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I'm happy to bring you all another Chapter of A Spirit of Elements.

Naruto is out of the cell and has reunited with Asami and Korra, and his family after two months of being separated, but his Trial that decides his future is today. Will he be free, or will things worsen for our Hero?

I hope you enjoy the Chapter ;)

"I-I missed you all." Asami choked on a sob, quickly kissing his lips in front of everyone, but Korra wasn't far behind, sharing a kiss with him too. Kya arched an eyebrow at the sight before looking at her brother, waiting for an explanation, but he gave her a look as if to say. 'We will talk later.'

Once they pulled away, they helped him to walk out of the cell.

"Naruto, how are you feeling, do you need anything?" Asami asked, concerned, as they helped him to walk out of the cell. They knew he was weak, Tenzin quickly placed Naruto's arm around his shoulder, helping him out.

"Thank you, Uncle," Naruto said, on the verge of losing consciousness. Korra quickly nudged him gently; she didn't want him to fall asleep in their arms.

"Naruto, are you feeling well?" Korra asked concerned. She knew he wouldn't be the same, especially after being in a prison like this, but she had never expected him to look like this.

Naruto looked at them; his blue eyes seemed to glitter for the first time, but it wasn't how he used to smile at them. still, it was better than the blank look he had when they walked inside the cell. "You are all here. This is all I need." Naruto rasped weakly, feeling exhausted as he took deep breaths, Asami choked on a sob, but she didn't want to cry in front of him; he needed their support, and she knew she needed to help him, and not cry and make him feel worse.

"I will never let you go again, Naruto," Asami promised, cupping his cheek; he smiled at her, his blue eyes glittered with love; she kissed his forehead before kissing his lips. They had been together for a long time, and she knew what her heart felt for him. Not having him around was painful, something she never wanted to experience again. The weeks of him being in prison felt like torture as if a part of her was no longer with her. Even if the whole world hated Naruto, she would still love him, the man who saved her family and stole her heart. The man who made her giggle every time he was near her.

Soon enough, they walked him to the elevator; once they did, Lin pushed the button, and the elevator started going up; Lin turned to face the rest.

"Is everyone at the Republic City?" Korra asked firmly, wanting to know if everyone who would support Naruto had arrived.

Kya was trying to give him water, but the blonde only took small sips of it. He had lost weight, and his skin had turned pale like milk from the lack of sunlight. His legs and his entire body hurt a lot. Naruto felt like his body would collapse. Simply standing on his feet felt painful and exhausting.

"Yes, but we have a problem in our hands," Lin reported with a not-so-happy face. Korra cursed under her breath before pouting loudly.

She knew half the people in Republic City weren't okay with her siding with Naruto and not siding with the side that wanted him punished for what they believed were his crimes. Now, going to the Republic City felt like going to a warzone. Kyoshi would often tell her something like 'I told you so' or some shit like that.

"What now?" Tenzin asked with a weary sigh as he pinched his nose. He felt exhausted. He wanted all of this to end as soon as possible, just to be done with it. He wanted everything to return to how it was, but he knew life was never that easy.

"The Earth Queen is against Naruto. Yesterday, she had a meeting with the press, and she made it public that she wanted Naruto executed for his crimes, telling the press that he was too dangerous to be kept alive." Lin informed everyone with a heavy sigh. Korra felt the need to punch something, but she wasn't as hotheaded as she once was. She was better at controlling her emotions and not letting them run wild, most of the time.

"The Earth Queen! Why does she even care?" Asami questioned what everyone else was thinking; she usually didn't care what happened outside of her territory, so why did she come all the way over here to be against Naruto.

Tenzin and the others had been counting on her not appearing at all, which would have made this Trial much easier. Now, they had the Queen of the Largest Nation against them. Korra quickly reminded herself that Lord Zuko had promised to help Naruto. Tenzin would help, too, as would the Southern Water Tribes. With just a little luck, they could find a way to win this Trial.

"That's not all." Lin's words felt like a punch in the gut for everyone; she turned to face Korra. "You have an uncle named Unalaq, right?" Korra blinked several times. She hadn't expected that question and why even ask about him, she had seen him only a few times her entire life, and he was mostly a quiet man who didn't talk much, all she knew about him was that he and her father weren't in the best terms with each other.

"...Yes, but what does—" "He has come to Republic City, representing the Northern Water Tribes," Lin added, interrupting Korra. This caught the Avatar a little off guard, but she quickly smiled in relief. Even if she didn't know him, she figured her father had talked to him into supporting Naruto.

"He's here to support us, right?" Lin's head shook, and the Avatar's heart sank a little.

"He has come here with his small council from the Northern Water Tribe, and he had a meeting with the journalists from famous newspapers here in Republic City. He told everyone that Korra is spitting on her duty as the Avatar by siding with a known killer who holds more power than the Avatar itself." Lin's words made Korra growl in anger, punching the side of the elevator, causing the metal to bend slightly, much to Lin's shock.

"Spitting on the duty of the Avatar. How am I doing that? I'm trying to save an innocent man from-" "I'm not innocent Korra." Naruto's words felt like a dagger cutting through the air as he tried to stand up; with the help of Kya and Asami, he took deep breaths as Korra turned to look at him with concern.

