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Nymphadora, Amelia, and Dobby appeared outside Grimmauld place, silently. Dobby let go of their hands and popped away, to ensure Bella was safely tucked away and wouldn't come into contact with Amelia.

They were going to be frequent fliers of the House Elf express from now on. Elf popping was the luxury car of magical travel. There was no nauseating, twisting sensation like apparition, and no roller-coaster of confusion like a portkey.

They were both exhausted after a long night, so after Nymphadora shared the secret to the fidelius, they immediately retired to Nymphadora's quarters and fell into a deep sleep, holding each other comfortingly.

Amelia wanted to head to the Ministry directly after the attack, but Nymphadora convinced her to stay her hand. She wanted to see who would come crawling out of the woodwork after news of Amelia's assassination spread. There would be time to sort everything out in the morning. For now, it was time to rest.

The next morning, after a boring sexless night, they were eating breakfast at the kitchen table when Dobby popped in.

"Good morning, Mistress!" he greeted happily. He hadn't ever had as much fun as last night and he was in a great mood. "Here be's today's paper! Dobby be's cleaning upstairs if you needs me!" he dropped a copy of the Daily Prophet on the table and popped away.

Dobby's primary job while Amelia was staying was to keep Bella happy and occupied. After her reprogramming, the woman had no prejudices against anyone, even house elves. It was hardly a chore for Dobby to relax and work around his Mistress's aunt.

Nymphadora and Amelia were sitting next to each other, so they leaned in close to share the paper. On the front page, in big bold characters, were four headlines that would no doubt leave the Wizarding World reeling.





Nymphadora looked at her paramour over her steaming cup of coffee. "Shit really does hit the fan all at once, doesn't it?" she asked sardonically, "I am surprised the Dark Wanker hit Azkaban the same night he tried to assassinate you, though."

Inwardly, she chuckled to herself. It had taken them over two weeks to make an official announcement about Dumbledore's absence. Whether that was due to incompetence or corruption she couldn't say.

Amelia was in shock. If Dumbledore truly was missing, then it couldn't have happened at a more inopportune moment. For good or ill, Magical Britain would have looked to him first to weather the coming storm. Without him, there weren't any central figures that they could seamlessly rally behind.

Nymphadora continued as they read through the articles, "We shouldn't be surprised that Azkaban was emptied with such little effort. Voldemort didn't even need to go to the prison personally. Moreover, the dementors didn't stand in Voldemort's way when he liberated his followers last year. He must have made a deal with them."

Nymphadora knew that he had, but that knowledge came from her past life. She would need to lead Amelia to the right conclusions gently. She also noted that the article about Azkaban made no mention of Bellatrix Lestrange. Maybe the warden covered it up? It's possible they didn't even notice in the week since she'd left Yaxley's polyjuiced corpse in Bellatrix's cell, but she doubted even the low-tier aurors relegated to Azkaban were that incompetent.

Nymphadora held Amelia's hand, rubbing circles on her palm. "I think you should be flattered that he came for you himself. He obviously sees you as one of his greatest threats. Last night didn't change much, he already wanted you dead."

Amelia nodded absentmindedly, "It says here that there will be an emergency Wizengamot session this evening. I think I'll lay low until then and show up, unannounced. We're hidden behind the fidelius, so no owl should be able to find me, lending credence to the belief that I'm dead. My enemies should start showing their teeth once they've confirmed I'm not at the Ministry."

Nymphadora nodded in agreement, asking, "Do you want me to come along?"

Amelia thought about it before shaking her head, "No. I adore you, Nymphadora, but I know those old fools. If you enter those chambers, you'll get into a duel with at least one of those pureblood bastards. We can't afford another fight right now, especially not in public."

"Fair," Nymphadora conceded. Now that she had poked the hornets' nest, she had quite a bit to do. She'd spent the last week having sex with Bella in the mornings, training during the day, and escorting Amelia at night. It was time to do a little hunting.

They shared a hug before moving on with their days.

