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Hello people. 

I owe you a massive apology or at the very least an explanation for my absence.

This past month and a half has been very rough for me and my family. Things have snowball out of control for me a bit this time. 

I've been struggling with my mental health for a long while now and there's been 2 recent situations which heavily impacted me. One is very personal and I don't feel confortable discussing it here, the second one although easier to talk about, was very difficult to live through.
One of our dogs, the oldest one (17yrs old), had to be rushed to the vet 'cause of a tumor in her spleen. They removed the whole organ along with the tumor. The surgery went well but the postoperative period has horrible. I've never seen a dog scream in pain, she was constantly and desperately trying to burry herself in her bed, she would vomit all her meds, she couldn't stay upright, her hind legs would start buckling then crossing and she would fall every time she wanted to stand or walk a bit.
She had to be hospitalized 3 more times 'cause of the pain. We spent many sleepless night trying to care for her when they'd release her for the vet.

It was horrible watching her suffer like that and I feel terrible when I recall her screams and not being able to help her.
Last week she had a big improvement, she can walk, eat normally and her mood is slowly returning to what it was before! She is very strong and resilient.

I'm trying to get better but I think I need some kind of medication at this point 'cause I can't keep behaving like this. I want to be stable again. I don't want to isolate myself. I need to do things differently.

I'll post everything I has working on before and during my meltdown in a little bit. I'll also extend the duration of the reward links to try to make up for my absence in some way.

I apologize again for my shortcomings.



I am very sorry to hear you have and your family have gone through something like that. I wish you and your family have a great recovery and good health forward. Take your time to recover.


We’re all here for you when you need to talk.


That sounds horrible :< You still have my support, no worries about the break. There's no shame in looking for help, medication or therapy alike, as hard as it is to want to bother when you're overwhelmed and hurting. I always feel awkward saying this kind of thing as just a fan that doesn't personally know you but I hope you get what you need. I take medication for anxiety and it's helped a lot, I know a lot of people who take psychiatric medication even for somewhat mild problems like mine.


Again, look into natural suplementation instaed of medication. Read about Vitamin D, B complex, K2 etc suplementation (real one, not just the "1 drop a day is enough" shait). Needs more time till you see effect but it has no sideeffects. Todays peeps are low on mostly everything and wonder why they get depressions out of nothjng, can't handle stress well, get health issues for no direct reason and so on.


Please take care of yourself, hope things start turning around for you soon


I hope things get better for you all >: Take it easy


Sorry to hear that everything has been tough these past months :< glad to hear that you dog seems to have pulled through.

VioLeTXD (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-03 05:10:37 damn, I'm sorry to hear all that. don't beat yourself over struggling to keep up with your art: we'll always be here to support you through whatever comes your way <3
2022-04-03 23:00:31 damn, I'm sorry to hear all that. don't beat yourself over struggling to keep up with your art: we'll always be here to support you through whatever comes your way <3

damn, I'm sorry to hear all that. don't beat yourself over struggling to keep up with your art: we'll always be here to support you through whatever comes your way <3


Sounds like a challenging time, hopefully you feel better and get some good options to keep on trucking.