"Of course, you are, Naruto, it's not your fault that you lose control after what...happened to Asami." She said a little reluctantly, pointing at their girlfriend, knowing how close to death she had been because of that wound; Naruto's eyes briefly flickered at Asami for a moment before looking back at Korra.

"Whatever is my fault or not doesn't matter; people of this city saw me attacking them. I lost control, and many people paid the price, people who had nothing to do with that." Naruto's words made Korra remember the massive Camp of people who had lost their homes because of the bomb; she hadn't told anyone that she had been there, and she had seen with her eyes how many people had suffered because of the attack, she didn't want to imagine what would have happened if the bomb hadn't been aimed upwards at the very last moment, she knew it would have destroyed half of the city, and she knew better than to tell Naruto about the Camp, she knew how much he wanted to help people, and telling him about that would only get things worse for his mental state.

Tenzin knew his nephew quite well, so he knew he was going through a tough time; despite not being in control of his actions, he knew Naruto still blamed himself for what happened that night. He just hoped that his nephew hadn't lost all hope.

"Maybe Naruto, but blaming yourself is not going to change-" "I'm not blaming myself, I lost control and people died, whatever or not it was my fault, it doesn't matter, people saw me as the monster who almost destroyed the entire city, and what happens if I lose control again."

"I will stop you." Korra was quick to say that.

"And if you can't?" Korra had no answer to that. She opened and closed her mouth several times. She knew there was a big chance that her Bloodbending wouldn't be enough to knock him unconscious during a fight if he lost control again, especially if he went into the Four Tails Beast. She shuddered just at the mere thought of him in that way. Korra had never felt more fear than when that beast stared at her blankly.

"Don't talk like that." Kya interrupted him, tears streaming down her face; she cupped his cheek before hugging him close. Naruto felt his heart breaking into pieces; seeing her cry was the last thing he wanted.

"I will never give up on you. I... don't want to lose you too." She choked on a sob as she said that, remembering the first time she had held Naruto in her arms, the first time he had smiled and laughed at her, but she still remembered her lost son Akiun; she remembered his little unmoving body, his eyes frozen forever, at that moment, her heart had been shattered, a pit had been left behind.

The growing son on her belly had convinced her keep moving forward and not give up after her husband's death, but when she had seen him, not moving, not breathing, not crying, but lying there limply on her arms, cold like ice, she had screamed to the heavens, cursing the world for taking everything from her.

She had thought of ending it all; it hurt too much, and she didn't want to bear that pain. But her mother had been there to help and talk to her, but even she couldn't fill the hole left in her heart.

But then, on that fateful night, her father arrived carrying Naruto in his arms. She remembered his little face, his tiny blonde hair, and his beautiful smile. His presence had filled her heart with joy. The moment she had seen him, she knew she loved him as if he were Akiun. Now, facing the biggest challenge yet, she wouldn't allow her son to drown in guilt. He deserved the world. He was a good and kind man.

She felt his arms around her. She quickly hugged him back, his lips kissing the top of her head. Naruto didn't promise her that he wouldn't leave her alone. He knew there was a chance they could decide to punish him, and if that happened, he didn't want them to destroy their lives over him.

"Korra, any hope that you can talk with your uncle, he is the leader of the Northern Water Tribe, so having him against us wouldn't really be good for any of us, we are already in trouble with the Earth Queen being here, but having the leader of the bigger Water Tribe against us?" Lin asked, sounding exasperated.

"Not really. My father and Uncle were never in good terms with each other. The last time I saw him was...I think five years ago. I'm not sure I would even recognise him if we passed by each other on the road." Korra answered with a nervous smile, Lin sighed wearily, feeling a headache, she felt like someone was hitting her with the hammer every time she talked with Korra.

"I'm not sure talking to him is going to help us, he said that the Avatar is spitting on her job, so he's not here to side with us, and I don't think saying words to him will convince him otherwise." Asami reasoned, Lin figured as much, but it was good that her mother was here to help Naruto, her name still held a lot of strength and respect in the Republic City, not to mention she was the first metalbender.

Eventually, they reached the top. Once the elevator door opened, Naruto wasn't surprised one bit to see two lines of Metalbender soldiers waiting for them; at least thirty of them were waiting for them.

"One can never be too careful," Naruto murmured. His mother tried to help him walk, but he refused her help as he walked on his own. His feet burned badly, and his knees felt like they would snap with every step he took, but he ignored all of that.

As he walked through the line of soldiers, he was led outside. Once he took one step outside, what seemed like a sea of journalists was waiting for him down the road at the foot of the staircase that led inside the building, many flashing their cameras in front of him.

Naruto felt a sharp pain on his head; the light, it was too much light; his eyes burned, and he closed his eyes tightly as countless questions were thrown at him without mercy.

"Naruto Uzumaki, is it true that you are controlled by a spirit?"

"How did you come in contact with this spirit?"

"Is it true that you purposely attacked the nonbender section of the city?"

"Do you think there's danger that you will attack again?"

