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January Term rewards are approaching fast!! Double reminder, make sure you've downloaded your December package from Mediafire as I'll be uploading the current term soon!

Soooo I'm thinking of making the February term pinups all lovey dovey for Valentines day <3 so red lingerie and flowers and everything sickly sweet! ;)

At the moment I'm thinking;

  • Sombra
  • Mileena
  • Reaper
  • McCree

Feel free to drop any ideas of your own! These may change, and there may be more than one character featuring in each piece ;)



Love the Valentines idea! Ooh maybe more than one character per piece? So perhaps their love interests/what you ship? 😜


That's what I was initially thinking! Buut maybe I'll just do subtle hints at ships, so people who don't agree can still enjoy it if they ship something different ^^


Mileena is definitely a good choice...I'm always happy to see her! And if there might be more than one character per piece, maybe Mileena x Tanya? 😁 And I know you just drew Pharah, but it's always nice to see some Pharmercy too. Or (a much less popular ship)...maybe McCree with Pharah?


Mileena and Tanya sounds like a fab idea!! &lt;3 Hmm Pharmercy is very cute too. I may do McCree with Sombra as that's what I ship haha ^^