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Nymphadora closed the front door of Grimmauld Place and leaned against the wall, exhausted. Everything was starting to come together. She had an in with the Order and plans for the Dark Lord that would no doubt keep him busy for quite a while. If he had the time and energy to launch an offensive on the Ministry, Nymphadora would be shocked.

For now, she was ready to put up her feet and relax. Everything else could wait for tomorrow. Without any thought of visiting either of her lovers, she trudged to her private quarters and began to ready herself for bed.

"Levicorpus," Amelia spoke calmly from where she stood in the corner of the bedroom, disillusioned. She desperately wanted her lover after spending hours fighting the old bastards on the Wizengamot for the right to fight for their futures. Playing with a pretty young woman was infinitely preferable to dealing with old pureblooded wizards. She owed Nymphadora for ambushing her with sex a few times earlier in the week. It was time for her to be the aggressor.

Nymphadora wasn't on guard in her own bedroom, so was easily lifted into the air, upside down. Her dress flipped up and slipped down her body, exposing her bare torso.  Amelia animated the dress, causing it to come alive and cover her face, leaving her blind.

Amelia raised an eyebrow, "No bra?" she chided, "Well, at least you're wearing panties." They were cute, too. Pink, Amelia noted with a smirk. She liked having the spunky young woman at her mercy.

Nymphadora pouted, not that either of them could see as she was being smothered by her traitorous skirt. "I'm a metamorph!" she shouted, indignant, causing her exposed tits to jiggle enticingly. "I don't need to wear a bra. Fuck that!"

Amelia approached her inverted lover and ran her hands down Nymphadora's lithe body, pinching her nipples harshly. Nymphadora squeaked at the surprise pain mixed with pleasure. Amelia hadn't been this rough with her before, but both women found they liked the dynamic more than they expected.

Nymphadora had been the more dominant one in their relationship so far because not only was she more outgoing, she could grow her own dick. Amelia wasn't a submissive in bed, but when her lover had a cock large enough to take her breath away with every thrust it was more natural to let her top.

Amelia had tried almost everything over the years, within reason, including some rather scandalous adventures in her twenties when she moonlighted as a muggle dominatrix. She worked exclusively with women, but she never lacked for clients. Since then she'd mellowed and had only taken the occasional lover in the magical world, but she did miss the days when she was able to let loose and free herself from the shackles of the expectations of her House.

Suffice to say, she had no problems whatsoever matching the lust of the pink-haired pervert tied up in front of her. Nymphadora showing up in her office that night reawakened her old passions and helped fulfill her desires more than any other.

She could see why metamorphs were so coveted. Nymphadora's powers paired with her personality made her a unique lover and Amelia hoped to make their arrangement more permanent, though any serious thoughts on the matter would have to wait until their country was stabilized.

"You'll love what I have in store for you tonight, baby," Amelia promised. "I've had so many dirty fantasies about what I'm going to do to you. I'll give you everything you deserve for keeping me alive long enough to claim the Minister's seat. It's a done deal, now. You can call me Minister, my little vicious Black."

Nymphadora was thrown for a second, as she hadn't expected Amelia to be elected so quickly, but she quickly realized that the prestige she gained from surviving an attack by the Dark Lord would have guaranteed her the job. Not that she envied her. Nymphadora loved power, but bureaucracy made her want to claw her eyes out. A public servant, she was not.

To be honest, Nymphadora hadn't expected her old boss to be such a freak in bed, but she considered it one of the greatest discoveries of the twentieth century. She decided to go along with whatever Amelia wanted tonight, though she would probably need some Pepper-Up pretty soon. She was perfectly willing to sacrifice her much needed sleep for some depraved sex, as any respectable witch should.

Before Nymphadora could react, her dress was transfigured into a proper blindfold and a gag. She was righted in the air and her blood rushed from her head to the rest of her body, leaving her woozy. She was light-headed and couldn't resist when Amelia trapped her arms and legs behind her back, tying them together with conjured rope.

Amelia licked her lips at the sight of the floating and bound girl. As her new predicament set in, Nymphadora subconsciously shifted her body to be more petite. Amelia felt a dark pleasure as the already smaller girl became even more vulnerable before her. Her inner sadist was out in full force after the thrill of finally taking control of the Wizengamot.

Amelia was a woman who loved to be in control. There were times when she craved to give up that ironclad control, and Nymphadora helped her with that.