"Are you stronger than the Avatar?"

"Is it true that you and the Avatar are in love, is that why she's protecting you?"

Naruto felt like he would go deaf, and the many flashes of the cameras were really painful. He breathed heavily, and his weakened body felt painful. Their constant voices were really irritating them. He growled, ready to tell them all to leave him alone. How dare they ask if he purposely attacked the city? He always wanted to help. Had all that help gone down the drain? Had it been forgotten?

"Enough, stand back. I'm the chief Police, and I will have you all arrested if you don't stand back." Lin came to his rescue, using her iron wires to scare off the journalists who stepped away from Naruto, clearing a path for him.

He sighed in relief, and thankfully he didn't need to stay outside for long as they walked downstairs towards a car; Asami opened the door of an automobile for him; he quickly stepped inside, and he recognized it right away; it was an automobile of the Police for him, the inside was secured with metal bars, and the doors were much thicker and stronger, it could go much faster than all the other cars.

"Thank you, Lin," Naruto said genuinely as he sat down, ready to ask questions now that he was out of that hellhole. Lin put on the keys and started driving away, with the journalists following behind, some running after the car.

"So, who is part of this trial?" Naruto asked right away as Lin was driving the Auto Mobile; his Uncle and mother quickly explained everything to him.

When they were done, Naruto felt both touched and guilty that so many people were trying to protect him. He knew he was responsible for what happened; he had let himself lose control, and he knew what would happen if he allowed it to happen, but he still allowed it; the sight of Asami dying had made him lose all of it. He felt responsible for that; he knew it, he knew what would happen, and still allowed it to happen just so he could kill Amon and Tarrlok, the two people who ruined everything for him.

"What about Amon and Tarrlok? Where are they? Are they imprisoned somewhere?" Naruto questioned with a growl of anger. He didn't remember if he had done something to them, but whatever it had been, it wasn't enough.

"Tarrlok is dead, Naruto, in your rage you killed him, but Amon. I and a group of Police Officers have been looking for him since the incident, but we have no sight of him anywhere, some rumours say that he escaped the Republic City using a boat with his lover, but as I said, we don't really know, he could be dead, but I have a feeling he's still out there kicking. Let's hope that he won't show up again, despite the wounds you gave him, his Bloodbending is still unmatched by anyone." Upon saying that, Naruto noticed how Korra flinched slightly for a moment, but he decided to ignore that for now and focus on something more important.

"Wait, does the Republic City know that I killed Tarrlok in my rage? How is not my head already on a spike somewhere?" Naruto questioned, a little baffled; Tarrlok had been a councilman, one of the most important people in the city.

"Thankfully, there were more than enough witnesses who saw him use Bloodbending, and using it is a crime against the Avatar and the Nations. So, the council is not as mad as they would have been if Tarrlok had been an innocent Councilman." Lin informed him, sounding relieved; Naruto nodded as he looked out the window, watching the streets go by; he knew Asami and his mother were holding his hands.

"How many people died?" Naruto finally asked with a heavy voice. Silence fell over everyone. One could cut through the tension with a knife. Tenzin stiffened. While Korra was trying to come up with something to say, perhaps to change the subject they were discussing, the only noise heard inside the car was the sound of the wheels moving and the faint sound of the people talking outside as they drove past them.

"Yesterday came the latest report, Naruto. It took a while since many had been under the rubble of the destroyed houses. In total, there have been one hundred and nine deaths, hundreds more are injured, and the total property damage is over a million Earth Gold Money." Lin informed him with an emotionless voice. Tenzin gave her a glare for telling Naruto that, but Lin didn't agree with him.

In her mind, it was better for him to learn the truth from them rather than someone telling him, like a journalist who couldn't keep their mouth shut. It was not like that information would be kept secret for long. Lin knew for certain this information would be brought up during the Trial.

Everyone's eyes were on Naruto, who remained as silent as a grave. His eyes lost all brightness and were blank like a corpse. The blonde closed his eyes as tears rolled down his face.

They are dead. I... I can never bring them back; it's over. No matter how sorry I feel, the dead will stay dead, and those who loved them will still mourn them. That can never change. Naruto thought as he opened his eyes. He knew crying about it wouldn't bring anyone back, but that didn't mean he didn't feel guilty.

It's all your fault.

A voice spoke in his head. Naruto closed his ears. He didn't want to listen to the voice, and he didn't want any of this to happen.

They are all dead because of you; you wanted revenge for Asami.

Naruto closed his ears; he wanted to scream at him, to Leave him Alone.

And the worst part. You could have killed your family because of your desire for revenge.

Shut Up, Shut Up. Shut UP! Naruto screamed in his head as he held his head, trying desperately to silence the words.

"Naruto!" He escaped his thoughts when he felt someone shaking him. He looked to see everyone staring at him with concern except Lin, who was driving.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," Naruto answered right away with a hint of irritation, not looking at anyone; the others shared a look. They knew he wasn't being honest with them.

"Naruto, you can tell-" "There's nothing to Tell!!" Naruto interrupted her with a much louder and harsher voice than he had wanted. She looked at him with a hurt look, and he felt terrible for making her feel like that.

