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Let me know what you guys would like to see next Red Dead-wise 😍❀❀❀


MJ Anderson

I'd love to see some NSFW Hosea but I get that he's not everyone's type. Charles is always a good choice πŸ₯°

Sammy Cleland

Haven't seen Dutch in eons, I'd love for you to draw him again! 😘


I'd die for some Josiah&Arthur :3


I'm so torn because I love Morston so much but the idea of a nsfw Charles... <3


More Sadithur, always. There's so little art of them compared to most of these other options, and almost no NSFW. :D


Anything Arthur and/or John related tbh, not necessarily together! πŸ‘€πŸ‘€


Would love to see Javier or perhaps Black Belle NSFW <3


I mean, I'll always vote Morston because I'm shameless like that, BUT... the other gang ladies, overall, don't get near as much love as the gents. Would adore to see some Tilly or Mary-Beth, Karen, Susan. (Also seconding any call for Black Belle in any form). And ships also. I'm easy to please. <3


More John (or Arthur πŸ‘€) & Abigail, please?


vandermorgan in your art style would be a god sendβ—πŸ˜©


My thirsty ass says SADIEMORSTON!!!! I can't help it. I wave that ship flag alone but I LOVE ITTTT. Morston as always, too! And if you need any standard ideas I've got plenty! πŸ˜‚ And solo characters pieces would be fab, too! NSFW or SFW, it's allllll good.


Always down for Morston. πŸ‘€ If you want to mix things up, you could add another person like Abigail, Sadie, or Charles? I always love your art so draw whatever/whoever makes you happy! ❀️


I couldn't help but vote for Morston, but I love Morston + Charles...


Javier or Sean! 😍


I will actually vote for this, the silver fox doesn’t get the love he deserves