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Hope you guys like!! <3

Just about managed to squeeze this one out but I think its best if I’m transparent with you guys. I haven’t been feeling great about my work recently. I hope it’ll pass soon but ive been feeling like nothing I do is good enough and it’s made it really difficult to be productive because I just get upset when something doesn’t look the way I want it. I’ve been making it a goal to try and improve with every piece I do and when something doesn’t go right it messes with my head. It’s most likely me overthinking and I just need to relax but it’s unfortunately resulted in a lot of frustration and sadness. I want you guys to have the best and you deserve the best and sometimes I just don’t feel qualified. I’m sorry to get all personal but I think it’s important you guys know how I’m doing. I’m usually very happy and positive so when I feel like this it hits very hard and it becomes overwhelming. Thought I’d put this here because I don’t like sharing personal stuff like this on my main social medias. I’m sorry I’ve been slower with replies, this is why. Love you all very much and hope you’re all doing good xx




Miss Grimshaw: "I was going to make zucchini bread, has anyone seen my zucchini?? Anyone??" (yes I know it's probably a cucumber but cucumbers don't work with the joke) I'm very sorry you're feeling this way. It's understandable, I think every artist feels like this at times,I know I do. I'm right behind you to support you and I adore your art so, so much, it's honestly goals for me! If you need to step back and breathe, that's okay. Just remember that we all love you and will be here for you! &lt;3


LOOOOL oops 🤭 poor Miss Grimshaw hahaha Thank you so much for your kind words Ryu!! They've really helped ❤️ yes that's very true, every artist feels like this from time to time. I've just been particularly hard on myself recently which isn't fair but I can't seem to help it sometimes. Again, thank you, hope you're doing well Ryu!! ❤️❤️❤️


Ahhh, so lovely! I love the contended look on Abigail's face and the kiss is so cute! Then the other panels, ooooh. Hot!!!! I totally 100% how you feel about your work, btw. That's how I feel about my writing and honestly, I haven't been doing it at all lately because I'm just very blah. But I want you to know that I think you're one of the most talented artists in this fandom. Your art always has such a great mix of fun, sensuality, and sexiness. I am ALWAYS thrilled when I see you've posted something new. Like, it always makes my entire day. But I think it's natural to feel as you do, too. Maybe it's a bit of burn out and you just need a mini-break to fill up your creativity reserves, you know? I know this was about a week ago, but I still wanted to say all that. I do hope you're feeling a little better now! P.S. You should check in on the Morston discord sometimes too 'cause we talk about your art there a quite a bit! Perhaps a nice boost to the self-esteem is in order. And then there's always some nice inspirational Morston-y convos going on, too. ;D


THANK YOUUUU ahhh so glad you like this page!!! 😍💕 Your writing is absolutely fantastic and you should be so so proud!!!! I adore your dialogue, like I can actually hear their voices in my head it's so brilliantly done. And OMG dont even get me started on your nsfw OOOF bhjadghfgjdkhajhfdkds !!!!!!! Soooooo hot omg 😅 but yes I absolutely love it and you shouldn't doubt yourself for a second ❤ and omg THANK YOU SO SO MUCH thats the sweetest thing!!!!! ugh thank you 😭 this has helped me so so much. Thats very true! I've been giving myself a little break recently even though I've felt horrible not being as active as here as I want. I just gotta try and really focus and enjoy the process, I just really want you guys to enjoy it here &lt;3 OMG I'll be sure to check the discord too!!!! Thank you SOOO so much ohh thats so lovely of you 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗


Sorry to hear you’re feeling down. I love your work! Especially the RDR2 stuff because it keeps me excited about the game but I love your overall style &amp; your dynamic poses! Also honestly it helps to hear how you’re feeling, I’ve been feeling down about my own art &amp; I feel less alone. Thank you &amp; I love your stuff!


Hey there Pansy!!! Ohh thank you so so much for your all your kind words!!!! They mean the world, I'm glad I can keep you excited about Red Dead!!! 😍💕 I'd love to see some of your work some time!! Thanks so much again, I'm glad me putting my own head space out there was able to help you, I definitely have my moments about my work and I think it's a universal feeling for us artists 💗