"I'm sorry, I just haven't slept well," Naruto said reassuringly; Asami looked at him before placing her arm around his shoulder, bringing him closer to him.

"Don't worry, it will be over soon, and you will be free." She tried to reassure him, but the blonde couldn't help but feel something would go terribly wrong.

He looked at his family; he knew how he would have felt if they had been the ones to be taken away from him; he would have been heartbroken and would have wanted revenge against whoever took them away.

"Lin, be honest. How high are the chances that I'm not killed or imprisoned somewhere deep underground after this Trial?" Naruto asked her instead of his Uncle, knowing he would try to sugarcoat the situation, making it seem that it was not as bad. Lin was different; he knew he could rely on her to tell him the truth.

Lin sighed wearily, suddenly feeling much older than she was. She really wanted to tell him that he would be free after all was said and done, but she couldn't do that. There were many factors that were outside of their control.

"I think the chances are fifty-fifty, Naruto. But even if you are not imprisoned, your life will never be the same, with the kind of strength you have when you are not in control, people will try to use you. I hear the Earth Queen is quite greedy, so I wouldn't be surprised if she suggested that you should be under their control, whatever the case. Naruto, things will change." Lin said with pure honesty; Naruto didn't frown or look broken. Instead, he smiled at her.

"Despite what I say, I think you are a really good woman, Lin." Naruto said sincerely with a grateful smile, causing her eyes to widen. He had never said something like that to her, and hearing him talk like that, Lin was thankful that she could hold herself. Her eyes burned, but just for a moment, as she quickly regained her composure.

"Look, I appreciate everything you all do for me. I love all of you." Korra couldn't help but feel a sense of dread as if something would go wrong.

"Naruto, we are family, never forget that." Tenzin reminded him, feeling a little anxious; he didn't like the way his nephew was talking to them, as if the matter was already settled; he didn't want to believe that, no matter what, he would fight for his nephew, he was innocent, and all he needed was chance to prove himself.

"But I want you all to promise me something if things don't go well. I want you all to accept it and not try to free me. It could break down everything. The countries have been united since the Republic City. Going against the Decision of the United Army, it might break down everything Avatar Aang built for us." Naruto spoke firmly, looking at everyone's faces. His mother looked down at her hands, tears already flowing down her cheeks; even Lin looked distraught.

"I can't promise you that, Naruto. Do you really think we would be able to live with ourselves if we just gave up on you?" Tenzin turned to look over his shoulder. You might not have my blood, Naruto, but you are my nephew. That's all the reason I need to protect you from everyone." Tenzin finished with a look of determination.

Naruto looked down at his lap. He hugged his mother, his uncle, kissing Asami and Korra in the lips.

"So, did you learn anything from Kyuubi while inside the cell?" Tenzin asked; he remembered the name of the creature living inside his nephew, but he still couldn't quite understand how that worked.

"Not much." Naruto lied, something Lin noticed from his tone, but decided to keep quiet for now.

"Naruto, before we go there-" Naruto listened as Tenzin told him a different version of how he got in contact with Kyuubi, a version that he hoped would work. The blonde was reluctant but still decided to go along with the plan.

Eventually, their car stopped in front of the largest Military building in the Republic City. They were surrounded by a sea of people, all of them wanting to ask questions and learn more about Naruto as if he were some kind of celebrity. The blonde ignored them as he stepped out of the car. Guarding the place were the First Division of the United Army, one hundred benders, all amongst the best.

Naruto knew they all were here to neutralise him if he loses control again, but he wasn't sure how much they could do if that happened again. In front of them was a long staircase that led inside the building. The blonde sighed heavily, knowing this was the most important moment of his life.

"We are here, Naruto. You are not alone." His mother said reassuringly from behind. As they walked through the sea of journalists, they bombarded him and Korra with questions. It took everything for her not to get angry with them, especially when they asked questions about her love life.

But the Journalists weren't the only ones present. The people of the Republic City had arrived, too, benders and nonbenders. They could all hear their shouts, and all of them wanted one thing.

For justice to be served, Naruto easily ignored them. What irritated him were the words thrown towards Korra for her decision to support him.

"Down with the Avatar."

"Avatar Korra is the Worst Avatar."

"She's working with the biggest threat of Humanity. She's worse than him."

"She deserves to be Punished too."

"Just kill her. The next Avatar will be better anyway."

Korra looked down at her feet. Hearing such words, she felt her eyes burning, but she refused to look weak. She had made her decision, and she would stick with it to the bitter end. She remembered Kuruk's words.

"Korra, you need to remember who you are; you are Korra, you are an Avatar."

It hurt to hear their words, but she knew she could never satisfy everyone. Kyoshi had told her as much, too. So, with a look of determination and strength, she ignored them, every single one of them. She would live with this decision; if they didn't like it, so be it.

Naruto ignored the countless questions from the people around him as he walked upstairs. The benders guarding the entrance placed heavy handcuffs on his wrists, which were made of metal that would be difficult to bend even for Toph herself.