Amelia was most in her element when she was the one in charge. She'd been waiting for an opportunity to take command of her country ever since the original fall of the Dark Lord, but had been stymied by the traditionalists at every turn. They wouldn't abide a woman taking control of the Wizengamot.

She put the maddening politics of Wizarding Britain to the back of her mind and focused on her bound lover. She pulled out three special toys that she procured from a novelty quidditch shop. Vibrating golden snitches. A bestseller, apparently.

Apparently, most women who were rabid quidditch fans were all huge perverts, which made sense as quidditch players were pretty much the only eye-candy witches could drool over. The average wizard was not very physically attractive.

Amelia had never used these snitches with anyone else. They were her stress relief toys and they served her quite well. She had tried muggle sex toys, but none of them could compare to the sentient magic of the snitches.

She cast sticking charms on them and attached them to Nymphadora's nipples and her clit, on top of her skimpy panties. With a tap, all three snitches were activated and started vibrating. Nymphadora moaned through her gag as her most sensitive areas were tormented with pleasure.

Amelia leaned in close and kissed along Nymphadora's jawline until she reached her ear. "I want you to increase your sensitivity for me, baby," she whispered huskily. "I know all about those tricks you've been doing with your tongue. I want you to do that to your whole body. Make it feel like I'm fucking all of you at once with the slightest touch..."

Nymphadora couldn't do anything but mewl in response, completely at Amelia's mercy as her tongue played with her sensitive ear. The vibrating snitches were already driving her wild. She almost didn't want to do as Amelia asked because she was admittedly a little scared of how overwhelming such a change to her nerves would be.

She had enough control over her metamorph powers that she could pretty much change anything about her own body down to the most minute detail. She had no doubt she could make herself feel enough pleasure to burn out her entire brain. She needed to show some restraint.

Let it never be said that Nymphadora Andromeda Black was a scared little bitch. Her lover wanted her to be a squirming mess and so that's what she would become. She fortified her resolve and with a muffled shout, increased the sensitivity of her nerves all over her body by a factor of approximately five.

Nymphadora may have been a little overly enthusiastic. Between the snitches, Amelia's sexy tongue playing with her ear, and her enhanced senses, she barely lasted five seconds before exploding into an orgasm and promptly losing consciousness. Her last thought as she drifted off was of how she was definitely going to get Amelia back for this...


The next morning, Nymphadora woke up to an empty bed and a note saying Amelia had already gone to the Ministry to start properly securing the Ministry in case of an attack. The previous administration was filled with incompetent morons. Amelia would have her work cut out for her. At the end of the note were little hugs and kisses, along with a promise to pick up where they left off the night before.

"Hiya, Nymmie!" Bella practically jumped on her the second she walked through the door to her room. Every time Amelia entered the house, Dobby would pop Bella back to her fidelius-warded room. A secret room within a secret house was the best way Nymphadora could think of to keep her aunt a secret.

"What do you think of my new look?" Bella asked, pulling back and spinning out of her embrace.

Nymphadora thought her transformed aunt looked positively delicious. Her hair was coloured a bone white and straightened from its previous curls. Her eyes remained the same electric violet, but her youthful face from the ritual was different enough from her previous haggard looks to prevent any association with the middle-aged Bellatrix Lestrange.

That she wasn't a cackling, homicidal maniac would also help distance her from her former persona. Nymphadora would have to be careful who she exposed her to until her memories and new persona were more settled.

She still wasn't sure of everything she'd done while in her aunt's head. It's not like she had a manual on the mind-arts. They were called the mind-arts for a reason. They weren't called the mind-sciences. The delicate magic worked slightly differently for each practitioner. She couldn't just program people like a computer. Not yet, at least.

"You're beautiful, auntie. Nice choice on the hair. You remind me of some sort of hot anime girl," Nymphadora complemented sincerely.

Bella had an adorably confused pout as she questioned, "Anime? What's that?"

"I'll teach you all about it when the Dark Lord is dead and someone finally figures out how to modify TVs to work around magic. I tried to watch a movie the other day and the fucking VCR exploded," Nymphadora grumbled. She loved her new life, but the muggle technology of 1996 left a lot to be desired. She missed endlessly doom-scrolling on social media.

"Forget about that for now," Nymphadora started, "It's time for us to make a trip to Gringotts. Don't forget your wand!"



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