was someone wearing a suit in a place like this? He turned to look at them as they walked inside.

"Ahh, General Calvi. It's good to see you again." The man's voice was annoying, and Porco did not like the way he smiled, as if he were some sort of businessman about to sell his product to the highest bidder. The General shared the courtesy in his voice but not the smile before stepping aside, leaving room for Porco and Colt to walk forward; the man noticed them before approaching them, the same fake smile splattered on his voice as he shook their hands. Porco was still at a loss for words; he didn't understand who this man was and why he was there.

"My name is Colt Grice."

"My name is Porco Galliard." He said the name somewhat reluctantly, but the man either didn't seem to care or notice.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Willy Tybur. I'm the head of the Tybur Family." It took everything for Porco not to gasp, something that Colt failed to do. In front of them stood one of the most important Eldians in the world. The head of the family that held the most powerful Titan was only beaten by the Founding Titan. They were the only Eldians in the World who could live a life of luxury.

"Mister Tybus, why are you here?" Cold gasped, but the soldiers seemed not to like his tone and the way he said the name. But Mister Tybur raised his hand, dismissing them, his smile not leaving his face.

"I have heard that Marley is currently in a difficult situation, and as friends, I feel it is my responsibility to aid them." This could mean only one thing. Porco's face brightened up with hope as Mister Tybur pointed at the distance, and they all turned and saw a woman standing by herself far away from them through the small square opening of the bunker they were staying in.

"The War Hammer Titan hasn't been used for fights for a century now, but we have yet to receive news from our allies from the Paradis Island, and the other countries won't stay put if they realizse that right now we don't hold the power of the Titans. We need the War Hammer to be preapared and ready to protect Marley as it had protected over a century ago in the Titan War." Porco found himself smiling. This was it. Pieck, his brother, and everyone else would return home. He still didn't understand what happened to them, but if they were still alive. They would bring them all home.

"Amazing!" Porco heard Colt blurt out as they all were given binoculars to watch the very first transformation of the War Hammer Titan. Porco could hardly contain himself; this was a golden opportunity.

With a signal, Porco watched as the woman sliced her hand with a knife, and a massive bolt of golden lightning struck her.

"What is Hapenning?!!" Many shouted, looking away from the bright light that engulfed the entire training ground, all five hundred meters of it, but Porco didn't look away as a body was growing where the woman had been standing a moment ago.

In front of them formed a muscular and masculine body. The head of her was covered by what appeared to be a second layer of skin shaped like a cowl covering its ears and much of its face, with only its eyes, mouth, and jaw exposed through a segmented mesh of skin, but the transformation didn't stop as small spikes grew out of her back, and spikes burst out of the ground near her, as she let out a roar that caused their ears to echo, and blood burst out.

Porco screamed in pain as the lightning finally faded away. A cloud of dust scattered away, revealing the complete form of the War Hammer Titan.

Everyone gasped, except for Willy Tybur. A smile of pride engulfed his face as he stepped forward in front of everyone, pointing his hand at the view. "Behold, everyone, for the first time since the Fall of the Eldian Empire. Marley has been blessed. Behold, The Blessed War Hammer Titan."

The War Hammer Titan stood thirty-five meters tall, holding two giant hammers; her body was covered by what seemed like knight armor. On her left wrist was attached a crossbow, and on her back was covered with spikes that reached down to her waist.

Porco, Colt, and everyone cheered as the War Hammer Titan let out a roar. 

"But that's not all." Another signal and Porco watched as the War Hammer Titan was struck by another golden bolt of lightning. When the cloud dust scattered away, in front of them stood a fifty-meter-tall War Hammer Titan, this time holding a single great axe, including crossbows on her right and left wrists. Her helmet had changed. Now, she was wearing an Elite Knight Helmet. Suddenly, she raised her Greataxe in the sky before slamming the Greataxe's eye. At that moment, enormous spikes made of Titan Hardening burst out of the ground around her, reaching thirty meters; the spikes kept bursting out until they reached one hundred meters away from her.

"This is just the beginning, with enough training. The Blessed War Hammer Titan will be unstoppable." Porco finally felt hope in his heart. With that Titan on their hands. They could win.

Victory would be theirs...

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