Once they walked inside, he was greeted by Lord Zuko and the rest of his family. The old Fire Lord stopped talking with his daughter when he noticed him walking inside.

"Lord Zuko, it's an honour to meet you again." Naruto said, bowing his head respectfully.

"Same here, Naruto. I really wished we could have met in better circumstances, but don't worry; we will have plenty of time to talk once you are free." Lord Zuko assured him. Naruto smiled in gratitude before addressing the Crown Princess. He had met her only once before, and it had been a very brief conversation.

"Lady Izumi, I'm happy to see you are well," Naruto said with courtesy, but she remained silent. She looked at him up and down before giving him a faint smile.

"As well as can be, Mister Naruto. But I believe everyone here will feel much better once this matter is settled." She spoke almost dismissively, with an air of authority, but the blonde noted that unlike her father, she didn't seem as concerned about whether or not he would keep his head after everything was said and done.

"Ahh, you must be Naruto. The Big Scary Monster of The Republic City." Everyone turned to see a man walking towards them from a corner of the room with an air of cockiness to him, and the way he walked, Naruto knew he was a businessman, but couldn't remember ever seeing him before.

"You are?"

"Ahh, my deepest apologies. My name is Iknik Blackstone Varrick, but you can just call me, Varrick." The man introduced himself with a shallow bow. Naruto knew he was mocking him, especially with the stupid nickname he used.

Varrick was wearing a rich Southern Coat, he had long hair with a big fang on the side, sharp mustaches, a blue tie, and rich black boots with golden buttons, and the blonde could smell the perfume coming from him.

"Is there any reason you are here?" Naruto asked with narrowed eyes; he knew right away he was dealing with someone that reminded him of Asami's father, but ten times worse.

"Ahh, there is, you know, for the past month. All I hear is the big scary monster of the Republic City, and I just wanted to see it for myself." The man said with a smile that showed all his white teeth. Naruto knew better than to be hostile towards him.

"And, are you satisfied?" Naruto asked with a blank look.

"Well. I obviously came too late, but perhaps you will be willing to show your form again. You have no idea how much money I have earned the past month from you; let me tell you, it is triple the amount I usually earn." Naruto growled, taking a step forward in a threatening way. He almost killed everyone because of that form, and now he talked as if his Demon form was some attraction, but Naruto quickly felt the handcuffs tightening around his wrist until it was quite painful.

"Stand down, Naruto, or we will have your head," one of the guards behind him warned him with a glare.

"Now, now, we all are friends here, isn't that right Naruto?" Virrick asked, placing his arm around his shoulder as if they were best friends while facing the guards.

"...Sure." He drawled, feeling quite annoyed, but he decided to indulge him. "We are friends, but now I need to go to the Courtroom, and not get late." Naruto added quickly, wanting to be away from this man.

"Of course, but I can't wait until we meet again, perhaps you will show a little of what you can do." Virrick's words made Naruto sick in the stomach, but he couldn't help but notice how sure he sounded.

"I hope not." That's all Naruto said as the guards led him away.

Soon enough, Naruto was led inside a Grand Square room with a high ceiling, on each side of the room, built five meters above the floor, was a large podium with the symbol of one of the four elements.

The ceiling was painted, a painting of Avatar Aang using his Avatar State. Besides him were painted the symbols of the elements. In the center of the room was a smaller podium with a small staircase. Naruto walked upstairs, and in front of him was a microphone.

He knew this room represented the one being judged by all four nations, but there was a fifth and sixth podium built higher than the ones of the four nations; one belonged to the most famous Judge in the world.

Ruther Saibankan

Naruto's hands remained in handcuffs. Soon, the podiums were filled with important people from the Four Nations, and behind Naruto were several rounds of chairs placed in a straight order for journalists to sit and document what was happening in the courtroom.

Naruto saw the Earth Queen sit in her seat, looking down at him, a look as if he was a weapon of some kind. He wasn't sure what to make of her, but she didn't seem like a kind woman.

Fire Lord Zuko, his daughter, and grandson walked into their podium, as did Tenzin with Bumi. The important people of the military around the world, like Bumi and other generals and captains, were sitting on the seats on the right and left sides of Naruto, across the room, near the wall.

And finally, the Judge appeared, walking into his podium from a door that Naruto couldn't see.

Ruther had the appearance of an old man. His eyes were sunken and tired-looking, he wore glasses, he had noticeable wrinkles on his face, and his hair was receded and gray. He also had a gray scruffy looking full beard and mustache. He was short. His attire consisted of a plain white shirt with normal dark-colored pants. Over this, he wore a brown trench coat with a black shield emblem and a white border and cross.

"Now, today is a special trial. Naruto, of the Air Temples, you are here to be judged for your crimes against the Republic City. Usually, I would have decided that you shouldn't keep your head, but information from reliable sources has convinced me and some people that you deserve a trial first. Now, as a citizen of the Republic City, The Air Temple. You have the right to remain silent during this whole Trial. This is an exceptional case. As is not contemplated in the law, we must carry out a special court material. I will dictate the sentence. In this Trial we will decide if we let you live or kill you. Do you have any objection?"

"No sir, I don't have any." Naruto said with a resigned tone.

