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Hey everyone, hope you are doing well. I've sent the updated links for each tier and I'm sorry for being late!

I've been struggling with a bit of burnout regarding the usual content for me, specifically FA related (YCH and the massive commission's wait list) so I needed something to unwind, thus the completely SFW painting you see today (plus 1 outlier).

They're portraits of our lovely old puppers Lola (the little-one) and Nina. Lola is 16 years old and Nina is around 8 or 9 we think, she was a stray so we know nothing about her past including her actual age.

It's been very fulfilling painting them and I'm very pleased with the result so far =D and I hope you don't mind this little shift in content 🙏

I didn't record the process 'cause I needed to de-stress

PS. the lion one is a coloring test which I kinda like




Those are some cute puppers.


Holy shit those portraits are incredibly well done. Awesome work! Hope you’re feeling a little better :)


I 100% thought the first one was a Photo and not a Painting! That Brush work is fantastic


Those look like really good dogs, 11/10. Maybe in the future look at doing work pieces in smaller batches? Might help.


nice fur


You are one heckin' good artist! Your range is truly impressive. I mean... a couple photo-realistic doggos followed by sexy anthro lion booty is pretty darn contrasting. But it all looks amazing~


aww they are so cute! amazing paintings!


Aww, a cute photo of - oh, painting. Nice work!