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"H-How are you still alive?" Enel shouted in shock as Luffy walked out of the crater created by the Lightning Attack. His clothes were burned in several places, and the bandages covering his right arm had burned out, revealing his badly burned arm.

Luffy paid it no mind as he looked at Enel with clear disappointment. "Was that your best shot?" Enel growled in anger as Luffy formed a Tornado with black Lightning on his left palm.

"I lost against Akainu because of my cockiness. I thought because everyone so far was easy to defeat. I thought I was already powerful enough, and because of that. My crew paid the price of my foolishness. No More." Luffy stated as he slammed his left hand on his chest; the tornado entered his body.

"What are you doing?" Enel shouted, and one could hear fear sipping into his voice as the wind suddenly changed direction. Suddenly, a gust of wind slammed against him, planting his feet into the ground. He clenched hard as he tried not to be blasted off the top, but his feet slowly started being pushed back, leaving behind a trial on the ground. Enel's eyes widened as winds around the pirate scum started changing shape, many of them looking like snakes with red eyes and their jaws open, glaring at him.

"My Devil Fruit doesn't simply control Lightning; it controls the Storm itself and everything inside. Gear Second: Typhoon Man." Luffy shouted as Enel was blasted off from the place. He quickly used his Devil Fruit to return to the ground, but what he saw made his blood turn ice cold.

Luffy was enveloped by winds all around him, his straw hat moving wildly as a small tornado enveloped his entire being. Enel watched as the veins around Luffty's body started being more and more apparent; winds that looked like long snakes formed around Luffy, glaring at Enel, who flinched at the sight of them; the wind suddenly got denser. Enel quickly shielded his eyes with his arms; suddenly, tiny cuts started forming around the ground. Enel winced in pain as his body was suddenly cut on his arms and legs; while the wind got stronger and stronger, the tornado increased in size; Enel could hardly stay in place as Luffy looked at him; his eyes had changed color, now having the same color as ice in a frozen lake.

"You will never win against a God!" Enel shouted derisively as he used his staff. Lightning formed above his head before changing shape. Enel sent a giant electric dragon head towards Luffy, who stood in place. The wind enveloped him like armor.

Enel smirked, knowing there was no way for the pirate scum to dodge it, and he was proven right as the dragon head collided with Luffy; a blind light engulfed the entire sky as bolts of white Lightning spread everywhere, and the whole tree shooked violently.

"Was that it? I have to be honest. I'm disappointed," Enel gasped as the dust cloud that engulfed the new crater blasted away, and Luffy stepped forward.

Enel felt his heart beating in his throat at the sight before him. The white part of his eyes had turned a shade of red, while his eyes were the color of ice. His body was covered by winds that seemed like long snakes that swirled around it as if Luffy were their master. The snake head made of wind rested on Luffy's shoulder as Luffy kept moving forward, glaring at Enel, who gulped loudly.

"Since I arrived here, all I heard was about you. Everyone told me how you were a God and could never be defeated. Now, please tell me this is not all you can do." Luffy spoke with a sneer as a broad smile engulfed his face, but instead of smiling back, Enel felt terrified by that smile. It was unsettling. Suddenly, he heard the sound of the tip of his staff hitting the ground repeatedly, and he realized it.

I'm shaking!! Enel thought, but instead of backing away, he slammed his feet on the ground before letting out a cry. The clouds turned black above them as bolts of Lightning struck around them, but not one of them hit Luffy, despite Enel more than once directing them towards the pirate who didn't feel threatened.

"I'm a God, you filthy pirate," Enel shouted as Lightning enveloped him once again. "I have been a god for decades. Do you really think an ant like you can stand on the same level as me." Enel shouted with rage as the bolts of Lightning increased in size, many taking forms, looking like dragon heads.

"Who said anything about standing on the same level as you? You are so small. You are naught but a mere stepping stone for me. Not even that, you are just someone with a powerful enough devil fruit, and that's why you hide here because you know that down there, all your power will amount to nothing; you are so pathetic. You came here because you know you are weak, and only the smallest inconvenience has caused you to lose all the control you had. Look at yourself, all you have now is whatever scrap of ego you have left and all you can do is shout how you are a god, hoping that the actual god will give you some miracle, but gods will not help you. Even Coby, for how weak he was when I met him, even he was braver than you. You are nothing but a child who found a nest full of ants and acted like a god amongst them, completely ignoring the approaching Storm." Luffy spoke with an echo in his voice that caused the entire tree to shake, which Enel noticed, looking up at Luffy with even more fear, a fear he wanted to hide.

