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i just want arthur to knock me out cold is that too much to ask

(also the last one imsorryjajshdfahskflkshafaghshdjass. i still have no idea what im doing when it comes to johns tattoos all i know is i look up roman reigns every time bc i love him)




I DREW JOHNS SCARS ON THE WRONG SIDE lets all pretend that we do not see.......


if you see me drilling holes in the gym locker room mind your own fucking business


John and Arthur playing together where John kicks the ball and Arthur punches it back... worst sport (?) ever But then they go bang in the locker room so it's all good ...unless you are someone who just wanted to change XD


Oh mannnn, I love these! Boxer Arthur is...I didn't know I needed that in my life. He looks fine as FUCKKKK. And football John! With is tiny waist and big, broad shoulders. And his ass in the NSFW....oh myyyy. Football players always have the best asses, huh? Thicc thighs and thicc ass. 😂 I feel like I'm gonna betray my usual filthy ways by saying this but my favorite of the pictures is the one with John in Arthur's lap. It's just so intimate and almost tender? I love it so much!! You know I always stan your art and these definitely did not disappoint. <3333


LMAOOOO Johns like 'lets call this boxingball!' Arthur: No we're not calling this anything now can you STOP kicking that at me???'


AHHH THANK YOUUU!!!! 😭😭💗💗💗💗 omg i know right???? Arthur doing boxing oofgahdjkhd id like to get tickets to a match please!!! 👀 IM SO GLAD YOU LOVE FOOTBALL JOHN IM- AHHHHHH YESSS EXACTLY THE WAY YOU'VE DESCRIBED IT!!! He fits the sport perfectly 😍 i MAY have gone over the top with his booty but it was too much fun to draw hahaha. AWHH Im so happy you like the second one!!!! Thats really sweet 💘 and thank you so much again, I'm absolutely thrilled you like these!! 🥰💕💘💝