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ive been getting alot of messages about when im opening commissions. i wanna give you my reasons as to why i havent been able to open them. Main reason is my patreon, i really want this to grow but i can only work on 1 thing at a time. sometimes i do commissions more often then not leave all the people here in complete darkness. mostly do to people wanting to commission their OC's and such and very few commission stuff from anime series. theres nothing wrong with commissioning your OC's but unfortunately it does not benefit my growth in here. i wanna make content that everyone can enjoy both the people who pledge and the commissioners. so i would like to ask yall what do you think about me opening commissions but only allowing characters from anime series and games? Stuff like FGO,Jenshin,pokemon,rwby ect ect. Cuz i feel like that is beneficial for me. once my patreon reaches a high amount of pledges maybe then i can switch it back for people who wanna commission their OC's.



Also dont be afraid to give me ideas and feedback in the comments about this.