"Alright, Naruto, the whole world has heard of your existence, including what you can do and what you caused to the Republic City. People around the world are already questioning if they are safe. From the reports I have read, your power is not something anyone has ever seen before, a bomb massive enough that can destroy a city as big the Republic City. If this case happened in the mainland of any of the nations, they would have to deal with you. But your attack happened in the Republic City, a city where the citizins of the four nations could live in harmony, for this reason, you will be judged by the Main Lord of each Country. Fire Lady Izumi."

When she was called, Izumi stood up from her seat. She looked down at Naruto, but her eyes remained calm and passive.

"The Earth Queen, Hou-Ting." The said Queen stood up with a smug smirk, looking down at Naruto.

"The Leader of the Souther Water Tribes, Tonraq, and the Leader of the Northern Water Tribes, Unalaq." The two brothers stood up when called, but they didn't look at one another for one moment despite sitting next to one another.

"The Leader of the Air Temple, and the Air Nomads, Tenzin, the son of Avatar Aang." His Uncle stood up with a determined look on his face.

"And The Avatar, the Master of the Four Elements, Korra of the Water Tribes." Hearing that, Naruto looked behind him to see Korra walking into the courtroom before jumping up onto the sixth podium, which was the same height as the judge's podium.

"Now this Trial can start." The Judge shouted before looking down at Naruto.

"Now, first is Lord Tenzin of the Air Temple, can you tell me your suggestion on what should be done about Naruto?

Tenzin stepped forward; in that moment, he appeared younger than he was as he looked at the other lords. "The Airbenders have always been spiritual people; we know more about the Spirit World than everyone else, besides the Avatar, of course, but from what I have studied. Naruto is under the control of a Spirit named Kyuubi. I don't know how my nephew came into contact with him, my father never, Avatar Aang never said a word, but through my studies, I have learned that Naruto is more like a prison for this evil Spirit." Tenzin's words caused murmurs to spread across the audience, many looking at the blonde in shock.

"Silence." The Judge shouted before looking down at Naruto.

"Is this true?"

"Yes, your honor."

"And perhaps you can tell everyone how you got in contact with this evil spirit?" Naruto was reluctant to answer that question. He remembered his Uncle telling him that it would be better if he kept his origin a secret. If he started telling everyone that he came from a different world, then it could lower the chances of him being set free even more.

So, Naruto told everyone a story about almost drowning as a child. When he was sinking into the sea, a voice spoke to him, telling him that he could live if he let him help him. Then Naruto explained how, since that day, this Spirit would sometimes talk to him, but he would take control only when he was in a very emotional state, like from anger or grief.

Upon hearing his story, some people sympathized with him, but not many; some quickly started shouting that he should have drowned that day; it would have been better for everyone.

"Silence everyone. Now, you say this spirit will be free and cause havoc across the lands if you are killed, but if that's the case, then what will happen if you die of natural causes? Old Age? Sickness? How can we know for sure that you are telling the truth?" The Judge asked with narrow eyes; he didn't seem to believe what they were telling him, and this caused many to quickly look at Naruto suspiciously.

"May I have a word?" Everyone looked up at the back of the room, on the right side, where the Podium of the War Tribes was located.

"Lord Unalaq, do you want to add something to this story?" The Judge asked, not bothering to hide his surprise. He looked at the younger brother.

"What are you doing, Unalaq?" Tonraq whispered demandingly, but his younger brother merely smirked before stepping forward and spreading his arms.

"My name is Unalaq, and I'm the lord of the Northern Water Tribes, while I don't doubt that Lord Tenzin knows a lot about the Spirits, but as Chief of the Water Tribes. I have encountered many Dark Spirits, as you might have heard from the radio, a week ago they attacked a fishing boat, seven good men were killed, before I arrived. This has been going on for a year now, so I needed to study everything needed about the Dark Spirits." Unalaq explained, grabbing everyone's attention, including Naruto.

"Can you enlighten us, Lord Unalaq?" The Judge asked, looking at Tenzin suspiciously.

"Of course, your Honor. So a Spirit can become Dark ones when they are suffering, for example a spirit of a forest might become a Dark One if the people started burning that forest, but just as a spirit can become a dark one, there's two ways to turn them back into normal spirits. One is to please them, make a deal with them, and if that deal is fulfilled, then there's a chance the spirit will turn back to normal. The problem with the first method is how violent the Dark Spirits are, for this reason one should try to go for the kill if they encounter them, but six months ago, I have figured out a way to purify Dark Spirits without the need to kill them, and is much quicker."

"If you can do that, then can you help Naruto?" The Judge asked, pointing his hand at the boy. Much to everyone's shock, Unalaq shook his head before looking down at the blonde almost with pity.

"Because I doubt that Naruto is truly possessed by a Spirit." Naruto's eyes widened, and Korra swallowed hard, wondering where this discussion was heading.

"I have read of cases of a Dark Spirit using a human body as a host, but in all of them, the Dark Spirit will return to the Spirit World if the host keeping them in our world is killed." Upon hearing those words, the place roared with shouts. Many called for Naruto's head, and many said that killing him would be a good deed—kill one to save everyone else.

