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Chose your fighter ;)

 This piece is 2/4 pinup pieces coming in January's Term package: Released February 7th!


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If I had to choose one it'd have to be Pharah 😜 love the small gold and orange details! 😍


Pharah booty incoming! Just a suggestion though...is it too late to draw Pharah's signature gold hair braids, or preferably even make her looking back over her shoulder a little? That way we know it is in fact Pharah, and not just "fit brunette girl" XD Otherwise there's not really anything that distinguishes her as definitively being Pharah. Idk, just a friendly idea :-)


Yes of course! Good idea, I'll add in her bangs and maybe a few other things to make it obvious. I wasn't sure if she would have them in when she's working out... but they're signature so let's go for it 😜👑