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Making this post since I get NUMEROUS comments and messages asking for the discord link.

I cannot send a direct link to the Discord Server. Please stop asking.

I would answer these messages and comments at first but I keep getting them.

The reason why is because if you join the server through a direct link then the Patreon bot integration will not work and you wont get the correct role assigned to you.

Apparently in order to join the server you need to...

Go to the membership page and you should see "connect to discord" but if your on mobile once you click it you need to either zoom out or turn your phone horizontal for the connect option to show up. Otherwise it's best if you attempt to connect from desktop if you still are having issues.

Hopefully this clears up the issue for those of you still having difficulty.

The server has a couple thousand people in it already so this should be fairly easy to solve. I am not Patreon support tho so if this doesn't work for you please try to figure it out and stop spamming every post asking for a link. Love you guys!



Lol, you're probably still gonna get one or two "how to connect to discord???" comments per post

Deandre Johnson

Ok but how do I access animations in “the-archive” Im not getting anything.


If your in Baby Slayer unlinking Discord because you can't see W.I.P, Archive and other channels and relinking, just removes you from the Discord and doesn't re add you. "Includes Discord benefits" has been removed if you look at the membership page. Which if Discord benefits was removed, "You get access to the archive and all of me released content as soon as it's finished." a lot of people are paying for something they aren't getting access to.


For anyone wondering, if you change your tier to the next one up from Baby Slayer, you'll instantly get reconnected to discord. and have access to everything again. Considering the $2 tier was changed to limited, and now Discord access has been removed. Looks like you're now forced to change tier or pay for nothing, which is pretty scummy, would have been nice to be told. Don't like such behaviour, so after 2 years of being subbed i'm peacing out.


Uh huh, Just as I suspected. $2 old tier got archive access removed. Would have been nice to STATE THAT in the $2 tier. "Archive access removed!"


where can I found the new animations


It still doesn't connect

Revenant Main

I don’t mean to be that guy but I can’t get the link to appear for Desktop or mobile

John Bock

yeah it wont work for me either

Taylored Printers

I want to do that, but every time I do, it just disconnects or removes all my roles for EVERY patreon i'm subbed to.


baby slayer tier no longer give discord access? I cannot rejoin the discord through patreon anymore. I left because discord had removed my role in your server so I was going to rejoin to regain archive access but nothing is working. Opened a ticket with patreon about it but some clarity would be appreciated on your end!

Marcus Dashford

I don’t see connect to discord

crazy cat

I can connect to the discord.


Welp dont know what changed as myself can’t connect to the discord anymore for some reason and its not available when clicking on membership tier will be canceling if i can’t get what i paid for


I connect to the discord


ur discord link don't work on the membership page. when I clic on Connect to discord it say there is an error or the link don't exist


It's popping up for me


How to connect the discord ?

경규 김

I cannot connect to the discord Is this closed?


It won't let me connect


I connect to the discord


Can’t connect to dc as well


Having trouble finding the discord can anyone help please


I just want to join bit it won't work please help


A yo I just paid that eight dollars and can’t find a link at all and I don’t have a desktop


Can’t connect to discord