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Thank you all for Supporting me and reading my Stories. I hope you all have a Wonderful Day.

"Orochimaru!" Hiruzen shouted in surprise as he dodged an attack from the Snake Sannin. The Snake Sannin licked his lips as he slashed through the air with his kunai, but Hiruzen easily dodged the attack before jumping away to gain some distance. The Snake Sannin tried to rush towards him when a voice roared behind him.

"Lariat!" Orochimaru was punched in the chest, his ribcage shattered as blood flew everywhere; his body flew through the air before smashing against the roof tiles, breaking several of them and creating a dirt cloud around him; once it cleared away, revealing Orochimaru lying unmoving, he appeared to be dead.

"And that's the end of it!" A boasted with a wide grin, blue lightning engulfing his body, seeing the Snake Sannin lying dead, he puffed out his chest, knowing he had killed a Sannin with a single punch.

Sarutobi was certain this wasn't the end when suddenly a purple barrier formed around the roof, reaching two hundred meters high in the sky. Sarutobi cursed his luck as he looked around. One of the nearby ANBUs quickly tried to damage the barrier, only for it to burst into flames the moment he touched it. His screams echoed as he moved around in pain before falling from the roof.

"What is this?!" A roared in anger, his lightning armor flaring up, reaching five meters. He looked like his body was burning in lightning, but Hiruzen noticed the four new Sound Shinobis that had created the barrier around their roof.

"Those four Shinobis have created this barrier; they have trapped us in it," Hiruzen concluded. A growled loudly in anger, almost like a bull, before aiming his fist downwards. Hiruzen wondered what he was trying to do when A roared and punched the roof with all his strength, causing a hole to form where he had punched. The wooden beams supporting the roof shook and broke. The roof remained standing, but Hiruzen quickly realized what the Raikage had tried to do.

"Damn it! The barrier has a floor too, we can't climb down!" A snarled as he looked downwards at the hole in the roof he had made, and just five meters below him was the red floor of the barrier. That meant they couldn't climb up, and they couldn't just go down.

"I think they want to keep us here." Hiruzen reasoned as he looked around, trying to study the barrier. A grunted more, with the way he was eyeing the barrier, he seemed as if he wanted to try and use his punch to break it, but Hiruzen stopped him before he could make the situation worse for him.

"Do not punch it, Raikage. This is a Seal Barrier; it cannot be opened through brute strength. I think I can open it, but I need some time," Hiruzen told him, a feeling of anxiety growing in his heart as he pulled out a scroll from a seal on his belt.

"What's the point? Their leader is Dead!" A roared once again, but both he and Hiruzen froze in their places when they heard sinister laughter from behind them.

They both quickly looked behind to see Orochimaru standing on his feet where he had crashed and where his body had been; there was nothing there besides a puddle of yellow acid slowly melting off the tiles and the wood beneath.

"I guess it's true what they say about you, Raikage. You are all muscle but no brain." Orochimaru mocked with a wide grin like a snake; the right side of his face had grown white scales like a snake, and the purple paint around his eyes reached to his jawline, biting the tip of two of his index fingers, a trail of blood rain down his pale hands.

"Lariat!!" A attacked once again with fury, his fist digging deep into Orochimaru's chest, but the Snake merely grinned widely. Suddenly, a white snake burst out from under his sleeve, his mouth wide open with sharp teeth, rushing towards A's neck, but before it could bite him, the head of the Snake was sliced off. A quickly jumped away as Orochimaru suddenly turned into mud that had lost its form, turning into a puddle and forming a mass of mud on the floor that started sliding down through the roof tiles.

"Orochimaru! Come Out, You Coward!" A roared with rage, looking around the roof, trying to catch a glimpse of the Snake Sannin; much to Hiruzen's annoyance, who tried to focus, they suddenly heard a burst of sinister laughter.

"If you insist so badly, then who am I to not fulfill your wish?" Orochimaru's voice came from underneath them. They quickly jumped away as the snake sannin burst out from the rooftop. His lower body looked like a snake, and his legs swirled around as if they lacked any bones.

