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Hey guys!! Hope you’re all doing well. Ive unfortunately come down very sick recently with a viral infection (Ive tested negative for corona twice now but it feels like the flu 😷), so I’m really sorry that updates are slow. I’m hoping to be back to normal in a few days but it’s been pretty debilitating.

Sending you all love and hope you’re all okay!! 💜💜💜



I hope you feel better soon! 💖💖 you have nothing to apologize for at all.


No need to apologize, your health and well being come first. Please take as much time as you need to get well 🙏 I hope you feel better soon! 🥰❤️


Yeah don't worry, take the time off you need to recover. Drawing can be a pain as it is with the usual frustrations and burnout. Thanks for the update though and feel better soon <3 <3


*hugs* Rest up as much as you need! Snuggle up in warm blankies, have some hot tea (and some aspirin) and just take it easy. I hope you feel better soon, and I'm glad it's not you-know-what!


Take care of yourself, bb. Your health comes first.