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Hey everyone! Hope you're all doing well <3

A mandatory update is coming to Patreon beginning July 1st. They will be sending out emails on 1st of June 2020 mentioning the changes to how some rewards are now taxed, with the rate depending on location. These changes primarily affect those outside of the EU. Check out the article here for more details: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043054911-New-Sales-Tax-Requirements-effective-July-1st-2020#h_1a780d2c-464f-4c95-8c12-dbc0cf6e3af2

For example, a 5% sales tax for the $7 tier will be $7.35 total. For the whole list of areas affected by the sales tax scroll down in the link above!

It’s a bit frustrating, and in these times I completely understand If you want to remove your pledge, I want you guys to make sure you're looking after yourselves first! <3 I'll be right here posting my work if you ever want to come back 💗

On another topic, would you guys be interested in a little 'sketchdump' post at the end of each month where I post the 4k files of the all rougher drawings I did? E.g the Biker au sketches pictured above? 

Sending love to you all, thank you for all your support and kind words, it keeps me going!! <3

Sara x



I'm definitely here for end of month sketch dumps!!


Sketchdumps at the end of each month would be cool! 😃 And thank you as always for your kindness, your beautiful art, and your appreciation for your patrons! Always a joy to be here supporting you! ❤️


Oh yessss plzzz


Thank you sooo so much for your kind words and support ❤️❤️ im always excited to read your comments, and I'm very lucky to have you here! 🥰