Korra was ready to intervene; she couldn't stand there and listen while they all demanded that Naruto be killed.

"I wasn't done, your honor." Unalaq claimed, silencing the room before looking at Naruto once again.

"There's a way for me to make sure, whatever or not, Naruto is possed by a Spirit... or something else, but to do that, I request that I make contact with Naruto's forehead; it won't be painful and is not dangerous." This request surprised many; even Korra wondered what he wanted to do, but Naruto, who had been silent, was certain this was a bad idea; Tenzin seemed in a similar mindset and was ready to counter his argument when the Judge spoke.

"You have it, but you will be responsible if something happens." The Judge granted. Before anyone could protest, Unalaq ignored his brother's glare and jumped down on the floor before approaching the prisoner.

The guards quickly used Earthbending to cover him in earth, all the way to his neck, only his head was free.

"Don't do this; he won't be happy," Naruto warned him in a low tone, but the man ignored him as he placed his thumb on his forehead, where his Air Bender arrow stopped between his eyes.




Unalaq opened his eyes, but he almost gasped when he saw that he was in a completely different place. He expected to extract the dark spirit out of Naruto and save him, but instead, he was in a different place. Looking around, he noticed that he was in a very dark room; the ceiling seemed to go on forever.

"How is this possible? No Spirit is this powerful-" GROWL

Unalaq's eyes widened in shock, his heart almost skipping a beat, but he quickly turned around, raising his arms, ready to use the water around him to protect himself; only now he noticed the enormous cage in front of him, and he was certain that the Dark Spirit was behind that cage.

"Dark Spirit. I Command you to show yourself." He shouted without fear, expecting the worst. He knew that only Father Glowworm could be behind this, but he was certain the damn thing was dead. Yun, The False Avatar, should have killed the thing many centuries ago.

"Very Well." Unalaq's eyes widened, and a knot formed on the bottom of his stomach when two big red eyes opened behind the bars. Red raw power spread around him, and he felt dizzy and sick as the creature let out a mocking laughter.

"You humans are always so cocky, thinking that you stand a chance against a Bijuu." The Creature spoke with more mockery, but Unalaq swallowed hard, refusing to give up so easily.

Without wasting time, he started using his move to purify the Dark Spirit, and it always worked, but as he kept trying, instead of his body turning yellow, nothing happened to him.

No, what is going on? Wait, he said the word Bijuu. "What the hell are you?" Unalaq demanded. Already feeling much weaker, it felt as if his power was leaving him—something that had never happened before.

"Since you were able to come here, I will tell you. I'm Kyuubi, and one day. I will be free, and there's nothing any of you can do." Kyuubi let out a mighty roar...



"AAAHHHH!!" Unalaq screamed as he was sent flying before slamming against the wall as if he weighed nothing. The people screamed in fear, many standing up, ready to run away, but the temperature suddenly lowered as a familiar feeling of DEATH spread across the room like a violent river; everyone froze in their seats.

The earth covering Naruto cracked before breaking apart; the room shook violently, his eyes red with split pupils, his nails growing, his whiskers growing in size, and red raw power surrounded him.

"Naruto. Stop."


"Soldiers. Kill The Monster." The Judge ordered, and the guards were ready to execute the order right away. But before they could do anything, Korra landed right in front of Naruto, her eyes glowing white. She wasn't attacking him like everyone thought she would.

"Naruto, come back," Korra whispered with an echo in her voice. Despite everyone, including her past lives, telling her to get away, she hugged him, her hand over his heart.

The blonde's breathing slowed down, and his eyes returned to normal blue. Slowly, he was back to normal. Korra pulled away from him, looking at him with the same love as always.

"You are Mad," Naruto told her weakly, looking impressed. She really wished she could giggle, but as she walked away, they both saw everyone still looking at Naruto with great suspicion, as if he was a bomb ready to go off. The Judge seemed ready to tell his soldiers to kill the boy when Unalaq cleared his throat loudly.

"I apologize for what happened; it seems my little visit must have caused the spirit to get angry with me." He said as he stood up, rubbing his back. He was sure one of his bones was broken, too.

"What do you mean, Lord Unalaq?" The Judge demanded with a huff.

"That shouldn't have happened, but this little angry moment is because of me. I take full responsibility." Unalaq said loud enough for everyone to hear. Korra sighed in relief, looking at her Uncle with gratitude, but he ignored her as he looked up at the Judge, who gave him a warning look.

"If this was so dangerous, then why try and do this? What would have happened if Avatar Korra wouldn't have been able to return him back to normal?"

"I apologize, your Honor. What I was trying to do was pull the Dark Spirit out of Naruto's body. I have done this before with an old friend of mine, but it seems I have miscalculated. The creature inside Naruto, using him as a host, is much more dangerous and powerful and I'm afraid that Lord Tenzin wasn't lying; if Naruto dies, then that creature will be freed, and will cause havoc in our world." Unalqa stated, earning a round of gasps amongst those who didn't believe Tenzin the first time.

