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Should Harry have other Magical Animals companions besides Itisa?

  • Yes 311
  • No 75
  • 2024-04-15
  • —2024-04-22
  • 386 votes
{'title': 'Should Harry have other Magical Animals companions besides Itisa?', 'choices': [{'text': 'Yes', 'votes': 311}, {'text': 'No', 'votes': 75}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 22, 13, 54, 54, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 15, 13, 49, 18, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 386}


For those who read A Nundu for A Pet, Chapter 7 introduces two new magical animals: StormBirds and Eisenelephant, which are OC Magical Animals.

StormBirds are a weaker version of the Thunderbirds, while what Eisenelephants are will be revealed later in the Story.

Note: Harry's primary source of strength in this Story is his ability with Parseltongue and completely new abilities that will be revealed later, which I'm excited to introduce in this Story. He will also be a Beast with Spells since it’s very clear he wants to be powerful to protect Itisa, but his Parseltongue will play a major role, especially with the new abilities I came up with.



He’s still going to be strong magically though right? How you’ve portrayed him so far is someone who wants to be a powerful wizard - the way you phrased that kind of threw me off. Will it be a magical ability that your introducing kind of like Holy Magic? It would be a really interesting ability if he could somewhat act as a medium for Itisa’s power, almost like he has the ability to channel the powers of magical creatures he has some form of bond with. As long as Itisa is Harry’s primary companion I don’t see the issue of him having another. The title of the story is important to remember though - don’t want a Newt Scamander situation 😂


Oh, he will be a beast with his spells. It's clear that he wants to be powerful, but I came up with the abilities with Parseltongue that will make Harry use new abilities with Parseltongue that were never seen before.


I had anotheridea for a fun little interaction with a magical creature but it is not a pet but a friend for him. What if the brains in the tanks from book five down in the Department of Mysteries are more like Mindflayers and one of them eats an unspeakable, who had read one of the Harry Potter adventure books while on break for fun, and retrains the memories of the book. It has questions about the logistics of how a six year old child can wreastle a fully grown mountain troll and deceides to ask Harry directly about it. To acomplish that , it breaks out of its area , steals pen and paper to write the letter and to send it takes one of the special mail birds of the Dom ,which ignores stupid things like walls, mail redirection wards and other things like it , and becomes a mailfriend for young Harry , whom he can ask questions to about things like horcruxes, cursed books or the reson why he can´t get other mail.