Amelia needed to prepare what she could for the Wizengamot and Nymphadora gave her the run of the normal section of the Black library, which was updated with somewhat current Ministry laws and regulations.

Nymphadora checked in on Bella and confirmed that she was alright.

"Bella, darling, things are a little dangerous out in the world right now. There might be more visitors coming through from time to time. Could you look into designing a disguise for yourself? We can give you a full makeover!" Nymphadora enthused.

Now that she thought about it, she started to get a little excited. Bella was naturally beautiful, especially now that her body had been rejuvenated. She looked like Nymphadora's sister instead of her aunt.

"Sure thing!" Bella agreed, "I'd be happy to, as long as you keep coming to visit me. Have you heard any word about my daughter, yet?" she asked hopefully.

Nymphadora may have forgotten to send out feelers looking for Delphini, but there was no need for Bella to know that. "Sorry, Bella. Not yet, but I'll let you know as soon as I hear anything," she promised.

She made a note to have Dobby break into Durmstrang and find her cousin's student records. The little guy loved breaking the law so much that he probably wouldn't even treat it as a chore.

"I'll see you later, cutie," Nymphadora hugged the woman before leaving for a quiet area of the house and calling, "Dobby!"

Her favourite elf popped in with a squeal, "Dobby knew you would be calling him, Mistress! I'm ready to help with more nefariousness!" He jumped up and down in excitement.

Nymphadora shook her head with a smile, bemused at the elf's excitability. "No more nefarious shenanigans today I'm afraid, my friend."

Dobby gasped and his eyes filled with tears, "Mistress is calling Dobby friend! Dobby has the best Mistress ever!"

Dobby had been so competent that Nymphadora forgot he was more traumatized and affection-starved than anyone she'd ever met. The little guy had been abused as a slave for his entire life until Harry freed him.

"Yes, Dobby. We're friends, remember? All of Harry Potter's friends are your friends." she assured him while he blubbered.

Dobby calmed down and his chest swelled with pride, "Dobby will be the bestest house elf for his Mistress, the friend of the great Harry Potter!"

Nymphadora's smiled. It was easy to forget about his Harry worship, but it did pop up from time to time. Thankfully, she knew how to use it to great effect. She could probably get Dobby to conquer the world single-handedly, if she said it was for the sake of the Great Harry Potter, sir.

"Perfect. I'll be going to Hogwarts today to do some treasure hunting. While I'm gone, I want you to find a locket adorned with snakes that's somewhere in this house. It's a dark artifact, like the diary that Harry used to free you. Once you find it, don't touch it. There's a very good chance it will corrupt you. Afterwards, wait for word from me. I need you to be on standby just in case I need you." Nymphadora ordered.

Dobby nodded with a serious expression, "Dobby will hunt for the evil locket!"

Nymphadora was glad she managed to steal Dobby before Harry wised up. He was the perfect assistant. "Good. See you soon, Dobby," she said before turning around and quickly leaving the house.

Once she stepped out the front door, she immediately apparated to Hogsmeade. After some wandering, she found her way to the shrieking shack and cautiously went inside.

She traveled through the musty underground passage that led to the Whomping Willow and chose a teacher that normally kept to herself to impersonate for her infiltration of the castle.

That's how Nymphadora found herself entering Hogwarts through a side entrance as Sybill Trelawny, Hogwarts' Divination Professor. The poor woman had nearly been evicted from the castle by the toad last year and had taken to spending most of her time getting drunk on sherry to deal with the trauma. Not that she needed an excuse to drink.

The best part about cosplaying as the drunken seer? None of the other summer residents of the castle wanted anything to do with her, so she had free reign to go where she wished, unmolested. She meandered through the halls, eventually making her way to the seventh floor.

She stopped at the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy and faced the opposite wall. This was the legendary Room of Requirements?

Nymphadora paced back and forth in front of the wall three times, mentally requesting the Room of Lost Things. As a door materialized on the wall, she palmed her wand and stretched, limbering up.

It was time to get to work.


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