"Shut Up!! You are nothing but scum." Enel shouted as he used all the strength he had. The bolts of Lightning quickly came together in a single place above them; Luffy watched unbothered as the bolts of Lightning changed color, turning a shade of black. Suddenly, an enormous dragon head appeared from the clouds, roaring down at Luffy, who looked back at it unbothered.

"That's a very big lizard. I'm so scared," said Luffy with a sneer before looking back at Enel, whose Lightning around his body had turned black like those above them. Enel had a broad smile, licking his lips slowly before laughing loudly.

"You will pay for what you said, filthy pirates, and once I'm done with you, I will kill every single person down there that you call friend but don't worry, I will let you live long enough and simply watch as I butcher all of them," Enel claimed with a burst of sinister laughter. He expected Luffy to get angry, but the Captain of the Straw Hat pirates stared blankly at him.

"Is talking all you can do?" Enel quickly rushed at him, and with his staff at hand, he promptly slashed forward, but Luffy easily dodged his attack by stepping aside; his eyes remained fixed on Enel, who felt like he was looking at the devil himself.

"That's not an attack. This is an attack," Luffy said as the wind snake rushed towards him with its mouth open. Enel quickly turned his entire body into Lightning, expecting the wind snake's teeth to pass through his body, but instead, he let out a scream of pain as the teeth sunk deep into his shoulder.

"Go Away, Devil!" Enel screamed in pain as he quickly used his Lightning to get away, trying to gain some distance. Luffy simply stared at him, unimpressed. His wind snake returned to Luffy's shoulder, and just like the Captain, he, too, had a smile on his face.

I need to use my weapon right now; this is getting bad. Whoever he is, he is strong... Enel's thoughts trailed off as he fell to his knees; he felt it rushing up to his mouth. He closed his mouth in desperation, trying to hold it inside, but he couldn't; his mouth opened, and he puked a chunk of dark blood from his mouth. He breathed heavily, sweat rolling down his face, his vision blurred.

Why is my blood changing color and becoming thicker? Enel gasped as he looked at his shoulder, the place where the snake had bitten him. The holes had opened more, but that wasn't the worst; the veins near his shoulder were turning darker, suddenly visible through the skin.

"So you noticed, congratulations," Luffy said mockingly before laughing as he approached the fallen god menacingly.

"What did you do, how can you inject poison inside me, your snakes are made of wind??" Enel demanded, before coughing more blood and using his staff to stand up somehow; he would never be on his knees in front of a pirate scum like this man.

"Who said anything about poison?" Luffy asked with a mocking chuckle as the wind snake let out a similar sound, as if they were mocking Enel, who finally stood up. His entire left arm had swelled, and his skin had turned a deep shade of red, the veins visible through the skin and with dark blood rushing through them.

"What is it then?" Enel demanded as his vision got even more blurry; he could see the dark veins slowly approaching his heart; he tried to use his Mantra to fight back the infection, but no matter how hard he tried, the dark blood kept advancing through his body.

"Why would a Dead man need to know that?" Luffy questioned coldly, his voice making Enel panic. Grappling his staff as hard as possible, he quickly raised it towards the dragon head above them before bringing his staff down with all his strength. The Black Dragon's head let out a mighty roar that echoed for hundreds of miles away before rushing right at Luffy, who looked up at him without a hint of fear in his eyes.

A Massive explosion of black Lightning engulfed the entire beanstalk. Those at the bottom looked as the massive tree started shaking violently. Suddenly, the top started collapsing, bursting into flames that quickly engulfed the entire thing.

"Who did that?" Chopper shouted in fear. Usopp gulped hard at the sight of the top of the massive beanstalk falling down as if made of paper, feeling fear at the sight of such power. But he looked at everyone else. Even Nami didn't look frightened, so despite the fear he was feeling, Usopp didn't cover in fear this time. Instead, he quickly refilled his revolvers with more ammo.

Come on, Luffy. Where are you? There's no way this is your end, Usopp thought, sweat rolling down his face as the top of the tree fell down, crashing on the Upper Yard. A large dirt cloud covered the entire thing.