"Orochimaru, why are you doing this? What exactly is your goal?" Hiruzen demanded as he landed far enough away from him, looking at his former student, who smirked as the battle was still raging on outside the barrier. While the barrier didn't allow them to move, they could still hear the cries of people, the death, and the blood. Hiruzen really hoped what happened fourteen years ago wouldn't be repeated, but it seemed bad luck always found its way back to Konoha.

"Kukukukuku, since you asked so nicely, Sensei. I will tell you the truth: What I want is the complete destruction of Konoha." Hiruzen didn't react upon hearing that. He narrowed his eyes towards his former student.

"I can see right through you, Orochimaru. I know you are lying to me, I don't know what you truly want, but I know I can't allow you to have it." Hiruzen spoke firmly as he took his stance, ready to fight and kill his student.

A was really getting annoyed with all the talking; he wished he could attack, but he already remembered what almost happened. Getting poisoned by the Snake Sannin was something he knew he should try to avoid as much as possible.

"Oh, and here I thought I was a good liar, but no matter. I guess we are doing this—" Suddenly, time stopped for all of them. Hiruzen's eyes almost popped out of his eye sockets when he heard his words in his ears. Even A seemed furious by what he heard, and Orochimaru, for someone who could control his emotions all the time, seemed caught off guard as time returned to normal.

Hiruzen stumbled a little. The barrier's color wavered a little for a moment before turning back to normal purple, and Hiruzen kept repeating the words he heard in his head over and over again.

"WHAT!! That Bastard! Who does he THINK he is?!" The Raikage shouted, sounding more furious than ever before as his lightning armor flared up even more; as he turned around, glaring at the middle of the stadium where Naruto was standing, Hiruzen, on the other hand, remained speechless. He wanted to say something but whatever he wanted to say was stuck in his throat; he looked back at Naruto over his shoulder when suddenly-

A giant hand burst from the ground. Hiruzen watched in horror as this new Summoning he had never seen before burst out of the ground as if he had risen from hell itself.

The Creature was easily around seventy meters tall. It looked quite strange, but that was nothing when he roared, causing the entire roof to shake violently. He then started his rampage, stepping on shinobis as if they were ants before sending bolts of lightning throughout the Village, many of them striking down Sound and Suna Shinobi. Still, Hiruzen noticed more than once when the bolts of lightning struck even innocent people who had nothing to do with the war going on.

Hiruzen looked away. He couldn't bear to see that sight again—innocent people lying on the streets. He remembered the sight he had seen after Kyuubi was sealed, the sight he had seen after Itachi massacred the Uchiha Clan, and now, if he survived this, he knew he would see that sight once again.

A sight that reminded him that he had failed once again as a Kage; he had failed as the Protector of Konoha, and now, as Naruto's words repeated in his head like a bell, he knew one thing: he needed to make sure that won't happen again.

From the sight alone, Hiruzen knew Naruto wasn't fooling around; he truly meant every word he said. He knew he needed to survive this fight and try every tactic in the book to stop Naruto, even if he needed to use the Reaper Death Seal on him. He needed to make sure the world would stay safe after his death.

"Kukukuku, I will have to give it to you, Sensei; despite your old age, you still manage to surprise me, but I have a feeling this whole thing wasn't exactly part of any plan of yours, since that giant thing is smashing Konoha, it's doing an even better job than my own army." Orochimaru laughed, his long tongue spilling out of his mouth as he laughed; Hiruzen glared at his former student, turning to face him.

"I'm afraid I have to finish this," Hiruzen shouted as he launched a barrage of shurikens toward Orochimaru. He quickly made several more hand signs, causing the shurikens to multiply.

"Ohh, please as if I would fall-" His words interrupted when the Shurikens all glimmered brightly, so brightly that the entire barrier brightened up, looking like a bolt of light that engulfed every corner. Orochimaru screamed in pain as his eyes burned badly before his body was punctured in many different directions by the shurikens, who quickly gleamed red.


A barrage of small explosions followed, causing the lower half of the roof to burst into flames that quickly engulfed the wooden beams underneath.

"Not Over," Hiruzen shouted as he made several hand signs before rushing forward with his staff, ready to find and kill Orochimaru. But suddenly, a burst of wind hit Hiruzen, causing him to be thrown into the air towards the barrier. A quickly jumped and grabbed him before landing on the roof. Orochimaru burst out of another Orochimaru, the old body now looking like snake skin.

