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Hey people and happy New Year! Hope this new 12023 is a lot better than the previous one!

Here's the finished piece of the latest sketch. Hope you like the result!

I wanted to finish it before 2023 but life happened again.
Most of my family members are kinda old so sickness and shit like that are very common now, case in point my paternal granny passed away recently. She was 94, thankfully it was very peaceful. The cherry on top though was my wife's Dad.
On the morning of the 31st he felt a slight pain on his chest went to the ER and the initial testing said he had a heart attack but after more tests it was ruled out. My wife and I spent the whole day there comforting my wife's mom.
Waiting for January 1st was interesting to day the least.

On a happier note, I've been free of headaches for almost a week now!! I still don't want to get my hopes too high 'cause I'm yet to find out what the hell happened these past 8 or 9 months but I'll take a small "victory" anywhere I can find them :]

Sorry for dumping all this on ya but I felt I had to say something.

Ps. The reward folders have been updated with the new piece




I’m glad to hear your headaches are getting better!


I wish you good luck, my favorite creator :<