"Was Luffy defeated?" Cricket asked fearfully, but as he looked at the Straw Hats, he could see that none of them seemed concerned, not even the doctor deer; he wasn't sure what his name was.

The answer to his question came in the form of a figure crashing down. As the dust cloud faded away, Enel lay on the ground on his back; his entire body was bruised, with hundreds of cuts and dark veins spread all around his body, but he wasn't alone, just as Wyper was ready to do the finishing blow, he was stopped when Luffy walked out of the dust cloud, but he was different. Many gulped at the sight of Luffy; he looked terrifying as he kneeled down to Enel, looking down at him as if he were a mere ant.

"How the mighty have called, tell me how does it feel to be an ant?" Luffy asked with a wide grin that only made Enel shiver in fear, but that was nothing when Luffy grabbed him by the throat.

"You attacked my nakama. I never forgive someone who does that-" Enel opened his mouth and screamed in pain, his body thrashing around, but Luffy wasn't letting go of him, and the scream only got louder and louder. Cricket watched as the one who was seen as an unstoppable god now was screaming in pain at the mercy of a pirate.

"How about I made your body boil?" Luffy asked with an innocent smile; his grip around Enel's throat grew tighter; he could hardly breathe as he kept screaming in pain. His skin started blistering; it seemed as if his skin was boiling. The fingernails began falling off his fingers, sliding down as his skin turned bright red and black, and the black veins underneath became more and more apparent.

"Luffy, just kill him." But their Captain wasn't listening as Enel's scream grew louder and louder; his skin started peeling off his chest, revealing the red meat underneath, and his dark veins spilled open like sieves.

"Luffy, Enough." Name shouted with a hint of desperation as she ran up to him, hugging him from behind, her arms around him; this made Luffy let go of Enel and go silent as Nami hugged him from behind, her head resting against his back.

"Is enough, Luffy. We all are safe. It's over." Nami spoke softly from behind, not wanting to let go as Luffy slowly turned back to normal; his eyes turned normal, and the wind snakes disappeared.

"Thank you, Nami," Luffy said with gratitude before reaching up, his hand closing around Nami's hand tightly, almost afraid that she would disappear. Slowly, Nami pulled away from him, allowing Luffy to turn around and look at her; his left hand cupped her cheek when Nami noticed something that made her gasp.

"Your arm!" Nami shouted, pointing at his right arm; Luffy looked down at it. The charred dark skin had recovered, now looking much healthier, but there were still quite a few black spots around his arm, and there was a long scar like a thin snake that ran from his wrist all the way to his shoulder.

But Luffy wasn't bothered, and for the first time since the fight with Akainu, he tried to move his right hand; he winced in pain but still slowly moved it, and his hand closed into a fist.

Nami smiled in joy to see that. The other crewmates looked happy to see their Captain recovering. Robin felt her heart swell with joy at the sight, still remembering the way he protected her from Enel.

"Wypar, this war is over. Tell the whole Sky Island that Enel is Dead." Luffy shouted. Wyper quickly roared in happiness, raising his arm. After years of fighting, they finally won against the one everyone considered a God.



Once word spread of Enel's defeat, everyone gathered to celebrate. Food and drinks were brought, and everyone was in high spirits. A large bonfire was in the middle, and people danced around it.

Luffy and his crew were drinking and eating, and even Vivi couldn't help but enjoy herself. At this moment, she forgot about her worries and what her father was doing, but she knew that sooner or later, she needed to decide and no longer regret what she had chosen for herself.

Zoro was busy drinking as much beer as he could, currently in a competition with Nami, who smirked like a devil as Usopp poured the beer for them.

"Zoro, I Know my sister. No one can defeat her when it comes to drinking alcohol." Nojiko warned the swordsman, but her words were ignored as he slammed his glass on the ground near Nami's glass after drinking the entire beer poured inside.

"We will see about that. I will never lose to a witch," Zoro exclaimed with the same determination as always. Nami's smile grew, and suddenly, she had a look of greed in her eyes—that kind of look that made even someone like Zoro gulp slightly. He had to admit that their navigator had become scarier since eating her devil fruit, but he wasn't one to back down from anything, especially from a Drinking Beer Competition.

How about we make it more exciting? Whoever loses needs to give the other ten million berries," Nami suggested with a greedy smile. Robin giggled at their antics while Luffy's broad smile returned as he laughed out loud.