"Kukukuku! You know this is not really fair, two against one, so how about we make it fair? For me, of course. Edo Tensei." Orochimaru slammed his hands on the rooftop. Suddenly, three coffins rose from the rooftop, one after the other, with the names of the people carved into the wooden coffins.

"Hashirama Senju."

"Tobirama Senju."

"Ay Yotsuki."

"Father!" A shouted, his blood boiling with rage as the cover fell off, revealing his father, who walked out of the coffin. The whiteness in his eyes had turned black as coal, with cracks that appeared all around his body as if he were made of glass.

Ay was a very tall, dark-skinned man with a largely muscular and well-defined build. He had a full head of white hair that flowed into his back, along with a long beard. He had unusual eyes with green irides, dark sclerae, and no pupils. His face has pronounced cheekbones and tear troughs under his eyes and a prominent crease across his forehead with a mole above his right eyebrow. His top lip also had a darker pigmentation than the bottom one. His canine teeth were also slightly elongated. He has the kanji for "lightning" tattooed on his right shoulder. He also has a lightning bolt-shaped scar that runs across the right side of his chest.

He was wearing Kumogakure's distinctive single-strap with no other clothing underneath, a black that he wore like a bandanna, and a thick rope tied around his waist; with this, he also wore dark blue sweat pants.

"Sensei!" Hiruzen said gravely as Hashirama and Tobirama walked out of their coffins. The coffins sank back into the ground after they walked outside as if they were never there.

Tobirama was a fair-skinned man with silver, shaggy hair and red-colored eyes. He had three red markings on his face, one under each of his eyes and one on his chin. He wore blue armor with a distinctive white fur collar over a simple black suit. This armor was constructed from numerous metal plates, formed into multiple protective guards along his body. Beneath his shoulder armor, he wore two extra shoulder guards on each arm. This clothing was accompanied by sandals in place of the more traditional ones. The happuri was initially engraved with the Senju's emblem.

Hashirama was a tall man with tanned skin and dark eyes. He had waist-length black hair styled in a center-parted fringe that framed his face. He often wore the standard shinobi dress of his era, consisting of dark red armor worn over a simple black suit with sandals. This armor was constructed from numerous metal plates and formed into multiple protective guards along his body; each collar of his shoulder guard bore the Senju symbol. He wore the Konoha Shinobi emblem over his forehead.

Damn you, Orochimaru, Hiruzen thought with rage while A seemed ready to explode with anger. The Third Raikage looked around in confusion before his eyes settled on A.

"What is happening? Why am I-A? Is that you? Why am I back?" Ay questioned in confusion, recognizing his son, who had grown up since the last time he saw him over two decades ago.

"Yeah, blame the Snake behind you. He used Edo Tensei to bring you back," A informed him as he cracked his knuckles, ready to fight his father once again. It's been a long time since the last time they fought, and he would not let his father suffer like this.

"Is that so? I thought I was the only one who could use Edo Tensei, but this kid behind me is quite something if he can summon all three of us at the same time, but—" Tobirama stopped mid-sentence as he looked down at his hands, his voice not coming out clear enough, as if speaking with some difficulty.

"This is not perfect; you summoned us only with half of our power," Tobirama commented with a small smirk, knowing the kid hadn't achieved the level of Edo Tensei he could reach when he was still alive. But Orochimaru didn't look annoyed; instead, he looked amused.

"I'm not some barbarian to summon the God of Shinobi at full strength to kill an old man, and why would I summon you two at full power, heh, it's much easier to control you this way." Orochimaru said with a wicked smile.

Orochimaru knew that if he tried to summon the two at full strength, he would face two very big problems. Someone like Hashirama could overrule his contract seal with his immense chakra. If that happened, Orochimaru knew he was done. Second, summoning them at full strength would mean using all his chakra. At that point, even someone like Kakashi would easily kill him if somehow the two Kages were sealed away. But he wanted to keep the Kages for some time; since hearing Naruto's words in his head, Orochimaru wanted to have that Rinnegan of his; if he couldn't take it from Pain, he would take it from Naruto. With the Rinnegan in his hands, Orochimaru knew he would finally achieve his dream.

