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Hello Everyone! Time flies so fast... I didn't even notice when the last year has gone by... Fortunately I have a lot of photos to remind me about it :) Anyway, I think it's a good moment to sum some things up...

First of all I would like to thank all good souls that supported my photographic journey. I really hope that you liked the content I provide :) I must say that this support truly allowed me to increase my skills, my gear and as a result the volumes of photos. I started with two sets a month and now I am able to give you (at least) one new set every week!

Secondly I decided to invest in some studio gear by the end of the summer in order to produce better and more interesting studio photos during winter season. I set getting funds for this as my goal here - so very big thanks for everyone who backed that idea up!

My plan for the next year is definitely getting better and more creative, working with new models and providing you with a lot of good content! :) I guess we'll see in a year how that worked :)

Okay guys, that's it - I'm going back to work and leave you with some of my favorite photos from last year! Have fun! :)



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