"Shishishishishi, Zoro. I think you should give up. Nami can win against all of us when it comes to drinking beer." Luffy warned him, but this made his swordsman even more determined, something he knew right away would happen.

"I promised you that I would never lose again, and I will keep that promise." Zoro reminded Luffy with a look of pure determination.

"I'm pretty sure that meant only in an actual fight for your life, not who can drink more beer." But Usopp was ignored when Zoro and Nami started drinking, drinking, drinking, and drinking some more. The one empty barrel soon turned into seven empty barrels.

"Stop it, both of you. You will get poisoned." Chopper tried to convince them, but his words were brushed aside as Usopp poured more beer for them. Nami's face had turned bright red from the beer, and her eyes were half closed; she looked on the verge of falling asleep, but Zoro looked even worse than her, his body moving around like a leaf; he looked as if he was about to fall at any second.

"The 41th cup." Usopp shouted after pouring more beer, but this time, as they started drinking, Zoro was halfway through this one. Suddenly, he stopped and fell to his side on the ground, his glass slipping from his fingers and rolling down while Zoro snored loudly.

"Nami, Nami is the winner!" Luffy shouted the loudest, quickly raising his lover up; Nami cheered, drinking the rest of her cup before throwing it away. Luffy's arms were around her waist as he raised her up, despite the pain he was feeling on his right arm, he ignored it and kept celebrating; she kept cheering before looking down at Luffy, whose face was just against her belly. She quickly lowered herself, kissing him on the lips right in front of their crew.

Sanji growled slightly, but this time he simply looked away, happy to see that Nami was happy with the moron captain.

As he inhaled deeply, he looked up in the sky and stared at the stars above them; everyone around them was still celebrating. Cricket and his two monkey brothers grabbed everyone's attention. They and Wyper were drinking and celebrating with the other warriors. Wyper had introduced Cricket as a friend and as a descendant of Noland, which had caused everyone to try to become his friend immediately. Even the old knight was present, but unlike the others, he wasn't drinking as much and was keeping his distance, away from the bonfire, with his trusty horse by his side.

Sanji let out a puff of smoke before approaching the old man. "Do you not like the party?" Sanji asked, whose eyes flickered at him before looking back at the giant bonfire.

"I'm just not used to this for such a long time. We all lived in fear of Enel, and now. A part of me still can't believe he's truly gone," the old man said grumpily, giving his horse an apple.

"I know that feeling well, old man, but one advice. You can't allow the past to shape you. If you do, then you will never move on." Sanji said wisely as he grabbed a cigarette from his box and handed it to the old knight. The old knight looked at the cigarette as if not sure he should accept it, but eventually, he grabbed it and leaned forward. Sanji used his lighter to lighten his cigarette.

The old knight inhaled. When the cigarette's smoke went down his throat, he quickly started coughing, but despite that, he inhaled once again; the second one was better.

"Feeling better?"

"...Yes. Thank you, Chef of the Straw Hats." the old man said with a ghost of a smile before looking up at Sanji.

"Do you have your own past that you try to run away from?" He asked. This made Sanji freeze for a moment, as he remembered the face of a man with blonde hair like his, his face, and the faces of three others, the faces of people he wanted to forget the most, but two faces still stayed with him to this day, he could almost remember her blonde hair.

"Yes." That's all Sanji said before sitting down on a tree branch. He looked at the bonfire, the embers dancing in the air, but what caught his attention was his Captain making a dance in front of the bonfire. While he found it a little funny, he heard a gasp. He quickly looked to his right to see the old man with a look of astonishment.

"Oi, what happened?" Sanji questioned, not understanding what caused the old man to look at his Captain as if he saw a ghost.

"That kid...he is...Ni...Nothing, he just reminds me of someone. That's all," the old man said with a cough. Sanji narrowed his gaze at him but decided not to ask more questions and enjoy the party.

Luffy laughed out from something ridiculous that Usopp was doing with his face.


"Robin, are you sure it's here?" Luffy questioned as he used the ball of air for his crew to float along with him, including the Monkey brothers and Wyper.

"Yes, Captain. It should be around here somewhere." Robin answered as they floated above a sea of clouds, even higher than the beanstalk. All they could see were clouds everywhere.

Cricket and his Monkey brothers looked quite nervous. They were sweating despite not being that hot up here.