"Hiruzen, do you have any idea how to do this? I heard those reanimated have unlimited chakra, so how can we even fight them if they can use their most powerful Jutsus all the time?" A questioned a little anxiously. He knew his father was stronger than him, and now that he was reanimated, he was dealing with his father, who could heal himself all the time and had an infinite amount of chakra.

"We need to seal them with my Reaper Death Seal, but they don't exactly have unlimited chakra when they are like this." Hiruzen informed him as he grabbed a scroll from his waist and unrolled it on the ground, ready to summon Enma to help him, while keeping his eyes on them all the time.

"What do you mean?"

"You know how our body produces chakra when we sleep, and eat food, and even when we fight. Our cells produce chakra everytime we are missing some, and through chakra training, we are able to expand how much chakra we can have in our body."

"I know that, what are you trying to say."

"Those who are reanimated don't have unlimited chakra; they simply can produce chakra much faster than we can. This might give the illusion that their chakra is unlimited, but it's not. They simply can produce chakra at least ten times faster than we can." Hiruzen informed him.

Hashirama scanned the destroyed stadium and Village from above. "Konohagakure," he said. His voice was strained, the new body relearning speech and movement with each passing moment. He examined the landscape, mentally measuring the heights of the trees and faces of the mountains. "It has to have been fifty years since I last saw this place." He glanced at Ay.

"Who are you?"

"Ay," said Ay with a grunt. "I was the Third Raikage. And you two must be Tobirama and Hashirama of the Senju Clan. I would have punched both of you, but my body doesn't seem to be obeying my mind."

"This is the price of the resurrection; our actions are not our own," said Tobirama, ignoring the fact that Ay wasn't really their ally.

"Indeed, your actions are mine," said Orochimaru. He stepped between the Hokage and placed a hand on Tobirama's shoulder. The silver-haired Hokage grimaced but had no strength to fight back. "Welcome back to your village, Lord Hokage."

"I remember your chakra," said Tobirama grimly. "You were the pale boy at the academy. Orochimaru, was it? Hiruzen wished to take you on as a student."

"Ah! Yes, wise as ever, Lord Second," said Orochimaru, sounding happy. "I'm delighted that your senses and memories remain intact."

"So, you're responsible for destroying Konoha, Orochimaru?" said Ay, sounding pissed.

"I can't take all the credit," said Orochimaru. "You remember Sunagakure, right? Well, they are my allies in this war, but why do you sound so against it. I thought you hated Konoha, that's why you tried to steal the Jinchuuriki." Orochimaru questioned, sounding intrigued—A grimaced, hearing about the failed attempt to acquire Kyuubi.

"Oh, I hate Konoha. I simply wish to have been the one to destroy it, instead of someone else doing it." Ay answered, earning a glare from the other two Kages.

"Oh, well, this is as close as it's going to get to the real experience, since you're dead and stuff." Orochimaru said with a wicked smile.

"Hiruzen. I trust you, stop us before we can destroy the Village." Hashirama begged as he slammed his hands together.

Wind Style: Giant Hurricane! Hashirama conjured a devastating gale that blasted out over the Rooftop. Debris on the rooftop whipped up into the wind, and pieces of the remaining stadium began breaking apart.

"Wind Style: Shatter Wind!" Hiruzen shouted as he blew out an enormous wind hurricane from his mouth that quickly collided with Hashirama's hurricane. However, Hiruzen's Jutsu was much different, as wind blades started spreading everywhere; Orochimaru jumped away just in time as one almost sliced him in half. Three were rushing towards Hashirama, but Tobirama quickly got in front, finishing his hand signs.

Suddenly, he blew out a blue mist from his mouth, causing the wind blades to disappear completely and the wind hurricanes to slowly disappear. But Hiruzen knew this wasn't over as Ay suddenly appeared above him, his index finger engulfed in lightning aimed right at his head.

"Die!" His finger struck nothing but empty air as A appeared in front of him. He punched the index finger with a Lariat, changing its trajectory, before grabbing Hiruzen with his arms and gaining some distance.

Hiruzen noticed that Ay's attack had heavily injured A's right hand, the one he used to counter Ay's attack; his knuckles were bleeding heavily and had swelled quite a lot.

