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Hello all!! I hope you've all been doing good and looking after your wonderful selves πŸ’•

As some of you may be aware I've been going through a difficult time with some personal stuff and therefore haven't been able to be as active here recently. Because of this, none of you will be charged July 1st. I've needed to take a step back and have a little break but I'm hoping to start next month ready to go! I've just needed to sort myself out a bit πŸ’• Galaxy tier's prints will be sent out very shortly!

Thank you, all of you, for sticking with me and being the most amazing supporters anyone could ask for. All of your comments keep me going and make me happier than you realise πŸ’—

Sending so much love to you all and hoping you're all giving yourselves that love too.

Lots of love, as always!

Sara πŸ’œ


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