"There!" Cricket abruptly shouted, pointing a finger at the far distance. The others quickly looked at where he was pointing. Luffy squinted his eyes and saw something glittering above a cloud.

"Yes, there's definitely Gold there!" Nami shouted, her eyes turning into berry signs, much to Zoro's disgust, who murmured 'Witch' under his breath, but his choice of words didn't sit well with Nami.

"Zoro, you officially owe me ten million berries." Nami reminded him with a greedy smile, rubbing her hands together. Zoro growled, looking away, much to the amusement of the crew, especially Sanji, who was greatly satisfied by seeing the mosshead being put in his place.

Luffy laughed out loud as he increased the speed of the air ball, but Usopp noticed that it wasn't going as fast as it did last time. "Luffy, why are you not going faster?"

"Because we are much higher now, the higher I go, the weaker this ball of air becomes, and I'm pretty sure if I keep going higher. Eventually this ball will pop and we all will fall to our deaths." Luffy japed with a wide grin, but the crewmates weren't as amused.

"That's not funny Luffy," Usopp berated his Captain, who simply laughed it off.

"It must have to do with the air not being as dense up here," Nami reasoned as they approached the shining thing in the distance.

"That-That-That must be-"

"The Shandorian Golden Belfry Bell." Cricket finished for his brother, looking amazed at the sight.

The air ball disappeared as they reached the cloud. Their feet could stand on the cloud's surface, but all their attention was on the giant golden bell before them. Standing on a platform that was also made of gold, which glittered against the sunlight, the bell was supported by two large golden beams that made it stand three feet above the platform.

The platform had two sets of staircases that led to the bell. They quickly noticed that it was covered in plants and tree branches. The gold was covered in moss in many places, but that didn't take away from its beauty.

"It's real. I can't believe it after so long," Cricket said, amazed, tears rolling down his face. He looked at the bell and could almost see a vision of Noland shaking hands with someone who looked similar to Wyper.

"Now. This is your chance to prove everyone, even those down there, that Noland was No Liar," Wyper reminded him, placing a hand on Cricket's shoulder. The latter knew that, and without saying a word, he strode forward, climbing up the stairs and reaching the golden bell. His hands grasped the heavy clapper of the bell.

Cricket took a deep breath before moving the clapper. It felt like moving a house, but he would never give up. He moved it towards himself with all his strength, and with a roar, he pushed it forward, and the bell rang.

"Wooowwww!" Chopper stared, amazed at the sight as its beautiful melody echoed for miles ahead, undoubtedly would be heard all the way to the blue sea. Luffy smiled in satisfaction to see Cricket and his monkey brothers sharing a big hug as the bell kept ringing for everyone to hear.

Nami, while she would want to take that bell with her, she knew Luffy wouldn't allow her to take this one bell.

"Luffy, can we take that bell with us, pretty please?" Nami begged with puppy eyes while pushing up her breasts, knowing how much Luffy loved to play with them every time they fucked, despite her best attempt. Luffy smiled widely before putting his arm around her waist, bringing her closer to him.

"Nope," Luffy said with a burst of laughter when Nami pouted loudly before trying to escape his grasp but not really giving it all.

"Hey, don't make that face, Nami. Last time I checked, there's an entire city of gold just waiting for us." He whispered with a grin, which made Nami squeal. Her eyes turned to berry signs, and now she remembered why she loved her Captain so much.

"Thank you, Luffy!" Nami shouted before kissing him on the lips, but eventually, they pulled away when they saw Robin approaching the platform.

"This is a poneglyph!" Robin said, astonished as she strode towards the one thing in this place that wasn't made of gold. Luffy looked down and saw that underneath the bell, in front of the platform made of gold, was a square part that wasn't made of gold.

"What does it say, Robin?" Luffy asked as he approached her as she read what was written, but Luffy noticed something that caught him off guard: on the side of the poneglyph, words that looked similar to those written on the poneglyph were carved into the gold near.

"Gol D. Roger was here, Luffy. It's said that he was able to carve this message with the help of a man named Kozuki Oden." Robin answered, looking back at him with a look of amazement.

"Wait, I thought his name was Gold Roger?!" Vivi asked in confusion.

"That doesn't seem to be the case. I doubt the Pirate King would get his own name wrong." Robin answered as she wrote something in a notebook. Luffy gave her a nod. She knew they would have a private discussion later on about what was written in the Poneglyph. Robin was delighted that her Captain wanted to know more about One Piece and the Void Century.