"Raikage, stop defending me. The First and the Second are mine. You take care of your father. Can you do that?" Hiruzen asked with a grim look as Lightning armor engulfed A, who grinned wildly. His right hand was still bleeding, but he didn't seem to care about the pain.

"God damn, Old Man. After all the training, you are still stronger. This situation is fucked." A murmured under his breath as his father and the other two Kages approached them, but A noticed something. His father's hand was missing a chunk of it, which was slowly healing.

"Wood Style: World of Trees!" Trees erupted from the rooftop around Hiruzen and Ay. They leaped between expanding roots and branches, avoiding being crushed, but the trees kept coming, enclosing them in a dense forest of Hashirama's creation.

The trees continued spreading throughout the rooftop. A flailing root latched onto Hiruzen's ankle, and another constrained his arm. Ay was grabbed around the waist by a thorny branch and pulled to the ground. The boys were pinned down as well—they did not wake.

Hashirama's wood style began draining their chakra as Hiruzen and Ay struggled to break free.

"Hiruzen," said Hashirama. "You must defeat us!"

"I will!" Hiruzen roared as he used his arms to break free of the roots around him. He was quickly followed by A, who used his lightning to heat up the roots and for them to burst into flames.

"Father, I will free you and Orochimaru. I will kill you myself." A roared in anger as he used his speed to punch his father in the face, sending him flying before smashing against the barrier wall. His body was engulfed in flames, but A was relentless; he knew this was far from over.

A rushed him, but Ay quickly dodged before slamming his feet against A's face, causing his nose to break, before grabbing his head with his hands, smashing his forehead against A's face, cracking many of his bones, but A quickly punched him in the jaw, before kicking him in the stomach.

His face felt like it was on fire as his father stood up as if nothing had happened, looking at him strictly, as he always did. A hadn't seen his father for almost two decades, yet he still remembered the way he used to look at him. "You remember the promise you made me, A?" Ay demanded, allowing a ghost of a smile on his face as he breathed heavily.

' "Let me come with you," A pleaded as his father kept walking forward through the large Kumo camp; all the other Shinobis were evacuating. A could hear them rushing past them, many leading the horses away, some carrying the weapons; he could hear many wanting to stay and keep fighting, some still chasing glory, some wanting revenge for their loved ones.

"No." Ay said strictly, his voice making it clear that he wouldn't change his mind. A stumped the ground angrily, glaring at his father's back, who kept walking away, not caring that A was shedding tears.

"Why? I did everything you ever asked of ME, I trained until MY bones cracked. Otara left me because of this, and now you want me to leave you TOO! I tried. EVERYTHING. Why can't I come with you? I can watch your back and protect you." A begged, his legs turning wobbly as he cried. He knew he shouldn't. He had not cried for Kassa's death, not even for Momoke's death, even when every set of his eyes around him had cried for Momoke; he had been the only one there to keep his emotions in check, his father had taught him that a good warrior can always keep their emotions on check, and he had done that too, even when his friends called him emotionless, he had refused, but now. It all Felt TOO MUCH. He Couldn't handle it Anymore. 

"A." He looked up to see his father had stopped walking away, but his back was still facing him. "As you are right now, you will be nothing but a huge liability. How do you think I can fight, when I have to make sure my son doesn't lose his head during the fight. You are going away with the others, End of Disccusion." A sank on his knees, tears rolling down his face, dripping down into the dried ground.

"Am I a failure?" A didn't want to hear the answer, but he knew he had failed his father again.

"If you come with me and die. Yes. You will die a failure. Right now, you are not a failure, you are simply young, and you have yet to reach your full potential. If you come with me and die. You won't be able to reach that potential, if you can't. Then you will be a failure." A didn't have anything to say; he could still hear the sound of people running around and the tents being abandoned. The sound of footsteps echoed in the distance, appearing over the mountaintops; the Enemy was coming.

"Reach your full Potential, son, surpass me." As he started walking away, A looked up at his father, who kept walking away.

"I Will Reach My Full Potential, Father. I promise." '

A wiped away the blood from his nose as he let out a roar; his blue lightning cracked and grew, slowly changing color, turning into red lightning.

"I will defeat you. Father!" A roared in fury as he rushed towards him with all his speed.


Geovanni Otero

Naruto and one piece all that’s missing is bleach and dbz