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lord help me... why is modern john this fine for no reason? making me ask questions ill never know the answers to... would he have two tattoo sleeves or just one? would he be just as dirty? would he have piercings? what kind of music he blasting?

i ask you guys to give me vision and wisdom... only then i'll know why I'm letting this man keep me up til 5. disrespectful. 




John's a metal and grunge fan imo <3




more on the wayyyy πŸ‘€πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’— thank you so much for your support! πŸ’ž


Ahhh, this is hot! I def agree on the metal/grunge music. I feel like he'd like listening to Rage Against the Machine a lot, but that's prob just me (because i love them lmao). Also...piercings. 😍🀀 Both ears, maybe a lip piercing, and imma just say it: a nipple piercing. Also, now I can't help but think of modern AU biker Arthur with a Prince Albert, dunno if you'd wanna go there at all though. πŸ˜‚ ANYWAY, love your art so much! You have an amazing style.


Ahhh thank you so so muchh! πŸ˜­πŸ’— OMG imma have to go give them a listen when I'm drawing him πŸ‘€ thanks for the suggestion! ASDFGHJK YOUR MIND... a nipple piercing lordd why did i not think of that... 😍 omg and a lip one... im deceased. Ooo who's Prince Albert? Sorry if I'm being dumb! Thank you SOO much again, you're so kind! Thank you so much for supporting my work πŸ’•