After marveling at the golden bell for an hour, Luffy decided the time had come for them to return. "Should we return the bell to its place? I'm sure I can carry it with my Airball," Luffy asked Wyper and Cricket, and they both smiled brightly. That was more than enough.

With Luffy's help, the bell was once again returned to its rightful place, and the crowd cheered in joy.

Days Later

Four days later, in the middle of the night, someone started yelling, and it happened to be Luffy, "Vivi, get up. We are going to steal the gold and run," Luffy whispered to her, and the young woman barely heard what he said, "Whatever, have fun," she mumbled in sleep.

"What are you talking about? We are pirates, and we love treasures," he defended. I know, but if we do it later, I want to sleep." Sadly, they didn't leave her alone, and she had to force herself to get up before the sun even arose.

Luffy, Nami, Usopp, and Chopper went into the snake's stomach. Vivi stayed out with Zoro, who was training his skills.

Vivi remained silent as Zoro kept training. After a few minutes, he sheathed his swords and looked down at Vivi, who seemed deep in thought.

"You are thinking about your father, aren't you?" Zoro asked, and the Princess knew there was no point in lying. Zoro was her crewmate, so she knew she could trust him just as much as anyone else in their crew.

"Yes," Vivi said reluctantly, whispering so quietly that even Zoro found it a bit difficult to understand.

"Well, if you want my advice, then you should stop thinking about it." Vivi looked up at him as if he had just gone mad. She quickly stood up and turned to face him, hissing in anger like a snake.

"How can you say that, Zoro? My father is alone, my country is in shambles—" "Why did you come with us?" Zoro demanded firmly, interrupting her. A look of defeat engulfed her face, and as she looked down at her, she wasn't sure what answer to give. She quickly noticed Sanji was nearby, but he didn't seem angry with Zoro. She understood that even Sanji agreed with what Zoro was saying.

"When you joined us, you knew what you were leaving behind. One can't just join a Pirate crew and leave whenever they feel like it. If one could do that so easily, then that crew is doomed to fail Princess. The Captain knows that, too. So, If I were you, I would decide soon whether or not I still want to be a pirate, because there's no place in this crew for people who have no idea what they want. Even Usopp, he left his girlfriend behind, but you don't see him crying over her. Nami and Nojiko left behind their home they fought so hard to free. Annoying Cook over there left behind his only real family to come with us. Chopper left behind his home and the woman who taught him everything he knows. All of us left behind something or someone dear to us. You are nothing special, Princess. So decide, and do it quickly." Zoro finished his talk with a demanding voice before walking past her.

Vivi was left alone, but she knew he was right; she needed to choose. A gentle breeze touched her face, and the smell of sand reached her nose, reminding her of her home. Now, she understood why her father had given her that talk about Duty so many years ago. It almost felt like a different life.

" "Love is the Death of Duty, Vivi." Her father said as they strode along the garden. She looked up at him curiously.

"What do you mean?"

"A time comes in a man or woman's life where they must choose. Doing your duty and doing the right thing is easy, but when love is involved, it's not so easy anymore. What is honor compared to a woman's love? What is duty against the feel of a newborn son in your arms ... or the memory of a brother's smile? Wind and words. Wind and words. We are only human, and the gods have fashioned us for love. That is our great glory and our great tragedy. One day, you will have to choose Love or Duty and live with that decision, Vivi. You are a Princess of Alabasta. People think the lives of Royal families are full of food and gold, but our duty makes even the softest pillow feel like a cactus. Being Royalty is not Easy. You will have to make decisions, and those decisions won't always be the good ones during these moments. Listen to your heart. What makes You Happy." '

"Vivi, you feeling alright?" Nojiko asked her. Vivi blinked several times, looking down at her hands. Her blue glittered as a single tear rolled down her face.

She had made her decision. It would hurt, but she knew that. The life of a Royalty was never an easy one. She knew the meaning of that now.

"I have decided Nojiko." The blue-haired pirate woman remained silent as the Princess of Alabasta looked at Going Merry.

"From now on. I'm Vivi. A Pirate of the Straw Hats."



Man enel death was brutal he get his comeuppance , and luffy arm is cured good now with all that money they could rebuilt the merry and thank for the two chapter


There’s a reason why Enel thought Luffy was the devil when he used his new gear.