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Hey everyone!

For those of you who didn't quite make it in time for this terms rewards, I will be posting this term on Gumroad in a few days at a temporarily discounted price ($9) for you to what I usually charge for my previous rewards. I will post a link when I do! Just thought I should mention this to those of you who are still interested in it :)

Thank you to my new Patrons!! Do let me know who your favourite characters are so I have an idea of what you like <3



I love Sombra which you've done and I love it, wraith would be awesome from apex and Mirage which you're doing is great. I love your art so much💘


Sombra is a favourite of mine too, and loving Lifeline from Apex legends as well! Your style is amazing 😍


Thank you so so much &lt;33 Sombra is literally in my top 3 so she'll definitely appear again. Looking into more Apex characters (as they're gorgeous) and planning to do more of them this month :D


Thank youuu &lt;33 yess Lifeline is so cute! She's on the list ;)

Vinni Dragon

Ughhh your style of painting is so damn nice, I can't even bEGiN to express-- when I first found your art I went on a massive tirade about it on my insta story and how much I loved it - my ass is shook af and I'd love to see some more McCree or some Hanzo (orbothtogether) cause we stan Overwatch in this house


Thank you so very much &lt;33 ahh you sweetheart!! Haha oh I love McCree so so much omg. I was meant to do Hanzo a while back but didn't get round to it. I'm sure he'll appear eventually ^^ (no matter how much he makes me rage in-game lmao)


I know this isn't news coming from me, but I'm always happy to see Pharah ;-) And I know Mileena is a given, so we'll always get to see her often, which I love :D As for some new characters, how about Chun-Li and Juri from Street Fighter? Oh, and congrats on your new patrons! :-)


Oh yes, Mileena especially has a special place in my heart hehe ^^ will definitely keep Chun-Li and Juri in mind! And thank you so so much &lt;3