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what should i name the space alien lady and her lizard roommate... looking for suggestions!

(also you didnt see me post this a few seconds ago)



Hmm, I'm awful with names too, but maybe something inspired by constellations or such for the alien lady? Like Lyra, Ara, Hydrus, etc?

Oracle Omelette

As you might have seen before, I am terrible with names. Still, I think I will test my luck with this one. For the alien lady, maybe something alien-sounding ( Exarta, Ykarae, It’ir, etc.)? How about “Locueallu”, a mix between latin for space (locus) and heaven (caelum)? As for the gecko girl, I think any basic earth name would fit them, since they look the most “down to earth”. Hey, I just got an idea! What if the space lady gives nicknames for her roommate? I don’t know what their relationship will be, so I won’t be able to find a fitting one, but I’ll still try! Here are some examples (they will all be latin word mixes): extequis (outer/exterius, trash/quisquiliae), viderra (earth/terra, those who sees/videntium) and donustella (gift/donum, star/stella (somewhere along the lines of “a gift from the stars”)). I hope this helps!