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Coming up with new ideas has been though lately so I decided to finally tackle this old piece.
I ended up changing a lot from the original back in 2016. The anatomy and perspective were off and my coloring skills have improved a lot on all those years.

I'm pretty happy with the result and I can finally say it's done!

Thank you so much for your support and well wishes for me and my family!
And I apologize for my inconsistency this past weeks. 




Love your dragons! I had the original saved as well eheh


It's perfect

Lærke (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-17 21:19:18 I remember the early versions of this pic. So happy to see such high quality version of it <3 looks amazing!
2023-05-14 09:33:16 I remember the early versions of this pic. So happy to see such high quality version of it <3 looks amazing!

I remember the early versions of this pic. So happy to see such high quality version of it <3 looks amazing!