The Judge looked rather paler after what happened. "Everyone back at your seats," he ordered. Korra tried to thank her Uncle for standing up for Naruto, but he ignored her. Unalaq used waterbending from his pouch to form a set of frozen stairs to walk up to the Water Podium. His big brother looked at him with a smile, but he didn't return it.

"Don't flatter yourself, brother. I don't care what happens to the boy, but as The Head of the Northern Water Tribes, it's my duty to keep my people safe, something you still haven't learned how to do." Tonraq gave him a nastly glare. He was ready to yell at him, but he decided to keep his mouth shut for now until the Trial was over.

"Now, while killing you might not be ideal, we still need to deal with the Dark Spirit inside you, how can we control it after your death."

"That's easy, your honor." Everyone turned to look at the Earth Queen, who smiled wickedly.

"What are you proposing?"

"The Earth Nation has a vast land, and every place needs good prisons to keep the bad and dangerous people inside." She said the word Dangerous louder while looking down at the blonde.

"With my order, we have made a new Prison. Its entire structure was made with metal that cannot be bent without twenty or more metalbenders, but the best part. We call it 'The Pit'; the lowest cell is located one kilometer underground. I doubt that Spirit can do much from down there, my suggestion, to make sure that the people around the world can sleep peacefully, and not with an eye open, would be to imprison Naruto in that cell. While he might be innocent, we all saw what just happened. We were this close to having another Red Night. While the Avatar." She said her name with a sneer; Korra glared at her; she didn't like the old woman and felt their feelings were mutual.

"She might have been able to turn him back to normal, if we let him free, then whose to say that he won't lose control again, what if the Avatar is not there in time. It's a big risk, one mistep, and the next time, the bomb will explode in a city, not above it, and what happened that night will make the One Hundred Year war look like a fight between children." Her words were met with a lot of people agreeing with her, even military people sitting around Bumi who cursed his luck, but she wasn't done yet.

"And do not forget the audience gathered outside. How do you think they all will feel when they learn that the demon was set free and the day might come again where he loses control? Hundreds of people are living in tents right now, mourning the dead. Can any of you look them in the eyes and tell them that the one responsible for bringing that Dark Spirit to our world wasn't punished." The Queen said with a growing smile of triumph. The audience of journalists agreed with her, as did many officers and generals.

"Lady Fire, what is the opinion of the Fire Nation?" Izumi stepped forward. She looked conflicted but maintained an air of authority.

"I'm sure everyone here knows the story of Avatar Aang and My Father Zuko, and how they brought peace after the defeat of Fire Lord Ozai." Everyone nodded; this was common knowledge, and even the toddlers knew of that story.

"What are you trying to say, unless you want to remind us all what your country did for a century?" Izumi fixed the Earth Queen with a cold glare. To this day, there are still people who think the Fire Nation's punishment for the War should have been much more severe.

"My father wasn't always a friend of Avatar Aang when they first met, they were enemies, but eventually they became friends that we know today, and that happened because Avatar Aang gave my father a second chance, a chance to atone for his mistakes, a chance to become a good man. Naruto of the Air Temple is not different, he is just a kid, and what happened that night cannot be seen as a sin of his, from the reports I have read. Naruto's dear friend, Asami Sato was wounded by Councilmen Tarrlok right in front of Naruto, so he lost control, in fear that his dear friend was dead or dying. If anyone here is willing to tell me that you wouldn't have lost control if you were in the same situation. Then I will call you a liar. Naruto might be able to talk with this spirit and convince him to turn good, but if we place him in a dark cell, deep underground, then Naruto himself might lose himself." Silence spread over the courtroom. After she was done talking, she sat down with Zuko, who gave her a look of pride.

The Judge looked at her, deep in thought, before looking in front of him at Avatar Korra.

"Avatar Korra, you were to stop him the first time, and you stopped him again, today. What are your thoughts?" Korra wanted to say everything she had in mind, but she knew she couldn't allow herself to get emotional during her talk. Otherwise, people would think that she wanted Naruto to be free only because of her personal feelings for him, not because it was the right thing to do.

"I think Naruto deserve a second chance, as the Avatar. It's my duty to help people who need me and keep the balance in the world. I'm sure I can help him, and eventually, this threat might become a friend of Humanity. Avatar Aang would have done the same. I know he would have never agreed to condemn an innocent life." Korra kept a neutral look but knew she was sweating as she looked down at the Judge, waiting for him to decide.

"I have made my decision." The Judge finally said. The room fell silent; they could hear people breathing and the clock ticking as he looked down at Naruto.

"Naruto of the Air Temple. To ensure the safety of not just the Republic City, but the whole world. I have decided that you are to be given to the Avatar Korra, but for what happened here. You are not allowed to stay in the Republic City."


A Figure walked in front of cliff, wearing a cloak that covered him from neck to toes, in the far distance he could the Republic City. "So this is where you have been hiding..After eighteen long years, I have found you."

Okay, who can guess who the mystery person is, and is that bad news or good news for Naruto Uzumaki? 

Keep reading to find out the fate of our Hero. 


Luna Wolf

Fantastic chapter and ahh obito has arrived it seems

Ben Jack

Are you done with this series now